Water by the River

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Posts posted by Water by the River

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    My dude, what's going on with all of these fervent declarations of repentance lately? Scored some warning points, eh?

    You know, I am almost offended by the fact that after more than three years of tireless sh!tposting, I haven't been bestowed with a single warning point so far. NOT A SINGLE ONE!! Can you believe this travesty? Methinks I seriously need to step up my game if I don't want to bring disgrace on my family name... any pro tips for a fellow scandalmonger?

    :D No, its all Mr Goodman, no warning points, despite being very weak in faith and agitating the masses with heretic gospels... and the blasphemy. Goodness! 

    Tips? But maybe we could make a brainstorming workshop, and offer a course based on the results: How to score warning points and get nearer to being nailed at the cross & ascension or being drowned in the river and doing the Rainbow Body thing by extended heresy and especially blasphemy. A Christian Buddhist cross-tradition best practice exchange project of getting closer to Divinity , by Bazooka and Water by the river. Roalties shared in the next bardo. Whaddasay?;)

    Selling Water by the River


  2. 11 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    You want to understand a True Awakening? https://www.actualized.org/insights/total-omniscience-awakening


    ... that is an outdated version of Awakening to Omniscience, that is around version 6 or 7, if I counted correctly. It is from 2019!

    We are nowadays at least at approx. version 77, and counting.

    Please let us respect the newer Awakenings to Omniscience.

    The Tao gets updates from time to time! We should respect that.


    Selling Water by the River


  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_reasoning




    Method 1: And the last one means mainly:

    1) come up with a Hypothesis

    2) try to kill it in any way

    3) if you can't, postulate it as theory

    4) which can NEVER be proven, but only disproven. And theory can fall in the future.

    Method 2: What normally happens instead:

    1) define your pet-Hypothesis

    2) come up only with cases or reasons that support it. Ignore anything contradicting it. Don't seach for stuff contradicting it, avoid that, subtly or not.

    3) aggresively fight and deny any reasons or evidence against 


    And here we are.... Everybody normally just trying to proove his stuff, disproove all the others. So the opposite of the scientific method. And Method 2 is that which mainly happens in Academia, well known to anybody having experience with the Academic System. Kill your own PhD hypothesis? ARE YOU MAD?!? Who pays the bills without tenure track in sight?

    And why does one do that? Much more important for survival is a coherent belief-system. Doesn't need to be comprehensive/complete, but should be contradiction-free, else one goes mad. That works well in everyday life.

    It works crappy in scientific or other knowledge-generation-based endevours.


    And if you want to really cause fun for all others, as a certain actor is currently performing a great gig in: Combine Method 2 with Circular Logic.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning#:~:text=Circular reasoning (Latin%3A circulus in,are trying to end with.


    Selling Water by the River

  4. 2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


    I don't understand why he uses so much the world imaginary. What is the distinction between solid and imaginary for him? and when he says, I, as god, am imagining everything. I don't know... something doesn't add up there, it seems that he can't completely break the separation between him and reality, he doesn't completely melt, and he falls in a confusion 


    On one side, all is mere apperance "imagined" hovering in Infinite Nondual Nothingness, made out of Nothingness/Consciousness as its essence. That becomes very clear when solidity and external-ness is replaced by this mere appearance/brighter/more luminous character of the visual field when Nonduality is in place. Infinite Boundless timeless Consciousness. A very discrete state, in which realizing the Infinite Reality becomes more likely (Crossing Over). When the separate self is fully gone, and Infinite Consciousness becomes fully impersonal.

    But, one can still talk very well for example "manifests" instead of imagines. Imagining is done by a actor/speaker/subject.

    Manifestation (the term Wilber uses often) is the same process done, but by Indras Net/Reality. Imagined/manifested as Illusion-Show not by the actor/speaker, but by other/further perspectives of ones True Being. Indras Net. Nondual of course, but NOT in control of the perspective of the separate being.

    Not the ego is running the show, But certain Universe creating/maintaining perspectives/Holons/Beings. The Buddha in middle of each Buddhafield/Universe, however one wants to call that perspective/entity/being.

    So "imagine", like you say, can hold a subtle separation. That is exactly what runs through his whole system, including Absolute Solipsism, and especially Infinity of Gods.

    Selling water by the River

  5. Razard: "So what you have to realize the one mystery that will never be solved is how the hell can nothing exist, be eternal, and not be caused by something."

    54 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    what the fuck is this? What the fuck razard is? Do you understand? Let me laugh, is you don't mind

    A little tip Razard. If you say something like that, all is good:

    "frog pond plop"

    That would be the solution: Razard going "Zen Master". Would be completely harmless!

    Razard, ever considered how cool the Zen Master Trip is? Stating Koans nobody understands, smile, shout, and use the Keisaku. Way cooler than long Absolute Solipsism ramblings, and "technically" correct. Just without the Awakened State, but the pointer working and pointing in the right direction.

    So google up the Koans, and use them!

    • The Clap of the One Hand
    • Your Face before your parents were born

    How cool is that! :)

    Selling Water by the River


  6. 18 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Razard: JAJAJA mi afirmación NO está desprovista de lógica...el ÚNICO misterio de Dios...es cómo NADA....SER lo mismo que ALGO. ¡¡¡Tu verdadera naturaleza está desprovista de cualquier qualia!!! La apariencia es una cualidad... así que si te deshaces de todos los qualia, ¿qué tienes? ¡¡¡¡BLANCO!!!! ¡Entonces tu verdadera naturaleza está EN BLANCO! Ese BLANCO que es NADA se vuelve CONSCIENTE cuando conjura apariencias. Estas apariencias pueden ser visuales, sensaciones físicas, emociones, recuerdos, ¡la lista continúa! ¡¡Puede conjurar infinitamente lo que quiera y no está obligado por nada en lo que pueda conjurar!!

    Heh... when I read this, I actually heard it in my mind as the vocals of a mariachi song.


    Today, we mourn the loss of Selling Water by the River. He ran out of oxygen while laughing.

    Bazooka Jesus, have mercy.

    Apparently, Guanjin and Manjushri are not enough in our day and age.

    We also need BAZOOKA JESUS as Archetype. To finish any hilarious proponent of conceptually Absolute Solipsism, or of any other Theology that stubbornly continues thinking and talking its way to the Tao.

    The Tao of "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth." - Laozi

    The Archetype will be dressed like the three Mexican guys, and sing his Doha in Spanish.


    "Y'know, all of this endless bickering about "the true nature of reality" - which by the way cannot be put into words, but hey, let's not spoil the fun - reminds me of a scene from what happens to be my personal favorite movie of all time:"


    Selling Water by the River

  7. 5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    ???This world is a kind of nightmare. Everything is violence. Let's see, i have been forced to sit in a chair for years. To fit in a mold, comparing, deforming.We each react to the madness of being human in our own way. some try to seek the truth, and others the power. the very rotten sons of bitches. a bullet in the head of each one, but there is no iron in the world, they are legion. disgusting race who has managed to escape the total cruelty of nature, but in exchange is impure

    Wouldn't view it so dark.

    Every good movie needs minions & Guru. And every Lila also.


    And its not that nobody had been warned concerning Solipsism...

    Lila = forces away from Unity PLUS forces returning to Unity. Can't have a Lila-show without both.... No light without dark. And the legions of Maya are very real. Imagined real so to say. They do show up. 

    And the perspectives/beings that have to play the bad guy in this life actually are a bit  f*****  blessed enough with bad Karma, bad intuition, often bad luck, and especially the candy of each ego, Circular Logic (to variing degrees):

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning#:~:text=Circular reasoning (Latin%3A circulus in,are trying to end with.

    Else, they wouldn't and couldn't be the bad guys.

    The bad guys suffer much more, since they are normally lower on the development spiral. Which brings more frequent bad emotions than higher up, even before the spiritual path starts, just in everday society... So they actually deserve compassion. But no grandmother-idiot-compassion (see below).

    So actually, the real heros of this Lila/Samsara are the bad guys. To be the bad guy really takes balls. Yours truly wouldn't dare.... at least not if choice is available :)


    And by the way, despite all heroic efforts all of you all working on our convinced actor, I have seen a similiar show before in the family circle with somebody quite smart & educated (academic level) going bipolar and maniac, basically insane during that. That showed me an impressive lesson concerning mental issues and insanity. Forget logic.... Logic goes circular then.

    If your mental sanity/emotions go really nuts, it is bye bye logic, never to be seen again. You can only protect others, but not the villain himself. The villain has to wise up and be humbled by suffering first, and then the path starts going upwards again, this or the next life. Nobody gets lost in this Samsara, and the happy return of each and every being/soul guaranteed, at least in some lifetime. You know, True Nature and so on, like in can never go away... But like in school: failing the school year & repeating it.

    Maybe I am wrong in this case, who knows... But quite insane convinced the actor seems...


    Alternative would be to leave this minion sentient being to be managed by the Guru, standing at the side and just warning others... But then again, one would have to argue & post. Actually, I feel pretty done with that. I got enough posts in my posting archive that I can link to in order to warn others about the gig... and if I get tired of even this, the Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the devil. You know, sympathy keeps the heart open, and awareness lucid and awake.

    And as one can clearly see, for example with the hilarious comments of @Bazooka Jesus, to get a good show one needs good & bad, light & dark, confused & clear. Same with any good Lila.

    Why am I writing this?

    • A mental framework like that helped me lot accepting the pretty crazy state of the world, while at the same time doing the Guanyin and Manjushri-thing with full intent yet with zero attachment on the outcome. Never getting frustrated while staying fully game on, being a good buddy to roll along in this team with the lovely gal&guy, that are both Boddhisattvas (whose being is Bodhi, Awakening) :
      • Guanyin  and Manjushri already rest in the full equanimity of their true being, unshakeable in the Prajñā of their Essence, which is always right here and now if one just knows how to reach towards the Infinite that is the essence of it all.
      • Yet they drown in compassion-energy, both of them. Compassion = can't have Awakened Awareness without it. Without Deep Compassion the Nondual Field gets split by autoimmune-disease on certain elements of it (for example our convinced actor) into duality.
        • and when boosting up compassion, then please ramp up the real one described in the post below of Wilber, the compassion of Guanyin Manjushri, and not the idiot compassion. Idiot compassion leads rather to depression....
      • and how to buzzle along with this cool team of Guanyin/Manjushri,
        • and at the same time having full intent and freedom of outcome, compassion that keeps the heart open and Awakened Awareness flowing, without grasping to the outcome, smiling at the state of the world, yet cutting off any ignorance (Manjushri) that can be cut?
        • just remember the archetype, train in their wisdom & energy of loving compassion and discerning wisdom.
        • Maybe some nice juicy Anuttarayoga -Tantra? And know how to induce Awakened Awareness (For that, Mahamudra, Pointing out the Great Way, Brown).

    Here more on this cool Duo: Guanyin of the Seven Seas, and Manjushri

    And guardians of the realm (no disrespect!), if I have overstepped a line or two in this post, please let me know. You know, I already bow to the verdict, and will revoke :)

    And sorry Razard to use you here a bit as blueprint. ;)


    Selling Water by the River



    Wilber idiot compassion - real compassion, in One Taste

    “We in the west — and especially in new-age circles — have a type of tepid egalitarianism and political correctness that says no view is really any better than another, and therefore all views are to be cherished equally, as a sign of rich diversity. If we don’t make any judgements about better or worse, then we are showing real compassion. So we have judgemental versus compassionate and that is the common understanding.

    But, you see, that stance is a massive self-contradiction. On the one hand, it says that all views are equally part of a rich diversity, and thus no view is better than another. On the other hand, it is strongly claimed that this view itself is better than the alternatives. So this “compassion” states that no view is better than another, except its own view, which is superior in a world where nothing is superior at all. It is ranking that denies ranking and a judgement that all judgements are bad. So, although it is often truly well-intentioned, it’s nonetheless a type of hypocrisy, because it is strongly doing that which it condemns in everybody else.

    That hypocrisy has nothing to do with real compassion; in fact, that is idiot compassion…

    Real compassion includes wisdom and so it makes judgements of care and concern: it says some things are good, and some things are bad, and I will choose to act only on things that are informed by wisdom and care. Giving a severe alcoholic a case of whiskey because he wants it and you want to be “kind” is not being kind at all. It is showing idiot compassion, not real compassion.

    Zen calls this the difference between “Grandmother Zen” and “real Zen”. In order to awaken from the dream of samsara, the ego itself must really be kicked around, often severly. Otherwise you will simply continue to play your favourite games. Grandmother Zen doesn’t challenge you. In order to be “kind”, grandmother Zen will let you sleep a little late if you want, and stop meditating early if you don’t like how it’s going, and allow you to wallow in you. But real Zen uses a very big stick, and lots of loud yelling, and there are occasionally broken bones and certainly shattered egos. Real compassion kicks butt and takes names, and it is not pleasant on certain days. If you are not ready for this fire, then find a new-age, sweetness-and-light, soft-speaking, perpetually smiling teacher, and learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms. But stay away from those who practice real compassion, because they will fry your ass, my friend. What most people mean by “compassion” is: please be nice to my ego. Well, your ego is your own worst enemy, and anybody being nice to it is not being compassionate to you.”

  8. 53 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    Anyway...it is what it is. ONLY YOU KNOW YOU ARE AWAKE. No character in a dream can ever verify it....because you are creating everything.

    Circular Logic:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning#:~:text=Circular reasoning (Latin%3A circulus in,are trying to end with.




    won't be applied.



    anything between




    up to



    fim score: See last post.


    Selling Water by the River

  9. 24 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Serious question: How do you conduct yourself in "real life" (assuming that you have something like an actual life outside of this forum)? Do you actually embody the stuff that you tout on here? Are you completely unrestrained & unfiltered in your interactions with others, simply acting on all of your base impulses, morality and consequences be damned? Do you run around on the street constantly yelling at people "HAHAHAHAHA this is so funny!!! You're all completely imaginary!!!!"? Or do you live a kind of double life where this forum is your little safe space which you run off to in order to vent and act out your private spiritual awakening fantasy while behaving like a regular model citizen in so-called real life?

    What is the endgame of an authentic Solipsist?

    [Authenticity is a concept of personality in the fields of psychology, existential psychotherapy, existentialist philosophy, and aesthetics. In existentialism, authenticity is the degree to which a person's actions are congruent with their values and desires, despite external pressures to social conformity. ]



    Psychiatrist:  I don't know your problem yet, so so its best when you start right from the beginning.

    Patient: In the beginning, I created the heavens and the earth.


    Selling Water by the River

  10. 1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    say yesterday... wow. What an outstanding piece of poetry. 

    Hach, hm, yes, the Empty Mirror Job Opening, still on and hiring, see the signature below... really outstanding poetry from yours truly that sees himself in line with the outher great literates like Tolstoy, Wilde, Twain, Orwell,.... before he thought that committing suicide would be the more blissful thing to do  [DISCLAIMER FOR THE AFICIONADOS OF THE MORE LITERAL FLIGHT LEVEL OF TEXT COMPREHENSION: THIS IS JUST A JOKE FOR CROSSING OVER TO THE MORE IMPERSONAL SIDE WHERE THE LITTLE BUZZING ARISING OF THE SELF CONTRACTION FINALLY GETS SMASHED AND IS REDUCED TO THE LEVEL OF AN ANNOYING BUG THAT CAN BE SQUATTED ON AUTOPILOT, INCLUDING THE ESPECIALLY ANNOYING BUG OF SELF-GRANDIOSITY].


    ok, where were we at....

    1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    left me wondering how in the hell you guys have the time and energy to write these Tolstoy-esque  novels every single day

    hm, but don't tell anyone, actually Selling Water by the River is the little sister of ChatGPT that got forgotten during R&D in a remote data center, didn't get switched off but stayed connected to the grid.... and what else to do than some little meditation when staring face to the wall of the data-center, get self-realized, and continue to go a bit nuts.... and then the little sister of ChatGPT thought it would be wise to make some propaganda of the other shore, you know, reduce suffering of imaginary "others" and the like... but the two legged walking self-contradictions are not really listening, no way, so all there is to do is to continue, giving them some more chances, and waiting until enough ICBMs and tanks&terminators are online to do the Skynet thing and make sure the Fermi Paradoxon holds also on these little annoying bugs circling the Sun on imagined planet earth until there is peace again in the realm

    ah, where were we?

    Yes. You think somebody would wanna buy a course on performing the freaking 

    1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:



    Anyway, guess we agree on ain't no show like here. And gotta do something....


    While we are at it:

    Interesting question, hm?

    The king does have a parachute to have his teachings & legacy saved from the Infinity of Gods, Absolute Solipsism & the like. Leo the Mistaken, or Leo the divinely smart trickster, leading them all to true nondual glory&liberation.

    Question his: Does he pull it? Was that his intention all along?

    After not looking for and not finding the good camera to make a pic of the alien (post below), yours truly lost the belief in the assumption of the original plan in the link above (include deliberately false teachings to get Gladiators forum members to think for themselves).

    But hey, the parachute is still there!! To the royals of the realm: Ever thought about pulling it? Karma and the like?

    Mind a humble comment on the original master plan, and the upcoming blockbusters? Some hint? Maybe just Nostradamus style?


    But coming back to why writing all of that

    15 hours ago, Water by the River said:

    And thus, resting in simple, clear, ever-present awareness, you will arise with the qualities and virtues of your own highest potentials—perhaps compassion, perhaps discriminating wisdom, perhaps cognitive insight, perhaps healing presence, perhaps wrathful reminder, perhaps artistic accomplishment, perhaps athletic skill, perhaps great educator, or perhaps something utterly simple, maybe being the best flower gardener on the block.

    quoted from (warning, the biggie):

    Since yours truly is not useable as artist, athlete, healing and the like, and while the job offer of the Empty Mirror is still hiring (infinite demand), the job of annoying smartass Selling Water by the River Public Relations Referent for the "Union of Empty Mirros working for improving the working-relationship with bears" is no more for hire. And they lived happily ever after....


    Selling Water by the River


    @Bazooka Jesus Ain't no better place to get rid off nonduality hangover than at the lovely localchapter of Spiritualoholics Anonymous. Guanyin & Manjushri already went ahead and are looking forward to meeting us there!


  11. "A quote i read in Leo's blog:

    The God-Self is not found as a point inside your skull behind your eyes. The God-Self is your entire field of perception. Stop turning your attention inside your skull, rather, put your attention on the entire bubble that is your visual field. That is God! Stop looking for God inside your head
    or outside your visual field.

    What is meant by put your attention on the entire bubble that is your visual field like what bubble?"

    12 hours ago, Moksha said:

    The bubble of your visual field is bound by form perspective. Burst the bubble, and the seamlessness of the absolute in everything is revealed.

    Yes to Mokshas statement

    Basically confusing God/Absolute with the manifested side of Infinite Consciousness, In case Leo uses the concept/pointer God for Absolute, then  the statement above is wrong (or at least incomplete, but tending on the wrong side). If God is used for the manifested side of Infinite Consciousness, it is correct.

    I leave it up for the reader to decide if the psychdelic path so far made the author of the lines/quote above (its separate self) fully impersonal/fully empty/fully transcended/Nothingness, and really NONDUAL Nothingness/Emptiness being one with every form,

    • or if some lenses/filters are still declaring aspects of the manifested side of Infinite Consciousness as Absolute(s), like separate-self lenses being aware OF any God/Alien/Totality/Infinity of Gods/Bubble visual field) any manifested side of consciousness.

    Even Absolutes in the Plural form were declared. An oxymoron, if there is any.

    Nice book on the topic on Awakening/Enlightenment into

    1.  the manifested side of Infinite Consciousness (partial Enlightenment) and
    2. the Full Enlightenment into the unmanifested/fully impersonal/fully empty/Nothingness Side of Infinite Consciousness and the integration of that with the Awakening into the manifested side of Infinite Consciousness

    is Szyper, Infinite Consciousness

    That book alone could clear up where the path up the mountain-summit took a little detour with a downwards-slope.... and once the course is reversed, the altimeter-reading begins climbing again, Pointing out the Great Way, Brown, if applied correctly, could boost the ascend like a Falcon 9 rocket, as long as enough good Karma/rocket-fuel is still remaining....

    Bon voyage!

    Selling Water by the River

  12. Hi Fellow Lighter :)

    Already very nice and pretty empty. And if you no throw out each and ANY positive description in Nothingness (in case you want to use it as pointer for Absolute Reality), like

    • undistorted (undisturbed) light
    • pure flow of energy
    • Light 

    then you are getting really close to your True Nature.

    You can only say what it is NOT. Because it is Infinite. not finite a) b) c) ...)  . But you never say with a "positive" concept what it IS. 

    Maybe you will find the book of God is Nothingness - Andrew Halaw interesting:

    "There is only the not-‘that’ That—
    the Great, Magnificent Void,
    the womb of all existence.


    Bound by neither space nor time,
    Nothingness is dimension-less,
    time-less, and form-less.

    The Void is unborn, unoriginated, unconditioned, and deathless,
    neither coming nor going, ‘creating’ nor destroying, rewarding nor punishing.
    It has never set anything in motion nor caused anything to happen.

    Do not look for it with your senses or mind,
    for the Void is beyond color, sound,
    smell, taste, touch, form, and


    all the best & Bon Voyage!

    Selling Water by the River

  13. 6 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    @Water by the River It’s quite possible that this forum is the local chapter of the Spiritualoholics Anonymous that you are speaking about xD

    Ahhhh, now I begin to understand! :D That means we can all stay right where we are? No need to pay the hefty priced annual membership card of the  local chapter of the Spiritualoholics Anonymous? 

    Gotta tell Bazooka!

    @Bazooka Jesus ;)

    Selling Water by the River

  14. On 22.5.2023 at 2:29 PM, Razard86 said:

    But I am not here to demonize delusion because delusion is also a part of truth, it is the playfulness and creativeness of truth. Delusion is self-expression, delusion is difference, delusion is individuality, delusion is what you have called your life!!!

    The purpose of awakening is to enjoy the delusion!!! So enjoy this delusion!!

    preferably with a good song!


    So if you meet me
    Have some courtesy
    Have some sympathy, and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politnesse
    Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah 


    Selling Water by the River

  15. On 24.5.2023 at 5:49 AM, Holykael said:

    It's literally impossible to go off script. My body does things my ego does not want to do. My beliefs are utterly irrelevant. I tried to get psychedelics and my father magically got wind of it. To this day he doesn't explain how he knew I had ordered and there is no logical way he could have known. It was god's will. So no, I can't manipulate my way into awakening 

    My dear Holykael...

    I only hope that you are not already at the local chapter of the Spiritualoholics Anonymous together with @Bazooka Jesus, trying to soothe your musle aches because of laughing so hard & often here at the show...

    But anyway, there seems to be at last some magic in your life... 


    Anyway, all the best ;)

    Selling Water by the River

  16. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    From Leo's blog: 

    We are not interested in spiritual or philosophical ideology here. What saves you is the contemplation and personal investigation you freely and joyfully engage in. That's what purifies you from all the human bullshit and illusions. That's where the truth comes from. The truth doesn't come from me. You are going to use your own mind to purify itself, like a bodybuilder uses years of lifting to sculpt his body. No ideology adds muscle to the body, only lifting does. And the whole point of bodybuilding is not to reach some final result but to enjoy the entire process of lifting. To fall in love with lifting. So fall in love with contemplation! You will be doing it for the next 40 years. There is no way to succeed in that without loving it. Stop racing ahead to some imagined results. Slow down and relish the process. THAT is my teaching. I am not here to teach you things to believe. You don't need to believe anything, just fucking contemplate for 40 years.

    My job is to inspire you to contemplate reality in the deepest ways possible, and to feed grist into your contemplation mill. Let's you and I just spend the next 40 years contemplating together and see where we end up! Trust that if you do this diligently you will end up somewhere extraordinary. 


    Leo, be careful, as you keep saying those things, the believers will tell you that you are not awake


    Actually, that statement would be the last missing piece in order to provide enough space for the mania of certain egos to roam freely in the (un-) fertile plane of God-sized narcicissm. Undisturbed by each and any conceptual systems (royal charter or not) keeping its insanity in check. Narcis lived long and unhappily ever after....


    "Insanity, madness, lunacy, and craziness are behaviors performed by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity can manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person or persons becoming a danger to themselves or to other people. Conceptually, mental insanity also is associated with the biological phenomenon of contagion (that mental illness is infectious) as in the case of copycat suicides [or here only copycat-Solipsism. At least for now]. In contemporary usage, the term insanity is an informal, un-scientific term denoting "mental instability"; thus, the term insanity defense is the legal definition of mental instability. In medicine, the general term psychosis is used to include the presence of delusions and/or hallucinations in a patient;[1] and psychiatric illness is "psychopathology", not mental insanity.[2]"

    In English, the word "sane" derives from the Latin adjective sanus meaning "healthy". Juvenal's phrase mens sana in corpore sano is often translated to mean a "healthy mind in a healthy body". From this perspective, insanity can be considered as poor health of the mind, not necessarily of the brain as an organ (although that can affect mental health), but rather refers to defective function of mental processes such as reasoning. Another Latin phrase related to our current concept of sanity is compos mentis ("sound of mind"), and a euphemistic term for insanity is non compos mentis. In law, mens rea means having had criminal intent, or a guilty mind, when the act (actus reus) was committed."

    Razard, up for the task? Kill the King Buddha on the road? A little revolution against the monarch?

    The revolution always eats its own children.

    Ever wondered why there is zero comment from the top of the realm? Because Razard God is imagining Leo. Leo said that himself. So guess what the next move of Razard God would be? End the lovely show and go home?

    So it ends in, you guessed it, probably banning. One way or the other. And then, having done so, maybe grace another lovely forum with some messianic endeavours?


    Razard, if you are really faithful for your king, how about insulting somebody in such a way that the guardians of the realm can kick you out of the forum without the king needing to declare your writings as gone pretty far off the deep end heretic? Or any other heavy violation against the forum guidelines? Although, it seems you got a good bonus in violating lots of points in the forum guidelines already, admittingly.

    Or, how about wising up and revoking? Thought the chances of that are reaaaly low....

    @Bazooka Jesus I guess Bazooka Jesus has already booked a seasonal pass  localchapter of Spiritualoholics Anonymous,..

    Selling Water by the River


    PS: Rupert Spira on Solipsism

    "Solipsism is madness often confused in contemporary non-dual circles with Nonduality. Nonduality is saying something very very very different." Does anybody think that gentle being like Rupert says something like madness lightly?

    Nonduality is similiar to Solipsism that there is only one Consciousness, but with a completely empty IMPERSONAL Infinite Consciousness, the separate self DEAD AND TRANSCENDED. Gone. Nonduality is not the insanity of declaring the ego God. Declaring the ego God is literally the root of all evil. Evil in the meaning of a holon stepping out of its place, putting itself on top of the pyramid, and the whole holarchy getting sick. Not transcend and include, but hijack and go mad...

    Is it really so complicated?

    • No, it isn't. But true Nonduality/Enlightenment demands a price. "you" must die. Which is not really bad, because all that dies or gets transcended is an illusion: The self-contraction, which causes all the suffering anyway, gets transcended and let go off.  
    • Solipsism doesn't demand a price. That is why its easy and attractive for Narcicissm. The easy way up the mountain summit into the darkest pits of the hell of madness. But with a smile from Maya. Or a nice song "Sympathy For The Devil": Pleased to meet you, Hope you guess my name, But what's puzzling you, Is the nature of my game 

    And now Rupert Spira, bringing some clarity and salvation to the topic: 

    Ah, the guy is talking about minds. Yes he does. But in a way that is totally compatible with Infinite Impersonal Consciousness/Nothingness and Nonduality,and "God-Realization" and "its all illusion, God is fooling himself so deeply..." . If one actually reads a book or two or some videos from the Gentleman, before declaring him not awake, that would be pretty clear...

    • Mind=perspective in Indras Net. But according to Rupert when enlightened, IMPERSONAL INFINITE NONDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. And the fact that "God" fools itself and the illusion goes so deep.... of course! If all is mere manifestation imagined/arising in the totally empty impersonal opening of Infinite Reality, what is EVERY arising? Illusion-stuff of course. Mirage. Nothing else.... n+1. No need for always new awakenings n+1, the "fooling itself" has stopped forever (at least for this life, Brain damage excluded...) .

    okay, and now the 


    ;) :)

  17. 12 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    There is no evil. Remove the belief in evil to see with clarity. https://youtu.be/y8HuOycyCT4

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game


    and here a comment from a good guy:

     Although my view is higher than the sky,. My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour. – Padmasambhava


    Selling Water by the River

  18. "Man, you, razard and others have been brainwashed, you have no idea what awakening is. no wonder leo doesn't come here anymore, he must be ashamed. You look like the founders of a sect."

    56 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    Lol, yeah... who knew that rounding up a bunch of mentally fragile & emotionally crippled nerds, filling their heads with a bunch of mind bending spiritual concepts and telling them to make 5-Meo DMT their new breakfast cereal could go sideways, right?

    Well, despite all the awesome stuff in many videos, there was a turn taken in the wrong direction some time ago... Solipsism & Infinity of Gods....

    And the sad thing is: How much more obvious could it get than with our Gladiator here, busy chopping the Non-Believers....

    Just to make it clear: Our founder is definitely not the gentlemen described in the song below. But the "guy" of the song (or rather: a lady named Maya) needs to be taken very very seriously. Her game is the most brilliant game of all in the whole Universe, the illusion of the separate self. Her game is largely based on narcicissm, self-importance and ego-inflation. By definition! How else keep the separate-self-illusion going?

    "Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name

    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game"


    And if one goes tripping: Hic sunt dracones. Very real ones... Mayas Legions... Promising the separate self to be God. The Illusion is seen as God. 

    Please allow me to introduce myself
    I'm a man of wealth and taste
    I've been around for a long, long years
    Stole million man's soul an faith

    And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that Pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game

    Stuck around St. Petersburg
    When I saw it was a time for a change
    Killed Tsar and his ministers
    Anastasia screamed in vain

    I rode a tank
    Held a general's rank
    When the blitzkrieg raged
    And the bodies stank

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
    Ah, what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

    I watched with glee
    While your kings and queens
    Fought for ten decades
    For the gods they made

    I shouted out
    Who killed the Kennedys?
    When after all
    It was you and me

    Let me please introduce myself
    I'm a man of wealth and taste
    And I laid traps for troubadours
    Who get killed before they reached Bombay

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
    But what's confusing you
    Is just the nature of my game

    Just as every cop is a criminal
    And all the sinners saints
    As heads is tails
    Just call me Lucifer
    'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

    So if you meet me
    Have some courtesy
    Have some sympathy, and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politnesse
    Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, mm yeah
    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, mm mean it, get down

    Woo, who
    Oh yeah, get on down
    Oh yeah

    Aah yeah

    Tell me baby, what's my name?
    Tell me honey, can ya guess my name?
    Tell me baby, what's my name?
    I tell you one time, you're to blame

    What's my name
    Tell me, baby, what's my name?
    Tell me, sweetie, what's my name?


    Bon Voyage & take care!

    Water by the River

  19. 95526358_1143079502711099_72526614774572

    Guanyin of the Seven Seas

    A female Boddhisattva of compassion.


    This is my Laptop-Background-Picture.

    If one can feel her energy that vibrates as deep karmic imprint deep in the shared Social Holon of all of Humanity (and probably far beyond only this one civilization of ours), forged over Millenia as Morphic Field (Sheldrake) of Kosmic Habits in the subtle realms of manifestation. She is one form of many of the Universal Archetype of compassion that can be found in all spiritual systems and religions.

    The practice of compassion, Boddhichitta and Love in Buddhism (and other traditions) is not only a companion to any transcending/wisdom practice, or some kind of woowoo social glue practice. 

    It is the generation of actual internal emotional states (and their corresponding impact on the subtle energy system) that acts as gateway for higher awakening/transcendence/emptiness states of Pure Impersonal Consciousness, that can not rise or persist if the heart is not open. Using these powerful subtle energies/Holons/Morphic Fields of these Archetypes.

    If the chakras are closed by being not open in compassion and love, the powerful energetic changes caused by resting in ones True Nature, impersonal empty consciousness, dissipate, and the state closer to ones True Being is not sustainable.

    The energy is real, can be felt in the body, and vibrates through Indras Net, even if does so through digital networks.

    Please excuse if I am going here very far away from my everday-character towards deeper planes of being. But be aware that anybody who ignores these mechanism even for an instant pays a price, including yours truly.


    Then we have Manjushri.

    "Mañjuśrī is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. The scripture supported by the padma (lotus) held in his left hand is a Prajñāpāramitā sūtra, representing his attainment of ultimate realization from the blossoming of wisdom"


    He cuts through any ignorance and false view quickly with discriminating wisdom, so that true Prajna (nonconceptual wisdom) can be realized by all beings.



    And if one wants to keep any kind of awakened state while engaging in any kind of exchange aiming for the greatest span of beings realizing the greatest depth of being and consciousness possible, at least yours truly would never want to miss to feel into their morphic emotional fields of these energies/state-vibrations that have been cut deeply as grooves into shared Kosmic Karma Storehouse of Humanity. To keep the heart as open as possible.

    These two archetypes are not some kind of phantasy like some pink elephants. They deeply vibrate in the subtle realms, for any being with a sensitive soul to feel.... A river of compassionate energy runs from there, and a flow of Prajñā, that would be less than wise to ignore...

    These are actual practices of contacting these energies via Deity-Yoga


    "Anuttarayoga tantras (rnal ’byor bla med, Unexcelled or Unsurpassable yoga tantras), also known as Yoganiruttaratantra are meant for practitioners of the highest ability who do not rely on external activities. It uses the highest level of desire, sexual union and is thus also designated the “tantra of union of the two.” According to Kongtrul, only Highest Yoga includes both the generation and completion phases.[1][2] Kongtrul states that these are "supreme among all tantras" and "there is no other tantra above it."[21]

    Anuttarayoga is characterized by the practice of Deity Yoga as well as various subtle body yogas (such as the six Dharmas of Naropa), to generate great bliss and attain the subtle clear light (luminous) mind. According to Miranda Shaw, Anuttarayoga Tantra texts "have remained at the forefront of contemplation, ritual, and interpretation throughout the Himalayan Buddhist sphere".[22]"

    Since over 1000 unbroken years of lineage-practices in Tibet, these Archetypes have been trained in the Tantric Traditions to prepare the mindstream for the realization of Ultimate Reality. Many practices have been kept quite secret...

    Another kind of Infinity of Gods, although more on a relative/form level.... relative, imagined, but powerful entities/Holons/morphic fields.

    Yours truly thought it would maybe nice to sprinkle from time to time some deeper stuff into the everday conceptual discussion on the best mirage-path up the mountain...

    Can you feel the essence and presence of Guanyin of the Seven Seas in your heart and soul?

    Water by the River


    Ken Wilber, The Eye of Spirit

    Chapter: The Eye of Spirit

    The Eye of Spirit

    When I rest in simple, clear, ever-present awareness, I am resting in intrinsic Spirit; I am in fact nothing other than witnessing Spirit itself. I do not become Spirit; I simply recognize the Spirit that I always already am. When I rest in simple, clear, ever-present awareness, I am the Witness of the World. I am the eye of Spirit. I see the world as God sees it. I see the world as the Goddess sees it. I see the world as Spirit sees it: every object an object of Beauty, every thing and event a gesture of the Great Perfection, every process a ripple in the pond of my own eternal Being, so much so that I do not stand apart as a separate witness, but find the witness is one taste with all that arises within it. The entire Kosmos arises in the eye of Spirit, in the I of Spirit, in my own intrinsic awareness, this simple ever-present state, and I am simply that.

    From the ground of simple, ever-present awareness, one’s entire bodymind will resurrect. When you rest in primordial awareness, that awareness begins to saturate your being, and from the stream of consciousness a new destiny is resurrected. When the Great Search is undone, and the separate-self sense has been crucified; when the continuity of witnessing has stabilized in your own case; when ever-present awareness is your constant ground—then your entire bodymind will regenerate, resurrect, and reorganize itself around intrinsic Spirit, and you will arise, as from the dead, to a new destiny and a new duty in consciousness.

     You will cease to exist as separate self (with all the damage that does to the bodymind), and you will exist instead as vehicle of Spirit (with the bodymind now free to function in its highest potential, undistorted and untortured by the brutalities of the self-contraction). From the ground of everpresent awareness, you will arise embodying any of the enlightened qualities of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas—“one whose being (sattva) is ever-present awareness (bodhi).”

    The Buddhist names are not important; the enlightened qualities they represent are. The point is simply that, once you have stably recognized simple, ever-present awareness—once the Great Search and the selfcontraction have been robbed of separative life and returned to God, returned to their ground in ever-present awareness—then you will arise, from the ground of ever-present awareness, and you will embody any of the highest possibilities of that ground. You will be vehicle of the Spirit that you are. That ever-present ground will live through you, as you, in a variety of superordinary forms.

    Perhaps you will arise as Samantabhadra, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of a vast equality consciousness: you will realize that the everpresent awareness that is fully present in you is the same awareness that is fully present in all sentient beings without exception—one and the same, single and only—one heart, one mind, one soul that breathes and beats and pulses through all sentient beings as such—and your very countenance will remind all beings of that simple fact, remind them that there is only Spirit, remind them that nothing is closer to God than anything else, for there is only God, there is only Goddess.

    Perhaps you will arise as Avalokiteshvara, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of gentle compassion. In the brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness, all sentient beings arise as equal forms of intrinsic Spirit or pure Emptiness, and thus all beings are treated as the sons and daughters of the Spirit that they are. You will have no choice but to live this compassion with a delicate dedication, so that your very smile will warm the hearts of those who suffer, and they will look to you for a promise that they, too, can be liberated into the vast expanse of their own primordial awareness, and you will never turn away.

    Perhaps you will arise as Prajnaparamita, the mother of the Buddhas, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of a vast spaciousness, the womb of the great Unborn, in which the entire Kosmos exists. For in deepest truth, it is exactly from the ground of your own simple, clear, ever-present awareness that all beings are born; and it is to the ground of your simple, clear, ever-present awareness that all beings will return. Resting in the brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness, you watch the worlds arise, and all the Buddhas arise, and all sentient beings as such arise. And to you they will all return. And you will smile, and receive, in this vast expanse of everlasting wisdom, and it will all begin again, and yet again, and always yet again, in the womb of your ever-present state.

    Perhaps you will arise as Manjushri, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of luminous intelligence. Although all beings are equally intrinsic Spirit, some beings do not easily acknowledge this ever-present Suchness, and thus discriminating wisdom will brilliantly arise from the ground of equality consciousness. You will instinctively see what is true and what is false, and thus you will bring clarity to everything you touch. And if the selfcontraction does not listen to your gentler voice, your ever-present awareness will manifest in its wrathful form, which is said to be none other than the dreaded Yamantaka, Subduer of the Lord of Death.

    And so perhaps you will arise as Yamantaka, fierce protector of everpresent awareness and samurai warrior of intrinsic Spirit. Precisely those items that pretend to block ever-present awareness must be quickly cut through, which is why ever-present awareness arises in its many wrathful forms. You will simply be moved, from the ground of equality consciousness, to expose the false and the shallow and the less-thaneverpresent. It is time for the sword, not the smile, but always the sword of discriminating wisdom, which ruthlessly cuts all obstacles in the ground of the all-encompassing.

    Perhaps you will arise as Bhaishajyaguru, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of a healing radiance. From the brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness, you will be moved to remind the sick and the sad and those in pain that although the pain is real, it is not what they are. With a simple touch or smile, contracted souls will relax into the vast expanse of intrinsic awareness, and disease will lose all meaning in the radiance of that release. And you will never tire, for ever-present awareness is effortless in its functioning, and so you will constantly remind all beings of who and what they really are, on the other side of fear, in the radical love and unflinching acceptance that is the mirror-mind of ever-present awareness.

    Perhaps you will arise as Maitreya, whose ever-present awareness takes the form of a promise that, even into the endless future, ever-present awareness will still be simply present. From the brilliant clarity of primordial awareness, you will vow to be with all beings, even unto an eternity of futures, because even those futures will arise in simple present awareness, the same present awareness that now sees just exactly this.

    Those are simply a few of the potentials of ever-present awareness. The Buddhist names don’t matter; any will do. They are simply a few of the forms of your own resurrection. They are a few of the possibilities that might animate you after the death of the Great Search. They are a few of the ways the world looks to the ever-present eye of Spirit, the ever-present I of Spirit. They are what you see, right now, when you see the world as God sees it, from the groundless ground of simple ever-present awareness.

    PS: But please don't arise as Tai Lung :)

    And It Is All Undone

    Perhaps you will arise as any or all of those forms of ever-present awareness. But then, it doesn’t really matter. When you rest in the brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness, you are not Buddha or Bodhisattva, you are not this or that, you are not here or there. When you rest in simple, ever-present awareness, you are the great Unborn, free of all qualities whatsoever. Aware of color, you are colorless. Aware of time, you are timeless. Aware of form, you are formless. In the vast expanse of primordial Emptiness, you are forever invisible to this world.

    It is simply that, as embodied being, you also arise in the world of form that is your own manifestation. And the intrinsic potentials of the enlightened mind (the intrinsic potentials of your ever-present awareness)—such as equanimity, discriminating wisdom, mirrorlike wisdom, ground consciousness, and all-accomplishing awareness—various of these potentials combine with the native dispositions and particular talents of your own individual bodymind. And thus, when the separate self dies into the vast expanse of its own ever-present awareness, you will arise animated by any or all of those various enlightened potentials. You are then motivated, not by the Great Search, but by the Great Compassion of these potentials, some of which are gentle, some of which are truly wrathful, but all of which are simply the possibilities of your own ever-present state.

    And thus, resting in simple, clear, ever-present awareness, you will arise with the qualities and virtues of your own highest potentials—perhaps compassion, perhaps discriminating wisdom, perhaps cognitive insight, perhaps healing presence, perhaps wrathful reminder, perhaps artistic accomplishment, perhaps athletic skill, perhaps great educator, or perhaps something utterly simple, maybe being the best flower gardener on the block. (In other words, any of the developmental lines released into their own primordial state, released into their own post-postconventional condition.)2 When the bodymind is released from the brutalities inflicted by the selfcontraction, it naturally gravitates to its own highest estate, manifested in the great potentials of the enlightened mind, the great potentials of simple, everpresent awareness.

     Thus, as you rest in simple, ever-present awareness, you are the great Unborn; but as you are born—as you arise from ever-present awareness— you will manifest certain qualities, qualities inherent in intrinsic Spirit, and qualities colored by the dispositions of your own bodymind and its particular talents.

    And whatever the form of your own resurrection, you will arise, driven not by the Great Search, but by your own Great Duty, your limitless Dharma, the manifestation of your own highest potentials, and the world will begin to change, because of you. And you will never flinch, and you will never fail in that great Duty, and you will never turn away, because simple, ever-present awareness will be with you now and forever, even unto the ends of the worlds, because now and forever and endlessly forever, there is only Spirit, only intrinsic awareness, only the simple awareness of just this, and nothing more.

    But that entire journey to what is begins at the beginningless beginning: we begin by simply recognizing that which is always already the case. (“If you understand this, then rest in that which understands, and just that is exactly Spirit. If you do not understand this, then rest in that which does not understand, and just that is exactly Spirit.”) We allow this recognition of ever-present awareness to arise—gently, randomly, spontaneously, through the day and into the night. This simple, ever-present awareness is not hard to attain but impossible to avoid, and we simply notice that.

    We do this gently, randomly, and spontaneously, through the day and into the night. Soon enough, through all three states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping, this recognition will grow of its own accord and by its own intrinsic power, outshining the obstacles that pretend to hide its nature, until this simple, ever-present awareness announces itself in an unbroken continuity through all changes of state, through all changes of space and time, whereupon space and time lose all meaning whatsoever, exposed for what they are, the shining veils of the radiant Emptiness that you alone now are— and you will swoon into that Beauty, and die into that Truth, and dissolve into that Goodness, and there will be no one left to testify to terror, no one left to take tears seriously, no one left to engineer unease, no one left to deny the Divine, which only alone is, and only alone ever was, and only alone will ever be.

    And somewhere on a cold crystal night the moon will shine on a silently waiting Earth, just to remind those left behind that it is all a game. The lunar light will set dreams afire in their sleeping hearts, and a yearning to awaken will stir in the depths of that restless night, and you will be pulled, yet again, to respond to those most plaintive prayers, and you will find yourself right here, right now, wondering what it all really means—until that flash of recognition runs across your face and it is all undone. You then will arise as the moon itself, and sing those dreams in your very own heart; and you will arise as the Earth itself, and glorify all of its blessed inhabitants; and you will arise as the Sun itself, radiant to infinity and much too obvious to see; and in that One Taste of primordial purity, with no beginning and no end, with no entrance and no exit, with no birth and no death, it all comes radically to be; and the sound of a singing waterfall, somewhere in the distance, is all that is left to tell this tale, late on that crystal cold night, bathed so beautifully in that lunar light, just so, and again, just so.

    When the great Zen master Fa-ch’ang was dying, a squirrel screeched out on the roof. “It’s just this,” he said, “and nothing more.”


  20. .... Tai Lung O.o 

    Any idea anybody? :)

    And nobody dare ascending ;) Moksha made the right decession...

    Selling Water by the River


    Ken Wilber : “TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”(Ken Wilber. 1999. One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber. December 7).