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Everything posted by Godishere

  1. Someone please answer this. If Leo and everyone here is a figment of my imagination... Who is answering this message? And who is telling me to awaken? It can't be me... It just seems to radical, like my fucking jaw just dropped that even the idea that this is possible.
  2. So, I am obviously on the spiritual path to enlightenment and Truth. I started this path probably like most of you; I wanted to know the Truth and I wanted to transcend suffering. Leo has said in the past, the entire idea of transcending suffering is selfish. Therefore, is this somewhat counterintuitive.. Am I missing something? I want to live a fearless life with no regrets.. but I'm afraid. Logically I know this life/ego will die but I'm so attached. I can recognise that I do things for my survival at a metaphysical level, but I'm still anxious/ fearful alot of the time. I can't seem to transcend this anxiety. Has anyone overcome this at the root level. And I'm talking, completely awakened and become so conscious that it no longer bothers them? Have I not done enough spiritual work? Am I completely missing the point?
  3. Hey guys so I had an awakening and I wanted someone with a higher level of consciousness to verify these questions and answers I asked myself. Q. Does God exist? A. Yes Q. Can you prove it? A. Yes, you can become directly conscious of this Q. How do you know it's real? A. How do we know anything is real? Q. What is God? A. Literally everything. The entire universe. Q. So if God is everything, what are living beings? A. The way God views itself. The eyes of God basically. Human beings have a higher level of consciousness than animals, therefore giving us the ability to understand what God is. Q. Why are we not aware of this in "normal life"? A. We are operating from a lower level of consciousness, we have been brainwashed from birth to believe we are seperate from God. Q. What happens when you die? A. To my understanding, you were never born. TBC Q. Is there a material world? A. No. You are literally imagining everything into existence. I have and you can also become aware of this. Q. What is duality? A. The way God creates reality. The best example I can think of is: there is no such thing as peace without war. We could not know what peace is without the total opposite. Q. So why did God create suffering? Q. What is anxiety and fear? A. Ultimately, the loss of whatever you indentify with. This includes your entire indentity and "physical" body. Q. What is the kingdom of heaven? A. God becoming aware of itself to my understanding. Q. So.. your telling me God exists. And I'm suppose to just believe you!!? A. No. If you want, you can verify this through direct experience. Q. Why did God create identity? A. So it could experience the duality of life Q. So... what you can't see, eg. what is behind you and out of sight. Does it exist? A. I don't think it does. We are dreaming things into existence. A massive mind fuck for me was when I wanted to call a friend and tell him this, but then realising there was no one to tell but myself.
  4. Great question. I feel like I should delete that, because when I contemplate deeply about it I can't exactly answer you. But it was through a trip where I became aware I was dreaming things into existence. It's almost unexplainable, but it was like everywhere I moved I was in the exact same place. Does that make sense? Can anyone relate to this