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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Leo-Tzu 1) Enlightenment trilogy by Jed mckenna 2) being aware of being aware by Rupert spira 3) The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy 4) Teaching of Ramana Maharshi in his own words. 5) Prior to Consciousness by Nisargadatta Maharaj
  2. Honestly speaking, If those 'working bees' did not work for 'you', they would get totally mad and run around like complete maniacs. Because most of them can't withstand even a day of inaction, solitude, self reflection and being. Their fictitious identities, their works and the lies they tell themselves to remain busy, are their very 'life'. Do you get this? That's how they keep their sanity and make sense of everything. So in this sense, you're actually doing them a great favor by providing them an opportunity to remain sane and 'themselves'. Paraphrasing Krishna from Bhagabat Gita, the inner tendencies of a man will keep him busy according to his karma. You and I can't do anything about that. No one can.
  3. @K VIL We still don't fathom fully the magnitude of what's being said by Leo. @Leo Gura is basically giving us extremely potent metaphysical weapons to demolish and rebuild our lives from scratch. Its for the greater jihad but these same weapons can be misinterpreted and misused to make an even bigger mess. That's how religions became mankind's one of the biggest folly. The latest episode called intro to spirituality is something that should have been posted years ago before revealing any spiritual technique first. Probably 95% of people doing any spiritual practice have all sorts of bullshit notions about spirituality and that in itself hinders most of the growth. And people are complaining about this episode... We need to be reminded of what is really at stake here. I think one of the major roles of Leo is to kick us over and over again in the nuts so that it becomes kinda impossible to go back to sleep. How else can this thing work when the rest of life is so full of mind numbing complacency, comfort and unquestioned assumptions. I know Leo is fully aware of this because he hints it here and there in some videos. This knowledge has been esoteric and practiced in extreme secrecy over the ages for a reason. So that fucking rats don't abuse it. Leo has opened the Pandora's box by bringing all this in mainstream. And no wonder he will be one of the founding fathers if a widespread revolution really emerges from this new knowledge.
  4. Those who are complaining about the latest episodes, are you fucking kidding me? If watching the videos feels like a chore, making it 2x, skipping parts of it just to skim through the material as if you HAD to get it out of your system somehow, I would propose a re-evaluation of why you're watching Leo in the first place. I'm not singling anyone out but watch out if is becoming another layer of your identity to stroke your ego. @Leo Gura as a fan I suggest you to keep a category of videos running in balance just to continue talking about the significance, vision, motivation of this work and attacking the counter arguments of complacency. Honestly speaking, it's the vision based videos that kick-started all the contemplation of my own and I'm glimpsing the things you talk about here and there. The free content that's already available, I doubt if virtually anyone here even mastered only 10% of it yet. We don't need some never heard before, mind blowing theory every week. Instead we need breakthroughs and that can only come from returning to the same, raw, basic principles with recontextualized perspectives over and over again which gets so easily overlooked because of self deceptive mechanisms of the ego. I'm not against new mindblowing contents but that needs to be balanced equally with vision based contents. Or else 10 years down the road, will itself become a maze of big fat rats with their tummies filled with exotic knowledge doing rat stuff. Leo, as a teacher is it something that would make you proud?
  5. Am I aware? Yes. What is the thing I can legitimately claim? I am. I am aware. Is this sense of being depended on thoughts? No this sense of being is there irrespective of changing experiences. Can I legitimately refute this I am? No that would prove I am even more. Can there be any perception without I am? Can there be any experience without the knowing of it? No. The contents of experience maybe random and arbitrary, but isn't the knowing of it ever the same? There may or may not be a sense of a decision maker, an actor of actions, a thinker of thoughts; but isn't all of these senses equally known? Is there multiple types of knowing or just this one knowing? Just this knowing. Where is all this inquiry leading towards? It always comes back to this subject, the fundamental I am without which there is no perception or conception. What is this I am made out of? Isn't is known by the same knowingness? Yes. So the subject and the object are both known by the same knowingness. Is there anything in experience other than consciousness? So it all leads to this choice less awareness. A non judgmental, non struggling knowing of the one and only substance of experience; knowing itself. One substance knowing and being itself.
  6. This biological unit appeared and got indoctrinated environmentally and socially. After some time, the majority of the indoctrination was done by the unit on itself. Thus forming the entire network of cues and tendencies that act as signals to keep this machine running. And in no point of this whole process was there any conscious volition or free will from my part in the making of this machine. It gets even worse. It's not like I have free will now to modify this machine. The unit only has the illusion of a free will so that this machine does not recognize the futility of it's existence and self destruct. The only way this machine can stay asleep to this fact is if it is successful at distracting itself incessantly. What is real in this whole thing? Can anything be known for certain? What can be done other than utterly giving up?
  7. @who chit Thanks for this. I sort of came to this same understanding after years of circle jerking
  8. Already doing the practices but it doesn't hurt to know where one is at. Yes sir
  9. @SoonHei Be ready to get your shit blown away
  10. En event whose cause cannot be traced or understood in conventional sense.
  11. It very well could be depending on how the seer sees and interprets.
  12. I honestly don't know what a miracle means conventionally. I feel that it's totally dependent on the seer and how you look. From a certain perspective, everything is a miracle. From another, everything is pale and mundane. But if I am to answer if I ever experienced something that completely knocked my socks off, shifted the trajectory of my life in one major epiphany in an instant, then I would have to say no; I haven't come across such an experience.
  13. Am I aware? yes. Where do I actually go in my experience to verify that fact? In other words, where is the source of this knowingness located? It's all just known, out of nowhere. This awareness of awareness itself, being aware of being aware is so simple and yet hard to continuously stay right there. As the direct path suggests, we start with the end and just stay there. This knowing of I Am or being aware of being aware, there is no process involved here. Right now, this very moment I'm either conscious of it or not. So what actually makes me overlook this basic fact about my experience? Thoughts. Especially thoughts where I am a character in a narrative. What is the purpose of this perpetual self referencing narrative? Is this the primary mechanism the ego convicts it's presence over and over again? Thoughts and tendencies can be so pernicious. The reminder I Am either puts a full stop to the stream of thoughts or dis-identifies the awareness from thoughts. The bulk of this Enlightenment work basically boils down to this. This I Am, this beingness has to be thoroughly understood and investigated. This is where self inquiry leads to. The dilemma ensues the moment when I come to the foreground of experience as a character overlooking the only raw, basic fact of experience. The knowingness or being aware of being aware. Emotions and tendencies to support the self image seem to be fueling this process.
  14. Tough life, right? Anyway thanks for the answers so far guys
  15. @Leo Gura I think I've found a better way to frame the question. Can conscious Enlightenment happen before the development of an ego? There seems to be no case of Enlightenment right from the birth. It seems that every conscious being must go through a series of conditioning, develop an ego and then comes Enlightenment.
  16. @Noone Here Yes I agree that the primal beliefs about being human or something has to be uprooted. Enlightenment won't come from superficial spiritual activities while the building blocks of duality experience aka beliefs lie hidden and safe deep down. And the quotes are there for my reminder of my own tendency to forget about my mortality. Don't take it too seriously. I'm not making fun of Jed. His books are some of most real talk I've ever come across. The reason you don't see much mentions about Jed here(or anywhere) is probably because to hard to pledge and form an ideology around his message. You're either doing the work or not. Someone who really gets Jed's message won't be here in the first place imho.
  17. Btw thanks for your post. It's really thought provoking. That's not a very pretty landscape you've portrayed. Where does all our vanity come from? Because we've invented fancy boxes to live in, HD porn and entertainment, unlimited cheese burgers at our disposal all the time?
  18. That fella called 'like button' was kicked, beaten mercilessly and ostracized from this community long ago along with it's pal 'reputation system' and other minions by the man from upstairs. As Jed would put it, part of being matured is to know where we are all the time. It's maya's house and she is pulling all the strings. When you're in this forum, you have to know whose house this is
  19. Do not make a split in your self. Ramana Maharshi warned about this over and over again. Who is this 'I' in the question Who am I? It's the false notion of 'I' identifying with sensations of the body or thoughts in the mind or both. Inquiry is always done into the false self. Your true absolute self does not require any activity to know itself. It's always being itself eternally unchanged whether you know it or not. Your only job in self inquiry is to separate this false notion of 'I' that is attached with a sense object. This false 'I' cannot stand on it's own right without sticking itself with an object. So when you separate it, it vanishes. All the while your natural Self remains as it is. You start to be aware of it. Ask yourself, is there anything called the world other than the awareness of it? Where was the world in deep sleep? The world does not say ''Hey look, I'm the World!!''. The body does not say '' I am the body''. Find out that fictitious ego, the false 'I' that make those claims. When this 'I' vanishes, all it's false notions vanish along with it. Or it could just mean a conflict in interest. Do not bother finding sameness in the phenomenal world for now. You'll only get more and more lost in name and forms. But you're right, the inquiry is the same and the Self that shines forth is one and the same. That is our shared sameness. Realize that and then you wouldn't have to put faith in neither separation nor non-separation.
  20. It's a sarcasm to put some light on the self delusion mechanism of the ego. The ego will distract itself with every beliefs and stories possible...with Gods, conspiracy theories, with idle philosophy whether the Self has parts or not, Whether the self is being or non being, with dimensions, aliens, densities, 10th eye, gurus, states of mind any and everything imaginable, materialism and non materialism It will gorge on all this fantasies but it will not face the only fact right in front of it's nose. It's own imminent death. wakey wakey the clock is ticking
  21. Am I aware? yes. What is death? If I be very precise, it's the losing of object Consciousness. So all this waking experience and narrative is gone after death. There is no mechanism available to analyze and interpret the experience after death. Neither there is any objective knowledge to know anyway. So in this light, death seems very similar with deep sleep. Between two consecutive waking state, I'm basically dead. And yet why is death regarded so foreign? To register a change there must be a witness outside the change. So between the last moment of death and after it, there must be something to know that change. Because if a change was not registered, then that means there wouldn't be a thing called death. There would only be the continuous waking state. That which knows or witnesses death, by definition, can that be part of death? Can that be part of any objective phenomena? This knowingness seems to be outside Death, registering death. So it turns out that it is impossible to contemplate and acknowledge death without acknowledging a deathless witness simultaneously. But it sure is so overlooked. If I die right now, what will be lost really? Is there an objective me that gets lost forever? My grandparents are dead. When I sometimes hear other family members talk about them and their lives, it sort of feels like I'm hearing some made up stories. It's as if they never existed. Really, can I empirically prove that they existed? The only place they are now, is in memory in the form of stories. It is so circular, the meanings provided by thought. Thought says it's true because it says so. Now let's turn the table on me. Can I prove that I exist right now? I can verify that for myself that I exist but can I prove the existence of 'my life'? my narrative? my body? memories? relationships? Can I really prove that I exist in other people's eyes? This is something I've taken for granted all my life. Maybe next time I should ask everyone I meet, ''Do I exist in your eyes?''. It sounds silly but still there is an assumption that everyone will verify my existence until...I have the good fortune of sitting in front of Nisargadatta Maharaj or someone like him. If I ask him, ''Do you see me existing in your eyes?'' he'd probably reply, ''No. I see a case of misplaced identity.'' And that's it. Even if something happens a billion times, it just takes only one iteration to disprove it. What am I?
  22. Nope that would ruin the purpose. The point is not to know some speculative answer but to expose our own bullshit answers. Nicely put. Earthworms must be fuckin' Enlightened hmm.... That's the point. The intellect must digest itself through itself. The only way a thought can be really original and effective is by killing all other thoughts.