Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. Job offer: Still hiring! But no hurry, hiring forever and ever and ever, eternally! An Infinity of open positions! Actually, always already ones final job! Selling Water by the River
  2. Yes. Absolute Truth is non-conceptual. Beyond any conceptual "Awakening". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prajñā_(Hinduism) Not exactly a new idea. And for the Afficionados: Prajñā is not mainly Buddhist term. Not that some innocent religion gets shot this time. Please shoot this time: *** . Um, well, one can google it oneself if one is inclined for the shooting. And it is self-evident once realized. Always eternally here. Never having been anywhere else. If ones whole field of Awareness including the whole world shouts: Its wrong! That wouldn't change a thing. Because IT is self-evident. It is beyond any possible doubt. There is nothing further or higher. All of that would be relative appearance WITHIN Oneself, WITHIN Absolute Reality. IT IS. And IT IS You. Ralston: "some insight that'll come to me aha or some such it's not that. It is you so it can't come to you" I see this "putting the foot down" to not be gaslit since quite some time. It is a hilarious attempt of securing ones belief in certain "AWAKENINGS", not realizing the self-contradictory move of doing that. Absolute Truth can never be gaslit, and doesn't need to put the foot down. And it is not dreaming. The dreaming CAN appear WITHIN IT. And the waking up. Sorry, if one can be gaslit, and needs to protect ones "Awakenings" or whatever in an aggresive way... well, pretty self-explanatory. And mercy with the rodents please, they have a place in the Great Chain of Being https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_chain_of_being thank you Water by the River PS: By the way, yours truly doesn't consider himself as Nondualist or Buddhist or anything at all for that matter. On planet Gosuwabotl, planet 3 circling Sun Nr. 14124124234 in the galaxy Canis Major Dwarf, another spiritual system could be called Gosuwabotl *****-ISM. And if it would point to Absolute Truth, yours truly would be perfectly sympathetic to it, but also not identify with it. And I expect there are at least millions of alien civilizations in this Universe alone, with millions of different ***-ISMs leading to Absolute Truth. Not to talk about all other dimensions/Universes.
  3. "You" can not be gaslit when having realizing Absolute Truth, or what You really are. To even consider that one can be gaslit on Absolute Truth is a kind of joke. Gaslit by "whom"? Gaslit on "what"? And "who" can be gaslit? When you really get enlightened, and know who you are, you can't doubt that. Until then: Better keep doubting each and any arising in your mindstream, and burn it in the fire of your primordial Impersonal Awareness/Emptiness/Being... Realize what you really are, become Reality itself, and "you" will get the joke. And "you" don't need inner authority, you just need to realize what You are. And then one can be meek&compassionate&loving all day long, and not get gaslit in any way.... Of course, if one still feels gaslit by "external" arisings (or "other" opinions arising in ones perspective) on ones "Awakenings", one has to put ones foot down. Not that the Realization of timeless eternal Absolute Truth suddenly stops, or gets doubted by "others" or "oneself"... As long as there is a "you" that can be led astray.... well, gotta stop the gaslit! Water by the River PS: Real Awakening is not a decission. It is a realization beyond any possible doubt. Doubt arises in IT.
  4. He wrote: He referred to light and medium 5-MeO-DMT doses. Not high doses of 5-MeO. Typical effects of psychedelics are (among other effects) Nonduality, Ego-dissolution (to a pretty high degree, although not the complete dissolving of any form of separate-self/individuality/transparent nondual witness merged in Unity with the Totality), and the visual field becoming an infinite centerless mere apperance-like "hovering" in Infinite Consciousness.. So when the separate-self is dissolved anyway/already, and Enlightenment has happened, the effects of psychedelics will change and be different. And less. The impact pf psychedelics is not as dramatic, because the things described above are already in place. These three points/states above are in Zen already Enlightenments/Satoris/Kenshos/Awakenings. But not Great/Full Enlightenment, where the separate-self is fully transcended, and Reality/Impersonal Infinite Consciousness fully realized. I have yet to see somebody who crossed over to Full Enlightenment only/mainly with psychedelics, with the full Deep Identity Level Shift towards Infinite Impersonal Consciousness/Totality, and no separate-self left anywhere (however subtle). The subtle remaining separate-self of Individuality is still clouding the mindstream, blocking the Full Realization of Impersonal Infinite Awareness, well and alive causing suffering. One gets 95% of the benefits of Nonduality and Infinite Consciousness already with psychedelics (the points above, energetic awakened states), but not the full impersonal thing... And that is quantum, like night and day. It is the death of the caterpillar, and the birth of the butterfly. The return home. The end of suffering. Main problem: Before it actually happens, one can't imagine or understand it. Because if one could, one would already be fully enlightened. Although that remaining Individuality/separate-self can be almost totally empty, very subtle, a transparent nondual witness... The cloud/lense/center is still there, even during all the trips... and sometimes mumbling about rodents and other parts of its experience field in less than loving way. Breakingthewall, just an idea: Why not visit him at some time in the future, and see for yourself? Maybe even do some trips together? If he is the real deal and enlightened, you will be able verify that quite fast for yourself from the states he radiates, and what states he induces in you. Selling Water by the River
  5. Hm, I read all books from Strassman (more than 2) and Gallimore. Gallimore btw. has two books, among which the second one is very interesting describing the different receptor classes psychedelics work on. And a lot of papers. At the moment, to my knowledge, it is not possible to measure how much concentration of DMT & other psychedelic compounds are being produced "live", for example by the lungs, and their concentration in the brain and brain stem. Sure, the Pineal Gland alone can not deliver the volumes required. But that is not the only place it can be produced (lungs for example, and other tissue). And it was not easy to measure the production of DMT in rats in the Pineal Gland alone. Until it is measureable how much of which molecules drifts in the brain & brain stem at certain states (please, along here, we cut open your skull in the name of science), and how fast they get metabolized, it is a very possible and likely working hypthesis. Strassman: "Our working hypothesis is that elevated endogenous DMT may mediate the features of the prophetic experience that it shares with the experimental DMT effect." Since pretty much every state has its bodily correlates, it would be rather strange if these states wouldn't. If you have more actual information on the topic on how that hypothesis got disproven, or on how Strassman changed his opinion on this working hypothesis, I would be happy to get some material from you. Until it is proven or disproven, and if even Strassman and Gallimore think in that direction, it remains a possible or likely working hypothesis. Selling Water by the River PS: I quoted some sources, as it is usual in scientific/academic environments. Care to enrich your claims on the "a few years or decades backwards" and "don't understand" of yours truly also in a similiar manner? I am always really interested to update my level of information. PS PS: Strassmans last paper (2019) listed on his Homepage was: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-45812-w "Biosynthesisand Extracellular Concentrationsof N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in Mammalian Brain" "The cardiac arrest-induced increase of endogenous DMT release may be related to near-death experiences (NDEs), as a recent study reports NDE-like mental states in human subjects given exogenous DMT50. Not all rats in our current study exhibited a surge of DMT following cardiac arrest (Fig. 4), an interesting observation in light of the fact that NDEs are reported by less than 20% of patients who survive cardiac arrests51. It is unknown whether the concentrations of DMT reported in our study at cardiac arrest can elicit the effects of an exogenous psychedelic dose of DMT, or whether this surge of endogenous DMT similarly occurs in humans. Moreover, the conscious states reported by NDE survivors may involve contributions from several of the other neurotransmitters found to surge at cardiac arrest in our prior rodent study21. Further investigation is clearly warranted to investigate whether DMT plays a role in generating neural correlates of near-death consciousness." For me it reads like the working hypothesis is still valid... And the stuff gets emitted exactly where it would impact.
  6. Sure. There are plenty of people having Nondual experiences (Nondual Unity-experienes for example), with the separate self still intact, dreaming a nondual dream. That is not Full Enlightenment, where anything separate fully drops (Impersonal). I have written extensively about that in many posts: https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=Nonduality&page=2&author=Water by the River Just one nice example from Jac O'Keffee elaborating on the topic of the Nondual Dream with a separate self still well & alive: And by the way, that differentiation between Nonduality (happens first) and the later happening Great Awakening to the Impersonal Suchness of Infinite Reality/Consciousness is in every spiritual tradition. More material on request. And how Impersonal or how much the Deep Identity has shifted towards Pure Impersonal Consciousness/Awareness, Absolute Reality itself, one with every arising as itself, living itself as the Totality, perceiving itself in every wave on the ocean.... Well, every reader has a certain intuition of that for sure. Bon voyage! Selling Water by the River
  7. . No DMT in natural high states, hm? So lets Strassman speak himself: Strassman ,DMT and the Soul of Prophecy. A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible. Chapter THE PINEAL GLAND AND CONSCIOUSNESS: "My approach instead was to consider the possibility that the body synthesized a compound with psychedelic properties that produced highly prized spiritual experiences, rather than highly maladaptive psychotic experiences. And rather than proposing that meditation influenced brain waves or stress hormones that were relatively remote from the immediate subjective state, I wondered whether a hypothetical “spirit molecule” directly occasioned the meditational experiences themselves. In the same vein, it seemed possible that this compound mediated the subjective elements of other nonpsychotic, non-drug-induced altered states such as dream sleep and the effects of fasting and prayer. Where in the body might this spirit molecule arise? In my search for its origin I was led to the pineal gland by another Stanford mentor, Jim Fadiman. The pineal gland, a tiny organ sitting deep within the recesses of the human brain, has been for millennia an object of great interest to several systems of “esoteric physiology,” including Hinduism and Judaism" "More recently, we have learned how mammals synthesize endogenous DMT, and it appears that lung tissue is the major site for its production in rabbits12 and humans.13 Researchers have identified the gene responsible for the enzyme that finalizes DMT synthesis. After inserting the human gene into a virus and infecting mammalian cells with that virus, those cells begin producing DMT.14" 13. Thompson, Moon, Kim, et al., “Human Indolethylamine NMethyltransferase.” "Human research with DMT, and with all other psychedelic drugs, ceased with the enactment of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 in the United States and comparable laws elsewhere.*25 While scientists had discovered a highly promising avenue of inquiry, it had yet to attain the level of maturity that comes from unrestricted study of the relevant phenomena. For example, scientists had not yet developed sensitive enough technology to determine whether differences existed in DMT levels between normal and psychotic people. We knew nearly nothing about ayahuasca. And there was no consideration of the possible role of endogenous DMT in spiritual experience." "As my study of the Hebrew Bible progressed, the nature of this future world increasingly drew my attention. This is because of how similar many of its properties appear to those of the DMT state. I began to consider how endogenous DMT may play a role in this phenomenon, and it is for that reason I describe the “future world” in as much detail as I do below." "And while eschatological elements appear in both states, those of prophecy are much more highly articulated. However, it is of great interest that biblical descriptions of the world to come share phenomenological properties with the DMT state. These common characteristics have led me to consider the role of endogenous DMT in the “eschaton,” and I will discuss this issue in chapter 20, The Metaphysics of DMT." "Our working hypothesis is that elevated endogenous DMT may mediate the features of the prophetic experience that it shares with the experimental DMT effect." Then Strassman and Wojtowicz, Inner Paths to Outer Space "Hypnosis, meditation, yoga; rebirthing and holotropic breathing (healing techniques utilizing accelerated breathing); and some other types of “spiritual technology tools” produce experiences almost identical in content and intensity to those induced by psychedelics." DMT synthesized in the Pineal Gland and the lung. Tummo and Wim Hoefer... By the way, DMT production in the Pineal Gland has been proven in the meantime. And for Gallimore: Gallimore, Building Alien Worlds - The Neuropsychological and Evolutionary Implications of the Astonishing Psychoactive Effects of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) https://philpapers.org/rec/GALBAW "When serotonin is replaced by DMT, the thalamocortical system shifts into an equivalent state, but one in which an apparently alien world is built. This suggests that DMT may be an ancestral neuromodulator, at one time secreted endogenously in psychedelic concentrations-a function apparently now lost. However, DMT maintains a number of unique pharmacological characteristics and a peculiar affinity with the human brain that supports this model. Thus, the modern practice of ingesting exogenous DMT may be the reconstitution of an ancestral function." And considering all the OBEs, mediums, and psychics, not lost at all members of the humand species. If you want more material, also from different sources, just let me know. Selling Water by the River
  8. On an Absolute Level, "You"/Infinite Consciousness will never disappear. And not even on a relative level, small "you"/separate self/soul still continues to ripen from life to life, the Soul refining its Karma.... Check the works of Jürgen Ziewe for example: http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Astral_Travel_and_life_after_death.html https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenziewe9125/videos This gentleman sounds a bit "New Age", but has credible Enlightenment experience & description in his book the Ten Minute Moment, and has had Out of Body Experiences for decades. His descriptions of subtle/archetypal realms (those beyond the Astral/Bardo-Levels) are spot on, and also his Enlightenment/Infinite Consciousness descriptions (Causal and Nondual level). It is a fascinating look behind the curtain of the separate-self-(illusion)-arisings (soul) going from life to life, refining its Karma until confirming to Reality/Enlightened Mind. What can (and will) disappear is the illusion-arising of the separate self, which is "protected" by fear. But even after Enlightenment, the soul continues its journey on a relative/arising level: "We can join communities of kindred spirit, cooperate on unimaginable creative projects and can visit any part of Infinity we wish for or are called to. We are the working army of absolute consciousness, the co-workers of God. If you’ve ever wondered where Angels come from, we are the potential Angels. This is how Angels are borne. Emanuel Swedenborg was adamant about it: Angels are no supernatural beings, they were once humans like us." http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Our_Ultimate_Journey_Home.html Emanuel Swedenborg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emanuel_Swedenborg. AWAKENINGS anybody? And after all the scary stuff has happened, YOU will still remain... Which is great news! And even small/relative you/soul continues to ripen, although as an appearance arising within YOU, Infinite Reality.... Bon voyage! Selling Water by the River
  9. https://dmtquest.org/endohuasca-magic/ caused for example by https://dmtquest.org/meditation-hypnosis/ or by Realization/Enlightenment/Constant Awakened Awareness. "Dr. Rick Strassman hypothesized that there might be a correlation between bursts of endogenous DMT during deep meditative states which coincides with the “mystical” experiences. Based on studying the general projected mechanics for DMT synthesis and the physical aspects of meditative practice, the hypothesis doesn’t seem far fetched whatsoever." Maybe because of that? And for all the psychedelic receptors: Andrew Gallimore, "Reality Switch Technologies: Psychedelics as Tools for the Discovery and Exploration of New Worlds" Where do you think mystical/awakend/nondual states based meditation/realization come from, and what their bodily correlates are? When the nondual/awakened state becomes constant, why shouldn't there be the corresponding bodily correlate? How come psychedelics loose their effect when the natural endohuasca-system takes over? Nonduality is such a powerful Awakened State that it would be very strange if that wouldn't have chemical correlates in the body, and (Gamma-)brainwave patterns in the brain. Let alone Enligthenment... And concerning "AWAKENINGS": Human beings have explored the various (alien) realms/dimensions ever since also through meditation and other altered states, with psychdelics or without. Going from exploring Astral/Psychic, Subtle and Causal realms, to full blown Out of body explorations. If anyone wants sources, I have more than enough descriptions in my library of experiences of all this stuff, spanning over the centuries and all cultures of the planet. Selling Water by the River DMT: Produced by Pineal Gland confirmed. Video below, 5 minute mark
  10. Oh well, if I can keep my little Porsche 911, he can keep his Ferrari. Not too far away from the place I live is the Porsche Museum. Lovely cars, but what if Porsche would have stopped developing new models after the original 911 was designed? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_911_(1963) The unchanging, eternal, infinite and one without a second 911? Lovely, blissful and timeless design for sure, but probably a bit of challenge for the Marketing department placing it against the latest Ferrari F8, or even worse, against the latest Ferrari F(n+1), and shooting n towards Alien Infinity. Although I don't believe its purely a marketing gig, the ever new Awakenings sorry AWAKENINGS come handy for sure. So, as always, Caveat Emptor. Water by the River
  11. You think I didn't know that, nor having seen that video? Anyways, please a bit more "So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politnesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah Pleased to meet you Hope you guessed my name, mm yeah But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game..." And no devil, hm? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon#:~:text=A demon is a malevolent,%2C movies%2C and television series. Looks pretty cross-cultural and across all of history like the occurance of some less than benevolent forces in certain realms, hm? For a good Lila, one also need the dark side of the force... Selling Water by the River
  12. Yes. Infinity. An Infinity of ever new Awakenings possible. And each new moment, it is Infinity n+1. And it never stops. An Infinity of Infinities. Infinity can never be fully known, since even God/Reality is exploring its Infinite Potential of an Infinity of Infinities. But the Infinite Absolute Reality that one is can fully be realized. Infinite, which is different than Infinity. Infinite = Not finite. Not measurable in any possible way at all. Not defineable in any positive way, only via negativa. Infinity on the other side is a mathematical object, which comes in different versions/sizes (Cantors Set Theory). An Infinity of Infinities. There are always new and never seen waves possible in the Ocean of Ones True Being. Forever. An Infinity of Infinities. Yet, the wetness of all waves can be realized (Infinite, "IN-finite", not finite, or totally empty, which is the same as infinite potential, since all dualities collapse "there") Which means nothing less than becoming the Ocean/Reality, which ends the grasping for ever new waves, and the mistaken identity of being "a sepearate ship" sailing on the ocean. And the ocean can never be destroyed, can not not be there, and is infinite peace and in the depths always at rest, unmoved, silent. So, its either being a separate boat, sailing for always new Awakenings (of which new ones are there forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. Always new, and many of them never seen before), or just some new interesting experiences, having fun & pain on the trip of exploring the surface of the Ocean and all its magnificent waves. Or at some point, having become tired of that, just dropping into the Infinite Ocean, being the Infinite Ocean. That one has always been, but which sometimes seems to contain the little separate-self- illusion of being a little sailing ship moving on the truly infinite unfathomable depths of the Ocean. Water by the River
  13. You have good intentions, the devil rather not. But even the devil requires sympathy. No Lila without the forces of Maya. "I shouted out Who killed the Kennedys? When after all It was you and me" Water by the River
  14. That running around in a wheel is exploring the lower subtle/higher subtle and lower causal areas of manifestation (if one uses Ken Wilber system). It is exploring appearance, or illusion, in the higher levels of manifestation. Beyond ever new Awakenings (the wheel above) there is a final realization into the Nature of Oneself and Reality, as changeless Infinite Impersonal Eternal Reality, which brings the search to a rest, and peace to the seeker (which is gone then, replaced by the Totality which one really is). And that Enlightenment can not be understood (and why it is final) until having had it, and it can not be anticipated/imagined while the separate self has not fully died. If one could imagine or anticipate it, it would have already happened. With Enlightenment, there is an endpoint on the path. Realizing ones True Nature. Totality replacing the separate self, and bliss replacing suffering and misery. If one denies the possibility of Enlightenment, the Awakenings never stop, because Reality is contains Infinity, with an Infinity of Awakenings to explore. Isn't that obvious? One never arrives, is never done. And never done suffering. The wheel above. Suffering will tell the nature of that path. Matthew 7:15-20 Water by the River
  15. I basically wrote the same here: in the post below. Linking to the same questions from months ago. No real answer also, besides some anecdotes abouts rats and icepicks. @Moksha, apparently (and actually) there is no counter-argument remaining concerning what you wrote. Basically, it boils down to the these two aspects: 1) Full Enlightenment = all is illusion, imagination and dream, n+1 (my post quoted above). The realization (all is illusion&dream&imagined) as such apparently is still considered as valid, although that is denied when claimed by Buddhist or "Nonduals" or whatevers, which are supposedly all still dreaming. Without giving any reasons for that, and which is contrary to your experience, and that of countless others having realized their True Nature. 2) Suffering continues until stable establishment of staying permanently in ones True Identity of being Infinite Impersonal Reality/Consciousness (or stable Full Enlightenment), and having the Illusion arising within Oneself. Which requires the complete transcendence/death of any separate-self identity. Apparently a hefty price to be paid. Maybe to hefty for some, surrendering all ones attachments and preferences. All would be so nice and well and lovely, but all these Buddhist rats and other horrible stuff manifesting as illusion in ones dream , apparently still with the potential to spoil the beauty of Absolute Reality Awakening. For me, it looks a bit like some like chasing ones own tail. And being a little bit less than happy if somebody points out that the tail & everything else IS already Ones True Being, and rather prefers to not join the chasing & delighting in the chase. To each his own & Caveat Emptor. Selling Water by the River
  16. Hi Arthogaan, some material on the topic of death, and what happens on a relative level afterwards: Jürgen Ziewe http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Astral_Travel_and_life_after_death.html His Enlightenment-description in the book The 10-Minute-Moment are realistic, and he is humble and down to earth. His other 2 books and his site is really interesting, and his description of the higher subtle realms (he calls them Superdimension) are also aligning quite well with all Spiritual Traditions. Christopher Bache has some interesting stuff: "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven" and "Dark Night, Early Dawn". Darrell-Rew and Diperna "Earth Is Eden: An Integral Exploration of the Trans-Himalayan Teachings". Jac O'Keffee Maybe you will find some of these authors interesting. Selling Water by the River
  17. @tuku747 Thank you and Namaste! Any conceptual framework or teaching that inspires the love, compassion and openness shown in the pictures above is a good pointer, pointing towards moving to realizing the love of the always already here Absolute Reality, or Truth. And any teaching, pointer, communication or awakening that doesn't resonate with that is leading somewhere else. Water by the River
  18. For some artwork on the wonder and holiness of Intersubjectivity just google Alex Grey. This whole Solipsism ideology isn't really sexy. Communion, Intersubjectivity and love are such an essential part of the Kosmos. Why did the whole thing get manifested if not for that? Solipsism is true on the level of Pure Impersonal Empty Infinite Consciousness. Before reaching that, rather not... So no need to talk about it, because the separate self/Ego doesn't get to Impersonal Empty Infinite Consciousness in declaring the separate-self God. There is Intersubjectivity woven into the very fabric of the Kosmos at all levels - Ken Wilber I mean seriously, if one can't feel Consciousness or sentience in another human or sentient being maybe there is some unhealthy dissociation or filter somewhere... What is the other? What is sentient and aware in that? What is that consciousness? That can also work as Koan. And directly understanding or intuiting the answer of that Koan is the source of all love, compassion and gentleness. And why talk about it with "others" if there are none? Why post on a forum with "others" about it? And yes I know, it is all a dream. But what is not a dream? Water by the River
  19. hey, how about you tell that your next date? Sorry, just kidding Water by the River
  20. Our lord and savior can explain it: Thats why I vote for Bazooka.
  21. Ken Wilber endorses psychedelics highly in this video, when done together WITH meditation. Reality will let the psychonaut suffer in cycles (like every other sentient/separate being) until he/it finally drops at his knees and opens up to see what is everpresent and what he/it really is, and what has clouded that so far (separate self Gestalt/contraction). And that dropping to the knees can be done proactive by insight and practice, or by suffering. Normally its both, but the degree of what is done by insight and/or suffering can be chosen with the path one walks. "You Will Know Them by Their Fruits" Water by the River
  22. Ken Wilber: "The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. Somehow it just kind of closes them down. It's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it doesn't quite cause the transformation. It can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience" "Ken Wilber in "The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions" One can step deeply enough into thetimeless Now to step into another dimension altogether—just step right here, and push hard. It’s easy to get lost in those worlds, which are, at bottom, simply different dimensions and perspectives of one’s own (violet) consciousness (although, as noted, from another angle, they are all real, ontologically different realms because they are each genuinely co-enacted by a different perspective in consciousness). Given that this stage is the first great transition from “earthly” realms to “heavenly” realms (as a permanent structural enaction), getting lost in these “higher worlds” is indeed one of the most common dysfunctions of this level. The deeply transcendental, otherworldly, electrically visionary nature of consciousness at this altitude makes fixation to this side of the street an incredibly inviting and alluring venture. This is likely to couple with the dysfunction, discussed earlier, of standing in heaven and giving a blistering critique of life here on earth, with all the semiprophetic pomp and pomposity that comes with it. One of the things that often happens with these specific dysfunctions is that, after making some initial discovery of a timeless Now or pure Present (either in 3rd-tier structures or higher states), one can step into that Present and then step right through it into what seem to be endless, “deeper,” “higher” realms altogether, a kaleidoscopic cascade of universes upon universes that at one point seem to be nothing but a slight wiggle in this moment’s timeless Now, and then at the next explode into almost infinitely extending real realms that are all alive and invite exploration—with a sign on the door that says “Welcome to Heaven!” This is extremely common in high subtle and low causal states, but if it happens with structures, it tends to happen right here, with the violet meta-mind (due largely to its visionary nature). In short, getting “lost in heaven” is the most common dysfunction of this level. As a dysfunction, it is—in terms of simple numbers— much more common as a result of a malformation in high subtle or causal states (given that subtle and causal states are much more common than this high altitude, and most states, and their dysfunctions, can be experienced at almost any structure-stage). But this problem is simply the living result of the enactive nature of the real world and the fact that consciousness can co-create an almost endless number of universes, any number of which one can become fixated or semiaddicted to, with straightforwardly dysfunctional results." More on that topic in this post. As always: Review the evidence (or perspectives), and draw your own conclusions... Water by the River