Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. Well, then one better starts with the 5 hours. Are you planning to get physically tortured this life? Or real mental hell ahead? If not, I assume it would be quite useful to be able to transcend/cut-off everyday psychological suffering via resting in the bliss of ones true nature... or:
  2. . All animals are equal, but some of them are equal than others.
  3. No. One can very well talk from an enlightened state. That would be your interpretation of that. I never wrote it in that undifferentiated way. Once realizing the Absolute, one can start living and stabilizing in that/from that. The relative is infinity. Nothing final there.
  4. non-CONCEPTUAL direct Awakening. At the moment of Enlightenment there is no you nor a framework...
  5. That happens at the moment of Enlightenment. Doing it before is like throwing the ladder away before reaching....
  6. And that is why you roll out your own paradigm/set of beliefs (above). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performative_contradiction Ever heard of non-conceptual Awakening? Non-nonceptual nondual awakened states? What you describe in your post is just a set of beliefs. Awakening and Enlightenment promises something beyond all these conceptual games. When one truly awakens one can throw away all ladders/conceptual frameworks. Until then one better has good and encompassing /integral conceptual worldviews. And paradigms/worldviews/ladders that deny the possibility of the destination of the ladder are... pretty comfy. Nothing to transcend just stay where one is....
  7. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
  8. Excellent. I agree. PTSD caused by chronic pain has strongly direct body/stress impact. It doesnt mean Adya is in automatic psychological resistance (psychlogical resistance suffering) to that. Apparently, some here like to deny the possibility of that - and the possibility of truly realizing ones True Nature. Why denying this potential? Probably because it would mean its necessary to actually seriously engage in regular practice of transcending the self-contraction/ego. Sitting down and meditate. Building conceptual castles of declaring Ego=God and no practice/transcendence/meditation necessary and sometimes doing psychedelics is a lot easier than actually seriously undertaking long-time transformative practice. That would be all fine and well, much better than doing nothing spiritual at all. But declaring that higher as the transformative/transcendence path needs a lot of denying and blind spots. Including denying and blind spots on the topics of psychological suffering/resistance to what is, and enlightenment. Which is exactly what we can see here... A challenge to all of these aficionados: Sit down 5 hours and face the wall. Bored or resistance? Well, there are the ego arisings to be transcended/cut-off, delivered free house.... Too annoying or not enough will-power? Bored and unable to push through? All fine and well. But then please at least some honesty and integrity on the topic of what is possible and what not and not all these defense-mechanisms of the e**. Seriously Selling water by the River
  9. @vibv One more point on the relative level: It also continues on the relative level pretty much like forever. You will probably like the material of Harri Aalto and Jürgen Ziewe.
  10. Doing that after Full Enlightenment: Can work and does work. Separate self and its regularly occuring suffering gone/transcended. Can generate its own bliss with onboard-devices/awakened nondual states WITHOUT needing specific experiences for that. In other words, total freedom & love. Can do whatever its inclined to celebrate manifestation, including helping "others". Doing that before Full Enlightenment = easing the regular suffering /non bliss emotions caused in cycles by the separate self/ego illusion Gestalt with chasing experiences (this time, quite high up Maslows ladder, with transcendental insights/awakenings/whatever n+1). Doesnt work and can't work. Same project as any other unenlightened being is performing unsuccessfully in a myriad of ways ( maslow pyramid up and down). The mechanism described above works with mathematical precission.
  11. I like what you write. Nearly all of it, although I had to get used to it . Your comments about Ketamin-therapy were fascinating.
  12. Because IT is what I am, always have been, always will be. Never have not been. Absolute. Like Ralston said: IT is not an insight, IT IS you. And all possible reality. And all the other insights you can have are about the relative fireworks of manifestation WITHIN True You. That includes for example even reflective self-awareness which some call (self-) consciousness. Sure, Awareness is always there, but if nothing arises no consciousness (of). Just potential for awareness then if something manifests again. Same holds for all insights. They can be switched off/taken away/forgotten, and True You (the truly Infinite) still is there, like in can't be not here. That is btw the only "safety" there is. Immortal (or better: always here like in can not not be here) but only as truly empty pure nothingness-awareness (with infinite potential for manifestation). That is why even clinging or grasping for any insight in the end only is suffering, because it will disappear. How can one blissfully exist in that where each and every manifestation will disappear? By BEING that what one truly is: Pure Impersonal Awareness/Infinite Potential. And the deaths leading from a separate self illusion to that pure impersonal awareness/suchness/nondual totality have to be truly died/transcended. The false illusion arisings of being separate, or anything specific within the totality. Grasping for more insight/exploration is the opposite direction.
  13. If that is truly case you have done well. And if the"I" in the sentence is also seen through, you can pour tea in the cup like the older guy below. And if you are so inclined, then you can write a filibuster like yours truly. But not before. But better do the move with the tea. Or talk about one hand clapping. Way cooler than the Filibuster...
  14. Then it was by definition not the Absolute . Maybe you should check how Absolute is defined. Realizing the Absolute comes with the realization that there CAN be nothing further. Yes, CAN be no further. And why the "CAN be no further" becomes clear with that realization. That is what makes this realization unique and final. It can't be put into concepts. If what you describe above turns out later into "something beyond is possible" it was not the Absolute but just a conceptual idea that this Awakening was final. As long as a further or beyond is not fully impossible the Absolute is not realized. As long as the "CAN be no further" is not realized its not full Enlightenment. But a facet, a fragment of the elephant. An Awakening or smaller/not full Enlightenment. The signifier Absolute is used too often without understanding its implications. Long story short:
  15. You dont know that. What I describe in my last post works by a different set of rules than the conceptual assumptions in the quote above and in your post. Consider practicing towards actually fully nonconceptual and nondual awakened states in daily life. These will ripen then. Then you will see and realize, if Karma has it this way in your future.
  16. And all those who proclaimed they realized their True Nature and the nature of all possible realms/Reality (aka Absolute Reality) in Full Enlightenment, which happened in all culutures in all centuries since millenia, and which tended to manifest extraordinary states and impacts on their fellow humans and surroundings... Well, all of them were deluded.... ?! And another misunderstanding concerning the final nature of Full Enlightenment: The exploration of Manifestation (and besides the Absolute Infinite Reality everything perceivable is manifestation arising in it) or existence as a mindstream or perspective or being that has realized its eternal true nature (which is of the same essence as all of infinite Reality/Being) doesnt stop, it rather starts, but from a fundamentally different basis: from caterpillar to butterfly. The former separate self illusion truly dead (no exaggeration, replaced by the potential to truly live as the Nondual Totality/Being). Can the caterpillar anticipate the existence as butterfly? Apparently a rather difficult task. Actually impossible, because if it would it immediately would be a butterfly. So True Enlightenment is not the end of the exploration and celebration of infinite manifestation/imagination, but the start of it.But since ones True Nature as the Pure Impersonal Infinite Nondual (in infinite unity with this and all worlds arising in IT) Suchness/Awareness/Reality/Being is present/accesssable all the time (since the separate self building blocks creating the illusion and preventing nondual states have been transcened/cut off, like localization, center, beliefs of being anything specific, all I-thoughts and I-feelings)... all of that happens without any remaining delusion/ignorance (PURE empty impersonal Awareness/Totality/Being) and without suffering/grasping for ever more experiences/states/understandings. Or in short: It feels very blissful, while anything that came before sucked/caused suffering and dissatisfaction (in cycles) quite a lot. So its not either (full) Enlightenment OR exploring infinitely more of Infinite Reality. But its enjonying, exploring and celebrating all of that, but after coming home to ones True Nondual Being. No need to construct any either/or. That was not your point, but a perspective of others which I adress here. So allow me one question: who in his right mind would reject the wonderful potential of this structure/stage (or manifestation of very continues wonderful states/insights into Truth and bliss)? Short form: Reality/Absolute/God is perfectly well able to understand and realize its essence (and that of all Reality also), and to understand how it fooled itself with this dream and its nearly endless illusion-mechanism. Who if not God/Reality/Being could wake up to its true Being if not itself? And if that can be done right here and now sobre without any remaining filters/illusions in the way it is called (full) Enlightenment. And IT either realizes itself fully or only facets (which is nothing other than not fully woken up). Selling Water by the River
  17. Well, the fascinating manifestation of the Absolute is going on within the Absolute: The Relative . Never denied that...
  18. Look for yourself. And maybe check how Absolute is defined. The Absolute contains the "whole thing", or the relative stuff. The essence of the relative is the Absolute (gold and ring metaphor). There is nothing besides it, nor can be. As long as the Absolute is not realized there is reasoning along the lines you mention.
  19. Can't get more Absolute than Absolute. The rest is relative/manifestation. Fascinating to explore if one is so inclined. Confusing Absolute and Relative only brings unnecessary suffering.
  20. So it appears he has chosen suffering again. Considering the last cycle time it wont probably take long. The nadir of each cycle looks more dramatic each time, like a downward slope towards (Alien?)at-least-questionable-non-sanity. Well, Truth is Truth, and in the end humbles each separte self illusion and brings it to its knees. On one side its unfortunate and unnecessary suffering, but on the other side Spirit wants exactly this show. Else it wouldnt happen. My nowadays pretty non-grasping preference would be a happy ever after for him, but who am I to have any preferences on the ways Spirit manifests its mysterious ways. I do admit that there is mild rejoice and relief in my (relative) being in not being confused on which side holds the Truth. Guess that is the blessing in going from younger years to middle years, having walked a long path of practice on an authentic millenia old spiritual path, which many before have successfully walked to their True Eternal Home. And indeed apparently it seems to feel very much at home everywhere the journey goes. Self-evident Absolute Truth is always right here, right now, always in reach. We are staying during holidays in a nice old castle hotel at the edge of a sandstone-mountain-cliff during vacation in Cesky Raj (Bohemian Paradise). Which is a lovely name and aligns quite well with the way this blissful infinite pure nondual Reality that has become so always available right here and now... Water by the River PS: Truth... an interesting thing... "Sooner or later that debt is paid". Always.
  21. Something lets the Gateless Gate go "not today darling". How hard it is to spot which elements of his relative vehicle could cause that is in the eye of the beholder. Anyways, I which him good luck in all his endevours and in finding his peace.
  22. Well, (full) Enlightenment doesnt "work" like you describe. It is unmistaken. It is exactly not the kind of conceptual thoughts that you describe in the quote above. Nor is it any other kind of thought arisings/concepts. But directly realizing and being Absolute Reality with the former "you" and all its building blocks/arisings seen through and died/transcended.. But of course no one can transmit it with words, and it can only be understood after it happens. The degree of peace or suffering that Absolute Reality lets happen in the individual mindstream is a good indicator of the transcendence achieved so far. And there is no fooling the Gateless Gate. Infinitely intelligent Reality and such...
  23. ?we dare to cross the limits of sanity "Mr Bond, The distance between insanity and genius is only measured by success.” Elliott Carver