Water by the River

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Everything posted by Water by the River

  1. Nancy disapproves and turns in her grave. and...
  2. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bnLNkG6uR-w and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62NxnqT17rM
  3. 1. in Thisdells stage-system stage 3. Classic Nonduality with individuality/"I" still intact, although a bit emptied out. "I" "am" pure Consciousness/Everything/Reality/God/whatever. The Godself. The I extended to cosmic proportions. Or I am God. Or infinite ET. Or whatever. Either way, often not for the faint-hearted. Franks take on that: 2. is normally this here: Stage 4. A "murky" Individuality still left, making that stage still contradictory, and... still suffering with resistance to what is. And stage 5 is the end of the game: Yup. And since all of these stages can sound quite similiar, there are a lot of possibilities to... end up halfway up the mountain and declare it summit. And still suffer/resist what is, and declare that unavoidable. Selling Water by the River
  4. Did the poor chap maybe watch to little Kenneth et al.? Or did he watch too much? Or didn't he take it serious? Or too serious? So many questions...
  5. Because for most, as you wrote, they are concepts. Ideas. Thinking. Replacing an old worldview with a new one. And concepts won't help when the Boogeyman comes.
  6. I would recommend listening to these videos a few times, and clearly noticing the differences from stage 4 to stage 5. Stage 4 seems totally empty. But it is not. The cycle you describe is typical stage 4. vs.
  7. vs. I don't know a single case where stage 5 has been achieved without a looong meditation practice getting rid of the subtle remnants of stage 4. Because it takes a long time (for most) at the awakened nondual states of stage 4 to get rid of the most subtle remnants of the separate self. Psychedelics get one to stage 3 (nondual Unity Godmind), or in more sophisticated cases to stage 4. The difference between stage 4 and stage 5 is the death of any and all separate self identity in real time. Not one single subtle element of that sticks any more and is not seen trough/cut off/ seen as moving within oneself. And there are many very subtle elements that can prevent realization. And the difference between stage 4 and 5 is earth-shaking. That is why its called Enlightenment. And that prevents the clouding over you describe.
  8. http://hauntedpress.net/What_is_Enlightenment.html "Feel what it is like to “not be there.” The real breakthrough will come when you “feel” the truth. It's creepy, not blissful or ecstatic. It should scare you, the body should react defensively, or there could be uncontrolled laughter at how stupid you have been for so long. It's like one of those 3-D dot pictures - you stare and stare at those dots until, bingo! - the hidden picture emerges. After that, you can always see it; it can't be unlearned. It's the same with enlightenment." and, maybe the most clearest of these videos Colette Davis: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2wckwKSZme/ https://www.instagram.com/thatbeyondduality/ Feel any similiarities? Internally, its perceptions perceiving themselves. The former persona moving like the wind in ones boundless nondual Being, and sometimes not being there at all. Nobody home. Literally the Totality perceiving itself, nobody home... And its not the nobody home of Avril Lavigne... It is the nondual infinite boundless Unity/Being, the Fullness of Infinity where nothing could ever possibly lack, which is not separated by a separate self cutting Reality/Being into subject/object, inside/outside, higher/lower...
  9. The Infinite Reality/Universal Mind/Being is in nondual unity with its (temporarily and always changing) appearing manifestation. Since there is no constant object (none, it all is in flux and changes), one could call it temporary illusion. The Infinite Reality/Being containing and manifesting/imagining it (like dreamer in a dream) is the constant, although it literally is formless. Yet, it has the potential for the illusion/manifesting creation, and also for awareness/sentience/self-consciousness. And that potential awareness becomes consciousness/self-aware if manifestation happens. So yes, all you write is correct. Although you separate the empty Reality" bottomless present that is. totally empty of any content, without meaning, sense, purpose, cause, finality. It's only now, bottomless" a bit too much from its manifestation/form, which you mention as " It is the cosmos that lives, monstrously alive. Is that an illusion? I don't think so, seems absolutely real, is the infinite manifestation, as absolute than the empty being. what do you think?". I dont't know if I got you correctly and if you mean it like that, but it reads like that. The manifestation is as real or unreal as anything else. It is temporary, not constant, so in the end illusion/appearance and not "out-there". But "real" as appearance. The potential to manifest is the potential of Reality itself. But it doesnt need to do that to be. What it is for sure is temporary and changing. Reality/the essence of True Infinite Being is not changing. Although it is formless. Most often: Reality = formless Reality/Being + manifestation also possible: Reality = formless infinite Reality/Being + NO manifestation (cessation, Deep sleep) not possible: Reality = no formless infinite Reality/Being + manifestation The question is always: What is more fundamental. Or constant. Or timeless. Or always here. And do I identify with that on a deep level, in daily life (truly nondual then, and nobody separate home), or with passing arisings. The arising of (self-)consciousness is NOT constant, see for example deep sleep or cessation. Any form of I-feeling/I-thoughts (these can be very subtle) is non-constant arising, or not ones True-Self. Any form of resistance to what is right here right now is also just false-separate-self/resistance/arising/illusion/ignorance. And if the not-from-this-earth- consciousness is also just an arising, temporary form of (self-)consciousness, and with that a manifestation in True Being/Reality.... well...
  10. And maybe the illusion continues like that? The show changes. Infinite Being remains. Nowhere else to go. Nothing outside. Infinite Formless Being always already, containing/manifesting all form/show... And that obvious realization is the liberation of Enlightenment. Deathless and eternal. Reality/True Being will stay eitherway, whatever may arise again. Nowhere else to go.. And not everyone is a OBE-explorer like Jürgen Ziewe: A monk asked a Zen master, “What happens when you die?” The Zen master replied, I don’t know.” The monk said, “What do you mean. Aren’t you a Zen master?” And the Zen Master replied, “Yes, but I’m not a dead one.”
  11. "This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend The end of our elaborate plans The end of everything that stands ... Can you picture what will be? So limitless and free ... This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend The end It hurts to set you free But you'll never follow me The end of laughter and soft lies The end of nights we tried to die This is the end" So. What is the end?
  12. I always ask myself with whom the Solipsists/Infinities of Gods are writing/talking. Just kidding. I know with whom ( :
  13. Nobody at home. Only boundless Infinity. Try doing that with a monkey mind still well and alive!
  14. ... and then (and only then), the entire universe is the home of your True Self. Very good. Bon voyage.
  15. So what is the elephant?
  16. Bye bye 10th ox picture. I mean, what do the Zen/Chan guys know? They only did "it" for millenia...
  17. The reason is when "one" is too fascinated with wave-surfing on the River/Ocean (Awakening n+1), that "one" (separate-self arisings) prevents the Realization of being the Ocean. Of dropping into it and fully dissolving in it, as it. Or Enlightenment. Fascination with wave-surfing, or surfing/awakening to Infinity of consciousness exactly prevents the transcending of the last (very subtle) separate-self lenses/arisings/filters/centers. Because that arising of this fascination IS the last separate-self lense/arising/filter/element. But to get tired of the fascination of wave-surfing, go wave-surfing. Its absolutely fine, since for most that is exactly what is necessary to get tired of it. Selling wave-surfing-by-the-River-to-get-tired-of-it
  18. Right. So, everybody please buy the course (seriously). And find out if it makes one happier than the seller, like in "end of psychological resistance to what is", or pretty much happy ever after. If yes, all is good. If no, everybody can continue on their chosen path of deliverance. Which, coincidentally, happens anyway. Mostly not on the most direct path, but following all the windings of the River to its very end, when it dissolves in the ocean... So, both ways, all is good, and exactly how its supposed to be... Selling Water by the River PS: Leo has also created so much good content for free that pretty much everybody who can afford can balance some of this debt by buying the course. And it will open some interesting doors/areas for sure.
  19. Does an ant have Buddha Nature? Does a rat have Buddha Nature? Does a human have Buddha Nature? Does an alien have Buddha Nature? Does an alien (n+1) have Buddha Nature? Exactly. All of these little Koans work if concentrated on long enough... And then: Is the Buddha Nature of the ant different than that of the alien n+1? Not its contents, or the objects or n+1 understandings it is holding within its field of awareness. But its Buddha Nature, its essence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha-nature "Buddha-nature has a wide range of (sometimes conflicting) meanings in Indian and later East Asian and Tibetan Buddhist literature. Broadly speaking, it refers to the belief that the luminous mind,[8][9][10] "the natural and true state of the mind,"[11] which is pure (visuddhi) mind undefiled by kleshas,[8] is inherently present in every sentient being, and is eternal and unchanging.[12][13][14] It will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, that is, when the nature of mind is recognised for what it is." And can that nature of the River (what one IS) be realized multiple times? The always changing n+1 eddies in the River for sure... Selling the same old infinite eternal Water (or rather ageless, since its never touched by time at all) by the River. PS: I made it easy, used Buddhist lingo. So please shoot ahead at the River, will produce some interesting impact-eddies for sure... Have a nice Sunday everyone!