Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. Yup. Bodily correlates of certain interior states. I suspect that too. https://dmtquest.org/endohuasca-magic/ Dark Retreat for example hints in that direction.
  2. I like Leo Having a arch nemesis relationship sounds a bit... stressy. And dualistic. Our views are very similiar. Yet, on the most important "thing", they diverge. And although he doesn't fully see that coming yet, "I" will meet "him" there. Either this life, or one of the next. We are not in hurry, are we? Actually, we are already meeting right now by the River
  3. I can only give back this compliment. And one more nuance: Everpresent. But most often not realized. Because too many clouds in the way...
  4. Did I ever write that Awakened impersonal Nondual states are not beneficial (and necessary) for realizing True Infinite Being? I wrote that dozen of times. https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=Awakened&author=Water by the River
  5. Since Millenia every meditation traditions holds that states like cessation or Nirvikalpa are important states of the mindstream on the path to Realization. That was, until UnbornTao came, and finally cleared up with that misunderstanding, and that Samadhi-states like Nirvikalpa are fun, but nothing more. Luckily, now we got that solved
  6. Yes. He was probably thinking about dinner. While burning alive. Nirvikalpa? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samadhi Unlikely.
  7. Alriiiiiiight One more human parlor trick. Called Cessation, Nirvikalpa or Nirvana: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thích_Quảng_Đức Nothing to see here. Nobody worry. It is not serious consciousness of anything. Since he was already soaked in it, the guy in die video didn't need some schmuck... ...selling Water by the River
  8. Sure, I agree on that. Exploration of the Multiverse (at least some dimensions) is only possible with psychedelics. I am not against psychedelics at all. Just putting the n+1 exploration as "higher" or "more important" than liberation and resting in True Infinite Being (aka Enlightenment) is a value statement (summum bonum), which can lead to: And one can still go exploring the Multiverse with psychedelics after Enlightenment if one is so inclined. It is not exclusive. But then coming from a perspective of abundance and liberation, and not trying to ease the regular suffering of a well-and-alive-self-contraction with temporaray visits of the 7th heaven realms via psychedelics.
  9. 20 years of meditation on an EEG: Nirvikalpa eyes closed Nirvikalpa eyes open I am waiting for the first 20 year psychedelic user being able to do that with on-board-means sobre.
  10. "Since he has never done them". One more absolute statement based on excellent research just the style @zurew loves. Hey, I goggled 5 minutes for the link below, google + "Ken Wilber psychedelics". He hasn't done psychedelics much, but writing he has never done them... Wilber: "Even though I'm not a psychedelic person myself but I was most upset when they made them illegal in the late 60s because I had at least read so many of the Great authors that were writing about this psychedelic experience I mean Adlous Huxley, Allan Watts. They all wrote fantastic books on the Psychedelic experience and I tried psilocybin a few times I tried acid one or two times and I never had any particularly profound experience although I did have a slight satori on one psilocybin but I just didn't like what it made me feel like in in general. But I was really upset when they outlawed them because I was aware that it for many people at least it was a genuine doorway into a true mystical experience." Somebody ought to make a video about Bias or something the like @Davino You are very welcome. Didn't read my post/quote to the end? I quoted that, see in the link/my post below Cherry picking would be done better with just skipping that last sentence. Psychedelics are great, especially if done in combination with meditation. Doing my own research Cherry picking by the River
  11. These are good pointers which you mention. "I perceive everything as one" is already one I to many. As strange as that sounds. The "I perceiving" is just more clusters of arising sensations taking ownership of another cluster of sensations/understandings of "everything is one". All appearance, all temporary, all illusion, all happening in Infinite Being. Yet, the impersonal Vastness of Infinite Reality/Consciousness can understand itself. But impersonal. And then, "it" just sees it was always what "it" is (Infinite Being), giving rise to illusions within itself, lending "its" Infinite Consciousness to a mirage/illusion, even if already cosplaying an "I perceive everything as one". Enlightenment is knowing what one truly is, and what Infinite Reality/Being is. And that is shockingly impersonal. Yet, it can't be any different. "Anything" else would be mortal, finite and changing. Truly formless Infinite Being, eternal always here, One without a second.
  12. I know you are not sure about that my friend. How could you? We have not met beyond exchanging mere written words. Hope you don't mind if I just continue doing what I like, just the way I like doing it. Selling Water by the River with a truckload of distinctions, states, duration, this or that, and outside sources and jargon. Why? Learned this is the way to do it in school & university. And honestly, I also like it like that. So a kind of hang-over. Delivered also with plenty of songs from my own heart & being, singing in resonance with the joy of Infinite Release and magnificent wonder at the majesty of it all. Rejoicing in no real urgency being left to convince myself or "others". And just expressing myself and not trying to convince anyone in a grasping way. Not taking the play in anway anymore serious at all, yet playing it. It truly is all just a play. A play where compassion doesn't truly hurt anymore, and nothing is really needed, yet it all seems to appear. Who likes this expression is welcome, and who has a different style: Also welcome. And who doubts: perfect, caveat emptor, especially with sellers selling water by the River! And when all of that is done, I just look in the River, burn all the Sutras, kill Buddha & Alien & entourage, and smile and rejoice Selling Water by the River ... as I please
  13. Nonduality doesn't mean Enlightenment. For Enlightenment to happen, Nonduality (or nondual states) have to ripen normally for a looooong time, for most (according to the traditions 100s to 1000s of hours), to get rid off the "Nondual-Realizer"-identity-arisings towards Impersonal Infinite Nondual Being/Infinite Consciousness without any remaining filter/lense/identity. https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=Nonduality&author=Water by the River Leo doesn't differentiate between Nonduality and Enlightenment (although most sophisticated meditation traditions do, pretty much all of the more sophisticated Budhdist traditions like Mahamudra, Dzogchen and also Zen - Kensho vs. Enlightenment. A Kensho IS nondual but a looong way from Enlightenment), nor seem to care about the difference. His God-Realization is in between mere Nonduality with a nondual-Realizer-Identity and True Enlightenment, see link above. Since he can't imagine Enlightenment in any way (if he could he would be enlightened), he happily just throws the baby (Enlightenment) out with the bathwater (Nonduality) and rejoices with "God-Realization". Strange that the God-Realization seems to suck annoyingly often when sobre... but never mind, no problem, no problemo, pas de problème... that Enlightenment is the end of suffering is bullshit anyway, because... hey... it would mean I gotta practice and am not the most you know what. @BlessedLion Seems you have to be happy with the one-liner or two-liner answers. Putting Nonduality and Buddhism and Enlightenment together in one box and dismissing all of it is in my view an unsophisticated and reductionistic perspective. But apparently useful for some... Selling "the flair of spiritual still dark ages by the River"
  14. And? Isn't it good that such a statement which can be put on ones homepage is available? Then the failing teacher-jokers can be held responsible if they put this on their homepage before, and later fail. And at some point in the future, business will become difficult for teachers not comitting to something like that. It will be like trying to sell something without ISO 9001 in certain industries. Doesn't work... Until then: Welcome to spiritual dark middle-ages. And buyers & ladies beware. And we need one more point these Code of Ethics: "No Blackpilling We truly don't know if you have the potential to get IT this life, but until proven otherwise we believe in you!" And you are IT anyway, even if you don't get it (yet). Believing in YOU by the Water
  15. and its uphill . But that is the case for any path that doesn't lead to eternal always already now of Infinite Being. Which, funnily, is always right here, minus all the filters &lenses &illusions&Karma of the separate-self appearance-Gestalt. But I guess its fun for certain aliens Scrat Maya being the hand at 50 seconds and sending the hero of the tragedy up the next "higher" mountain. So.... Where did Scrat go btw.?
  16. Yup. Something like this, put on the homepage of the teacher: https://www.spiritual-integrity.org/ https://www.spiritual-integrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Association-for-Spiritual-Integrity-Code-of-Ethics-for-Individuals-Jan-25-2024.pdf And: https://integral-options.blogspot.com/2011/02/diane-musho-hamilton-simply-uncool.html " Diane Musho Hamilton - Simply Uncool . . . . The heated complaints elicit an outcry of responses calling for the development of standards, guidelines, sound and consistent ethical policies which can provide oversight and accountability to the teachers in the Zen world. This is so that teachers and students everywhere are held accountable to the impacts that their decisions and behavior have on the communities in which they practice. * * * * * These guidelines, written policies, and legal contracts provide the basis for durable structures that can outlast the unruly behaviors and destructive tendencies of the humans who inevitably pass through them. And who among us hasn’t contributed to some mayhem among our friends? Formulating these policies is natural, necessary, and even admirable, when you realize that we are capable of holding each other to higher standards of conduct. * * * * * In the meantime, however, while we are learning and while these policies are developed and implemented, I would like to introduce a handy word that may help guide you in your decisions until the ground rules are put on paper. The word that I want to offer to you in your search for integrity is simply “Uncool.” “Is this cool or uncool?” * * * * * Sleeping around. Students bring a tremendous amount of vulnerability to the spiritual search, it gets very confusing and harmful when the student’s spiritual aspiration and their un-clarified sexual desire is mixed with the erotic impulses of the person in power. If you are a teacher and want a relationship with a student, change the agreement, acknowledge your position, and cultivate one with some consciousness and integrity. It doesn’t even have to be long-term. But habitually sleeping around with the people who are studying with you? Uncool." And I have no idea if there is any truth on the accusations concerning Rupert Spira. Selling “Is this cool or uncool?” by the River
  17. "Ken Wilber: The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. It's somehow just kind of closes them down it's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it it doesn't quite cause the transformation. It can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience and some people like David Deida will say that in order for altered changes of state to contribute to transformation a permanent transformation it has to be basically endogenous and not a exogenous it has to be has your own source People who do that (Psychedelics) the people that do use both (Meditation and Psychedelics) and use it as a sacrament i think an enormous bit out of it." From one year ago: How healthy/smart is disdain for humanity (instead of compassion) if ones holarchic being consists of mainly being human? Did God only create 2-legged-untruthful-bullshit with lacking potential on this planet or what? How about wisdom/awakening AND compassion&love? Integrating higher and lower elements of ones own holarchical being? Not blaming the acorn (humans) that they are not an oak (alien) yet? Leo, did you ever read Wilbers descriptions of healthy growth (transcend & include ones humanity) and unhealthy growth (disassociate & not integrate (aka hate) ones humanity)? A whole book written by Wilber on the unhealthy growth/choices at third tier: Wilber, The Religion of Tomorrow. Most possible f***-ups of third tier in one book. Ever read it? Starting to notice that any audience/beings tend to respons to healthy messages? And not to Alien-escapism? Why is that? Some safety mechanism from God almighty? Selling basic healthy growth/transcendence mechanisms by the River
  18. I would call the totality of these influences Karma. Of which genetics is a important part. Wilber once defined something like Kosmic Karma: The totality of all appearances in the Infinity of the Kosmos, going from one moment to the next. Cause & effect. And then there is individual Karma. And there is not only genetics. There is a subtle body of each being spanning multiple levels of subtle energy, infused by higher-dimensional remants of each being which doesnt incarnate fully ("soul"). According to many OBEs, NDEs, mediums, visions and what not. How to proove its not only genetics (which often tends to be a hardcore materialist view btw)? Twin-studies. Same genetics. Same upbringing. Yet, twins can end up totally different (personality and IQ). Twin studies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2593100/ How come the IQ of twins CORRELATES (aka genetics has an impact), but is not the same (soul/Karma/whatever-impact)? Genetics play a role, but not 100% Same with spiritual talent I guess. In my view, the likelihood of Enlightenment is a mix of: Karma Soul Genetics/body Culture Practice-method and its efficiency And time invested in practice and other factors. Some wake up with zero practice. So that no culture and century forgets Spirit, even if the monopolistic "catholic churches" of this planet tend to burn anybody who wakes up too much, not even to talk about teaching enlightenment. We all know there is/was only ONE overachiever/Jesus (allowed): Some wake up with practice. I assume in future many more will wake up, as a mix of culture/practice-methods/Awakening-Technologies from binauereal beat to psychedelic to mind-brain-technology to genetic engineering. Or: the smarter souls don't incarnate of planets in "medieval" stage of spiritual development. Guess I am not that smart So there seems to be a spectrum: Some wake up without doing much meditation-practice before (Ramana, Anandamayi Ma, Eckhart Tolle, Anssi (german guy), ... and you my friend. Illustrious company, hm ), some after a few weeks/months/years (Yaeko in Three Pillars of Zen for example), other after several years or decades of practice (most cases both contemporary or historical. Frank Yang, Daniel Ingram, Ken Wilber, Bassui, Dogen, Shardza Rinpoche, looong list). and of course Leos on-2-leg-walking-chimpanzees which never practice or wake up or even caring but instead really "living/sleeping the dream", as its supposed to be dreamt: Who are we to judge who is in which category, or instead go blackpill pretty much everbody? Transcendence/meditation is useful in any case as soon as one postulates something like Karma persisting from life to life. And lots of people (NDEs, OBEs, visions, channeled, whatever) had visions/experiences of what a soul is: a bundle of propensities stored in a higher dimension. So Spiritual-Blackpillling.Org when it comes to spiritual practice is... not nice Selling "Be All That You Can Be" (and actually already are) by the River
  19. For all the mathematicians among us: Define "highest" in an Spectrum of Infinity n+1, and n -> Infinity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_induction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity Uh oh, no highest? Ever more higher/highest? And for non-mathematicians: Maybe this guy can tell us more about the "highest level"? Or is the hand at 52 sec that knows more? Who can help with this little dilemma? Come on guys, Infinity means there is always higher and it never stops. N + 1. There is no "highest". That is what the hand (52sec) is "selling". But the Infinite, the non-finite, that "exists". Or not . Who is reading this again? Your Chimpanzee selling the Infinite Vastness of Infinite Reality/Being and also n+1 Infinity/endless Infinities (being contained in that Infinite Reality/Being) driving to the River
  20. Yup, but a hairless monkey Chimpanzee... ... Selling Water by the River
  21. Leo the Blackpiller. On a project called "Actualized". A drama in in five acts. Oh my. Act 1: Narrator: What in my view is genetics/Karma is being psychic, seeing Auras, subtle beings, OBEs, and all that stuff. That can't be trained by normies. One either has it or not. Buuuuut training to rest in nondual awakened states? No. Many had to train a lot to get there (called meditation). Sure, some woke up spontaneously. It is called True Being. Every being has it, or better IS it. There are proven ways to access and stabilize that. Meditation for example. Not for every Karma-variant "delivered", but for many achieveable if training in earnest. Yours truly for sure was not extraordinarily gifted and needed over 10 years to get anywhere near anything nondual. But was lucky using a meditation system that got pleasurable quite soon and enabled racking up the 1000s of hours of cutting off the "I/me/mine-bla-bla" sufficiently (many of that in daily life) to get anywhere near awakened nondual impersonal states. Act 2: Narrator: What can be heard in the last weeks from our respected host are frequent expression of suffering, and also being annoyed by being human. If that attitude is not a dissociation (sick form of non-growth/aborted transcendence) and not an differentiation & integration (healthy form of growth/transcendence in Wilber speech), I don't know what is. Wilber, The Religion of the Future. All ways how transcendence/growth can go wrong, and how one can get addicted to 7th haven realms, and how to avoid and correct these, laid on a platter. And now limiting believes and justifications why one can not practice letting go of the separate-self and shutting it off (aka meditation), because... rationalizations like genetics, prodigies, creativity and artistic and other stuff instead of boring meditation and annoying and what not. https://www.actualized.org/insights/profound-quotes-032 https://www.actualized.org/insights/werewolf-boy Leo Gura: "Exceptionally spiritually gifted people are born just like this werewolf boy. And no amount of spiritual practice will give you their abilities. But because all that happens on the inside, people do not see it. So they end up spending their lives trying to emulate someone who is a genetic freak, and of course they end up disappoint with their lack of results or unhappiness in life. Because a werewolf boy has to live differently than normies. And if you as a normie try to live like werewolf boy, you will not be happy because it is not the right fit. This is why above all else in this work you must be true to yourself, to your genetics. Your destiny is in your genetics. But you need to discover what that means, which is no trivial matter." Narrator: Got blackpilled? Got blackpilled! Act 3: Al Swearengen: "That's what life is one vile task after another. Don't get aggravated then the enemy has you by the short hairs." . WbtR: Sorry my friend. https://actualized.org/insights/profound-quotes-032 Narrator: Profound indeed. The Buddha not-en-vogue-long-dead-probably-never-historicaly-existing-gentleman called it dukha. Unsatisfying. A closet-Buddhist in the making? And so much happiness & compassion that there are even dreams of nondual crocodiles biting fellow expressions of his True Infinite Being. Ken Wilber: "Ken Wilber: The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. It's somehow just kind of closes them down it's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it it doesn't quite cause the transformation. It can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience and some people like David Deida will say that in order for altered changes of state to contribute to transformation a permanent transformation it has to be basically endogenous and not a exogenous it has to be has your own source People who do that (Psychedelics) the people that do use both (Meditation and Psychedelics) and use it as a sacrament i think an enormous bit out of it." Posted over a year ago: Act 4: Narrator: So, my proposal would be either to rebrand the thing as spiritual-blackpilled.org instead of actualized.org. Or, as alternative, at least not giving the poor folks consuming all of that uncritically limiting believes just because one highflyer got hung up in the seventh-heaventh-with-you-know-what-substances without a way of getting to that blissful estate sobre and in daily life. Leo, sorry for the rant. I wish you really the best, but that self-defeating blackpilling trend (probably generated by severly missing seaventh-heaventh-bliss - which I can understand), pushing it mostly on genetics and prodigy and what not (I would call that at least a bit "Karma" and not only genetics )... I have to testify against it, because for many that "could make it" that constitutes black-pilling & installing limitting believes. And even if a being does not reach Enlightenment in this life, the soul (relative manifestation, but still appearing/same "reality" as everthing else, lasting longer than one life) will carry the transcendence-propensity generated by simply witnessing the mindstream (aka meditation). Same with compassion. Act 5: WbtR: Actualized? Actualized! Selling the drama (5 acts) "Actualized! by the River & throwing the backpills back into the River where the came from" Music while lowering the curtain: