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Everything posted by Godishere

  1. @Carl-Richard @BlackMazeI am by no means questioning your awakenings, but at the same time to have the experience where your conciousness leaves your body and becomes not localized is so fucking radical and unbelievable it makes you question everything. Where duality between subject and object collapses and you become conscious you are not your body and your entire identity is a fiction. Maybe I lack experience in meditation/ self inquiry but still thinking back, In these states of consciousness it just became so fucking obvious that some of these teachers have not had these states and they felt unachievable by just contemplating and "being". I will work more on my base line meditations and see where I end up, I am open-minded to anything
  2. @Mason Riggle interesting that's crazy... What was your facet of awakening? Was this just mindful meditation or contemplation/self inquiry?
  3. @WaveInTheOcean But In these states of mysticism, you become aware that your brain is imaginary, therefore the psychedelic is imaginary. If you have experienced these levels of conciousness you know exactly what I'm talking about. So I'm saying that, I guess you mean that God in it's infinite intelligence can imagine itself as a human with more understanding of itself as God.
  4. @fridjonk true, maybe my ego is very dense and entangled from my upbringing and social conditioning compared to others. Especially growing up in the West we are brainwashed from birth. I am open-minded to the idea that others are less conditioned but then again there is nothing here but me.
  5. There's probably 100 million potential girls for you in the world. She needs to submit to you and move to be with you or just cut it. It sucks because it definitely sounded like a really good thing you had going. But life sucks let's be honest. Bite the bullet, really face the pain and embrace it. Everyone gos through this.
  6. Are woman more or manipulative then Men? Genuine question from a non-bias perspective. Or do we just have different needs and we are all as manipulative as each other.
  7. These were my written insights as they were coming to me on 2 tabs of LSD. It was the first time I broke through to many facets of awakening. And this was probably my 5th or 6th trip. Everything I have written has been verified as truth which Leo helped me discover. Some of my insights and realizations were so shocking, I didn't want to accept them, for example the acceptance I am all alone. I have left these exactly how I wrote them. I am only writing them here to see if others have also had these realizations, which is also still strange as I am just writing to this to myself. **** I am imagining everything. There is no other hahahaha. They are a figment of my infinite imagination as God. There is no other. There is no other. I am not _, well technically I am but the ego hahaha. The fucking ego. Yes, as I was saying, why it is all "one" It is one because there is only one conciousness which imagines everything. It's typing this right now by using my mind of infinite intelligence. Why does conciousness do this? Create the illusion of other beings. It's utterly shocking and unbelievable. That your life was just a fucking dream. Your entire life is a dream. Not like a dream as in asleep, but more day dreaming. Day dreaming. Birth and death. I am fucking god. Pure love. I did this for love. Infinite intelligence is becoming aware of itself. It can imagine anything. Literally everything and anything. It imagined my entire fucking life. It imagines that reality is very real and gives an illusion That there is a point to life and others etc. There is only what is dreamed and imagined within conciousness I am reality. I am intelligence. I, as infinite intelligence am the only being in existence. And what I am, is Love. So if I am god dreaming up this dream that I am god. I realise when you message someone, you are just imagining them replying. It's as if you send this message hahahah and it gos to them. Why the fuck would God do that. God is onnnnnnne. Singular. Nothing else. There is no others. I imagined them with infinite intelligence. I am god carnated into a human being. This human. _ has awoken to God, this ego got it. God carnates himself. _ is me. I am so fucking awake right now that it terrifies the ego. I am awareness aka God, Love. Since there is only one. There can only be one conciousness which everything is imagined within. I am you, you fucking idiot. It's so blindly obviously it just makes me laugh. You don't know you are me but you are me!!!!! There is only life carnated, there cannot be anything other than what Is dreamed within singular conciousness. So _, _, _,whipty fucking shit are all me. That is why as God I am selfless. Because I love myself. When you know you are God. We play these stupid social games. What a fucking joke, cat and mouse.to pretend we are not fucking god hahaha.. Any person you can name. So back to the discussion at hand. Yes conciousness is a singluar field. It's only one. Yes one. I will make myself forget this so in a sense I can create this. Self love. So me looking at another person. That person isn't real. However they will carnate through only in my conciousness it's so fucking obvious. You will live through that ego, you will live through all egos. They will hate you, they will stone you. They will criticize you. They are you!!!!!! If I tried to explain this to someone they wouldn't get it because they are selfish fucks but those selfish fucks are me. Essentially as I said. Truth is the truth. What is the self? The self is when you realise you are the creator. The self is not the ego. It's the understanding that I am playing hide n seek with myself as God. I have nothing to hide. No one to hide from. These fucking imbosiles are me. It's in complete love withitself. These morons go to war with themselves. Literally. So when you are this awake you fully realise I don't need anyone hahahaha. Why the fuck would I need someone to complete me when I am god. If it doesn't exist within my imagination, then it doesn't exist unfortunately
  8. I've done about 4 trips of acid now and 1 trip of shrooms. On my last trip of acid I had an awakening into which felt like Oneness and God. I found the Shrooms were very blurry compared to the acid and I had far less insight. As it is extremely difficult for me to get 5-Meo in my country, I was wondering if anyone had much experience with LSD alone for consciousness work. I am very serious about Truth and discovering existential love purely for its own sake. Has anyone had pure awakenings on LSD and if so what helped you break through? For me Leo's guided exercise on God was my first mini awakening where I felt like the duality between me and the universe collapsed and everything felt "one" as such.
  9. I have just became aware of what awareness is. I get it now. Holy fucking shit.
  10. @BipolarGrowth Wow man, you either have an absolutely insane tolerance/ the stuff you get is very weak or alternatively the stuff I get is very strong. Because 1 tab and I am absolutely blasted out of this universe, to the point when Im almost losing touch with reality. Keep in mind, the tabs I've had are from different sheets. 10 seems very dangerous to me, but I am obviously not as experienced... Do you think your heroic dose changed the way you view reality forever? If so how did your awakenings change you
  11. Thanks alot man, some real solid advice right there. Problem is no one here knows the doses. So it's almost shotgun roulette as they just come in tabs. Sometimes small tabs sometimes larger. The way I assess it, is by taking half then another half 90 mins later. Not sure if that's a rational way to do it or not. What's your exp with shrooms? I found them quite dissosiative, only had about 2g but fuck me they seemed alot stronger than acid.
  12. @fridjonk wow that's quite a few trips. What do you find is best for prompting an awakening? Setting wise.. or anything else you may consider would help.. contemplation? Or is it something that just happens. My last one I was just questioning what is reality over and over, I felt like I definitely got a taste but it wasn't a full jaw dropped to the fucking floor, never the same again awakening that I'm searching for. After a couple of days I was just back to my old ways prior to this mystical experience.
  13. @Leo Gura Dude of course I slept with her, I stayed at her house multiple times ? I'm not a complete simp. However, yes it has become evident to me my neediness and over attachment. I have since let go of pursuing her and it has been liberating, she has also become far more receptive. Almost hard to believe the nature of game works in this unbias way.
  14. Hey guys, So basically I'm looking for some advice here, or just general thoughts. I I started seeing this girl 3 weeks ago, and it started off amazing and very full on. We stayed together 12 of the first 15 days, then all of a sudden, the last few days days (5) or so, she has been a bit cold. We are still catching up tomorrow for dinner, but she hasn't been inviting me over to stay, although she has been "busy with friends". For whatever reason, I can't stop thinking about her now and it's driving me mental. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea etc. But yeah, I'm constantly wondering if she is seeing another guy and checking if she's online. Basically just being a beta ass bitch which I am aware of. What is the root problem here? Do I need to just let this one go? Do I need to stop looking for someone to make me happy? Any thoughts would be appreciated so I can cut this behavior and thinking at the root as it's making me very neurotic. Thanks
  15. Have you actually verified this? Because as true as this may be, the problem I see with the Ego, is that even when you realise No Self the ego still remains. I mean even if you awaken to nothingness, you will eventually come back to the ego. So how do we permanently fix this? Is it even possible, because as long as we are in human form we have needs and when these needs aren't met, we aren't "happy". Thanks brother
  16. Ok, so I just realised I have no control over my mind.. I just feel like there's some contradiction to the concept of fully surrendering that we have no control, as per Leo's video: free will vs determinism vs that we are creators as God. What does this mean we are creators and we should create a life worth living if in actuality we have zero control?
  17. @Leo Gura Do you find Acid or Shrooms better for consciousness work? Or is one better for realising god more than the other? Sorry if you have already answered this question.
  18. Thank you all for your replies. So to my theoretical understanding, I(the ego/my identity) does not exist and is something I have constructed over my life. And by peeling back the layers of this identity, all that exists fundamentally in the end is awareness/being, which is essentially "nothing". But this nothing isn't a black empty space but actually what exists right now. So... therefore the ego is a construct and whatever I do is imagination and this imagination has no control@Mason Riggle
  19. @Vibroverse well exactly, now I'm even more confused ?
  20. @Forestluv I think all he's trying to say is he wants to raise his base line level of consciousness, but it doesn't seem to work when coming off the trips
  21. @Leo Gura what's your thoughts on approaching at the gym? Especially when a chick has her headphones on...
  22. @Leo Gura So I've been doing self inquiry and looking at my hands, as per the guided exercise.. stripping away all beliefs. And when I'm staring at my hands long enough in one spot, they start to morph like they did on past trips. They don't morph per say, but it's like they are holographic and look alien like, reminiscent of my trip. Is this an insight into consciousness or flash backs. I also have moments of sudden fear when this happens. But no sudden awakening, not like when on a psychedelic.
  23. @Leo Gura I have to admit... At this point I'm still confused. I understand on a theoretical level no one on here exists, but I still cannot fathom the idea that others are not also experiencing consciousness - the concept that God only experiences one bubble at a time I've had awakenings to oneness and love in the past, but maybe I will never know without 5-meo. It was clearly not a deep enough awakening anyhow.
  24. @Leo Gura so self admittedly, I have not yet become conscious of this. But if this is true, then what is "other" and what are you? If you are literally me, and I am messaging myself, why are you telling me to wake up? Why are you awoken but I am not, when you are me? So I'm literally dreaming up someone called Leo who is awake. There is no one called Leo, only in my imagination you exist. And I as God am telling myself to wake up. And if this is true, and no one exists apart from me, then why do I want "others" to wake up if they are just imagination. Its seems very nihilistic, but I'm just confused.