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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Serotoninluv I understand the dilemma of concepts that you explained. But nevertheless, could you elaborate of this a bit more? Is there anything left after that? Could you elaborate on this? What was this new relationship like as opposed to the conventional relationship?
  2. How does awakening feel like roughly? Do you still see 'objects'?
  3. @Baotrader I'm actually getting used to it and finding solace in it. It means that there is really no 'actual' consequence to anything. That's a huge load take off the back. At the end of the day, it is all transient like last night's dream. But this can be translated in many ways. Don't take this utter seriouslessness of Reality so seriously
  4. The following post was found as an Youtube comment by someone named David Rogers under one of Rupert Spira's video. Reading through it, it just felt right "Trying to find consciousness in the confines of the brain, is like trying to find the Radio Presenter, within the radio". Those struggling with the 'perception' that our consciousness is located in our bodies - imagine radio signals; they are everywhere. The (localized) radio "picks up" the signal and feels alive. It only 'seems' to experience the signal in it's locality, so wrongly thinks that IT creates the broadcast. But the localized radio exists within the field of radio waves. That which makes it a 'radio' is the field of radio waves. Without the radio waves, the localized radio is dead matter. But without the radio, the field of radio waves cannot express nor experience the wonders of sound. So the field needs to utilize the localized radio (or perspective) to dance it's dance of sound. Similarly, our consciousness is perceived to be localized because that is how consciousness has it's experiences in this realm. The body moves around - how can we think that formless consciousness moves around, contained conveniently in a body that is full of holes!! Our body moves in consciousness. Hope it helps with the contemplation to disidentify from the body-mind Btw this is the video if you're wondering
  5. It was a challenging book to read for sure. I read it years ago. Time to get back at it
  6. In order to talk about various 'nuances'..
  7. Having any identity, intellectual position, manipulation for survival, individual and collective ego
  8. @SoonHei That's probably the neatest insight about addiction recovery I've ever come across. Thanks for sharing! About the spiritual ego, all I have to say is that investigate and notice if this 'knowingness' is personal at all. The ego personalizes Awareness which is the main dilemma as Leo put it so nicely, '' You've taken God and you have recontextualized God as yourself''. It is the ego thought that believes that it owns this awareness. But notice that, all vestiges of personality are 'known' equally. What is it that knows my present experience? Is it located? Where is it? is it an experience itself? Contemplate and see how the 'personal' witness dissolves. And about authenticity, it's really messy to discuss it from fragmented state like love, honesty, happiness etc. These things are recognized in oneself in it's true and purest form. So it's better not to conceptualize or trying to fake these things. You can't trust your present thoughts. Notice that if you are addicted to food, eating feels authentic to you. The mind rationalizes it as natural. This is exactly why overcoming addiction is so hard. You have no friends here. Your very own mind and body is working against you. To me the true definition of authenticity or any true action is that which leaves no trace. Like a perfect fuel, it gets burned completely. But notice that almost none of our actions is like that. We always get buried under rationalization, justification, suffering, denial, reaction, guilt, shame, worrying etc after almost everything we do. We are 'conflicted' all the time. This is why you are recognizing something as addiction and trying to overcome it. If you could snort cocaine without leaving any psychological trace whatsoever, then that would be truly authentic. This level of authenticity, you can't fake it or reproduce it on command. It comes as a byproduct of self realization.
  9. @sarapr I think the main implication would be banishing the naive notion of materialism from all of culture and mainstream. Imagine that the real nature of Reality is being studied and discussed from 1st grade textbooks. Can you imagine the metaphysical implications and the transformation in collective worldview if everyone was aware that there is no external physical world? From our current situation, it seems like it would produce uncontrollable chaos and madness. There is nothing wrong that Science produces technologies to make life easier. But it is the noob rationality game they play and how they present their paradigms on pedestal as the only barometer of Truth. In the end, they MUST play this game for survival, just so they are revered as the torchbearers of Truth and everything Real in this life. Would you honestly give a fuck about the new iphone if you and all of your surroundings knew in their deepest heart of hearts that there is no external world and only Consciousness exists?
  10. "All identities are full of shit" "All intellectual positions are full of shit" Is there any alternative? Can anyone guess?
  11. What happens if I contemplate the 'source' of bullshit? Is that also made of bullshit haha.. Everything becomes silent when this is asked
  12. OMFG!!! This rang so many bells at the same time. I smell a trap! I just noticed how we are made to feel responsible and worried for the wrong things. We are made to feel guilty for world problems individually; keeping us tensed and busy in debates and activism, while the big fat rats who are the real culprits remain untouched and making their bank accounts heavier. Similarly, all personal, inner problems like suffering, depression, anxiety aka every problem fundamental to the ego are encouraged to solve from the outside world. Promoting all the bullshit, advertisement and fake solutions like money, family, friends, things. No wonder none of our personal or world problems ever get truly resolved conventionally as it is preached by the society. The very mechanism and location of the search is misplaced and thus bound to fail, in best case scenarios, producing a mirage of solutions. Fucking trap! Thanks @outlandish for bringing this one home!
  13. Haha watched this before from Leo's blog. How long will this circus called 'life' go on? Have you noticed that any deep insight or breakthrough promotes introversion and indifference to extroversion? I wonder why. Maybe the circus is waking up from its folly..
  14. woah..that sure is thought provoking
  15. ''The sage is neither asleep nor awake. He neither closes nor opens his eyes. Thus, for the liberated soul, everywhere there is only This.'' ''The liberated soul does not blame or praise, give or take, rejoice or become angry. He is everywhere unattached and free.'' ''In the sage there is neither violence nor mercy, arrogance nor humility, anxiety nor wonder. His worldly life is exhausted. He has transcended his role as a person.'' ''Though he may perform actions, the man of Knowledge does not act. Desires extinguished, free of thoughts of “I” and “mine,” he knows with absolute certainty that nothing exists.'' ''The sage is free. His empty mind no longer projects delusion, dreaming, dullness. This state is indescribable.'' ''One may enjoy the abundant pleasures of the world, but will never be happy until giving them up.'' ''The universe is but a thought in Consciousness. In Reality it is nothing. One who sees the true nature of existence and non-existence never ceases to exist.'' ''The Self--which is absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate-- is without limits and at no distance from you. You are forever It.'' ''The yogi who finds stillness is neither distracted nor focused. He knows neither pleasure nor pain. Ignorance dispelled, he is free of knowing.'' ''He who sees the world may try to renounce it. But what can the desireless one do? He sees there is nothing to see.'' ''He achieves self-control who sees his own distraction. But the great soul is not distracted. He has nothing to achieve. He has nothing to do.'' ''Where is meditation, pleasure, prosperity or discrimination? Where is duality? Where even is Unity? I abide in the glory of Self.'' ''Where is sleeping, dreaming, waking, or even the fourth state? Where is fear? I abide in the glory of Self.'' ''The yogi who is liberated while living has no duties in this world, no attachments in his heart. His life proceeds without him'' ''For one who has transcended the world there is no joy or sorrow. With a stilled mind, he lives on with no body.'' ''Though they are by nature Self alone, pure intelligence, love and perfection; though they transcend the universe and are clearness itself, men of the world will not see this through meditation and practices.'' ''The fool tries to control the mind with the mind—what folly! The wise one delights in Self alone. There is no mind to master.'' ''Though pleased he is not pleasured; though pained he does not suffer. This wonderful state is understood only by those like him.'' ''There is no need to talk about the three ends of life. To talk of yoga is purposeless. Even talking about Truth is irrelevant. I rest in Self alone.'' -Collected from Ashtavakra Gita (Bart Marshall Translation)
  16. @Samra Glad that pieces are starting to get together for you. That 5 years commitment is praiseworthy. Lot of shit gets discovered within us day after day. Just don't take these things personally. It's the default human condition of living. To survive is to lie. Keep watching patiently and non judgmentally. You never chose inauthentic issues. No one consciously 'chooses' shit. Let that watchfulness go on untainted and without any agenda. See what comes naturally. Remember, pretty things like flowers basically live on 'bullshit'
  17. I didn't mean anything dismissive. I'm sorry if I sounded like that. Also anyone can be wrong. In or out of this forum. This place(or anyplace) does not provide immunity to delusion or mistake by default
  18. @lmfao There is a guy called TJ Reeves in Youtube who is trying to make an entire trend out of new SD colors beyond turquoise.
  19. @Mikael89 Yes it depends on situation. If such a situation comes when civilians need to carry a nuclear weapon then that is what needs to be done. None of this is absolute or set on stone. It's all a construct with 'my survival' as the central theme. Realize that your death or discomfort is ONLY your problem. That's why you probably give a lot of shit to it.
  20. Did I ever say everything is equally dangerous? Everything has it's own utility protocol. Lets say you feel thirsty and jump into the middle a sea. You're thirsty, right? Would this strategy legitimately work? No! It will kill you. When it comes to killing you, both water and nuclear weapon has the SAME potential. It's the same Death we are talking about. The cosmetics and probability of the events maybe and is different. The death moment elaboration wasn't necessarily related with psychedelics. You'll reach the same realization if you contemplate. I'm not specifically justifying psychedelics or anything. All I am saying is a general guideline. If you wanna utilize something, you gotta do it by following the protocol. Remember that boundless water will kill you. Having said that, it's really not in your control whether or when shit will actually hit the fan. Thousands of people around the world die or get injured every year from seemingly insignificant things like food, medicine, utility equipments and systems. So should we ban and bastardize food, water, fire, electricity, medicine now?
  21. You mean your IDEAS of illusion and reality...
  22. Every single moment is equally potent for Death to come. This moment, right here, is not qualitatively any different from the moment when you'll actually die. As Daddy Mckenna put it so accurately, ''We are all waiting in Death's waiting room waiting for our call anytime while distracting ourselves with gossip, magazines, mindless activities and pretending that this is not the case''
  23. As Leo pointed out in one previous video if I remember correctly, EVERYTHING has it's danger. Consider the dangers of water, sugar, ice cream, toilet, food, TV, fire, oxygen, electricity etc. These things have the potential to kill you, like literally. Stay awake while using them guys
  24. Then that makes it the ONLY Reality. See? Then Illusion ceases to be 'Illusion'. Illusion becomes another empty word.