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Everything posted by Godishere

  1. @Blackhawk well I can tell you right now, it's your close-mindedness which is limiting you from the Absolute. Realizing that your God is advanced for some(like yourself). It's not a bad thing, but its just funny to those who have become conscious of it. Your just not conscious enough and that's the bottom line. "I am not God because it doesn't feel like it to me." That's basically all your saying. You have zero proof that you are not God. If you could introspect and think critically you would realize this. But you won't, you will continue to chase your own tail and probably won't awaken. Which is fine, as I said. It's up to you. But you will never find proof outside of yourself, because you are literally all of it. ? Take some psychedelics to lubricate your mind, your wayyyyy to stuck in your own beliefs.
  2. I'm only speaking from my experience, and I don't claim to be even half as awake as someone like Leo or others on the forum. However, it was evident to me during my awakening there is only one consciousness. One formless being which imagines everything so intelligently it can limit it's own intelligence. All of the dreams appear as if they simultaneously lap over each other but they are outside of time. So in one aspect, solipsism is true. There is only "you". At the same time you have ingeniously created a reality where it appears that others have their own consciousness, but they are just "you" in another dream! (Outside of time).
  3. @Kalo you don't sound well man. The work should be improving your life, not the contrary. What are you even talking about shooting 1g? Of what? You sound like a drug addict.
  4. It's just unfortunate he won't awaken to his own self bias. Just give up the dogma and grasp what is directly True already. He just had no substance to any of his critique and a clear lack of understanding and exp with psychedelics. Leo has made this clear, the average seeker will not awaken to this level without psychedelics. The whole premice of the video was based around that. Only the spiritually gifted and that is clearly not him. It is not possible.
  5. I always assumed the term enlightened - in a spiritual context referred to the ego or the self which was aware of it's true nature. And then various gradations of understanding from there. But the fundamental awareness has been altered. So if someone asks are you enlightened? Are you aware of your true nature.
  6. Is suffering not just part of being human? If I am human and I want to survive, I must suffer. I need to eat, drink, sleep etc. I have physical and emotional needs. If I didn't suffer; I wouldn't not -suffer. I would be Absolute. If I was Absolute, I wouldn't be here to talk about it. So we can be enlightened of our true nature, beyond survival, but permanent enlightenment is actually what IS. And if God wants to imagine itself as human, then those needs are real because that's what it imagines. What's your thoughts?
  7. @RMQualtrough ahh yes, I see your point and I have experienced the answer to this. You are not a human. A human is an imaginary concept including a beach. Once you grasp this, and I mean you become so conscious you realize you are imagining eyes that "see" an objective world, you realize you were never localized anywhere. These insights are not going to be achieved through meditation/self inquiry by the average person.
  8. @Zeroguy if he was awake 100%, would be really be typing on a forum? ? What's is this scale of awakeness anyway 0-100, 100 being what nothing? I just assumed this was a place like minded individuals came together to share insight. And yes I am aware there is no other.
  9. @Shin I mean, It's quite liberating for me actually. I experience both. The relative and the Absolute. As a human, I have a life, friends, family, a job. I imagine them into existence and that's ok. I still feel emotions and have attachments to my dream. It doesn't change that the fact it's all imaginary.
  10. @RMQualtrough I feel the slightly more true statement would be to say non duality cannot be experienced by the ego (you). It's this "you" that seems to have mislead people. Since you are the Absolute and the relative experience, you as an imaginary human can experience what feels like downloading the insight after slipping in and out of a state of nothingness. But during these states of nothingness or formlessness you are still conscious/aware. YOU, the Absolute, God.
  11. Anyone experienced being so conscious that breathing became imaginary? Or merging into the singularity so much that you are almost forgetting to breathe?
  12. Yeah man is was bizzare and scary. I mean if everything is imaginary, there's no reason why you should need to breathe in these crazy states. The form almost disappeared entirely. But I would drift in and out of the formlessness
  13. I had a massive awakening (with psychs) into No self 2 days ago, then an 8 hour tattoo the following day. What I can say was no matter how much I focused on the singularity and detachment of self, after 6 hours that pain was fucking real. There was no meditative state I could enter that could ease the suffering.
  14. What's the best way to deal with fools? I mean they are me, so I can't hate them. I obviously have to tolerate them, but how does one awaken them. Direct them to the blatantly obvious. Without arguing, debating etc. How does one achieve this? I mean considering we are not all famous YouTubers. Does one bother to awaken them or point them to the obvious? Those of us in corporate jobs.
  15. @SQAAD its hard because it's a strange loop. God is infinite. So we can't use a finite mind to conclude an answer. But what we do know is God is Love and this seems to be the ultimate simulator to maximize love.
  16. @kinesin @Endangered-EGO That's an interesting one, use them to work on your spirituality. Didn't think about it that way I suppose. Absolutely speaking, it doesn't matter. It's this damn people attachment thing, it's hard to get over. Yet.. they are me ?
  17. @justfortoday absolutely brilliant. Probably the best I've ever seen that explained by anyone. Language is a tricky thing man. But as someone who just went through awakening, this is spot on.
  18. @assx95 that's real cool that you are still seeking the spiritual path without, kudos to you. You don't need them, but as it's been said before, there a spaceship to the moon for a reason. Keep up the self inquiry and good luck!
  19. Because they are evil to me. You know good, bad, evil. Two, not one. Evil
  20. @Preety_India nope. Relatively speaking they are pure evil.
  21. @kinesin @kinesin wow you are very articulate and precise with your words. Marcus Aurelius couldn't have said it better himself. Thank you
  22. Take a mild pyschedilc and try again, if you are of maturity and age. One. Not two. Think about it ..?
  23. Hahaha. I guess that means go find a cave somewhere; it's not happening anytime soon.