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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Yes. The way I see it is that ego is not an entity. The incessant conditioned movement itself is the ego. There is no such thing as a timeless, still ego. No matter which direction it goes, it is always going in effort and separation. That's why the teaching says, why not direct that movement/effort towards Self-inquiry and realize what's really going on
  2. yes. Both the subject and object of fear are one conditioned movement in time
  3. @Jack River That's so true. Even the conventional desires and fears that the ego chases are full of effort. It's as if effort is ego's life function.
  4. @winterknight So from the seeker's perspective, do you prescribe that conscious effort to become Enlightened is a must? Looking back, do you think you could dispel your seeker identity ever without putting any effort?
  5. @winterknight Is the effortless, dis-identified witnessing state sustained for you during almost all waking moment? Is that a by-product of Enlightenment or is it something that needs to be trained consciously over and over again?
  6. So the idea of 'reflected consciousness' becomes redundant as well?
  7. So this implies that the present consciousness IS the one and only Absolute Consciousness but limited by the illusory projection of the I-thought?
  8. Yes. It's like the silent mind, open and loose effect you get from doing 2 hours of self inquiry; you get that pretty much the same effect just by being with a sage for lets say 30 minutes. Both Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj was supposed to have to this effect. Sometimes the questioners would argue and ask questions but after some time they would just see their own bullshit and just shut up. Their minds got silent and rested. Of course the same effect didn't happen with everyone. It seems like the devotee has to have a certain level of spiritual maturity to receive this 'transmission'
  9. @winterknight Have you personally came across the notion of ''transmission of Silence'' since you got Enlightened last year? Have you noticed that your mere silent presence influencing people to relax and open up and take things easier over time? Would appreciate if you could give some examples if you noticed something like this.
  10. @Outer Thank you. I love Gary and what he is doing. I feel that he genuinely wants to help people who are interested without his own agenda
  11. @Outer Can you link a video/blog contrasting Gary's brain with an average Joe's brain?
  12. @SoonHei what about you? you already know more than many
  13. @SoonHei Another thing you might find interesting. It is kind of limiting to say that the Absolute exists. Then the question arises where does that existence come from? The Absolute doesn't exist. It is existence itself!
  14. @Flammable It's been hitting for me for last few days! We are never aware of a process called 'action'. It's only raw experience. This observation led me to the insight that, it is impossible to go outside the Now. Yeah, we can imagine past and future but we haven't moved an inch from the now. This just shows that 'time' is only an imaginary thought. Never an experience. We can't split a part of ourself from the now and actually see an 'action' happening! What is this now? Is it a tiny time frame moving from the past into future infinitely? NO! There is no past and future and timeline. The now is all there is in experience. Even while you're imagining otherwise, you are still in the Now. The entire structure of the self/identity breaks down at this point
  15. This last line resonates so much. Ramana Maharshi called it samskaras or Vasanas (Mental Tendencies). He insisted that Self Inquiry must be continued in an unbroken fashion until all the seeds of vasanas are burnt! Thanks again for taking your time and replying
  16. @winterknight Thanks for the replies. I was just about to ask if you did self inquiry exactly like Ramana Maharshi prescribed. But it seems you've just described it so beautifully! Is this what you strived to do all your waking hours?