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Everything posted by Egodeathrow

  1. I don’t feel like these articles ever give the most robust explainations of what actually occurs consciousness wise during mania, It’s psychedelic and enlightenment experiences are possible but it can be refined and made more comfortable and navigatable, and it is just that bipolar people are not nurtured and encouraged enough during childhood and they have power behind their consciousness fueling everything they do yet it is not acknowledged for the profundity since non-bipolar people are not experiencing it to an extent even though most people are experiencing dynamic emotions on a daily basis. I cannot stress enough though how much you need to learn how to navigate the mania head spaces though because they will show you enlightenment insights and facets but these people are often living such shitty lives that they put their survival first so do not actually adjust their lives after the awakening even if they realized that they are god or they are the universe or nothingness (all possible insights of bipolar mania from my experience)
  2. @How to be wise that is exactly how cultural science works, It is all accumulation of info from other people and cross referencing of other peoples past proof
  3. It was exactly what I needed and I found Leo’s videos in 8th grade right when I first stated to become existential, Although I was watching all of the practical meditation videos so really that no bullshit guide to meditation and all of Leo’s meditation practice videos in like 2017 and earlier mostly lead me running in circles, Now Leo has a much more nuanced and god awakened idea of meditation, Not like sit down rigorous meditation, I mean you can do it but it’s not necessary, Anyways it really just depends on how deep you are willing to go, I was able to handle quite a bit even as my identity would begin to crumble I was able to have cessation experiences as early as 14 years old but I have always been openminded to the paranormal and I have been astral projecting and having higher consciousness experiences and awakenings even since I was a really young child so I have felt these state changes before and have been pretty successful at manipulating my altered states, I am 18 now btw
  4. What is an archetype or concept that I need to integrate into this moment? What types of energy’s are neccisary to integrate into my aura to enhance my personality and presence to emit more loving energy?
  5. @Leo Gura Consciousness and infinite mind
  6. I feel like sometimes I get the vibe that a lot of Leos more practically framed insights are often what Leo is trying to really tell his old materialist and rational self, I feel like Leo also converts back to the stubbornness of the materialist paradigm at times too you can just see it in his face when he says " airy fairy" or "new agey" he is really talking about his own personal history of how he used to talk to himself about the mystical, so I feel when Leo does this it actually pushes the pendulum too far in one direction and I feel like it actually is really frustrating to watch Leos videos with a mystical or stage yellow mind because it is clear that so much of his effort goes into convincing materialists and making sure to make it practical, I hope you know Leo you don't have to try so hard to frame your videos for materialists or people who want an absolutely stripped of mysticism direction to self actualization and even awakening, it is absolute nonsense and really no matter what since leo is so smart and intellectual he will always be framing his videos for people who are obsessed with practicality and just think being practical is a given in this sort of human paradigm we take for granted where we need to survive
  7. @zurew it isn’t nearly as hard as your thinking of it as, If you don’t hold materialism in your mind it simply doesn’t exist, The raw content of your experience was never physical, so you need to be open to just dropping it on a whim because it is much more possible than you realize since it is just an idea in your head that you are literally projecting onto the experience, Try to do the most earthy things and see them as non-physical and unearthly,Something as simple as taking a step on the pavement or grass you have a whole narrative about how the core of the earth is pulling you down and there is no core in your experience so it is as light and airy fairy as any other belief therefore it can be dropped just the same
  8. @Thought Art I disagree, I do not see soil as material nor do I see human life or even survival as being material, And you have never seen a flower grow in your life, It simply exists in the moment of you watching or smelling and you are mistaken to even label it a flower since it is not a perception or a thing but just a wake up call to the present moment like the colors and everything are existence without substance or reason, So even though you are looking at a so called flower you actually should be aware simultaneously that it is not a flower but just a figment of imagination. The soil as you are scooping it into the pot to plant it is what deceives you about the nature of flowers as a finished product, Because that causality is wrong, Flowers are not outsourced by anything except just what it is. Just saying it is material is an extra layer of labeling that really is just incorrect when you really are present looking at a flower. the flower is just made out of life/universe/god, Even the scooper of the soil should know that it isn't really soil he is scooping but just his own mind. So I don't buy into your reasoning because there is nothing convincing me that this room I am in is material and not just existence shining forth uncatalyzed by any sort of big bang or birth or start and finish its just my own mind and it is blatantly obvious because it is almost like the recognition of your body in the mirror it is just an inexplicable recognition of your own imagination powers to spawn these hallucinations like flowers or a human body or monkey etc...
  9. Ok thank you for clarifying, I understand the bind the diversity of people creates for any teacher because some people can be just completely off track or epistemically opposite of what they should be so those people are the densest egos to penetrate so in a sense you should pop the biggest ego bubble possible because that is where the center of mass is in terms of dense and rigid consciousness, Stage orange I mean, Orange can get refined into almost yellow but you can tell something is missing and that's the love or spirit in these folk, So you have to give the most deluded people the most bitter pill of truth because they are the ones that need it the most
  10. @Cykaaaa that is comparative as well so what is wrong with teaching solipsism so long as the audience is part of the ultimate subjects or God's dream? There is no rule to say you cannot teach while being conscious of nobody, Its actually quite an engaging dream and is something God is gonna inevitably gonna be done because everyone feels they're qualified to teach whether it is there survival agenda or worldview, so really just be conscious of nobody when you are watching any video just see the shapes and hear the sounds and don't think of it as being outsourced by the outside it is all happening in your dream and the dream is giving birth to the dream through the vehicle of the teaching itself, Like your smartphone for example while you are watching the video is god in that moment. There are definitely more stage yellow and turquoise viewers, than Leo probably expects and I think it is a bit underestimated how many systems thinkers and beyond watch this content
  11. @Inliytened1 Fair, but I think this is a genuine concern in terms of bias and preferences taken for granted, And as long as one is watching Leo they need to have concerns about the perspective he is coming at his more practical advice because some of it is actually just preference and Leo is not always right about relative stuff even though he is right about the absolute
  12. I want you guys to take this seriously because this isn't just a given or an objective orientation, This needs to be questioned because if leo comes falling back to orange all the time I will have to start deriving these insights myself, Because leo will literally fall back to the blunder of the brain even! he still talks about the brain as if it even existed in the relative dimension which it does not! not even relatively does a brain exist so why try to frame it as such even for something like a nootropic video or a video about how imaginary heavy metals get caught on a brain when even if this has consequences if you are adamant of being healthy and physiologically educated and wise it still doesn't make it justified to talk as if a brain exists to accumulate foreign material
  13. @WelcometoReality wow you saying that really makes me realize how much I half ass my relationships
  14. @Leo Gura Leo, Each time I hear you talk about NDE’s and Astral Projection I cringe deeply because it shows me that you are not actually as comfortable and experienced with the navigation through hallucinatory and content heavy states of consciousness , They are something you need to toy with and experiment with more because you have been avoiding them, I can tell, You know like the type of warped perception and visual mindfuck you would experience on maybe shrooms and peyote, I just think you need to get more familiar with the character of these particular states because it seems in my opinion that you talk like you only do substances that bring a clear and direct god realization but without all of the content like how you say you get near zero visuals on NN DMT, I feel like that is just another reason to try more visual psychedelics to fill in the gaps because I really think you still underestimate the healing power and phenomenological potential there are with psychedelics with a pronounced visual character, These seem to have the most potential for astral projection if you ever feel like giving that a whirl( you can do it I know you can do it just gotta get deep inner body relaxation and go into hypnogogia if you are wanting to try it sober)
  15. Also I don't think Leo knows what he is missing with THC edibles, He would feel differently about THC products after trying them and sort of pulls it out of his ass as something that he can jump to as an example of something that lazy people do and in all seriousness he just is not exposed to the effects of weed and he wouldn't be able to speak about them without seeing past the way other people use and respond to the substance although I bet he would have a very clean trip maybe a bit of twistyness and visionary offshoots but I know he wouldn't just have a sit on the couch and relax high, You will have insights into infinity from angles you never knew existed from other psychedelics just because of the bodily effects being the main function on your body accompanied by a strong headspace
  16. Weed is good in my opinion if you are going into astral projection or new meditation techniques that involve moving energy /visualization. Weed has been the greatest tool for visualization I have ever found and the closed eye visuals are highly vivid and energetic and can be even more enhanced by letting yourself slip into hypnagogia during a meditation and you can get into some seriously mindwarping nondual trances. That is just me tho, I still get weed highs that show me a new facet of consciousness or new approach to awakening/integration after 2 years of near daily use and it has consistently put me in a waking lucid dream state especially with sativa strains or edibles life just becomes clearly a dream and it is almost on par with becoming lucid in a night time dream and it can be nearly the same intensity as how that feels
  17. @Leo Gura I really think there is a well of insight waiting for you there, You would extract alot out of the experience with that alien crown chakra of yours
  18. i use weed for astral projection and it works very well, It is good on another level once you combine hypnagogic void states and you basically got a waking lucid dream
  19. I have watched this video at least 7 times over, I love the description of paradox and how deep the no-self component is in spiritual Awakening, Obviously Steven still has a couple offshoot takes that are honestly just opinions of his, This is clear to me, He has a lot of personal disgusts and hatred and I am not sure if the awakening has really percolated through his ego but I may be projecting that, I just would like to get some other perspectives on this man just because I haven't seen him mentioned much on this form and his core metaphysics is right I just don't get a clear enough picture of whether he is love realized or conscious that reality is a miracle for example. What did he get right in this video and what did he get wrong? I would like some perspectives
  20. I prefer subliminal audios layered many times! You can seriously program yourself like this to an insane degree
  21. You can have your body dissolve in astral travel,The body doesn't have to be here for experience to take place, I lose near all sensation of body during hypnagogic/image streaming meditations
  22. @BipolarGrowth This made me think of you oddly enough, Seen your posts around the form and I think I made a mental link to your being and the video
  23. @Fearless_Bum I think there is a higher order multiplicity and regeneration quality of oneness that makes divisions very real, It has to be an infinite division tho, It cannot be just a couple times of mitosis, It divides and deconstructs itself endlessly till it ends up right where it began
  24. Also, I feel like the facets of reality weed really shined light on for me is that life is a dream/nothing is material and that existence is a miracle and that reality is a strange loop liminal space (That is an insight that is a little unique to me since I have a personal karmic connection to liminal spaces)