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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. The awe-inspiring headless experiment by Douglas Harding. Get a taste of limitlessness right now.
  2. This resonates so much. There is a term called happiness anxiety. What is it that cannot simply stand uncaused happiness? Ego melts in happiness. There is no ego in happiness. So sometimes it is called that happiness is the highest spiritual practice. Here of course happiness is not synonymous with pleasure.
  3. that makes the 'anti-human' position just another dream as well
  4. in other words, we get the ideology and new religion of advaita
  5. This is worth contemplating. What is being human really? Who or how is that metric system formulated?
  6. What he means is that first of all, there is no tree. There is only your perception of the tree. That perception of the tree is pervaded with 'your' knowing of it. It goes even deeper. It's not like there is one thing called a perception of the tree, and a second thing called your knowing of that perception. ALL there is to that perception, IS the knowing. We never find the knowing 'of it'. We only know knowing aka spirit(the term which Adyashanti uses more)
  7. "Make sure you sense the presence of being, without that all of the spiritual teaching is just blah blah blah.." "The sense of being has enormous transformative power, the rest is basically rearranging one's neuroses" -Adyashanti
  8. As daddy Mckenna would say, it's not about killing a non-existent ego. It is about destroying the mechanism that seems to cling and identify with the ego and it's certain patterns. That being said there really is no absolute aspect in our personality. Any conviction we have about not changing or remaining unaffected comes from our true identity which is aware presence. But as usual thought can never know Awareness, thus it mistakenly attributes our true identity on the ever changing phenomena of body-mind-world.
  9. Holy hell...the point where you get so WOKE that language starts to get WOKE with you as well
  10. the source is the all pervading, non objective aware presence. You are really knowing it right now! In fact, that's the only thing you're knowing and you've ever known. But it still eludes you because you are imagining and searching for it as something which it is not and thus denying it's presence. It's exactly like you are watching a movie on TV but you are saying that I need to focus for 1 more hour to see the screen. You are already looking at the screen! WAKE UP! You are expecting that the screen will one day show up in the movie. It won't! The screen is ever present at where it's at.
  11. Concentration is always towards an object While inquiry/contemplation is attention turning on itself and resting in it's source try it and let us know
  12. Step 1: Hone in that sense of I AM Step 2: Clearly see and dis-identify from any 'thing' that the I AM seems to be attached with repeat...until Enlightenment happens
  13. haha Ramana Maharshi gave the analogy of giving an elephant a chain to carry in it's trunk, so that it won't go for anything else to pick up. This is the essence of concentration meditation. I was reading Sanatana Gamana's book where he/she mentions that there are 2 ways to effectively quieten the mind. 1) Either by holding 1 thought in exclusion of all other thoughts(which is basically concentration meditation) 2) or by letting go of all thoughts and holding on to the subjective feeling of the self that knows all thoughts(which is basically self-inquiry)
  14. Another huge upside of adding this counting in breath concentration meditation is that it really shuts the mind down much more effectively than just focusing on breathing. As the mental verbal faculty is kept busy counting breaths, it cannot usually spin more thoughts that easily
  15. Enlightenment is really narcissism taken to it's full circle. In advaita vedanta, this incomparable love for oneself above all else is called the bliss/love aspect of the Self/Enlightenment. But it gets delusionally facilitated by the separate self ego which breeds more suffering rather than bliss. There is really no around. Where would you go?
  16. omg that face kills me everytime Does it always have to be yes or no?
  17. @Rilles Yeah I've tried it. It's actually a very precise and simple concentration meditation, makes the mind calm and alert. The way I did it was counting and out..1..1..2..2..3..3.....upto 10..then repeat from 1
  18. It's true tho if we are really honest. Our lives are really only about US. Even our benevolence and charity is for us as well. How can it be otherwise? These is only one knowing being presence. It can only pretend the otherness, something which is just not there. me me me me me...that's all there is, whether enlightened or not~
  19. Certainly not with oily hands
  20. Can you really be grasped? Or are you a slippery seal?
  21. Interesting way to frame it. What do you 'see' with and without that lens?
  22. @Joseph Maynor Is the ego something you have or something you are?