Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. The radiance of the Absolute could be called manifestation/arising. That is already too "loaded" with concepts and properties for the Infinite Singularity that it really is. But check for yourself.
  2. Yes, but you are teaching a dangerous psychedelic path to the masses, claiming it as superior to anything else (including Full Enlightenment). Don't be so sure that nobody else is doing the (psychedelic) path of exploring higher realms or has done it. Christopher Bache, Stanislav Grof. Harri Aalto. David Buckland. And many more, on request. From all I can see, the forum is flooded with egos who think they are God in narcicisstic and solipsistic way. Boosting their ego, not transcending it. That goes on your Karmic bill. Read a bit of Jürgen Ziewe how these negative energies caused by the suicides and other trainwrecks when your fanclub destroys their life on a relative level will haunt you (literally) in the afterlife and next life. I live by this here: Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour. – Padmasambhava And it has served me very well. I have a beautiful life on the relative level, and the bliss of Reality has become very very stable in my mindstream. For heavens sake, stay a bit agnostic on the topic of superiority of Full Enlightenment vs. AWAKENING n+1, and put some warnings/disclaimers on this dangerous path of yours for your followers. And maybe a little bit tell your following that the ego/separate-self is supposed to be transcended and let go, and not boosted to solipsistic narcicisstic God-like dimensions. Water by the River
  3. Ockhams Razor normally delivers the correct answer. Surprises to the opposite are always welcome, but seldom happen. Smartness/IQ does not at all save from psychotic/schizophrenic episodes. Not at all. I do know that first hand from family members (luckily not my side of the family since it tends to run in genetics). Watch that fascinating movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Imitation_Game Very high (outlier) intelligence and talents often goes hand in hand with psychotic/schizophrenic tendencies. And a few hundred trips would stress/endanger the most stable psychology concerning schizophrenic episodes. I mean, Leo even wondered why the camera did not capture him as Alien.
  4. Depends on the being doing the investigation of Consciousness and its Karma. But the psychopath will be beaten by Reality via suffering until he develops more towards the end of the axis where the angel is placed (hopefully to at least some basic level of compassion/love), and preferably an enlightened on. And when you teach that kind of exploration/path to suffering/psychopath please put a big warning lable on top of it, and don't praise it as the highest goal/value of consciousness exploration or summum bonum AWAKENING n+1. Nobody with any spiritual wisdom wants to risk becoming a psychopath.
  5. Very true. See also Harri Aalto for that. But this reduction of Consciousness to "baseline/fundamental/nothing nature" is done by Leo, not by those truly enlightened. Reality/Infinite Consciousness IS everything, every realm, every manifestation, literally. So how can that be reduced to "baseline"? Nothingness, highlighting the impersonal nature of Absolute Consciousness, is just a teaching tool, a pointer. There are all kinds of celestial refined visions of how exactly Reality/Infinite Consciousness creates Reality on the fly, see Haari Aalto or David Buckland. So claiming that Full Enlightenment reduces everything to baseline consciousness (and that Leo is exploring the higher areas of the x-axis) is just wrong. But a necessary move made by Leo to declare the lower the higher and vise-versa. I am sure you would like the book by Harri Aalto "The Landscape of Enlightenment: With Doors and Windows to Our World". Enlightened as a child, consciousness in deep sleep as early adult, and now seeing via celestial vision/refined perception exactly HOW Reality/Infinite Consciousness creates this world on the fly, its mechanisms and endless realms/dimensions. Without psychedelics. All of that stuff that fascinates Leo, but Harri Aalto has that on a permanent ongoing basis, plus Full Enlightenment. Being the elephant and not only touching its facets part-time, but being aware of the manifestation-mechanism and endless realms sobre. There are cases of that in all spiritual traditions, across all times. One just has to look...
  6. With that quote from LuciaLorn I agree, because SHINING forth AS something is describing manifestation of the Infinite Absolute. One of the first manifestations and roll-out patterns for any realm/manifestation/world: Love. And of course the Infinite Singularity/Absolute is always one and always has been one with love. The essence of love is the Absolute, gold and ring metaphor. The Absolute doesn't manifest the Infinite SIngularity, IT IS the infinite Singularity, without an opposite to it. The One without a second. Not just the One. That is why in the end you can describe its manifestations, but you can not limit the Absolute by putting any (duality) word/label on IT which it is supposed to be. A word only has meaning in terms of its opposite (language IS duality), the Absolute HAS no opposite. Reality has no opposite. That would limit it. So the manifestations of the Absolute have properties, tendencies and so on, and its even ok to say that the Absolute has the tendencies to manifest in certain ways/patterns (like love). But saying the Absolute IS love is a mistake, because that would limit it. The Absolute is beyond all of that. And the hallmark of True Enlightenment is exactly realizing that, and not deviating one Iota from that. As soon as labels gets put on the Absolute as being this or that: "This or That" is a "facet" of the Absolute, an "experience"/"Awakening" of it: The blind touching the elephant and proclaiming something about its manifestations (trunk, ears, legs ...). But not truly BEING the whole elephant. There are more or less good pointers (like Nothingness, Infinite Consciousness, Absolute love, and so on) that drop being near to the summit of the mountain. But they ALL FAIL on the final step, Full Enlightenment (including Nothingness and Love and Infinite Consciousness). The final step is becoming IT, or realizing that one has always been IT, and not the clouds of the former ignorant illusion-separate-self. Death of former identity. And of all labels.
  7. That is how it looks like when one has not reached Full Enlightenment. Full Enlightenment is the realization of what everything is (Reality), and what oneself truly is. By BEING it. He thinks he has it with his Awakenings, but I agree with Inlightened1 and Osaid that he confuses the lower with the higher. Leo is busy engaging in the exploration of that which is already manifestation and form, although of the higher/highest realms of the manifestation of consciousness. But still manifestation occuring IN the Absolute and not being/realizing Absolute itself by being it fully and truly. Impersonal. And that exploration can easily become an addiction and disfunction. To ease the suffering of the ego/self-contraction that is not transcended. Hence, no Awakening in sobrestates , because the self-contraction is in the way and not cut off/transcended fast enough in real time. No nondual awakened states sobre, because the untranscended self-contraction/ego prevents it. And guess what this untranscended separate-self/ego is doing in AWAKENINGS? Misinterpreting the Awakening, and what the true self really is. Although it doesn't see that all these Awakenings are interpreted though the lense that the self-contraction constitutes. Ego = God. Wilber on that in Religion of the Future. Chapter Dysfunctions of the 3rd-Tier Structure-Views, Violet Meta-Mind: "The “visionary” nature of the violet meta-mind is fundamentally due to the growing perception that the entire Kosmos is indeed a coenaction of consciousness itself, and the present given universe, as normally perceived, is merely one of hundreds or even thousands (or more) of other worlds (and this, indeed, is one interpretation of the string theory of modern physics). On the one hand (from one perspective), these are all different aspects of One World; on the other (from another perspective), they are all completely separate and different worlds altogether. Individuals often have the sense that they can “penetrate” or “step into” one or more of these other dimensions —the world is just such a wildly open, transparent, diaphanous, sheer, gossamer, filmy place that one can walk right through it and intoother worlds. And the Present moment itself is often the doorway; it is not by “transcending” temporal duration entirely that one can penetrate to an alternative reality but by entering into this Present with more and more Presence. One can step deeply enough into the timeless Now to step into another dimension altogether—just step right here, and push hard. It’s easy to get lost in those worlds, which are, at bottom, simply different dimensions and perspectives of one’s own (violet) consciousness (although, as noted, from another angle, they are all real, ontologically different realms because they are each genuinely co-enacted by a different perspective in consciousness). Given that this stage is the first great transition from “earthly” realms to “heavenly” realms (as a permanent structural enaction), getting lost in these “higher worlds” is indeed one of the most common dysfunctions of this level. The deeply transcendental, otherworldly, electrically visionary nature of consciousness at this altitude makes fixation to this side of the street an incredibly inviting and alluring venture. This is likely to couple with the dysfunction, discussed earlier, of standing in heaven and giving a blistering critique of life here on earth, with all the semiprophetic pomp and pomposity that comes with it." And for the claim that no one has reached or explored what Leo tells about with all the Alien Awakening and so on stuff, because no one is telling/writing about it. I disagree here: Maybe check Harri Aalto, Christopher Bache, David Buckland, Stanislaf Grof and Jürgen Ziewe (and his descriptions of the Superrealms). And many others more on request. I have not seen one fundamentally and structurally really new description of the explorations he claims that has not been described before. I doubt he has read much about other explorers of these realms, and that is why he thinks he is the only AWAKE. And when he claims he is the most AWAKE on the planet: Little Public Relations-recommendation: The most awake on the planet of all those he knows, read or heard about. Or better claim clairvoyant skills (able to judge each person on the planet) right from the beginning. Water by the River
  8. If the consciousness of a psychopath and its emanations float your boat, perfectly fine. Good luck staying in awakened states sobre with the states that the psychopath-exploration-mindstream brings with it. And for all the importance of love you are proclaiming: Rolling out the side-effects of that exploration of psychpath-consciousness on your audience appears to cause a bit of confusion among the audience, and will harm some for sure. You will care about the suffering that this mindset & its actions bring. Make it harder.
  9. Excuse me ?! But there are others that get critcized and attacked at least as much (or more). And apparently they are able to stay respectful, compassionate and loving, even though they are not pushing love as an Absolute. But as an utmost important property of the awakened mind-stream, the basis of any ongoing nondual awakening. Very very close to the Absolute, and the first manifestation of it. Truth can stand on its own perfectly fine. Truth survives all lies and misunderstanding. Truth is that which always was, always is, and ever will be true. Or the case. Just because it is true, and because Truth is defined like that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth And compassion & love promoting this Truth also stays compassionate and loving all the time. If it is true love and compassion. The Love of Reality can not easily be shaken, which is what Leo agrees on in pushing it in such a strong manner. On which we agree. The only thing that pushes "its" truth in a not so lovingly and compassionate manner is.... you guessed it: Ego. And for gaslighting: How can Truth be gaslit if it is truth? A Truth that is self-evident and always in reach as soon as "one" reaches out and touches "it", being IT? "Truth" can only be gaslit if that "truth" and its proponent needs confirmation, acclamation, emotional & intellectual agreement & support, money, business, whatever. Anything of Maslows Pyramid up and down. Truth can stand perfectly fine on its own. And Absolute Truth and Love can also absolutely fine stand on its own. Although it probably hurts, because Leo has produced a lot of amazing stuff (and I agree with Inlightened1 here, until around Infinity of Gods): To judge a path, congruity between walk & talk tells a lot... That is called conduct with which one lives ones life. Which is the utmost spiritual test of any claimed realization/awakening. There is a low chance that a follower will end up more loving, compassionate, wiser and happier than his/her teacher. Water by the River
  10. Is that the love that you are preaching? The emotional state in which these aggresive and profane threats are written prevents any awakened or nondual state while doing so. You are racking up huge bad Karma for you (visible in the emotional states/energy you are writing in), and for fellow beings that follow this narcissistic solipsistic ego = God path that results. I assume the next round of severe crash & burn, suffering, and forced humility and atoning is right aroud in the corner. Besides racking up bad Karma for you, you spoil the life of lots of beings with this Solipsism stuff that makes them unable to tell the difference between narcissistic ego and their True Being (impersonal, nondual, infinite and free). Narcissistic solipsistic ego is not God, it prevents True Realization and the path towards it. Actually, you are setting them up on the exact opposite path, contrary to transcendence and deeper into narcissistic ego/contraction/separation. Doing that corresponds to the activities of the gentlemen with style that is represented by three number (between 5 and 7) that your Awakening live video shows. What does the gentlemen with style do with the human tool once he is finished using it? Can't you see that? For me it appears that the universe is using you to a) either to make a severe warning example out of the narcissistic solipsistic ego = God and mainly psychedelic path and where it leads (suffering, misery, egoity, narcicissm, and genereal meaness) or b) show catching the corner and finally wise up towards the True Realization that Inliytened1 and Osaid tell about. What the outcome will be I don't know, but you are playing with fire and your own life here, and you know it. Contemplate if version a) or b) is better for you personally. You will never change the realizations of Inliytened and Osaid and their testament of it, because they know the source. It is available to them anytime always. All the best Water by the River
  11. @Breakingthewall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question That style of "reasoning" in the first quote is really fun. You don't know what Raspberry is....that is why you say that, Raspberry is undefinable...therefore...everything is Raspberry. Raspberry is ONENESS therefore it cannot be broken. Raspberry cannot be contrasted, because Consciousness, Imagination, Nothing IS RASPBERRY Hm, ok. Raspberry is a bad idea.
  12. hey, lets not loose the humor, lightness, and manner/style, and lets admit that the only AWAKE is Bazooka:
  13. If you believe it or not, there are actually some who have free sobre access to these nondual awakened state (any time) that you get on psychedelics due to longterm meditation practice. In my case that was over 15 years and 1000s of hours practice. And that is exactly the problem of the psychedelic path: One gets the nondual states, but not the hundreds of hours in them necessary to get the separate-self fully transcended. Not to even talk about the 1000 of hours emptying and transcending the separate-self/ego-mindstream to get to nondual awakened states going in the first place. Ever wondered why you don't have that these awakened nondual states in daily life? And why you return from the nondual state when your trip wears off? Untranscended separate self elements. I believe you when you write that its hard for you to make sense of my messages. I can't write easier about these complex topics. You can find in my archive many posts argueing against making conceptual castles in the sky of the Absolute. At some point concepts have to stop. But not before. Meditation Practice is actually cutting off each and any conceptual arising. For a really good show of trying to think ones way to the Absolute in a conceptual style, I guess there are plenty of examples of that here also.
  14. I agree that in this way an enlightenment experience can be misused for form an enlightened-person/enlightened separate-self. That would be an Awakening/an Enlightenment. But: The nondual state can become permanent. From peak to plateau to permanent. And then, when having rested long enough in awakened nondual states, the separate-self remains can be seen through/transcended/cut-off for good, and the True Nature of Reality and oneself can be directly realized. And that is then called Full Enlightenment. That normally happens after a long time in awakened (and already nondual/unity) states in which the remains of the separate-self are gradually transcended/dissolved.
  15. There is something called Tummo in Tibetan Buddhism (Six Yogas of Naropa), a practice that influences the subtle energy system and boosts awakened nonconceptual states, in later phases nondual awakened states. And various other energetic pratices. Without the foundation of Trekchö (or cutting the conceptual) mindstream, or something like that, I can not imagine that a mainly energetic practice is as efficient as these practices combined. Both combined are powerful tools, which I can confirm from personal experience. With Kriya itself, I don't have experience besides a few books I read. But the energetic techniques have strong parallels.
  16. Pretty much every meditation traditions differentiates between the preliminary awakenings/enlightenments (both words used) and the final big shift. The former ones prepare the mindstream for finally understanding what lies "beyond" (called Final Enlightenment or Great Enlightenment in some traditions). To grasp what is beyond the boundless nondual field, one first needs to have experiences of that boundless nondual field (called Enlightenments or Awakenings). The totality can not be grasped from a partialized/dual perspective. These initial nondual unity experiences are the unity of a still existing separate self (however refined/empty that is) with the boundless nondual field. That ripens then towards True Nonduality with no separate-self remnants. And in these awakened nondual states the big shift can happen.
  17. The books from Daniel Brown. Good starting point is pointing out the Great Way, then Heart Drops of Kun tu bZang po. Wilber, One Taste.
  18. Somehow that reminds me of: Nietzsche: God is dead. God: Nietzsche is dead Ever considered there is something beyond your current level of Awakening and Understanding? Or do you declare you are done and seen it all? No more n+1 Awakenings with maybe the chance that something new shows up, something which pretty much all who came before proclaimed possible? Your style of argument has reduced itself to claims without any arguments. Ever noticed? Sure, not everything can be put in language, but a lot can. And for that which can not be put into language because the referents of experience are not there, the injunction/experiment to give the refent-experience can be given. Yes, and I know, I am not AWAKE. Whatever that currently is.
  19. I have no proof concerning the Rainbow Body, yet I personally believe its legit in some cases. Essentially that happens from longterm Dzogchen Trekchö/Togyal-practice, which is essentially stabilizing enlightened/awakened states when the visual field has become nondual, infinite and mere groundless appearance (Tibetans call that clear light. Very similiar to Bucklands or Haari Aaltos descriptions of divine refined perception) on a sustained basis. Basically Full Enlightenment, and living from that state in a stabilized way in daily life for a long time (Ken Wilber peak-plateau-permanent).
  20. All good and valid points you write and ask. Finally, you have to get there to fully answer that for you. The Absolute is unmistaken. Depends on the definition of Nothingness. Most cases claiming No-Self, or Emptiness, or anything like that is not the full Nothingness, but "something/somebody (quite subtle)" perceiving some "emptiness" or "void". (That something goes from identifying with emptiness instead of the persona to being in nondual Unity with the field and the separate-self having become so empty that it is just a very subtle feeling and nothing else). That is not the true nondual realization or True No-Self. That of course sparks a nightmare of not matching definition. A good pointer to the Absolute is Nothingness in the meaning of not describable in any way (no opposite), which is the same as truly infinite. Some call it Infinity, but that can also be something else. Even before having these realizations in place: There is some logic to the intuition that when there is literally nothing there as separate-anything (no center, lense, feeling of a separate anyting), or in other words impersonal empty and in nondual Unity with the everything arising, then from this boundless nondual Unity the Absolute can be intuited or realized what is beyond that. Because how can one understand what the nondual bubble of the visual field is (or what is beyond it) if it is not already nondual? That beyond is NOT consciousness (of something), because there is nothing there to be consciousness of. Consciousness can arise in IT/Absolute/You when something manifests or moves. And that can be very subtle. It has the capacity for awareness, but only if something arises. That is what he means with the following: He uses here the term Infinite Consciousness as the container of manifestation. It is a question of how to use the terms. I have read Bucklands book, and his term/realization Parabrahman fits nicely to the Absolute. Before that (or a stage below) in his system comes Brahman, or the totality of manifestation, Ken Wilbers upmost lower causal. He wants to avoid that people imagine a dry nothing as the Absolute when using the term Nothingness. Nothingness correctly used as pointer implies this Pure Divinity aspect of Infinite Potential for manifestation. And here he says that Nothingness is not IT. On which I agree, because Nothingness is only a pointer, and used in this way it isn't IT. The Absolute is, as Nagarjuna has already defined it millenia ago in the Madhyamaka totally undefinable, without opposite, always present. So technically, it is not even as Nothingness. And Buckland equates the Absolute with Pure Divinity (another pointer signifier, pointing to a referent that is a realization that a being can have). That is why the pointer Nothingness should be balanced with the pointer Infinite Potential if there is a risk of mistaking it for nothing/emptiness/void. Yet, they are all only pointers (including pure divinity) to the referent. Yes, pretty confusing. Because the terms (like Nothingness, Absolute, Pure Divinity, and so on) are not defined, and used differently by different authors. What all agree on: For the Absolute to be realized the separate-self-arisings need to go/transcended/cut off/ died to on the way there a Nondual Infinite Unity develops including all that is arising (Enlightenments, Awakenings along the path) And from this boundless nondual awakened state the Absolute beyond it can be realized (Full Enlightenment, knowing what one truly is, sudden shift or insight what Reality or oneself truly is. Final, and the rest is relative stuff that can be explored). The Absolute is unchanging, uncreated, timeless, infinite and so on, and contains all the rest of relative manifestation which is in nondual unity with it, and of the same essence. So from there on, it is all relative or manifested stuff. That becomes clear with that realization. And with that realization, one can go live ones life in peace, reorient the invidual body-mind top to bottom to confirm to that realization in daily life, and if one wants go exploring the endless wonders of manifestation or its manifestation mechanisms, or help others, or go grow a beautiful garden. In other words, live pretty happily ever after. Those who have not seen the end of the path as that beyond all changing states need an endless further ladder of higher awakenings/states/experiences/understandings/whatever (and of course proclaiming these as superior to finally getting rid of all the ignorance covering the Absolute/ones True Being) to ease the suffering and grasping. Which in my humble opinion describes the show going on here quite well.
  21. Well, I understand and agree to all what LuciaLorn writes. The are Awakenings/Enlightenments towards the Shift to Full Enlightenment, and fully realizing what one is. Before the full shift, these insights are still interpreted through the lenses of a separate-self/agent/lense/filter, however subtle that may be. Most traditions clearly have this order of Awakenings/Enlightenments (realizing facets of the Absolute), which then culminates in Full Enlightenment, or understanding the elephant fully by being it. The rest is then just relative stuff to explore (or not). Ralston is clearly writing from Full Enlightenment. That decisive deep shift or Realization is indeed not gradual as the Awakenings/Enlightenments before that. And it is unmistaken.
  22. If the imaginative capacity goes so far into the schizophrenic that it reaches the description of sentence 1 and 2, one would probably have to admit that the question at the end should be considered to be answered towards the positive.
  23. That quote from Lucia Lorn is spot on. I like the text and her statements. It may seem that Nothingness gets emphasized, but only to avoid any projection of remaining separate-self elements on the Absolute. Which is indeed rampant here. And does cause and will cause more suffering than necessary. For the Absolute, it has a precise definition: Take away all relative manifestation, manifestation of any kind, no arisings at all, and the Absolute is still perfectly "there", like it always is, always was, and ever will be. Timeless, eternal, infinite, the only "thing/non-thing" there is and ever could be, no "other besides" it, One without a second. That is what is fundamental. More fundamental than the relative manifestation, which can be gone. The relative manifestations/arisings arise in in the Absolute as it (nondual, same essence). And if that realization is always available for a being, that is the summum bonum. With Nothingness I don't mean something limited to the fully empty states like Nirvikalpa (Wilber causal states/stages for example, deep sleep, and so on) and so on, but realizing that Infinite Always Here Truth while the world & visual field is there & active and maintaining it while doing so, or True Nondual states. Of course, the Absolute is also present in fully empty states (causal states) by definition (see below). With True Nondual States I don't mean Unity states with separate-self elements still going (these are also already nondual, but with separate-self-elements still going on). But fully empty nondual states, having passed the causal/Nothingness Gate, no separate-self left. Concerning the ring and the gold example: What sense does it make calling/equating the ring (relative manifestation) the "Absolute", which is defined as everpresent and unchanging and always true? The Ring is not always the case! When the Absolute is supposed to be Truth (defined as always the case), it has to be unchanging and always here, never not here. And IT indeed is.... Calling the relative Absolute is technically wrong, because it is not unchanging and always the case. The relative is contained within the Absolute and is of the same essence, like the ring and gold example. Sure that Absolute (or Nothingness or Being or whatever one wants to call it) has potential for awareness/sentience if something arises again, and the potential to manifest that. And infinite intelligence and love, and so on. But first and foremost the Absolute is that which it always is, timeless. And then comes the properties of that which it manifests, and the ways of doing so. When describing gold, we can say it has the potential to form a ring. But first and foremost, it is gold. Most beings already confuse themself with the ring, and can benefit from pointing to the gold. More than being pointed towards how that the ring is made/manifested, which intelligence made it, about other bigger rings, the love for the ring and how other rings are manifested/imagined, n+1. But the gold: That gold which is always eternally the case right here right now, never not been. Which is by the way the textbook definition for Ultimate Truth: Always true or the case. The Relative is not always the case, and therefor not ultimately true. Truth = that which is the case. But to make sure that one really becomes that on a deep identity level shift with no separate-self-elements (ring-elements) still left projecting onto properties of the Absolute (gold), Nothingness is a near perfect term. That is why the Nothingness/empty/impersonal/silent aspect gets emphasized in all meditation traditions, because if that is not realized (or become), one is not what one truly is, but still ignorant with separate-self-arisings blocking the full realization, which makes it impossible to "touch" it and rest in it stable in daily life. So used with that meaning, Nothingness emphasizes these aspects of the Absolute that one needs to fully realize it. Or let the separate-self finally and truly die. That is the price to pay. Which only seems like a price before it happens. If that is refused and belittled, or declared outright non-existant, suffering will go on. Selling Water by the River
  24. If these passing states are all one has, and "touching" the Absolute as ones True Being by just "feeling" into oneself and into Infinite Reality (when Its presence "seems" lost, which of course it never is, but it can be covered under various "clouds" of separate-self-arisings) is not possible, clinging and suffering in circles is unavoidable. And to make onself a bit more comfy in that misery, various coping-ideologies come handy... Until that becomes also tiring. Or this life comes to a conclusion.