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Everything posted by Godishere

  1. @Leo Gura do you find LSD at the higher doses 150ug upwards to have a similar effect to DMT/5-MeO? Personally I have radical ego death and God Realization on LSD alone. I mean the last trip I had my first existential orgasm, so yeah I believe LSD is massively underestimated for its power and enlightenment capability. I haven't tried 5-MeO but I can't imagine it to be much different than becoming infinite love on a higher dose of acid.
  2. @How to be wise how so? ? It's a pretty accurate description if you ask me
  3. Pretty much eh. You will probably go full circle eventually if you keep peeling the layers back. I remember hearing frank young or someone saying that it's just a matter of what kind of problems do you want, I resonated with that. The dualistic ones or oneness implications
  4. @Virgo yes and no Sir. All states of consciousness are equal. You are decieving yourself and for a good reason. Some people need awakening, some don't. When you need to awaken you will, thou cannot force awakening. In saying that, try 150ug at your own peril
  5. @Nahm dude you're so conscious it cracks me up. I know when I'm about to read one of your posts I have to decipher it like the da Vinci code ?
  6. Dude it's just a vaccine, do yourself a favour and get it already. No need to make a spiritual topic about it. Anyways it Christmas soon, hallelujah.
  7. How much do I trust God? I dunno... I kinda like my life. It's mine...... My precious. It belongs to me!
  8. @SQAADThe paradox with understanding infinity, is you don't actually want to understand infinity. The reason why is because infinity means there is no other, it's a switch in consciousness when you grasp I don't exist. So you will continue to imagine this boundary between us. My suggestion is to just enjoy life and if you're seriously interested in truth, take a psychedelic alone and contemplate what I just said.
  9. @Virgo yes. You are conscious of it right now. But to keep the idea that you are a self, and I say this quite literally- you will deny that 'other' is not you. You are awareness. Think back to a time when anything happened, ever. Notice that's something you are aware of now. That's what you are. The screen of consciousness
  10. @Virgo total emptiness=infinite consciousness You are awareness, everything appears(contents) within your consciousness/awareness. The body mind is held within your awareness. DMT is held within your awareness. Total emptiness, is conscious awareness. In other words, you cannot die. You are Atman brother
  11. @Wilhelm44 not sure what Frank means by transcend the creator???. You are the conscious creator of your reality. You are Atman. You are that. Anyways, Oneness is God's ego. It's a joke basically, because God's ego and "your" ego are identical.
  12. @Leo Gura Leo I do have a question in regards to your opinion of the traditional Non dual path and consciousness. Rupert Spira is clearly a highly intelligent, conscious teacher from what I can tell and he also has nil experience in psychedelics. As we are aware, the levels of God consciousness and Non-duality you can reach with the aid of psychedelics seem to be impossible from a sober/human state of consciousness. Do you find the traditional methods of silencing the mind and self-inquiry are useful anymore? Rupert really does seem to come across as highly conscious of God, Love and Non-dualism. Would you consider him an example of someone who maybe has a high baseline of consciousness?
  13. Agreed with everyone here, start with 50ug or half a tab. Mushrooms can be quite dissociative in my experience but LSD is clear(for me). The best advice is to definitely start with a low dose. What your looking for is a blissful, calming effect. There may be come up anxiety before you get there, so honestly especially being prone to panic attacks, you might have to bite the bullet a bit here. Accept and surrender to whatever the trip shows you, it can definitely be shocking to say the least. It will feel like you're losing your mind and you have gone crazy, because in a sense that literally what's happening. Everyone reacts differently, introverts probably prefer tripping alone, extroverts maybe a trip sitter. Good luck
  14. @Flyboy I'm pretty sure he's aware of that. Absolute Truth is limitless imagination with only the limits it has placed upon itself. "God realization" is a concept of course, but it's a concept that's pointing to a state that occurs when you become aware of infinite consciousness and that you are willfully constructing what you call life. This argument could just go on forever because you are just claiming to let go of all labels, but how else can we discuss it? We live in a dualistic world and again, "God" is a dualistic term. To identify with anything less that God/Infinity would be false because infinity is nothing."Emptiness or cessation" is just one state of consciousness and you are all states and everything. The identification of no identification IS identification, so by default your point is groundless. I do want to say though, I understand what your pointing at, it just IS and anything less than that IS-ness is false. But we do live in duality so this is the most accurate way to speak about what IS. Identity = Self Self = conversation Selfless = no conversation Nothing exists outside of infinity and you are infinity, the end. Edit: truly enlightened folk realize that all states of consciousness is already enlightenment.
  15. From my point of view, this is the best deconstruction of materialism I have ever heard. Ever. Period. The only thing stopping Curt from understanding Infinite Love is his own shadow and I believe he's on the verge of a breakthrough. It's his identity like all of us which is the final barrier.. After Leo explained Hitler being Absolutely Good and he still didn't get it was the facepalm moment, I will admit.
  16. How about you try them both and then you will know ? Kinda like describing colours to a blind person... If I were to recommend one, obviously LSD: A direct magic chemical to God consciousness.. I'm saying that, fuck I wish 5Meo was more accessible in my country ? the way it's described sounds unbelievable. Seems like LSD without the body load..
  17. I was blind to the Love, and you might be too. I personally got really caught up in this complex. The "I am more conscious that another complex". Which is partially true in a relative sense(I am more aware of my true nature). However, the ego will corrupt anything and everything for its own survival needs. We are all on an equal playing field and are finite expressions of God's infinite creativity and beauty. I really started to believe I was above another because I was this conscious, solipsistic light of consciousness. This is a trap. Real enlightenment is loving everything and everyone. Throwing away all judgements and leaving this world a better place than you found it. Not this solipsistic, egoic view of how reality can best serve your self. Yes the true nature is no-self, but as long as you have a self, you will live In a place with others, imaginary or not. If you want real enlightenment, go and help your local homeless get off the street. Do something outside of your self. Because ultimately no matter what or how conscious you become,you will return to the self you believe you are. Just a thought
  18. @SQAAD because God is everything. How could it be any other way? Stop judging good or bad and there's your answer. If you were a totally selfless infinite being, what would you create? If you were totally loving what would you create? From you myopic perspective you would create something that bests suits your survival needs. God has no such needs and you are God.
  19. @Leo Gura yeah, I'm saying that as a figure of speech. It means the pursuit of enlightenment is a means to an end. How can the ego not use it for its own selfish purposes? I mean sure you can argue one is in search for the Truth. For what? For it's only selfish purposes. Once you discover the Truth/nothingness/infinity/no-self/Love then what? If you were truly selfless we couldn't be here to discuss it. All the consciousness in the universe then back to your self. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing more pleasurable than infinite consciousness and awakening. And in saying that, I will continue to dissolve the self for years to come. My point remains, love is the only answer. Loving unconditionally. Not because it's a saintly, moral fantasy but because I am everyone and everything. If you feel I'm still missing something, please let me know. Maybe I'm wrong. I know nothing but what I've gathered from my own experience of awakening.
  20. @Javfly33 Solipsism = infinite mind = collapsing of duality of self/other. Solipsism IS Truth. However, the ego WILL manipulate this to enhance it's survival needs. Be wary of that. It can be deceivingly sneaky. It's like Solipsism is True, you are a singular Infinite field of consciousness, at the same time we are all conscious finite individuals held within God's mind. I am just as much consciousness as are you.
  21. @The0Self loose approximations as I said in my original message. Beliefs/memories/imagination. "I'd imagine". My point, we cannot get below, above or around imagination. But yeah, I hear what your saying and I do see obviously see the identification problem with the body mind and the finitude it brings.