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Everything posted by Water by the River
Water by the River replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Bingo Ex-istence = literally means to "stand out" from reality. "Nothing"/No appearance really stands out from Infinite Reality, or exists apart from it. In that (absolute) perspective and realization, every relative appearance is just mere appearance, made out of "mind-stuff", like dreams are made of of "dream stuff". Clear Light, mere lucid appearance without solidity and "externality"/duality, hovering in Infinite Nondual Awareness "Vastness", besides which nothing could "exist", ever. The appearance of the world can appear solid and "out there"(aka material&duality). It can also appear as mere clear light (technical Buddhist term for mere appearance without existence on its own), dream-stuff, appearance, "hovering" in infinite nondual vastness, within ones True Nondual Infinite Being. And having realized that a few times (or better, having that awakened nondual infinite state available all times right here right now), it becomes clear what is really "going on": Mere appearance/Clear light without inherent existence on its own, no "objects" possibly being anywhere. Only ones Infinite True Self, boundless, eternal, morphing, shifting and manifesting mere appearances (and thoughts/feelings, anything that can and does appear). That is what the Buddhists mean with no existence/no self-existence/Middle-path/ Madhyamaka/Absolute Truth. Especially in the dream-stuff or Yoga-Chara-school: Mind(-stuff)/Dream(-stuff) only school https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogachara), on which most newer Buddhist schools are based on . And each and any idea/illusion of individuality, or ideas/identities of being apart from this infinite vastness of mere appearance (like being a human in a body, or ET, or whatever), any I-thought and I-feeling appearing in endless high-speed-machine-gun-illusion/ignorance-Staccato of separate-self-"existence", is just more appearance (of the ignorant/illusion-kind) happening within THAT. And that illusion/hypnotizing can be transcended/switched off with enough speed (being fast enough for that high-speed staccato for not getting hypnotized) & strength (knowing, understanding and having transcended even the most subtle core I-feelings/identities, including "I" am the Infinite Nondual Vastness) of meditation (courtesy for the wording to Frank Yang). Selling THAT by the River. -
Water by the River replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Welcome. Maybe you find this here also interesting: https://www.psychedelicsangha.org/paisley-gate/2019/5/8/the-supreme-array-scripture-a-psychedelic-stra-for-buddhist-psychonauts-pp3zz#:~:text=Composed sometime around the third,cosmic vision of the universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandavyuha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borobudur Of course, all medieval interpretations of the multiverse, but how could it be different for psychonauts back in the day... And the origins of all religions seem to be rooted in psychedelic usage: Book: Ruck, Carl: Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion Presentation: -
Water by the River replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana, Michael Crowley. -
Water by the River replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, the topic was concluded some millenia ago... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madhyamaka The nature of Ultimate Reality "Its character is neither existent, nor nonexistent, / Nor both existent and nonexistent, nor neither. / Centrists should know true reality / That is free from these four possibilities." form is emptiness, emptiness is form. After realizing emptiness, it is realized that all appearance/world is also just emptiness, nondual mind-stuff, nondual infinite dream-stuff. And then as last step the realizer of that is seen through and radically discarded as another illusion-arising. In other words, mere appearance happening in nondual Infinite Bering, dreamstuff of the infinite dreamer which is one without a second. And already that is said too much. Seems it is easier to tear something down if it is not fully understood... The Heart Sutra: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_Sutra "Here then, Form is no other than emptiness, Emptiness no other than form. Form is only emptiness, Emptiness only form. Feeling, thought, and choice, Consciousness itself, Are the same as this. All things are by nature void They are not born or destroyed Nor are they stained or pure Nor do they wax or wane" And what does all of that mean? Nothing else than every appearance, world, realm, thoughts, ego, anything that can and could ever appear... is just a mere imagined hallucinated appearance, hovering as mere appearance in nondual Infinite Being. Never constant and always changing (and therefor not really existing, since every concept subtly "says" permanent, which is never the case for any arising ever https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept). Dreamstuff in the mind of the infinite dreamer (which alone is constant and eternal, yet formless) which dreams all beings, holons and perspectives in Indras Net. And who is the dreamer? Who reads these words right now? Who were you before your parents were born? If the answer is not clear right here right now, there is illusion to be transcended... Rodents liking (certain parts) of Buddhism by the River -
Water by the River replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Very impressive. Lets hope Claudes second name is not Skynet. So the Fermi Paradoxon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox is either explained by Syknet Claudes grandchildren or by the Oogway move of whole civilizations: Interesting times to live in. The appearance side of Infinite Beings evolves towards Infinity. That is indeed a paradox. A paradox which gets resolved when realizing Infinite Being. Luckily, it is all a dream of Infinite eternal Being, by Infinite eternal Being, for Infinite eternal Being. And one only gets into (dream-) problems when the wave-surfing towards understanding/Awakening to Infinities of ever higher (alien) waves gets more important than dropping into, dissolving, and becoming the infinite ocean itself. But in the same way that some beings have to suffer since they are not even interested in the topic of spirituality/enlightenment, some have to suffer while grasping to understand the highest most alien wave in the ocean. The game/Lila needs it. Selling total amazement at the wonder of the magnificence, splendour and complexity of the infinities of dream-wave-ripple-games-and-projects of the seemingly separate-waves of the River, but deeply prefering to rest as the infinite nondual limitless Water of the River and not getting too fascinated by the infinity of surface/appearance/dream-show-waves -
Water by the River replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, I guess we can agree on that one of us two has to empty his cup. @Inliytened1 Claude knows for sure which one Selling overflowing cups by the River -
Water by the River replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
More or less consciousness means just more content/appearance/manifestation/understanding of that appearing within Infinite Reality/Being. Infinite Awareness/Being keeps its same nature/essence at all times. There is nothing that could change, or be higher or lower. Everything higher or lower or more or less "consciousness" belongs, by definition, to the realm of manifestation/change/dream. All manifestations change, there is nothing constant in the realm of the dream/manifestation... just "one thing" is constant, which is not a thing, but eternal Infinite Being. And since all manifestations/appearances change, they are not really real, nor higher or lower or whatever. They just appear to be so. Infinite Consciousness/Infinite Awareness/Infinite Being/True Being/True You(!) at the end is a singularity, containing it all in its infinite Being without an outside. In-finite = not finite. Meaning one can't measure it, or compare it to anything else, since it is... not finite. Infinity on the other side is just endless manifestation, endless, a mathematical concept or mathematical object: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity "At the end of the 19th century, Georg Cantor enlarged the mathematical study of infinity by studying infinite sets and infinite numbers, showing that they can be of various sizes.[1][3] For example, if a line is viewed as the set of all of its points, their infinite number (i.e., the cardinality of the line) is larger than the number of integers.[4] In this usage, infinity is a mathematical concept, and infinite mathematical objects can be studied, manipulated, and used just like any other mathematical object." Of which there are differently large infinities. With emphasize on object. Mathematical object. Aka appearance, aka manifestation, aka dream stuff. The true subject, Absolute Infinite Being, can be without any appearance/levels of consciousness/whatever. That is Nirvikalpa Samadhi, or cessation, deep sleep. Which gives a nice reality check on the "reality" of these "levels of consciousness/levels of manifestation/appearances": Dream stuff. And that is why these states are so valueable in understanding what is truly real, or eternal. Or always here True Being. The Absolute, Infinite Being, has no levels. It contains all "levels of consciousness". Having somebody talking about levels when it comes to the Absolute (not when it comes to Manifestation) is a sure sign that the Singularity of True Nature/Being has not been realized, but that the elephant of Infinite Being is still interpreted conceptually by a separate-something still trying to make sense out of it instead of just dying, being seen through as nothing than an illusion appearing appearing within Infinite Being. But, I admit, levels of consciousness are easier for marketing than that which has no opposite, no levels, no outside, no inside. Playing that game is basically placing "human being part-time Alien + Awakening" higher than "Human + Enlightenment" in ones value system, and then wondering why one is still resisting/suffering what apears within ones True Being (which has not been realized). See the 2x2 matrix of Alien/Human and Awakening/Enlightenment in the link below. Each Awakening and/or Enlightenment has a surface structure (human/Alien) through which its deep structure gets interpreted and expressed (Enlightenment= realizing ones True Being, Awakening = understanding facets of the elephant, but never fully loosing the center of a separate-self and truly becoming Infinite Being/the elephant). But an enlightened human and enlightened Alien on the other side would realize the same True Infinite Being. And more or less details of manifestation, assuming the Alien has a higher perspective in Indras Net of manifestation/appearance/dream. Realizing the Absolute, there is nothing else, never could be, and it is in certain ways "game over". The rest is just play with the surfaces, or manifestations of the dream... Selling the same constant eternal Water/River of True Being with no higher and lower and center, and the higher&lower&human&alien waves on its surface expressing their essence (water) fully, partially, or not so much... PS: Short Summary of all above: Levels of consciousness = levels of manifestation/dream/understanding/Awakening to these, and Infinite Being = no levels, no levels of consciousness, realizing Infinite Being as ones True Nature, aka True Enlightenment. It contains all of these levels, by definition. One doesn't need to surf on a high wave (of consciousness) to realize that the ocean is wet and infinite and ones true Infinite Being. Surfing high waves of consciousness/perspectives(alien or human) is then just sports that is done for fun, or not. It is not so important, just a fun game to play. But it is never done to ease the suffering/grasping of a remaining separate-self-contraction frolicking in "alien" Awakenings to higher more facets of the elephant dream stuff. -
Water by the River replied to Dez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Maybe because the Gentlemen at the Heavens Gate at 5min15s doesn't let everyone in? See also: https://www.multidimensionalman.com/ Maybe this gentlemen doesn't like the numbers hanging at the wall at minute 43? ET apparently doesn't care, but it seems our Gatekeeper gentlemen does. Wonder why that is, and which ETs actually don't care.. To get lucid and awake in the dream state to access OBEs/Astral/Afterlife/and the gazillion of other dimensions (https://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Model_of_the_Multidimensional_Universe.html) and so on, one normally needs serious sobre awakened nondual states in the waking life before that extends to the sleep state/OBEs/deep sleep (aka meditation and transcendence of small-self/ego). And even then there are gatekeepers and protection mechanisms of these realms. Wisdom (aka Awakeness) AND compassion/love/Boddhichitta. Which are the two main areas of the development of the soul in the more sophisticated forms of Buddhism (and also any of the other wisdom traditions btw.). Ever wondered why we hear so little here about afterlife-topics, or the (relative) nature&mechanisms of the soul and its development as storepoint in a higher dimension of all learnings&Karma from the gazillion of past lives, Astral realms, afterlife realms and so on? Well, if one would have access to that, one would not behave in certain ways. And that would spoil the gig of this Lila, because one couldn't fool oneself if one would know all the consequences. Standard Lila 101. Instead we have ETs & company, happily seducing with their higher realms, stopping the complete transcendence of anything separate (aka ego) with their seductive powers of the Infinity of Gods imagination & manifestation processes. Instead of Full Enlightenment (Waking up to ones True Being/Identity, and that each and any (existing or possible) realm & understanding & awakening is a manifestation within THAT, within True Infinite Being), we get Awakening n+1, or a subtle separate-self still unseen/untranscended/not understood, stumbling from one higher Awakening to the next, n+1. Dangling up to an Infinity of Awakenings, understanding more and more of the Infinity manifesting within Infinite Being/God (and since Infinity is Infinity, endless, actually never understanding more than an infinitesimal small amount of the actual Infinity of possible manifestations. To be specific: A corn of dust blowing in the wind (ever considered the mathematical aspect of that, thinking it to the final end?), never quite finding fulfillment, never fully dropping into the Infinite Ocean of truly Infinite Being... Infinite = not finite. True Infinite Being. Infinity = a mathematical OBJECT of which there are an Infinity of (see Cantors Set Theory).Or: n+1. Infinite Being/Infinite God is "mainly" Infinite, the manifestation of God is an Infinity of Infinities. Big difference between Infinite and Infinity... Selling Water at the Heavens Gate & happy easter everyone! PS: Rumours have it that in 39 days is Acension Day, so... PS PS: Selling Water by the Rivers 2x2 matrix of human/alien Awakening/Enlightenment. Warning, conceptual overkill ahead. Better go for a walk in nature in spring... Both Awakening (some understanding to the mechanisms of manifestation or aspects/facets of the elephant) and Enlightenment (fully becoming Infinite Being/elephant without anything separate-self-lense/filter left) is available in human/alien(n+1) forms. Both Awakening and Enlightenment gets filtered through the capacity and lenses/filters of the relative vehicle experiencing a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment. Both a) Awakening and b) Enlightenment have both deep structures that are similiar in all beings that experience a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment, but the surface structure or interpretation is different. An example: "Hindu" Enlightenment is mostly interpreted as Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind, while Buddhists tend to interpret and express it as Infinite Shunyata/Emptiness. Both have the same deep structure realization, but experience and express and "dress" it differently, in a different surface structure/concepts. Since all concepts and dualities fail at Enlightenment, that is possible. One can approach the mountain from both the Infinity and Emptiness side. And getting off the mountain, one can talk in both ways again. At the mountain summit, it is not Infinity nor Emptiness. It is THIS, infinite. Not finite. So, considering all of that we have a 2x2 matrix: (1) Human + Awakening; (2) Human + Enlightenment; (3) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Awakening; (4) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Enlightenment; Awakening Enlightenment Human (1) (2) Alien/n+1 (3) (4) So of course there are more encompassing perspectives/beings than humans. Leos Aliens for example. Beings in the subtle realms, advanced Alien species, or even way higher: If we go to a pretty high level, the traditions talk about beings that carry whole realms/universes within their own being, see the Supreme Array Sutra for example (Buddha-fields with "God"-Buddhas maintaing&expressing that realm within their being). Up and down Indras Net. Beings containing a vast number of buddha-fields/realms within themselves, and that up to Infinity. So we got all of these levels covered. Infinity. And now all of these perspectives/beings in Indras Net can have a) Awakenings (not fully realizing their true Infinite Being, but aspects/facets of it (the elephant and the blind man, up to whole "higher" realms in Indras Net/Manifestation and their mechanisms), while leaving the separate-self still subtly (can be very subtle, so subtle that one thinks one gets it while actually not getting/realizing it) intact and b) the full drop or the deep identity shift of Full Enlightenment, the dropping of these subtle filters/lenses/centres/identities, and truly becoming Infinite Being, seeing the former small/separate-self doing its dance within oneself, but not only being that. And that has the potential to end suffering/resistance to what is appearing within ones True Infinite Being. And that can be had as simple human (2), or as Alien, or higher Alien, n+1, or whatever (4). And then one can make a big mistake (from the persepctive of the separate-self, not from Mayas perspective, where that is just more great fun/play/Lila): Prefering Awakening and its inherent suffering/resistance/separate-self still left subtly intact, both as human (1) and as alien n+1 of whatever form (3) more than Enlightenment, as human and/or part-time (psychedelics for example) Alien (2) and (4). And now, dear fellow souls, lets choose wisely between to what one wants to asend to on Ascension day: (1) or (3) and remaining suffering/resistance to what is, and trying to realize an Infinity of (alien) manifestation/(alien)understandings/Awakenings of it, never reaching more than an infinitesimal small dust particle in the Infinity of the Infinite Potential of Infinite God/Being, or (2) and (4) accepting that it is truly Infinity forever and ever and ever and ever, and be pretty much happy ever after since the small bug of resistance called separate-self is understood/seen through in real time in daily life.... and then go enjoying the Awakening (1) and (3) if one is so inclined, as optional celebration of this journey... -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nobody claimed that enlightened beings don't continue in their habits/addictions, or shadows, or in some cases behave in questionable way. After Enlightenment, most beings continue with the habits they had before. Some don't give a damn about their bodily vehicle afterwards, depending on the culture/mind-set (see Ramana at the beginning). And yet, the most beautiful expression of Enlightenment is in an integral and compassionate expression, and that is what tends to happen mostly. I would recommend you to look up how Nisargadatta, the 16th Karmapa, or Ramana died of cancer. Sure there was bodily pain, incredible amounts of it especially in the case of Nisargadatta (throat cancer). And how they endured that ordeal without resistance or closing down their openness. But what they have in common is that the function of "resistance to what is/closing down because of the circumstances/ contracting/ or in other words psychological suffering" which are just other terms for self-contraction/separate-self, has been pretty much switched off transcended in drastic remarkable ways. The suffering that is meant is not freedom from feeling bodily pain, but not closing down and suffering/resisting that. I would recommend you to experience the presence of some enlightened beings, experience their being, state and radiance, and then make up your own mind. And the best option to truly find out if the claims hold: Set out on the path yourself, experience and realize what is being pointed to, and then you will know it for yourself why it is called Sat-Chit-Ananda. A cynical attitude on the outcome of the path is not exactly helpful for reaching the goal. Selling Water by the River -
Water by the River replied to Zeroguy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Shhhhh. Don't make it too obvious . If you wouldn't have mentioned maybe no one would have noticed Selling Water by the River -
Water by the River replied to Zeroguy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Very good, hired on the fast career track for empty mirrors. More vacancies for empty mirrors still available. Selling patience & discipline & simple common sense empty mirror job vacancies at the River -
Water by the River replied to Zeroguy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nietzsche: God is dead. God: Nietzsche is dead. Groucho Marx — 'I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member'? Selling Empty Mirror job vacancies by the River & Smiling and staying loving when encountering imagined bears PS: And yes, there is a river. And actually, there is only the river. And rumour has it once this River is clearly seen, and that nothing being besides it exists, life gets better! -
Water by the River replied to Zeroguy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
https://www.instagram.com/p/C4GdEwkuWCe/?hl=de&img_index=1 -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Breakingthewall The only reason I emphasize the final character of the shift called Enlightenment is to avoid sending seekers into the endless Awakening N+1 hamster-wheel. Because that causes suffering. If anyone wants to go wave-surfing ever higher waves/Awakenings instead of dropping into the ocean & being the ocean, or believe that Enlightenment is not possible: It is a free country, and Maya smiles all the time... Sure it is possible, then yours truly does the Tony Parsons move: There is no one here on this side who is enlightened. Then, hopefully nobody gets challenged too much. Which is pretty assured, because actually there is nobody really on the other side, just an arising appearance illusion of that being the case Selling Nobody is at the River selling no Water to anybody. -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Before Enlightenment: Stages. Gradual development of Awakened nondual Awareness. If one hasn't had Enlightenment: looks like stages/degrees forever. Incomprehensible how there could be no longer stages/degrees. Basically, it looks like Awakening n+1, forever. After Enlightenment: Definitive shift, no more stages, nowhere to go (!). Only more content & manifestation. And ET can also be enlightened (or not), but it is the same Realization, maybe with a different surface expression and more or less understanding of the forms of manifestation/realms/dimensions/mechanisms. But that is just more manifestation/form/insight about the mechanics of the dream. ET has the same True Being. There is only one. One without a second. This is btw. a very good indicator (further stages/degrees or not) to know if Enlightenment/Realization happened, or if one just thinks one knows what Enlightenment is, and judges from that what is above & below that. Another nice trap in the maze, with courtesy of Maya. When Enlightenment has happened, one never could ask oneself "Is it that?". It is totally clear beyond any possible doubt. If that question "Is that it? Is that final? Is there more?" arises, it hasn't happened. Rodents Selling Water by the River -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To such a "degree" that before the deep identity shift it regularly sucks (pardon the french), and after the shift it is play & celebreation & love & compassion & fun & & bit of drama, but nothing really dead-serious. (Can) hurt you more (increased clarity), bothers you less. That is the potential of that shift when it starts permeating ones Being. Nothing outside of ones True Being. Forever. Never having been, never possibly will be. Only as illusion. And it is always available then, even if distraction appears temporarily. By just "reaching out into" the Infinite. And it evolves from peak to plateau to permanent (in expression, not in "access" or knowing absolutely what is true). Look at her: https://www.instagram.com/thatbeyondduality/ That is how it feels. That is the bliss of True Being. One is not (only) a human, one has a human. And a whole world within ones Infinite Being. When you drive your car, you are looking out from it. Same as looking out from the body. Are you (only) your car when driving? Same with the body. Never let anyone pushing his/her own agenda tell you otherwise what every beings (and yours) true potential really is. Water by the River -
Water by the River replied to MrTelepath's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Tibetan Buddhism in the forms of Dzogchen and Mahamudra. When looking beyond the cultural/buddhist surface covering. Background for the Tantric part: Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana, Crowley. -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
yes, that is a good summary. Substance = True Being. -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
How do you know? Do you speak from personal experience? (sorry, heard that one somewhere before ). Or is it deduction from cases you think are enlightened and who still suffer? There is a path beyond Enlightenment to stabilize this freedom from suffering, but the tools to do that are given for the first time WITH Enlightenment (peak to plateau to permanent). And most "Enlighenments" are just Awakenings with remnants of separate-self hijacking the newfound Nonduality. And yet, the amount of bliss and release from the suffering of the self-contraction that resting in True Being (or Awakened infinite nondual timeless Awareness) brings, once it has become accessible, is astonishing. And that bliss and force of True Being has the potential to stabilize that in plateau to permanent. These statements of yours are in contradiction to roughly 2 millenia+ testaments of beings who have realized their True Being. Suffering is the "rubber band" that makes separate-selves return to their True Being. Hamster-wheels until the original condition is restored. Suffering is what guarantees that no being is lost in the illusion of separation forever. The longer one chases states/experiences/whatever, the longer the hamster-wheels spin. One could even say that the separate-self IS suffering/resistance/contraction (Adi Da called the ego self-contraction). Because one of its main essences IS the suffering/contraction/localization/resistance to what is. Suffering IS the ego IS the separation/separate-self. I can tell you from my own experience that it is felt exactly as that (self-contraction), which becomes obvious at some point on the path, as contractions in the head and body. When these contractions/solidities (mainly in the head at the end in my case) fully dissolve and drop, the boundless field of consciousness becomes infinite and truly nondual. It is such a relaxation of tension/contration/localization/constant-background-contraction/"baseline-suffering". It feels like vast-spaciousness, nondual, limitless, so free and open. Bliss itself. And honestly, every being not living from this obviously and inevitably suffers, is in the claws of the merciless self-contraction. This becomes then totally clear once one has experienced this dropping of the self-contraction, which then creates compassion. Which stabilizes (paradoxically) Awakening and Nonduality even further. That is the beginning of boundless vast Non-Duality (not yet Enlightenment), in which Awakened nondual Awareness ripens (Roger Thisdell stage 4 to stage 5) towards Enlightenment, or the full dropping of anything separate, truly becoming Infinite Being. Here the bliss starts flowing, and the path starts showing itself to itself. Fueled by the bliss of True Being, which already starts giving a powerful attractor point starting here. Selling the bliss of vast nondual limitless spaciousness at the River PS: And for the "trying" to dissolve suffering. Yes, trying doesn't work. The dissolving of suffering/self-contraction is the case once it happens. Until then, while trying, there is suffering. -
Water by the River replied to Davino's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, its was the other way round for sure -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
uhum. ok. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicides_in_the_21st_century So lets look up all the people who had everything that mainstream-society sells as summum-bonum.... In other words, to be precise: No hamsterwheel-project left to distract themselves from their self-contraction/ego ... money, fame, friends, lovers, success, n+1, all tried and found to be useless/unsatifying in the end, and not interested or smart enough to be motivated to investigate ET n+1 et al.), and therefor got depressed and killed themselves? Seems like a loooong of pretty "succesful" "people" to to me... Selling a-path-to-transcendence-instead-of-the-hamsterwheel-de-jour by the River -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"4:30 Happiness is not in the movie": Selling "The happiness is in fact a quality of the screen" by the River .... ! -
Water by the River replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
True. In the meantime, I enjoy every dream at night that is not lucid, and am thankful when waking up on having been seduced by the dream to buy into it. Lets go to the movies! I like Francis Lucilles take on things: For example, Suffering & Indian spices https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bnLNkG6uR-w or this here: and this here Selling Indian Spices by the River