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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. so that's your final analysis? If that statement is correct, it means that Truth exists. Even if the statement ''There is no truth'' turns out to be correct, that means the statement is Truth, right? So Absolute Truth EXISTS. ITS ALL THE ONLY THING THAT EXISTS
  2. @Anna1 I'm interested to know more about your realization. How is your daily life generally? Especially I know wanna this. When you remember about 'I', what do you actually refer to instantaneously/naturally at first shot? To objects of consciousness or to the witnessing presence?
  3. Finally someone said it! I remember an interview of Peter Ralston where he was asked why he doesn't use sales pitches like love, compassion etc. He replied that he doesn't wanna mislead people by alluring them with irrelevant stuff. Also I remember from Jed Mckenna books where he points out that the true spiritual teachers only has Truth. But the students are there for all sorts of egoic purposes/love/bliss/ecstasy/self aggrandizing etc. Thats why there is huge communication gap and almost no one wakes up. "We don't have what they want and we have what they don't want''
  4. What do you mean by "We are all one"? Irrespective of circumstances, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, karma; our witnessing presence shares the same qualities. Unattached, self-luminous, nondual, limitless, without any phenomenal quality, always present unconditionally. Beneath the folly of our characters and positions, its the same knowing, same being, same witnessing presence.
  5. Beautifully executed! No. Maybe it's like reverse wiring of a habit. You are basically unhooking yourself from the pathological habit of grasping and clinging to impermanent appearances(which has no substance/reality other than name and form). When you expose and familiarize yourself with the Truth over and over again, that unexamined sick habit dissolves and what remains is the absolute, pure essence of you. An unaltered, undistorted, natural being.
  6. @Highest In Hindu text, the Existence aspect of the Absolute Reality is referred to as the SELF. It is impersonal. But it is called the self because that's what you ultimately are. On other hand, Buddha used the term no-self as one of the three marks of Nature. If you observe your experience non judgmentally, you can discover these 3 marks yourself. 1) Impermanence= all your experiences are constantly changing. Nothing remains constant 2) Anatta/no-self= there is nothing called a 'me' in any experience if you observe it carefully 3) Suffering= yet if you cling to experiences in spite of impermanence and anatta, that very clinging is your ego and you suffer from everything because your clinging is on totally false grounds
  7. I think it is a very powerful opportunity to transform one's life through this month long retreat type event. Think about it how much growth is possible if you take full responsibility and make a commitment to turn out to be a transformed human being after a month. Fasting, healthy diet, building discipline, staying focused all day and not giving in to any form of hedonistic distractions, powerful prayers and surrender multiple times a day, contemplating death, practicing compassion, helping the poor etc. You are doing these things every moment of your day for 30 days straight. Sounds like a consciousness leap to me. And the best part is you can be supported and do these things collectively with others if you have a religious family. No one is gonna judge or isolate you out. But the irony is, the devil spoils the best tools most effectively first. How much this tradition now has degraded with dogmas and misunderstanding. In my country (Bangladesh, a heavily muslim populated country) Ramadan is like the most profitable business month. People's hedonistic consumption and close-mindedness increases at least 4-5 times than other usual months. If only people could comprehend the divinity and opportunity of this month. For me, I feel like this month can be the death of one's petty little self and rebirth as a integrated full human being
  8. Sounds reasonable. May I know how you are undertaking this journey? What techniques/formulas would you recommend if someone decided to take full responsibility and start this journey?
  9. Interesting. Is this journey towards no thought/awakening voluntary or involuntary? Is an individual in complete control about how much he wanna move forward and how slowly/quickly? Or is it something that is out of his control and all he can do is to wait and see how things progress?
  10. So would you consider that 'absolutely no thought' is the final enlightenment? Is that something even possible? Or is there nothing called a finishing line..just more and more degrees of no thought/awakening?
  11. @Outer Are you enlightened? (this isn't a trick question. Just curious)
  12. 1) 2)
  13. As I was doing a combination of self inquiry and mindfulness with labeling, I came to a direct realization that what I call 'me' is just a combination of experiences(Mostly subtle inner feelings)...just groundless, hollow experiences. What I thought as alive turned out to be another experience when I inquired sincerely. Right that moment I realized what I call 'me' is just inert, dead, meaningless objects/experiences. What I thought I was, is already dead. In other words, it was never alive. Then the realization came that Life and Death both are mental constructs. Life, Death these are just empty words which really doesn't point to anything real. Just like a thought, these are more concepts.
  14. Exactly! I think I got confused as we understand the same words like self, whole in different meanings. Anyway what I really wanna convey is that we can't know for sure what realization will happen when by thinking after meditation sessions . The only valid path is honest observation and the insights will come on their own accord.
  15. I have no idea. Its just silence without any discrimination. even the thought 'I am observing' is also gone. I think this is the state I need to familiarize myself more and more until a irreversible breakthrough occurs. That's not how I do self inquiry. I tend to release all sorts of notions about ego/whole/nothingness/enlightenment etc. I just observe my direct experience and I consider every single movement of perception, thoughts and ideas as experience. I think its helpful to let go of these notions if you wanna keep up the observation. Or else the all theories about ego,enlightenment etc keeps creating more thoughts and expectations which easily can lead to frustration. That sounds like an obsession with the physical body to me. I mean I feel boundless sometimes and why should I bother myself about this limited body? I feel like the only reason we have a physical body is to transcend it, not to make it a permanent abode. thank you
  16. @tsuki Thanks for sharing your realizations. So much to look forward to..yet its all here
  17. I honestly don't grasp what you are trying to convey. All I saw was that what I knew as reality/me is just a bunch of experiences glued together. When I sincerely looked at an experience, nothing called 'life' was found in there. No matter how subtle or intense or quick that experience was. Whatever I pointed to was yet another experience, there is nothing called 'me' which is alive. And when 'life' does not make any sense empirically, 'Death' does not either. If you now ask what is the 'experiencer' if everything is experience? I would say I have no idea what that experiencer is. Whatever idea I have about that experiencer is yet another experience. All I feel is that I exist. But I don't know what it is that exists. Even that feeling of existing is another subtle experience. mind=fucked
  18. For me, it started as an escape. Developed as collecting interesting ideas and rationalizing myself with delusion. Until... Reality as I knew it started slowly collapsing and I literally started feeling like a rabbit caught in the jaws of a lion. That was the moment I realized, "oh shit I got caught!"
  19. Yes. Thought always says it's telling truth. But when observed, its just another experience with added story
  20. that which does not have a distinct reality. All experiences. My true self which can't be communicated. Then again.. The distinction between "real" and "unreal" is an illusion Like Nisargadatta Maharaj said, these cock and bull stories are provided until the truth is realized