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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Good for you. How old were you when you decided to take full responsibility and started freeing yourself from everything you already know? Was there something specific that drive you in this journey?
  2. Sometimes I feel like all these changing or improving the world themes are a mere fool's errand. At best, it can serve as a convenient, fabricated cock and bull story made in your head in order to mobilize yourself, actualize yourself in this world. I mean just while writing this message probably thousands of people all over the world died of hunger, suicide, war, illness etc. along with a heavy heart shattered by tremendous level of suffering. And I am not even counting billions who are suffering psychologically/physically more or less right now. In the end, its all about you. You're not changing shit. Thats your self made story to fool the lazy aspect of yourself. You are only changing you. By praying for the whole world with an open heart, it's you who is changing and becoming more loving, conscious. The world minds its own business. Thats why I said that this world is your training ground. You go to the gym to mold yourself, not to clean and worship the gym
  3. I actually learnt this from studying Swami VIvekananda's lectures. So yeah its from Vedanta. You can bank on that
  4. That's how deluded motherfuckers can be born
  5. @MarkusSweden There is a theory in Vedanta which strictly treats the Universe as a nonexistent/unreal dream. There can never be something called absolute good in the world because manifestation itself is relative. So the instruction is given to systematically renounce the world and ultimately ignore it. The world is your training ground. The only purpose of this world is to use it and realize that your identity has nothing to do with it and thus transcending it altogether. Let the world run it's endless cycles of good and bad. So yeah..'humans' will never learn. Someone has to play the devil and make this world a living hell. Or else this place would be like the perfect heaven and no one would inquire towards Truth or higher Consciousness, right? EDIT: After all, we only know about the limited time on our earth. We have no clue about what happens for eternity before and after that. Do not assume that this world is your permanent abode. Its not.
  6. This was probably of one of the most breakthrough insights you could share with us. These last few days have been fresh and new thanks to contemplating on this awe inspiring Intelligence. This concept is motivating me even more to observe myself in a new light. This is allowing me to observe myself non judgmentally and making me slowly realize that even the dumbest of thoughts, self sabotages, self deceptions and neuroses are witnessed and sustained by Infinite Intelligence. Solitude has been more enjoyable than ever. Looking at nature, trees, animals from this surrendered state brings forth a feeling of awe and appreciation for Infinite Intelligence within seconds (I know its nothing compared to your existential orgasm during your direct insight but still it feels refreshing). And the best thing is I don't have to 'believe' you about Infinite Intelligence and thus I can still keep an open mind. Even just as a concept, this is promoting self observation and thus real growth! Another thing I am intuiting is that there is nothing called a mistake or accident from the perspective of Infinite Intelligence. Only a superior intelligent system is capable of 'irrational' manifestations like self deception, mistakes etc. which actually verifies how intelligent and complex that system is! A dumb, dead system is incapable of making a mistake. And what we call mistake/accident from our tiny human intelligence, might be the wisest thing that can ever happen. So Thanks a lot @Leo Gura for your amazing works! Finally a profound batman meme from your Blog which goes so well with this theme and a direct slap on rational, materialistic, desensitized minds which start taking everything for granted
  7. Same here. there is definitely an energetic transmission going on
  8. You should. Hope it gives you refreshing insights as well
  9. Beautifully explained! Reminds me of Jed Mckenna who repeatedly claims that Human Adulthood (How he defines it) will dawn upon puberty in kids in a sane , healthy world.
  10. Holy shit! I'm too afraid to read this whole thread because it might turn out to be the most direct display of ''Enlightenment Sickness''. Such irony.. I hope its not though..
  11. Reminds me of something similar I read in a book of Adyashanti. He said that these half assed Enlightenment realizations, incomplete dissolving of the ego and thus ego clinging to these stuff can manifest really scary and unhealthy volatile mixture of Reality. At this state there is neither total Truth perception nor entirely egoic sleepwalking. This can lead to serious bipolar disorders when these nondual Truths are abused by ego. From my own experience I have found that when Nondual Truths like life is meaningless, there is no self, values, others etc are attempted to be conceptualized and desperately clung to by the dualistic mind, it can lead to severe dysfunction, depression, nihilism in one's life. Thank you @Anna1 for shining light on this topic
  12. @BestSelf ''The Subtle art of not giving a fuck'' By Mark Mason. The bottom line is take 100% responsibility for your own life. Make solid values for yourself and actualize them. Anything/anyone else other than your values should not bother you a bit. All the best
  13. @egoless Have you read the book 'Awareness' by Anthony De Mello (A jesuit priest, psychologist and spiritual teacher)? I am quoting a story from that book. ''Let me end this with a lovely story. There was a man who invented the art of making fire. He took his tools and went to a tribe in the north, where it was very cold, bitterly cold. He taught the people there to make fire. The people were very interested. He showed them the uses to which they could put fire—they could cook, could keep themselves warm, etc. They were so grateful that they had learned the art of making fire. But before they could express their gratitude to the man, he disappeared. He wasn’t concerned with getting their recognition or gratitude; he was concerned about their well-being. He went to another tribe, where he again began to show them the value of his invention. People were interested there, too, a bit too interested for the peace of mind of their priests, who began to notice that this man was drawing crowds and they were losing their popularity. So they decided to do away with him. They poisoned him, crucified him, put it any way you like. But they were afraid now that the people might turn against them, so they were very wise, even wily. Do you know what they did? They had a portrait of the man made and mounted it on the main altar of the temple. The instruments for making fire were placed in front of the portrait, and the people were taught to revere the portrait and to pay reverence to the instruments of fire, which they dutifully did for centuries. The veneration and the worship went on, but there was no fire. Where’s the fire? Where’s the love? Where’s the drug uprooted from your system? Where’s the freedom? This is what spirituality is all about. Tragically, we tend to lose sight of this, don’t we? This is what Jesus Christ is all about. But we overemphasized the “Lord, Lord,” didn’t we? Where’s the fire?'' Now my question is, Have you actually lit the fire or have you just found another concept called Lord Jesus to hide behind? And finally I wish you a good life outside this forum.
  14. Oh I don't know..maybe you have thousands of fully Enlightened masters walking in the fish markets at where you live. I unfortunately see virtually all people around me suffering chronically without even knowing, doing/believing stuff without even knowing why they are doing it. Or maybe I'm the most spiritual noob here so I'm projecting my images on them and completely failing to see all the ecstatic bliss and euphoria they are constantly in!
  15. @MarkusSweden In absolute nonduality there can't even be a distinction between Inner and Outer. There can't be slightest causality. There can't be a 1st reality affecting a 2nd reality. Absolute is Absolute. That's all it be said. It doesn't matter if it looks like a Mansion or a pig house from outside when Absolute is Absolute. But I get your message It is we who are completely selecting our meanings and interpretations of outer world. We are the final barrier between our Truth realization. Its just that since birth, the entire world system is rigged to manipulate and imprison every human being in their own bubbles of miseries and suffering.
  16. It now makes sense what I heard from Shinzen Young once ''A day in Enlightenment is more fulfilling than a hundred years of living in egoic delusion''
  17. @Dodo From the few short glimpses I've had from meditation/self inquiry, what I found from my experience is that 'happiness' is sort of a misleading word when it comes to this Waking up business. I have no idea why these juicy words and sales pitches are used in teachings by gurus...probably to attract the mass crowd like bees are attracted by honey or like muslims are promised with 72 virgin whores for their devotion etc. In those silent few minutes of dissolving reality, everytime I found myself not caring about anything let alone a thing called happiness. It's always like an uninterrupted, shockingly lightweight state of being and trying to use words to describe/formulate it, is an utter dishonor towards that realization. There is not even a tendency to 'figure out' conceptual stuff like is there a self or what is the name of this state or is it the absolute? Its just cessation of all grasping and clinging and trying to figure out. I don't know if Enlightened people live in this state all the time. And also I'm pretty noob. So my experiences could be only some states or meditative high and not an actual Awakening. But the funny thing is, during those few silent minutes, all this cherry picking ceases to exist.
  18. I agree with you. That's what happens in most cases. No one really wants to wake up from a dream until it starts to become a nightmare. Also we can see that the wisest, transcendent of all people usually have a very dark/unsatisfying past which compelled them to the journey of understanding and transformation
  19. I think that's the final intellectual dead end. God can never be Non-God. That seems like the only thing God can't do. But God can sure 'dream' He is Non-God