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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Andreas Are you a David Goggins minion? Jokes aside, I was thinking about the same value this morning while I was jogging and my legs were just killing me. It made me think how if someone could reprogram oneself as a 'masochist' who kinda gets some sort of satisfaction from pain and discomfort and suffering, how he/she could accomplish a LOT of things..
  2. I saw you passing through a stage where you were really trying to fit enlightenment in coral or some other SD stage
  3. I saw it a number of times where you preach that enlightenment is stage coral. Please don't ask me to find it now
  4. Coming from a guy who often declares Enlightenment=Coral such irony indeed
  5. It's the modern replacement for good ol' dick measuring contests
  6. oh boy there we go again..
  7. An indescribable security huh..
  8. We wanna see the man himself declaring that he is ded Is that too much to ask as a trusted devotee?
  9. Enough with this new age propaganda! Just tell us how is the enlightenment thing kicking so far?
  10. who the fook said enlightenment is about beliefs?
  11. just let yes or no? do all the work dammit! Give yes or no? a chance make yes or no? great again
  12. it's time for you to take over this cult. Hope you already have your head shaved
  13. It's alright. Take your time and keep an open, curious mind. All that theory will crumble on itself and you wouldn't know what hit ya hehe
  14. Don't you get out of the dream every night? Or would you say that getting out of the dream is part of the dream?
  15. Why the fook isn't some mod already counselling those who are hurt?
  16. Your 'actual experience' is really saying that the tree is nothing but the knowing. But it's the network of unquestioned beliefs, that is mistakenly translating that into a groundless story. 'sure, I have no proof that a tree exists outside of my knowing, but neither do I have any proof that it doesn't.' The very idea of a 'tree' came from your own intimate experience aka knowing. So without knowing, you wouldn't even register a thing called 'tree', let alone being confused about that tree being inside or outside your perception. It's like you saw a magical pond in dreams, and now you are really confused about whether that magic pond exists outside your dream into the waking world. It doesn't! All of that pond was in your dream. All there was to the pond was your dream. Yet you are still projecting that the pond might have an objective existence in the physical world. Hope you got what I tried to mean by this metaphor
  17. Rigorously question those beliefs. Look at your own experience and actively try to separate a tree from the knowing of it. See if you can do it or not. Ask yourself why do you believe in these groundless assumptions? Who fed you this 'common sense' which is just flat out wrong and fantasy? Can you even exhibit one sample out of million where you have your tree outside your knowing? The only thing ignorance cannot stand is clear observation. Anytime you spot an ignorance, persistently observe on that ignorance and it disappears. Self-inquiry works is built upon this same mechanism. There is no such thing as ego but we feel ourselves as the doer. So when we persistently try to hunt down that entity, it is found as non-existent.
  18. What's the point of shouting at your own creation?
  19. Intuiting that the distinction between the profound and the mundane is my own conception
  20. THIS IS A TEST OF YOUR FAITH! wait for the 2nd coming or we'll murder you for breaking the faith
  21. I'd say it's 20% chance he got 'organic' Enlightened and it really fucked up all the psychedelic and intellectual paradigm. I'm guessing he got Enlightened because he mentioned that he took self-inquiry really seriously once again on the 2 week's past video 80% chance he might be physically ill. Like really bad where you lay on bed and think you might not make it through the night.
  22. My guess is either 2 things happened. 1) Leo really got enlightened through self-inquiry/meditation and not just another psychedelic high, and now he is just dumbfounded and trying to connect the pieces. 2) His recurring back pain and runny nose finally got him good and now he is in complete bed rest Or could be an emergency family/personal issue. It's highly unlikely that he has broken his iron resolve and business commitment to party somewhere else without leaving a note. Btw this killed me already
  23. ''I will obtain the ultimate Truth and ultimate Reality. That is the ultimate aim of my life in this world, whether my body may remain with me or go to pieces. My bones and flesh may go into complete annihilation or remain with me. I shall obtain the true form of Universe. Through innumerable incarnations, good results; I have obtained a human body. I will not lose this golden opportunity and certainly obtain Samadhi and real form of Consciousness. Calamity may come and go, mountains may break upon my head, but I will not leave my promise to obtain nirvanam'' -Fundamentals of Yoga
  24. Do you see that the very discrimination and distinction process is seen as well through this holistic knowing? From here nothing but holistic knowing prevails. Even calling that is too much nonsense spoken already.