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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Reading along many of your posts(and also how most enlightened people relate to things), I can't help asking a question regarding post Enlightenment state. It seems there functions a 'dual' mode of knowing simultaneously in you. On one level your life is unfolding like every other person and there is all living aspects like body, mind, emotions, world etc. On the other level, you have no doubt that none of these things exist but the Self. It's almost like sitting on the couch and watching a movie on TV. On one sense, I'm engrossed in the movie but simultaneously peripherally aware that I'm outside the movie and the movie is ultimately an illusion(in this metaphor). 1) So what is it really like? Is it a form of dual stereo knowing? Or do you find yourself jumping between perspectives when you think about this issue? 2) whats the nature of your experience if you don't have to label, think and explain about it? 3) would you call Enlightenment a perspective? Or something else..
  2. @winterknight What are your thoughts on prayer? Have you personally used prayer at times in your life even after knowing about non duality?
  3. Maybe he is at stage 5, taming the bull and plugging 5 meo during coffee breaks to peek in stage 10 and beyond
  4. Yes thoughts will take you away over and over in the beginning. Everytime you get back, you gently see these 2 facts.. 1) the thoughts are seen/known. So they can't be you and thus gently let them go by not putting attention on them. 2) A thought can't know. Only Awareness knows. A thought itself is known. So what's the basis of all the contents of thoughts? Nothing! All the labels and judgement thoughts fire are totally groundless! It's like an old radio playing it's conditioned clips. The more you see this folly of thoughts, the more you cease to pay heed to them and thus they loose power over you. You can simply be...
  5. When you cease putting the obsessive attention on objects, no matter how subtle or gross they are; and you gently relax your attention...gently inquiring into yourself..that non located, formless I AMness...not intellectually but really experienially..deeper and deeper. That's self inquiry in a nutshell. Here you're not doing anything, nor there is a feeling of 'me trying to do nothing', but just simply being yourself. Open, expansive, relaxed and peaceful
  6. @Joseph Maynor From Wiki 9. Reaching the Source Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source. Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning! Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with and without - The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red My Ideas about it: It's the completion of the Hero's journey in the ultimate sense. The Hero finds himself at exactly where he started from! In the same hut, just everything is recontextualized. He realizes that he was always nothing but the Self; and all this bull chasing was nothing but exhausting his own folly and delusions. ''Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with and without'' The absorption into the Self is so deep and complete that there is no Universe anymore. ''From inside the hut, you can't see the outside''. It means when you absorbed into the Self, everything is over. There is nothing else other than the Self. After this, at 10th stage life goes on as it is destined to, without any interference or resistance.
  7. Wtf is a selective identification? Sounds like some cool business deal hiding at some dimension. Enlightenment is first and foremost, dis-identifying with everything, EVERYTHING...thus identification with Nothing starts. That's not an idea of Nothing but more like rediscovering oneself as one always is. It establishes the supremacy and primacy of Awareness. From then on, a long term maturing takes place. It's not a body-mind that works its ass off to be something different, but the body-mind completely yields and starts getting colonized by Awareness at its own pace. In the deluded state, Awareness was thought to live in and share the limitations of body-mind(birth, growth, decay, death, objectivity). After Enlightenment, the body-mind gets saturated with Awareness and takes on the qualities of Awareness(non resistance, lightness, loss of identification etc)
  8. @Adamg Meditation of the Self. The most gamechanging meditation is not on some object but on the Subject itself!
  9. @SoonHei It all comes together seemingly out of nowhere. Things just click. Then when you reflect back on it and demand an explanation on a 'conventional' level, the 'I' arises to claim ownership of it. Do we really need that adjunct called 'I'? What purpose does it really serve other than providing a false sense of intellectual security? The downside seems to be too troublesome..
  10. That voice in your head, that ego(you) is absolutely alone! ABSOLUTELY ALONE! There is no other party involved. The mind is simultaneously the thinker, the receiver, the believer, the denier of thoughts. According to itself, it holds the authority of Truth and Judgment! On what ground? ON ABSOLUTELY NO GROUND!! But it can't afford to see this system as it is. OR ELSE IT WILL SELF-EXPLODE!! That's why the mind must continuously shove all the evidence under the rug and play it's silly games! It must continuously affirm things like, ''NO NO NO!! I'M NOT ALONE! THERE IS A WORLD OUT THERE. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO AGREE WITH ME!! WHAT I SAY IS TRUE!!! MY JUDGMENTS ARE LEGIT!! THERE CAN'T BE ANY OTHER WAY THAN I SAY!! I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP! THIS IS TRUE!!''...all the while acting innocent as if it is Not actively and passively running this business. Even if God herself came down from the heavens playing an Irish bagpipe and telling all the secret's of the Universe, ultimately all of it will be translated by your mind! It's your mind thats running all the business! It's simultaneously the businessman, the consumer, the corrupter, the victim and everything else in between! Do these lines of thoughts make you uncomfortable? Who is it that is resisting and denying? Who must shove all the evidence under the rug? YOU?? or that thought? YOU? or that Corrupt dictator?
  11. Who is it that must have a place of security? The more I see the limit of knowledge, it's utter dryness, it makes me wanna puke. oh wait, is that more knowledge coming in through the back door?
  12. Why do you have to label this whole thing as a 'problem' from the get go? Why not watch it...? Why not 'wait'? a cat in front of a mouse hole.. You never know what Santa is hiding under that rug
  13. ''Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.'' -Joseph Stalin EVEN HE INTUITED A KERNEL OF TRUTH
  14. @SoonHei ''There is no free will'' or any non dual truths translated by the mind never works as a mantra. It only enables the ego to come in through the back door and co-opt the nondual teaching. Unfortunately this is the case I'm waking up to every single day The better and legit strategy is to dump all this business and fix everything you have on that I AM, until it's truth gets revealed to you once and for all Also another important thing I'm realizing is, never..I mean NEVER refer to a thought about the state of your Consciousness or who you really are; no matter how clever and sweet that sounds. The sooner you realize the folly of thoughts, the better.
  15. @SriBhagwanYogi Reread The power of Now and A New Earth literally after seeing this thread. I read them first about 4 years ago. 4 years later, I can honestly say that these books do have all the necessary hints one needs to wake up. But chances are, you'll probably find this simple teaching as weak just like I did because the mind always craves MORE!!
  16. See ya at the other side.. hmmm...interesting question.. but that's Picasso's issue. Does painting require a Picasso to be as it is?
  17. What if I told you that you're already at stage 10 AND forgot about all things related non-duality?
  18. and your niece is 1 week 'older' now..
  19. THERE IS NOT! But if you still persist on an intellectual answer, then the answer is, ''There is something rather than nothing because you simply imagine it'' in other words, Something=Nothing=Everything
  20. For those who are very curious about Post-Enlightenment living experience. Take it as you may..
  21. @Ampresus If you're interested in Osho, then I highly recommend you slowly start doing this. You're only 14 and trust me you'll feel tremendous gratitude one day that you started this early. This is the essence of Osho's message. 100% practical. You don't need to read his 20-30 books. Most of them are just gossips anyway.
  22. Actually both affirmation and negation techniques have it's place in Vedic tradition. The seeker would affirm ''I am HE'' or ''I am BRAHMAN'' as a mantra million times a day in meditation. The seeker would do neti neti (negation); which is mentally negating everything in present experience that is not me. Ramana Maharshi criticized both these techniques as not being direct enough. He said when you ask ''Who am I?'', you are not after an affirmation or answer like ''I am Brahman'' nor you just mentally label things as ''not me not me''. ''Who am I?'' is a question that invites you to take a silent journey deeper and deeper into your present experience...this is what Ramana Maharshi declared as the most direct path. With that being said, neti neti is a very helpful technique that refines intellect to discriminate between the Seer and the seen. It builds a solid intellectual foundation and later helps a lot in self inquiry.
  23. You've got it spot on my friend! The very purpose of doing neti neti is to refine the intellect more and more. Normally, a person is totally identified with the contents of his experience. At one point, this discrimination skill gets so sharp that clever thoughts like 'I want enlightnement' and intellect itself is seen as another subtle object. At this point, neti neti collapses as a mental labeling or intellectual categorizing. A holistic, pure, effortless Witnessing takes place. This is what J. Krishnamurti called choiceless Awareness. It was always there, now it shines and you know it first hand. Great that you've had this breakthrough
  24. Yes it's really simple. You just be present and follow the 'I' feeling honestly...without any judgment or agenda. Only mind makes it complex with arguments and clever distractions. It is an ongoing 'felt' experiment... Unfortunately, I've found that people who criticize or bash on Self-inquiry, don't really have a holistic understanding of this process. They have reduced it to a mere clever argument and discarded it. From my own experience I've found that Self-inquiry is a complete package that contains many many things. A total recontextualuzation of attention and thus perception. 1) Concentration practice 2) Asking questions and bringing out unquestioned assumptions and beliefs into light and thus unwiring them 3) Detachment from all objects until pure I AM/Witnessing shines 4) Progressive layers of relaxation and peace as the mind and body starts to relax. 5) Having mini breakthroughs more and more easily and frequently. These mini insights ARE enlightenment. But the latent mental tendencies bring you out of it. Self-inquiry must continue until all seeds of Vasanas (tendencies) are burnt once and for all. 6) Final irreversible breakthrough into Enlightenment (Only thing I haven't verified by myself ) All that is necessary is you spending time with it. Really sink into it. The more you do it, the easier and effortless it becomes. More and more you will put attention on your attention (relaxation of attention); instead of putting attention on objects and identifying with them.