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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @MarkusSweden I haven't directly came across the diet concept in Osho's work yet. But then again, I haven't studied much of Osho's work so I am not sure how deep he went on this topic. But at one of his lectures on youtube( more than 1 hour long satsang type setting), I heard him say that he generally lived on minimum amount of food. Every morning he would only drink a glass of juice as breakfast before having cold and hot showers one after another. His brisk aliveness and sharpness of mind came from his state of Being, not from food. Many wise people have reported that a man's tendency takes after what he eats. If you eat like a pig, you're tendency and intellect will reflect that. This is so true if we observe our diet day to day and how we generally behave. The only restraint Ramana Maharshi prescribed as the most beneficial was diet, precisely for this reason. He generally would not prescribe any other ritual or belief system or mental practices other than self-inquiry. In the end, I think when it come to food, moderation is the key. The amount and balance of the food is way more important than the content of it. And of course there are totally shitty foods that you can't justify in any way other than it tastes kinda good. They should be out of question from the beginning.
  2. I think I've just heard the most badass thing ever!
  3. How can you get into someone else's personal subjective experience? That seems like something that science or any other method could never crack. We can only assume and at the end of the day they are...well just our assumptions
  4. @John Lula He actually promotes the notion of practice a lot. He also says that waking up has got nothing to do with effort. But it's the Follow Up or Clearing up or Embodiment whatever you call it, that's the real deal. In this post he clearly states that when it's about clarity, practice is a must. We are always keeping the glass window clean or we're blowing on it and making it muddy
  5. If you're assuming that a tree falls without anyone seeing in the first place, then following that same assumption, the tree makes sound as well without anyone hearing. I was reading some commentary on Mandukya Upanishad this morning. It explained this phenomnea/qualia problem beautifully
  6. Have you watched his youtube videos? They are really potent form of non dual guided meditation. And by being enlightened, he doesn't mean becoming buddha in 1 hour. It's waking up from the false identity even if that's for a few seconds. This is very possible with anyone if they are openminded and willing to explore honestly for like an hour leaving their beliefs and stories aside for the time being. Fred Davis is not some magician. Anyone with some solid understanding (just intellectual) on non duality can wake up from their egoic identity and have a taste of witnessing consciousness while reading a non duality book/self inquiry/guided meditation.
  7. @Solace Thanks for the link. Those meditation techniques are explained beautifully
  8. ''I've honestly gained absolutely nothing from Enlightenment'' -Buddha ''Be a light unto yourself'' -Buddha
  9. Presence: The Art of Peace and Happiness - Volume 1 by Rupert Spira.,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=detail A contemplative book which does not offer new belief systems but encourages real time empirical investigation on the nature of our present moment experience. Starting from our True self to mind, body, world.
  10. It can also represent living upto 7th dimension and God being above that. Currently it is assumed that as a race, we're shifting from 3D to 4D way of life.
  11. @Viking If you think you'll be truly fulfilled by believing the story of a thought or by conjuring some sort of meaning through thinking, then good luck with that. Yeah of course you can have various thrills through living your life how your thoughts and impulses tell you. But don't confuse that with unconditional fulfillment. There is a possibility of unconditional, absolute fulfillment. Our very experience confirms this. Every desire we have, every impulse is a desperate attempt to extinguish this fire of craving within us. And we do get fooled by thinking that we'll forever rest in peace only after having this or that. But I wonder why it never works....hmm We're 'programmed' to search for true fulfillment but we've really made a huge mess of ourselves trying to look for it in wrong places, haven't we?
  12. @SpaceCowboy Excellent Thread! Thanks for posting these interesting questions. I'll be answering from all the theory I've gathered from non-duality Godfathers and my own glimpses. I'm not fully Enlightened yet. I'll be answering from pure non dual/absolute perspective (I've already broken the Truth by trying to talk about it lol) . Some things may sound very radical but I'm open to it for discovering these for myself.
  13. 1) What is it actually? How vital is it for a fully actualized life? 2) What drives discipline in different types of people? Different perspective of discipline for different Spiral Dynamics stages 3) Leo's personal observations on how his discipline drives and perspectives changed over a period of 10 years. What were the milestones/key shifts? 4) Is there any alternative to discipline? What happens to discipline when it's taken to full circle? 5) How to coordinate Discipline and newly discovered non dual Truths (like life is meaningless, there is no doer etc) especially for those who are on this path? etc. and etc. I know I should be finding these answers for myself experiencially. But I would like to look at @Leo Gura's take on it.
  14. @Gohabsgo You are that which knows/witnesses all your experiences. You are not an object however gross or subtle it might be. Cling to nothing and dwell on this understanding. That's all you can do. The rest is upon grace
  15. Nathaniel Branden. His life long study and modeling of Self Esteem issues with a view to going to the root of the problem.
  16. @Samra Do contemplate on it more! It's the direct path to enlightenment. Explore the nature of this one 'I'. You don't have to assume anything. An experiential shift will happen in due time. You don't have to rely on a thought, belief or a book. Just take it as a hypothesis and keep observing. Guys like Misargadatta Maharaj, Rupert Spira etc. got full blown Enlightened just from exploring this 'I' non stop within 3 years!
  17. PS: Feel free to share a post/blog from another site which helped you a lot
  18. @riplo Enlightenment is not an experience. Don't mix any experience with enlightenment. Yeah you can have crazy, wild, unbelievable experiences while blowing your load (I've had one) but it has nothing to do with permanent abiding non dual awareness aka Enlightenment.
  19. Saying that there in no another 'I' is synonymous to saying there is no another Consciousness aka there is only one Consciousness. You've cracked a very fundamental nature of Consciousness. Good work! The consciousness with which I am knowing my experience, and the consciousness with which you're knowing your experience is the same Consciousness. Our experiences may be oceans apart but our knowing Consciousness is one and the same. Also when Consciousness knows itself aka knows it's own presence, it's the same beingness irrespective of whether I or you realize that. So we both share the same beingness. That another realm will be another experience in the same one 'I' or Consciousness
  20. @Chrissy j If your job takes away 8-10 hours per day, it's almost impossible to research really deeply about something else. But there are people who have mastered multiple areas/careers in life. But it's excessively difficult and takes brute, unshaken self discipline for over several decades.
  21. Btw I AM = Being aware of being aware =The knowing with which you observe all phenomena = The shapeless, formless, limitless Consciousness, not any object in Consciousness = The sense that you exist, but not as an object. An example: 1) Take the subtle feeling in your heart or head that suggests you are a limited creature whose body is located in the world. 2) Gently ask " what is it that knows this experience?" 3) Loosen your grasp from all objects in consciousness and keep mingling/pondering upon the knowingness of that experience. You are resting in "I AM" 4) if distracted by thought, feel the experience of that thought and go back to step 2. Important note: Don't waste time trying to imagine or conceptualize what lies beyond the 'I AM'. It's impossible for the mind to imagine this. All you can do is to inquire and stay with the 'I AM'...and wait. From here you have absolutely no control on your awakening. You've climbed the mountain and now standing with a long iron rod in your hand. You've done your part. Now wait patiently for lightning to hit you. Don't daydream about getting hit by lightning.
  22. @pluto awesome! Thanks for sharing