Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. Jürgen Ziewe meditated for 50 years, and legit Enlightenment (book 10 minute moment). Why not?
  2. Directly & permanently into Infinite Omniscient Godhead? Pretty much all OBEler abd NDEler say no. It depends on the individual Karma (soul-propensities) where the soul manifests again (out of which these two karmic propensities/traits are most important: wisdom/awakening and compassion/love). Straight to the Infinite Godhead on a prolonged basis would be a bit, um, jumpy and discontinuous. For a short intermezzo (maybe) yes (for some), and then back into manifestation/appearance in a variety of subtle/astral realms/Bardo, and after rejuvenation into denser/physical realms. On the details (how long in the Bardo before denser/physical realms) the reports vary with the individual & tradition. Which is to be expected, since there are an Infinity of realms, and everbody ends up where there is harmony/resonance/Karma. Ziewe: https://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Life_after_death_-_a_description_of_the_afterlife.html And Visser, also interesting: https://www.integralworld.net/visser-ss-05.html And all of course imagined& illusion& mere appearance... exactly like "real life" and everything else Selling dreams after dreams after dreams within dreams, being always at the beginning and exploring the Vistas of Infinity imagined by the River
  3. shhh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persona_non_grata
  4. Yes. The ego/separate-self is literally a self-contraction, normally felt in the head. That can drop away (making the field boundless and nondual) and with it all resistance to what is appearing (aka suffering). Restoring actually the real and unclouded "state of things", with brilliant clarity and lucidity and Sat-Chit-Ananda. https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=self-contraction&author=Water by the River Don't get blackpilled by suffering/resistance-is-unavoidable-aficionados. If these aficinados would have the capacity/tools/sobre-Awakening-skills/training to release this resistance (aka ego/separate-self), they would do it immediately. Problem is just, they literally ARE or feel themselves to be that resistance/ego/self-contraction, and don't have enough training in releasing that, aka meditation, or are unwilling to finally let go of the contraction-bug). So it would need a transcendence/differentiation/death from the former self - including too a large part its original Raison d'être, which can correspond to something along these lines: So what gets these self-contractions-on-two-feet to actually transcend the self-contraction anyway, and return to righ here-right now True Being? If its not practice/meditation (and the resulting awakened states, aka the carrot), its more suffering (the stick). Or, actually, too much suffering for the separate-self gig to continue its current pet-project, since that didn't deliver enough relieve from the self-contraction. As no pet-project actually does in the end. Timeline: This life or the next. Nobody gets left in Samsara forever. But It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and we are on site called Actualized.org, aren't we? So it seems its game on for the next crash and burn (which may be as least serious as possible) and wise-up chapter (which may come as fast as possible and be as lovely as possible) in this lovely & epic heroes-journey Selling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero's_journey by the River "In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, also known as the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed." PS: Lets seen in July 2025 how the stars have aligned.
  5. For Jurgen Ziewe these experiencing realms continued after Enlightenment. Same for example with Haari Aalto. And I guess for most having had these experiences naturally they continue, that is what at least most having these experiences and Enlightenment report. But that is not a rule/law, see below. Its all dreamstuff, including the ego. Normal life, dreams, Astral, whatever. All dreamstuff. There is nothing else, nor can't be. Some more structured and shared consensual realms, other just normal dreams with no . Our world is just highly structured, and exceptions to the cosmic habits ("wonders") not so frequent. But not everone has these OBEs, visions and what not. For some the visions cease after Enlightenment, for some not. One shouldn't get fascinated by this stuff, and pursue True Infinite Being directly. But if these experiences/visions continue, and are not grasped at (like in the case of Jurgen Ziewe), its not a hindrance.
  6. Oh well. Enlightenment still is something fundamentally different than all your levels of consciousness OF. Its of a different category than „levels“ of consciousness (of). Then your readers can choose between hugging the elephant in 30 hugs (or n plus 1) and interpreting and projecting that on a remaining separate Self and yearning of hugging and becoming the „biggest elephant“ in order to have bliss. Or instead truly realizing and becoming the Infinite Elephant/Being. Of which there is only one. Feeling like Leo or feeling like Sat Chit Ananda. Well, it’s a free country. Selling Rodent Consciousness by the River
  7. Why is it difficult to explain why humans or enlightened humans can not walk through walls? I see absolutely no problem in doing that, see below. It is possible. In certain realms, like Astral realms. Which shows very easily it is possible - in some realms. Some beings can even do it in this realm (Vallee, Passport to magonia). The Astral Realms teach exactly that: That "rules" or "physical" "laws" can be broken (or rather can be different or realm-specific habits (!) of the appearing realm/universe), anything is possible (because its all imagined)... All of that becomes totally clear when experiencing these higher realms (which Wilber for example calls subtle levels). Look it up in the Lankavatara-Sutra for example, and others. Cosmic(realm specific) habits and archetypes, imagined by Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind. These answers are clear for that which many call "nondual person" (which is a funny contradiction in itself, but that is another topic) if its an enlightened one. There is only Infinite Being/Universal Mind/"consciousness-stuff-appearance". Enlightenment = Its all imagined as mere appearance in Infinite Being, or Universal Mind as Huang Po called it. Its totally clear that any appearance can happen anytime, even when the habit of this life/realm tends to be very structured with certain rules/patterns. For other realms, that doesn't apply. Different habits. A dream is no less real than waking life, just less structured and no consistent background story (hey, how did I get here and where did I park my car). But made out of the same imagined "mere-appearance"-"substance" which is not different form Infinite Consciousness (hence nondual). Its not "out-there", its Universal-Mind-"stuff". That becomes totally clear with Enlightenment. Groundless mere appearance, "hovering" in the vastness "of" Infinite Being, the Totality of Existence, or the only Infinite Reality/Existence/Being there is and ever could be. Or ones true Infinite Being. And no separate anything, but just an imagined apparently "separate" center/perceiver, which can drop and disappear anytime, restoring the orginal state of boundless Infinite Being or the Totality of Existence. That clears all these questions and points. Not by 30 facets & hugging the elephant for a short time of "AWAKENING" and then saying sayonara dear elephant, but at once, becoming truly the Elephant/Totality of Existence, besides which nothing can exist. Infinite. This realm is a structured dream. Physical laws, or better habits, are not easily broken. That is the essence of this game here. If it would be a chaotic soup, wouldn't be too much fun, would it? And who structures this realm and its habits/patterns/rules/"physical laws", against which consciousness/intent/being you have no chance imagining going through the walls as human? To read about these beings/holons/deities/whatever (biiiig Aliens) holding whole universes in their being, read for example Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven. Have you read that? There is some stuff inside that you don't talk or write about. And what kind of being manages a "Buddha-field" (aka a Universe-Realm) in later Buddhism (Supreme-Array-Sutra): A cosmic Buddha. In western mysticism language a certain archetype. A deity. Whatever name is used. Holons all the way up, all the way down. And up its up to Infinity! Buddha-field/Universe-realm-beings creating, maintaining and containing all universe-realm inside themselves, other beings containing clusters of these, and so on and so on, up to Infinity. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva for example. Thousands names have been used by humanity. Don't be surprised if the "aliens" you have accessed at some point look like the little brother to one of these... But these universe-containing/manifesting/sustaining beings/archetypes are also nothing other than Infinite Being, a certain (although) larger perspective in Indras Net. The SAME Awareness/Reality/Infinite Being that looks through the eyes of all beings. Just different content (universes)/appearances, or consciousnesses OF. There are not many "Awarenesses", or "consciousnesses". Not two. Indras Net of perspectives or holons, all the way down, all the way up to Infinity. One Universal Infinite Mind splicing itself up to different perspectives (large and small), creating these magnificent realms and Vistas of Infinities, and forgetting in real time all other perspectives in order to play a game of limitation. Infinity, hm I am not in a hurry to become an Alien, or one of these archetypal beings containing realms, or anything else. Why? The point of the ride is the ride. The point of being limited human is being limited human, and enjoying it. Which becomes possible once one has realized ones True Being, or else the doom of finitude, mortality and not knowing what the show really is takes the enjoyment away. Stabilizing that is the Summum Bonum. And having done that, from that base maybe go wave-surfing in the Vistas of Infinity. But from a perspective of abundance and happiness, and not scarcity and wishing-to-rather-be-something-else. Selling "not trying walking through walls in this life cause ones head may hurt later" but instead relaxing by the River and selling you know what
  8. There are whole realms where one can exactly do that. It is normally called Astral realms. There, the environment is thought responsive (and feeling), one can fly, walk through walls, create ones environment with intention. Not total control, but very much. The interior there has more impact on the "outer" world. Read Jurgen Ziewes books, and all the other Astral Realms experiencers. Look at the alignment. Look at these descriptions over centuries. Robert Monroes books. It is not that all of that has not found its way into the spiritual systems. Much of it has. One has to read between the lines, and look at the right places. And have an open mind. And then there are realms where the "blueprints" for all creation are, the archetypal realms. Or Akashic records. Or however one wants to call it. Grof, Bache, Strassman, so many Buddhist and Hindu texts describing that in medieval lingo. So much stuff you write about which you think you are the first one to see and describe has been described for centuries. Today it is called Alien, back in the day was devas, angels, archetypal beings, deities, and what not. You have a great way of describing all of that, with that you are right. But these realms, levels and entities have been accessed before for centuries, and the mechanisms of the universal dream and its realms have been described...Lots and lots of material on that, all centuries, all cultures. Just an example, where do you think for example Dante had his ideas from? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Comedy Psychedelics of course. And traveling these realms. And giving them a christian medieval painting. Hildegard von Bingen. psychic and mushrooms. Last year, I walked in her decayed monastery, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kloster_Disibodenberg, and read about her visions. The Supreme Array Sutra https://www.psychedelicsangha.org/paisley-gate/2019/5/8/the-supreme-array-scripture-a-psychedelic-stra-for-buddhist-psychonauts-pp3zz The Tibetan book of the Dead. The Egyptian one. Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven (his reality creating archetypal beings. Holons/Beings all the way up). Grof, The Cosmic Game Rick Strassman Jurgen Ziewe and so much more... The world is and was much vaster than the usual "nondual-person"-bashing. Yes, there are "Nondualists" that I consider neither enlightened nor with a particular broad and encompassing vision of the magnificent and plentiful realms of Infinite Reality and consciousness. But look for those who traveled the Vistas of Infinity before! So much has been described, and so many geniuses have come before us. Like Jurgen Ziewe has said: We are always just at the beginning and are traveling the Vistas of Infinity: Video below can be translated into english with the Youtube translation-function. Ziewe also describes the reality-creating (or archetypal) realms in his books. Selling Vistas of Infinity by the River
  9. Yes. Enlightenment means (to use the words of Ralston) knowing what you truly (and eternally) are, and what Reality is. The "substance" of YOU, and the "substance" of Reality. Beyond that, one can have an endless variety. Wilber when asked what do you know what the Buddha didn't? How to drive a Jeep.
  10. They were taking tons of psychedelics. Soma. Secret Drugs Of Buddhism, Mike Crowley But they also figured it out using meditation.
  11. Like any appearing realm. Just fabrication of mind. Different levels of consistency of the dream. But all dream-stuff. Mere appearance. Including the dreamer. With no inherent reality onto itself (The reality of the ring is the gold. The ring has no inherent reality beyond the current form the gold takes). Relative appearing reality (ring), not absolute Reality (gold). The Absolute/Infinite Being IS the reality of the appearing. All appearing is temporary, changing, ultimately unreal and just morphing/changing/appearing. Dreamstuff. Suchness. Mere appearance. Illusion, yet appearing. "In" what does all of that arise? "Before" or "in" "which" does this whole show appear, from deep sleep, dream, "waking", death, birth, Awakening and sleeping, Illusion and Enlightenment. Who or what is the Reality of dream and dreamer? What is the eternally unchanging spaceless Infinite Absolute Reality of all of that? What is that Infinite Being, that Infinite Reality in which all of that appears, but which can NEVER be found as object, or anything that can be described in positive terms because that would limit it. Which can only be realized by BEING it? Who is reading these words again? And nobody say Raspberry now
  12. Agree with that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materialism
  13. From what I have seen/read, they both state "Infinite Reality". Totality of Existence in Artems language. And more than enough Infinity in Franks language. I personally prefer another style of language, but I don't have the impression they reject oneness, or Infinite Reality, or Nondual boundless Being. True Nonduality is Oneness. And to throw away the concept of Oneness: One without a second.
  14. Good questions. Enlightenment means having realized ones true eternal nature as Infinite Being/Infinite Reality itself. How does one call that? There is nothing to reference it against. No pointer fully describes it, since any pointer is containted within "it". Its You. Formless Infinite Eternal True You/Being. So one could describe it as raspberry, or not, credit to Ralston. From Artems homepage: What did you realize -- expressed in one sentence -- upon spiritual awakening? I don’t exist - I never have. My existence was a dream, a delusion. I am the totality of existence, which is fundamentally unknowable. Nothing can be said about what I am. That is true, because Infinite Being/Infinite Reality can not be described "positively" in any way, since that would already limit it, and that pointers appears within it. Madhyamaka. Yet, one can "dance" and guide linguistically with pointers as high as possible. To answer your question: I wouldn't write like he does, like hairless monkey as last stage. Or material/physical universe and so on. Put 10 people having realized their nature in one room, and they will all use different language. But he doesn't mean a material/physical universe external or separate from him. He means nondual. How one calls the "dreamstuff" or mere appearance of manifestation is not so important. And, after realizing fundamental Infinite Reality/True Being, it is a bit like: Dogen: Before one studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters. The uuuuuuuuuuh, oooooooooooh, its all mere appearance and dream stuff happening in Infinite Being has worn off, become old. Its like: Yeah, its like that, so nothing special, and the "realizer" of that is also not special (because the "realizer"-arisings are also illusion). Taking that as special would tend to kill the awakened states, because of self-importance and stuff the like. So its mountains are again mountains. A hairless monkey appears in my Infinite Being, which can run perfectly fine on autopilot. No need to make an identity out of that and feel like being only that hairless monkey. Or that the hairless monkey is special. That really is fooling "one"-self. A special monkey in Infinite Being, being a special monkey. A nice seduction/ilusion. Concerning "Consciousness doesn't exist" - well, I wouldn't write it like that. Semantics. Self-Consciousness doesn't exist, but appears. Some appearances happen, and there is Awareness of it. That can't be denied. Nisgardatta made a differentiation between Consciousness (doesn't exist but appear), but Awareness does (he called that Parabrahman). In my view, that is all not the optimum usage of words/semantics. Infinite Reality with the potential of consciousness OF/Awareness IF appearances appear. And unaware of itself if nothing appears (cessation). In its Infinite state if truly nothing arises, "it" has the potential for sentience if form/appearance/movement arises, but "it" doesn't have to. Deep Sleep, Cessation, Nirvikalpa. And btw., differentiating that difference between consciousness OF and Infinite/Absolute potentially unaware of itself (Cessation, Deep Sleep, Nirvikalpa) is the deciding difference between Enlightenment and previous AWAKENINGS, um, Awakenings. It is the difference between the Absolute Reality being truly empty and formless, or "loaded" with consciousness OF (aka form/appearance/lenses/filters/...). Maybe that helps. Again, not my style, but I understand what he means and why he writes that. And then: We had enlightened Adi Da (who f***** up in many areas), we had enlightened Zen "Nazis" (Zen at War). Obviously, plenty of stuff on the relative level can still go wrong. And "coming out" as a teacher... well, not for the faint of hearted. Not everbody gets that done "in grace" like for example Francis Lucille, after been coached for 15 years after his Enlightenment (if I understood that correctly) and getting students refered to by his teacher Jean Klein, after being financially independend and not chasing anything anymore... then the teacher-gig is much more easier. Ken Wilber wrote one can remain a jerk and still be enlightened. That is the remaining personality. And that being/mindstream can still know its True Nature and what Infinite Reality is perfectly well. And can easily become a red flag for others because of claiming Enlightenment. I would look for compassion when searching a teacher, and liberation. And intelligence and clear speaking. And even then, that gentleman/lady can still go wrong drastically on the relative level. And still know his/her true nature... So not easy the whole thing... Concerning my dreams: I still dream and am have a dream character then. Which after waking up I delight in that, because - what a dream, delivered with dream character believing in it! I also have lucid dreams, and the dream sometimes changes to something more Astral-like when breaking the "story-line" of the lucid dream and for example intensely focusing on my hand, or the grass. It can get as real or more as physical reality. Sometimes I "jump" realms/areas then with the usual techniques. Very real and clear, and no background story. (Not the usual hazy dream with a story one "buys" without reflecting that it doesn't make sense. How did I get here, and where did I park my car.... ) Once met a recently deceased relative. Sometimes I pass from dream realms to infinite causal states (something like infinite darkness suffused with light, totally formless and infinite) to waking states/waking up, which is a fascinating continuity. Also "dying" in a dream and going through these infinite (causal in Wilber language) states, dream again, dying again and so on... An infinite playground. For me, what seasoned Astral Travelers like Jurgen Ziewe write makes sense based on my own limited experiences. And most important: Timless Eternal Infinite Reality, which can also appear as Deep Sleep, is right here, right now, eternally so. "Deep Sleep is right here". True Being. All these dream states, deep sleep, Astral anything, physical life and what not pass "before" or "in it" like a show, a movie. Like Dreams. Concerning his claims of dreams getting less/ceasing: I have run over several statements in the biographies of historical meditators/enlightened ones which align in that the dreams at night get less, and become more lucid and so on. Some never dream or even deep sleep (but remain lucid throughout), like Haari Aalto. Who did this from early years onwards, together with celestial perception, in his case from Karmic influence I believe. His declaring that Astral travels are dreams is technically correct, but everything so to say is a dream. But just because he doesn't experience Astral travels/OBEs doesn't mean that on a relative level these mechanisms don't exist. He just doesn't have them. Also, because of that, it seems he doesn't know how his karmic propensity bundle (stored in a higher dimensional soul) remains or continues. But he doesn't need to, knowing "he" is Infinite Reality is enough. Even a soul is a highly sophisticated illusion/dream-stuff/relative processes/cause effect. There are for sure areas in Infinite Consciousness that don't work or need "soul-mechanisms" and so on. But all of that is dreamt/experienced by One Infinite Reality. And realizing that beyond any possible doubt is the summum bonum. Besides that, there is only illusion of different flavours/mechanisms. So in the end, its all dreams. Some just incoherent dreams at night, then dreams like Astral realms (no background-story like in a dream, not hazy), and then normal eartly life (which is just a highly coherent dream with physical,chemical, biological, cultural/mental laws) and so on. But still a dream. All made out of appearances/dream stuff/suchness. Artem calls that material/physical,but its still just appearance/illusion. Maybe that helps. Selling Water by the River PS: Don't blame me in case Artem (or anybody else for that matter) decides to have a character-hangover, go womanizing, build a cult, take financial advantage or any of the other of the funny (or less than funny) stuff that tends to happen if there are "character-hangovers" and Ken Wilbers wake up, grow up, show up has not been fully implemented. Here is a nice list of stuff that can get f****** up and will get f****** up, also by enlightened ones: https://www.spiritual-integrity.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Association-for-Spiritual-Integrity-Code-of-Ethics-for-Organizations-May-23-2024.docx-1.pdf The other side: If every enlightened one would be a saint, I guess it would get boring at some point. So Spirit decided to add that little flavour and spice complexity for the journey back home... Calling "Caveat Emptor" while SELLING Water by the River
  15. Dont' worry. "You" won't overlook that one. Steven Norquist, "What is enlightenment, no, I mean really, like what is it?"
  16. Right. It is the green mile of the "I".
  17. I don't think it will scale up to anything like 1% of humanity anytime soon. But imagine a few thousand having walked & realized the Mahamudra/Dzogchen path without superhuman will-power and even more, having found the path more or less enjoyable, and testifying their liberation and bliss on Youtube? That will trigger some more waves then. And maybe in 100-200 years we will get genetic engineering and brain-mind-interface technology and other stuff doing largely the job, so that not much practice at all will be required? Who knows? I agree with you that mainly "brute force" meditation concentration technique (like Zen/Theravada/most of what is on the market place) will never really scale, because it just needs hardcore will-power individuals of which there are only so many. Or rather, very very few Ralstons & Frank Yangs & Ingrams who can pull that off. And then these few thousand liberated folks can go exploring the magnificent multiverse/realms/aliens/consciousness with psychedelics, just for the joy and wonder of it all... Psychedelics to see that "it" is real, and then the 10 year gamble. Which I assume isn't so much a gamble if supported by psychedelics and the right techniques like Mahamudra to balance these states sobre in daily life. Lets see, interesting times to live in...
  18. Beliefing in being "only" the two legged show. I/me/mine-thought/feeling arisings which are not seen through/transcend/cut-off in real-time. "One" has a human appearing in onself, but isn't one. Infinite Being/Reality.
  19. Very good. Your post is probably so "way out" that it didn't receive much response, although it being the most interesting one since its posting. Actually, "You" didn't loose "it". Just some clouds appeared that made what you called "deep sleep" a bit harder to directly "perceive/realize" beyond the clouds. Its always there. YOU are that Infinite Being containing the show of duality and nonduality, awakening and sleeping. That impersonal Infinite Reality beyond the "event-horizon" which is so infinite that no "movement" of focus/mind/thought/appearance/perception/I,me,mine-arising can ever get "there". And That Infinite Reality beyond this "event horizon" where small you "can't go" is constant and changeless. That contains all the states of illusion and realizing/awakening, which roll "before"/"within" its Infinite Being. THAT "you" can never loose. Or gain. THAT never changes, because change is contained in it, its expression or modulation. And THAT is absolute freedom & love & bliss. Infinite Liberation. Who are you again? Did you EVER loose yourself (really)?
  20. 1 : 0 for "Breaking" 0 : 1 for "thewall" Enjoy grilling the rest of thewall And also a beer & grilling during the European Football Championship if you are so inclined. PS: Dont do it like shown below. As you write correctly, the two-legged-show also must be smashed/transcended. Together with the wall. Doing it like Buster Keaton could lead to something like a "God-Realization-er" remaining after thewall (duality) has been dropped.
  21. But millions don't practice Mahamudra. Never have. There are not many who practice under a competent teacher with good guidance material and a certain level of discipline & Karma. Also not in Tibet, which had a few million max-population in historical times. You would maybe be surprised what I would tell you in private on my perception of efficiency & sophistication of for example Zen or Theravada compared to Mahamudra. My bet is: The propagation of these efficient teachings (Mahamudra/Dzogchen and especially their translation in formats westerners can use) + psychedelics available + good & efficient teachers and teaching material available + billions of people potentially having access to that will yield some success rates during this century that have not been the case historically, and that will be quite a show. Just curious: Have you ever looked into the chapters Contemplation, Skill of Reckognition, Yoga of Unelaboration, Yoga of One Taste and Yoga of Nonmeditation in Pointing out the Great Way, Daniel Brown? I am sure if you dive into that with an open mind and a week of time, you will find it similarly fascinating as I did. It is hard to get it reading it once, I had to read it many times over several years while the practice progressed - but it is still fascinating.
  22. That wasn't my experience, although it took many years. When using an infficient purely concentration based meditation system it is probably like that that one needs weeklong hardcore mode retreats. And probably few people can do these. Using an efficient meditation-system, meditation can be taken into daily life quite early. But to be honest, the only system I am aware of that can do that with any kind of efficiency is Mahamudra (with Dzogchen on the advanced stages). Which is no surprise in my perspective, because the "R&D" that went into that system over a millenia of unbroken practice lines in Tibet is pretty unique. Practitioners reaching Enlightenment, writing commentaries about it, several parallel lines of further developing the system and cross-polienating and so on. Yes to the 100s and 1000s of hours, but in my experience no to the week-long retreats. For sure that helps, but I in my experience it is not necessary. It took me over 10 years to get to something like a nondual state (probably in large because I didn't get the techniques in the beginning correctly), and I consider myself neither spiritually gifted nor ungifted.
  23. Maybe you find the following interesting: Hancock, Supernatural Spangler, Subtle Worlds: An Explorer’s Field Notes Ziewe, Jürgen. All books. Strassman, Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies Vallee, Jaques. Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers. And Vallee, Dimensions. These beings & abduction-phenomena appear since prehistoric times, all cultures, all places, all centuries. Some have them with psychedelics, some without.