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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. My Shiddhi: Realizing that all shiddhis are inside dream as well. Method: Intellectual inquiry
  2. Would the Absolute Infinite still remain 'infinite' without a peanut?
  3. More inclined towards inquiry, insight and jnana yoga approaches. I can't seem to work with energy, power, conditioning approaches for too long. Feels too tedious and more work(which I feel my life already so full with)
  4. If being enlightened means getting triggered by others and always being anxious about comparing my metaphysical dick size, then I'd rather stay a kid
  5. The point is to see the utter dryness, limit and circular nature of intellectual labeling and discussion. Once you see that there is nothing, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will ever satisfy you completely on the body-mind level and there is really no other way; then and MAYBE then you'll bite the bullet and go balls deep with self-inquiry all the way. But first the body, mind, intellect need to exhaust itself through it's own folly
  6. 1) Do not judge a book by it's cover 2) The more puffed up it is, the less essence there is (usually)
  7. Can you define both the peace/bliss and suffering here? Is this peace and bliss a physical/mental/tactile sensation? Is physical pain=suffering?
  8. I feel otherwise. It's motivating to see that Enlightenment is not only exclusive to monks who have renounced everything, but people from all walks of life can have a go at it. If Enlightenment in it's bare bones is simply knowing what you are at the most essential level and living from that place, then this thing should be one of first things everyone should take a look at. It must be taken out of it's exotic fetishes and esoteric cultural baggage and made more available. Not as some superhuman accomplishment, but as the most humane and natural way to start and go about in life.
  9. well..there certainly were groups of pundits and intellectual scholars who reserved and fought for their positions just like a landlord fought his wars. Buddha could easily waste his life in that business, without ever living the Truth!
  10. @Arhattobe 1) What is desire? 2) Is there really such a thing called authentic desire? or is it just a more refined version of gross, unconscious desires? 3) you talk about escapism and stuff..but where do we draw the line actually? Let's say I can live alone just by earning 20k per year, woke and and all that. I can also work on my career and earn 100k+ per year and have a family, my own property and a place in hierarchical society. How can we know whether either or both of them are just karmic reactions or not? For a millionaire, maybe the hardest thing for him is to stop thinking and live alone in woods for a week and his whole life is about avoiding that. For the contemplative, having a lucrative but noisy job at stock market could be the hardest job. So is he shutting himself in his room and escaping his life? Ultimately how can we know? Is there anything authentic in us, or are we just blobs running around, conditioned and programmed to it's marrow?
  11. @Jack River Do you 'do' Intelligence or does Intelligence 'do' you?
  12. It is a subtle but constant emanation of bliss or more importantly, lack of all disturbances. It feels like as if life itself is made with only one element and that is 'bliss'. right?
  13. ha that's why we gotta stay extra vigilant. we are tempted to live inside lion's den while we are told that we are living in fairy land
  14. Yes identification with ''The watcher'' can be a trap. It is probably the most manageable form of duality so sometimes it is called ''Enlightened duality'' lol. Anyway, the trap happens when one becomes this 'watcher' as sort of a point or wall located far far back behind the head/body and watching one's life events. You see the problem here? With this attitude, the pure subject has been turned into another object located far back and watching all other objects from there. But this trap can easily be checked if one simply knows about it and realizes that the very sense of being a 'watcher' is also another subtle feeling; so with regard to the pure, non-objective Subject; that 'watcher' sense becomes another object. That sense is then relaxed and let go of. A holistic, non located clear witnessing/knowing prevails
  15. I disagree with this. A dis-identification of Awareness or 'I' from all thoughts and objects is like a mandatory intermediate step through which Awareness re-discovers it's own boundless, infinite nature. When I say 'I', I mean a pure subject that cannot itself ever be objectified and located. That 'I' must dis-identify from all objects (which are inherently limited) to realize it's own limitless nature. What you mention as the 'thinker', it is generally a default half-assed dis-identification. Not real dis-identification taken all the way to it's full circle. This 'me' is clearly NOT the pure subject. This 'me' is already a cluster of unquestioned thoughts, beliefs and emotions by default. So of course, there is a constant conflict between 'me'( one cluster of objects) with all other objects! you mean 2 objects. An object can't conflict with pure nothing, empty, non objective presence of being
  16. 1) The Power of Now 2) A New Earth
  17. This is what Eckhart Tolle talks about in his books. You are too identified with your mind (thoughts, emotions and reactions). You seriously believe and most importantly feel that you are your mind. But this is just factually wrong. You cannot be your mind. As you persist on this falsehood, you suffer. Your thoughts, emotions and reactions are tools and mechanisms that happen to or in you. The tool has taken over the master and that's why you are suffering. The solution is 1st knowing that you are not your mind. You are the watcher or witness of the mind. Separate yourself from every thought, emotions and reaction and watch them non judgmentally. Be the witness and watch everything as it happens while feeling your own presence as the witness. If you do this, more and more space will be created between you and all your reactions. From there, you will have better understanding of how to manage/control/change them.
  18. What's so wrong about being a worthless piece of shit? Can you accept yourself as 100% worthless piece of shit just right now? Not for the rest of your life or for next 5-10 years but just right now!
  19. So at this stage, should I just continue this simple self-awareness all day? After a while, there is no tendency to search for the self as an object and pretty much everything in experience is seen through as not me. It ceases to be a vigilant activity of trying to locate the 'I am' and it becomes an easy non-activity of just being aware. Should I keep up this spacious mode? Is that all that is needed?
  20. So this contradiction and limitation belongs to language; not to the Absolute Reality, right?
  21. The constant tension lurking beneath every arbitrary construction(physical or psychological). With every construction comes a sense of stability, but at it's heart, there is the fear of it's own dissolution. Just like behind every search for pleasure there is a seed of pain, there is the seed of fear behind every construction, ''DANGER! ALL STRUCTURES ARE UNSTABLE!!"
  22. 1) How do you know this? 2) Aren't you knowing your present condition clearly right now? 3) What is the source of that knowing?