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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. That's like asking, I've married but why should I fuck my wife lol. Dude nothing is set in stone. Just do what you feels right for you. What sort of justifications are you looking for? Its your life. Live that. That's your only full time job
  2. Do it!! You're so lucky to be able to crack this code man. ''Earn money, fu*k bitches, repeat''- That's the name of the game
  3. @Shanmugam I read your ''journey of a seeker'' post before. Today I read the link you've just posted once again. Thank you for sharing it. This testifies that a complete transformation is possible no matter where you are at life. I could relate to a lot of things from your early years. Most of my school and college years was like a farm house to produce fear and neurosis in me. And thanks for your contribution in your blog. I love your no nonsense non-duality approach. Cleared a lot of things and myths I was confused about for years. The people who are hating you right now, don't get surprised when the day comes when some of these folks actually wake up and mention you and your blog and how much it has helped them. Take care
  4. There are so many politically correct non dual statements that could be said about these issues. But that probably would only make things more muddy. See in your experience that there is no time without a thought (mind). So mind is time. That means if you want to discover a crucial secret about 'time', you can't ask mind. Because that will only produce more Time. You see the dilemma here? You need to resolve this issue for yourself from Awareness's perspective. If you look at it from mind's perspective, then you get more beliefs about time, not the end of illusion of time.
  5. Yes. It is supposed to be the destruction of Mind (mananasha) according to Ramana Maharshi. The entity that seems to separate itself from reality and question it, that's the thing that dies or is discovered as non existent. EDIT: About past, present, future all these as seen as construction of mind. There is only this eternal now and nothing else. Time is happening in this eternal now
  6. The funny thing I see is that those who actually wake up, sort of always confess that Sadhguru is misleading people. This might be a good test for Enlightenment lol
  7. @DesertRat Well..that rough journey makes it even sweeter, ain't it? Keep your head up my man. “Only that day dawns to which we are awake'' -Henry David Thoreau ''Be a light unto yourself'' - Buddha It's so easy to get lost unless you look after yourself. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story
  8. I understand you're dilemma. You're still trying to grab Consciousness by it's neck as if it's an object Don't worry I too tried to do this for over 2 years. Here is what worked for me. 1) Read the attached thread very carefully. Make sure you understand the instruction. Read it once every 2 weeks to polish your understanding. 2) Start doing that self-inquiry meditation for 30-60 minutes everyday. Once a month, set out 2-3 days retreat like setting at home where you do nothing else but self-inquiry 3) During all these meditation sessions, search for yourself. Keep on looking. Just remember that whatever you point to as you is not you. Because the perceived object cannot be the perceiver. 4) Tire yourself out by looking for yourself at every corner of your experience experientially open yourself up to the possibility that what you truly are can't be located as an object. You need to get this insight over and over again in your direct experience. No guru's word will do the trick. 5) It may take months to years. When you really get it, you'll start losing the obsession towards objects. Naturally you'll skew towards resting in I AM. This is where advanced self-inquiry begins which is nothing but Self-resting/Choiceless awareness/Observation whatever you wanna call it. Good luck
  9. @Samra An object is anything with objective qualities. For example, thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, world etc anything that you can know. Whereas consciousness or the real 'you' is that which knows all objects but itself cannot be known as an object. So the question is are you having the experience of 3 consciousness or are you experiencing 3 thoughts/memories/imagination in one consciousness, at this one now. This now.
  10. If this doesn't shatter materialist paradigm, I wonder what will
  11. @Viking watch this video carefully. This one video explains almost everything discussed in this thread in less than 15 minutes. This is pure genius at work
  12. Ask yourself are those 3 events happening to 3 'l's? Ask yourself are those 3 events happening in 3 different times or are they all happening now? If you are suspecting all of this as illusion, find out the root of that illusion. I'll give you a hint about illusions. When your real 'I' aka the pure Consciousness without any objective quality identifies with a particular object, that is the mother of all illusion. Very interesting mindfuck tho. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your contemplations
  13. @Faceless How do you define 'experience'? Take the feeling in your chest. To your direct experience, what is it to you?
  14. @Faceless Let us contemplate on these questions. This isn't an exam where we will be marked for our answers
  15. Yes that's neti neti. It's part of self inquiry. This neti neti is done to relax your focus from objects. stop asking who am I if that doesn't work for you. There are bunch of other more practical, contemplative questions. But from reading your posts, I'm assuming that you have a limited understanding on Self-inquiry. Search Self-inquiry and listen to at least 3-4 teachers breaking this down. Seach for the commonalties in their interpretations. That's the bulk of the work. Anyway I'm listing some of the questions that work for me. 1) '' What is it, that knows this experience?'' 2) ''That which knows this experience, is it attached to this experience?'' 3) ''That which knows this experience, does it have a boundary?'' 4) ''That which knows this experience, does it have a color, shape, size, location etc?'' 5) ''That which knows this experience, does it change with the changing experience?'' 6) ''That which knows this experience, how does it knows it's presence?'' 7) ''This knowingness, is it ever present or it comes and goes?'' 8) ''That which knows this experience, is that an experience itself?'' The answer to these questions is never verbal or something like, ''I don't know/I don't care''. These questions are here to facilitate the observation. Always stay with your present experience. Never go to thoughts about what should or should not happen right now
  16. You are that which is noticing that 'something' But you cannot be noticed like an object
  17. If you clearly see that you're not that sensation, then that's self-inquiry happening right there. You're not supposed to get a verbal answer from your questions. That would be anther thought aka another object. The experiential understanding is the key here. You're supposed to ask a question and keep observing the whole phenomena with an open mind. Not trying to make stories of what should or should not happen. That's it! whatever needs to happen will happen in due course. This is why from mind's perspective, these highest spiritual practices like self-inquiry, unconditional surrender etc. are regarded as total waste of time. Just because it cannot formulate a story around them
  18. When you ask yourself that question, see how your sense of 'I' shifts. You don't perceive that sensation in your chest as 'I' but rather you see clearly that 'you' are aware of that sensation. And your presence has nothing to do with this sensation in chest. That's how you disidentify from deep feelings, thoughts, beliefs etc. literally all objects. And another important thing, self inquiry is NOT a philosophical or intellectual endeavor that can be written as a Thesis. It is a very personal and emotional endeavor. At times, you'll feel like your heart is gonna explode out of fear. That's when you know that it's working and the depth of this work. I just read that you'll be going on a meditation retreat. If you are determined to do self-inquiry in that meditation retreat, then I highly recommend you to really understand how this thing works. Or else, you'll be wasting all that time mindlessly. Read books, watch videos on Self inquiry. When self inquiry is properly done, it can shift one's experience in few minutes. You may not sustain it, that is depended on regular practice. But make sure you understand how to actually do this self inquiry. If not, then I'd recommend you to do concentration practices (like focusing on breath, sensation etc). Trying to do self-inquiry without understanding it, is a waste of time. It is not regarded as the highest form of meditation for no reason you know
  19. That's right. You can't have any idea about it Jokes aside, let me explain: Your attention can have 2 movements 1) It can focus on Objects 2) or it can relax the focus on objects. If I tell you to focus on the sensation in your chest, you can easily do that. How long you can keep it there is depended on your concentration skill (which you can increase by practice or decrease). This is called giving attention to an object. Now once you get a hold of that sensation, ask yourself, ''What is it that knows this experience?'' That which knows must be irrefutably different than the object that is known. Because the eye can't see the eye. A sensation can't be aware of another sensation. it is YOU, the aware presence that is aware of all this object. \ When you ask that question, see for yourself how your attention relaxes on that sensation. A shift happens in the direction of your attention. Consciousness doesn't have any objective quality. So focusing on Consciousness doesn't feel the same way as focusing on an object. Be in that relaxed attentive state. That's all you have to. You're taking your stand as the knowingness itself, rather than imagining yourself as a limited object. That is ''Being aware of being aware'' in a nutshell. It is something you're doing 24/7, you're just not aware of it. That's why it is called a non-doing. Focusing on an object is called doing. This is the relaxation of that doing. Hope this clears up things a bit more.
  20. @Viking Here are some points to play with your beliefs. See what works for you. 1) Read eye opening, unpredictable books on non duality. Books that don't feed you more new beliefs but encourages you to explore your direct experience and verify if your beliefs are confirming your experience. Presence by Rupert Spira can be good place to start. The more you see the fallacy between your experience and your assumptions, the more the beliefs corrode over time. You see the illusion here? We have never experienced a something called 'matter', yet that's probably our most unconscious belief. We believe in some external matter (external world) more than our existence itself. We think there always was, is and will be a world made of matter while I am nobody compared to that. We have such firm conviction on this thing called matter which we have never experienced, nor has it been discovered objectively. See the twist of belief here? God save us 2) Be aware of being aware/self inquiry. You don't have to know how it works. It just works! It's a dream law. If you focus more on consciousness rather than the objects in consciousness, then the objects will eventually erode and aware presence alone will remain. The dream contents (thoughts, beliefs) will loose it's hold and only the awakeness will remain. And all of this will happen 'behind your back'. You can't fight against a belief with brute force. It only reinforces it. The only food your beliefs live on is your precious attention. So instead of drooling over your beliefs, pay attention to your attention. Be aware of being aware. 3) When you're in the state of unknowing, learn to live with it. Watch your tendencies to desperately trying to make sense of things mentally. Ask yourself, 'why do I need to believe in a thing?'. 'Is my reality evaporating before my eyes if I stop believing this?', ''Will my heart beat stop if I stop believing it?'', ''If nothing really changes why do I carry around this stuff in my mind?'' ponder on these questions. See for yourself that there is no solid thing residing in you. The only way this phantom self can appear to be real is through unquestioned thoughts and beliefs. 4) Take it easy. The purging of emotions and beliefs and embodiment are some of the most advanced works. No finite, limited mind can mathematically track it or make sense of it. The bulk of this work will be happening behind your back over the years. The best thing you can do is to stop feeding the self recurring thoughts and beliefs with your attention
  21. @Viking You don't have to believe something called a Consciousness model. That would be another believe system. The infinitely more important question is, why do you believe in a materialist paradigm? What are your assumptions and what proofs do you have to believe it? And about Consciousness being a byproduct of matter, do you really know what matter is? Quoting from Rupert Spira, '' Matter was a concept created by Greek philosophers 2,500 years ago but scientists yet haven't found something called matter'' If you can dismantle your current beliefs, assumptions and then self-inquire from a place of unknowing, then there is a possibility that you might discover something new. If you try to get rid of a belief just to fill it back up again with another set of new stories, then that's futile.
  22. @Max_V Follow the advice stated in almost all Matt kahn videos. You can't help anyone by lowering your consciousness/freedom in the name of empathy. The only way is to keep yourself elevated no matter what.
  23. @Widdle Puppy ''Humans are the only species that can set certain values and then pursue the completely opposite ones'' -Nathaniel Branden this all boils down to the topic of consciousness. High consciousness is never a given. You have to earn it. Every single moment, you're either upgrading your consciousness or degrading it.
  24. I can't imagine Ramana eating meat lol. He had tremendous amount of compassion for every person and animal that lived in the ashram. When someone bought any food or souvenir as courtesy, Ramana would only eat after that was distributed among everyone present right there. As recommendation for food it is written ''Sattvic food in moderate quantity is the best''. I think your own body awareness can come here to resolve this issue. As one grows spiritually/mindfully, one becomes sensitive to food and the energy of the body. So developing consistent body awareness is a win win. It auto-corrects your diet and movement levels thus providing great benefit for the body on one hand and on the other hand it increases mindfulness/focus. Our entire body adjusts to how we act generally. I've actually tried this out. When I shift to a plant based healthier diet after eating meat daily for 2 weeks, my tummy feels bad. Because it was used to assimilate meat regularly now suddenly it is reacting against veggies. The opposite is equally true. So it may take few weeks/months to shift to a new diet properly. This reminds me of a Teal Swan video where she ranted against the classic spiritual notion that the body is the enemy for a seeker. She said that it's actually the opposite. Our bodies love us the most. Even if I start snorting cocaine regularly, the body will adjust so that the damage can be minimized as much as possible. Our bodies love us so much that it supports every single of our actions, no matter how ignorant and self-destructive it is.