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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Be careful tho. Truth can't be sold. They are just offering a strategy towards it. They are charging money for that. Just like a gym trainer charges you for showing you the way to have six packs abs. He/she can't literally sell the abs to you but they can certainly sell the method they invented or finetuned. Nothing of true value can be bought or sold
  2. It's the same story for every human. These sensations behind the eyes, in the chest, a subtle hazy self image of the body are some of the most persistent identifications where Consciousness is trapped in. Over time, layers of such feelings will get revealed. You must keep on inquiring and disidentifying. Sometimes written inquiry helps a lot (for me at least!). Externalize that sensation behind the eyes. Ask yourself, is that sensation literally me?? Does this sensation have likes and dislikes, have an age, a history, makes decision, craves certain objects? When you frame it like this, you see very quickly how ridiculous it all sounds and yet we are so gullible that we believe it as us. You're welcome. Actually it resonates so much because this is exactly what I've been doing and still doing. Now this has become kinda every waking hour thingy, running on the background. When these persistent identifications dissolve, you'll literally feel like not being in a physical body. You start feeling like all pervading. The Sufis told it so beautifully, ''Wherever the eyes falls, there is the face of God'' Also as a final note, do not make that I AM thing too complex. Trust me, I tried to wrap my brain around it for several years. It was all futile. This is NOT an intellectual or clever thing. This is a very personal, alive, feeling based inquiry. You can't cleverly bypass anything or rationalize away something cleverly. This will only make the process longer and longer. Just keep on honestly looking, and upon clear seeing dissolve all the 'me-ness' attached to various objects. That pure subject or witness can't be touched or visualized in any way. Just burn all the unquestioned identifications and Consciousness will shine in it's purity as your deathless self. In fact it is already the case! Only those persistent little sensations behind the eyes are preventing you from seeing it. Witness them with loving curiosity and see how they melt right before you! All the best. If you're diligent, this process will sky rocket soon
  3. @Shin Great post. The sense of doership and free will is the stronghold of ego. No ego survives if that stronghold is demolished. Yet nothing of value ever gets damaged from this destruction. That's the beauty of it!
  4. I felt flow while playing technical stuff accurately in guitar through hours of consistent practice.
  5. @Charlotte You're doing it as it should be done. Don't doubt the process cause you're on the right track. What you did at first was questioning an object that felt like you. Upon clear seeing(inquiry) you disidentified from that object and you also realized what a silly identity belief that was! Right in that moment, Consciousness got liberated from that form and shined as it's true formless, timeless essence. This objectless consciousness is the final stage of self inquiry. Stay as that... Enlightenment is bound to happen. But the thing is, there are probably many more identifications left in you. That's why after a while the sense of me arises again (maybe in the head or somewhere else). Again the questioning and inquiry is done to break that identification. Do NOT bypass it. You can't fake the formless Consciousness state. It remains present naturally when identifications are seen through. Keep up the work. You know you're progressing if you see this witnessing mode naturally arising throughout the day. At some point it becomes 24/7.. then BAM! "In the Absolute state, I don't even know that I AM"
  6. I see it as knowing who I am in it's unaltered, ever present, essential level. Here knowing who I am and being who I am are one and the same thing.
  7. Beautifully explained! Thank you Oneness is a concept. Anything affirmative can be turned into a concept. At best oneness is a 'state' and as the zen saying goes, '' you should never want to nest in any state''. The word non duality does not say what it actually is. It says what it is not. It is precisely formulated this way so that no concept can be built around around it. In the same way Buddha defined Enlightenment as the cessation of suffering. He didn't say what it actually is. He said what it is not. It is not suffering, but that doesn't mean it's all butterflies and unicorns. Why do we always try to affirm stuff? Actually what is it that will get affected if this process stops?
  8. @Harvey When you tell a story, you need many other stories in the background (or foreground) to back it up. Hope you can appreciate that
  9. ''Just like space exists inside and outside the jar, So does the Absolute exists inside and outside, with and without the body'' -Ashtavakra Gita ''Awareness doesn't need a body or mind to know itself. It knows itself by being itself. Just like the sun doesn't need a mirror to reflect it's light to light itself up. The sun illumines itself just by being itself, through itself. At night when we see objects with the help moonlight, it actually informs us first and foremost about the Sun's light. Because the moon does not have light on it's own, it is Sun's reflected light. When we forget about the Sun(god), we mistakenly think that it is moon's (ego/mind) light that is illumining everything'' -Rupert Spira Hope you got your answer. God is independent from brain/nervous system. But it is God's light, that illumines brain and nervous system. Brain does not own this light of knowing. This light of knowing is dimensionless, infinite, objectless. It is neither big, nor is it small, nor has it any part. This is exactly why if you get to know that 'knowing' part in your tiny little limited mind, you know God's knowing in it's totality. It IS God's knowing from the first place. That's why all genuine teaching says ''LOOK WITHIN''. Know the essence(the knowing) of your mind, you know God/Infinity by default No need to go on search for some Xth dimension or chase some mystical goose
  10. Enlightenment is discovering yourself as Unborn. And you wanna get enlightened and be back over and over again to do this work from scratch? Don't confuse the actual work with rants and chit chat. Today's episode was more about giving people a shock. If it set fire under some people's ass to do this work more seriously, then I think the video has done it's job. Also start appreciating the concept of anthropomorphic. It will help a ton along the way regarding projecting stuff. Notice that any reaction you had while watching the episode was YOUR HUMAN EGOIC REACTION. Why do you assume that God would have the same reactions? That's the very definition of anthropomorphic. We as egos with brain and nervous system projecting our limited outlooks on That (God) which has no brain and nervous system. We do this ALL the time..from finding meaning, values to every rationalization and justifications. We impose the human perspective on everything we see.
  11. @moon777light Subtract or see past the name and form. Is it still so scary and unacceptable?
  12. Its all stories fellas. You refer to thoughts and expect something else? wow..
  13. Okay let me search around a bit again
  14. It's a fantastic video. time to get back to it again!
  15. This was Leo's mushroom trip inspired video. From this timeline, he started introducing psychedelics
  16. I do consciousness yoga. Being aware of being aware
  17. @EternalForest I think this is it. It starts with mediocrity and how society has become so easy. Then he goes through bullet proof principles/strategies for building a good life. Worth watching again. Thanks for bringing this up!
  18. @Shiva while reading your post here, something came up. See if it sounds coherent or not. From your post, it basically means that in order for a 'purpose' to be discussed, there has to be numerous assumptions first. Only then purpose can be mapped meaningfully. So the purpose of a purpose is to basically support those assumptions. It's an effort to give a sense of Truth to those assumptions. And so it is not about what's ACTUALLY True or about going into an honest inquiry for Truth now. The purpose of a purpose is basically to provide justification for the unquestioned assumptions upon which it is made. Does that sound about right? @Bryan Lettner
  19. @Bryan Lettner The idea of purpose is something that is invented by ego to rationalize something which it can never know. Ego can't stand not knowing something. So it conjures up this fancy idea called purpose and thus believes that now it's in control and now it knows when actually it still doesn't know shit but pretending otherwise
  20. Try finding or remembering or imagining something that is NOT here and now What is it that is scared? Is the sensation of fear itself scared? How can that be?
  21. When all else is said and done, just sit down and explore the void
  22. THIS!! The distinction between topic and off-topic is arbitrary and the collapse of that distinction is Inevitable
  23. 1) Nisargadatta Maharaj (For the ultimate rags to riches story. From being an illiterate, poor, cheap cigarette seller to being the absolute reality, the God of all gods) 2) Rupert Spira (For reaching the pinnacle of living understanding to a complete satisfactory level) 3) Leo Gura (For researching and bringing out least known potential treasures into mainstream) 4) Ramana Maharshi (To be one of the leading guys to cut through the jargon of unending hindu scriptures and prejudices and go to the heart of the matter unapologetically ) 5) Swami Vivekananda (for displaying the iron will of mind) Plus several other musicians and artists for their respective works