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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Why is living in the moment so difficult? It's because one cannot fake it or shove it all away overnight with some sweet sounding new age mantra. Living in the present moment comes as a byproduct of highest levels of psychological and spiritual real growth, which usually takes years and decades. It's really like the final reward one gets at the end of the tunnel.
  2. hey hey wait a minute. Wait a freaking minute! This needs some looking. If the augmented layer called 'meaning' doesn't really change what reality is, then what is it that gives a fuck about the presence or absence of meaning in the first place? With or without meaning, the Universe is as it is. But who is bothered by this? Oh..and this cracked me up big time
  3. lol this comment reminds me of something I read from Eckhart Tolle. Gotta give credit to the man for mapping out and presenting graphic details on how ego generally operates. When the ego conceives some other entity as superior and subsequently feels diminished by it, it will then follow either of these 2 strategies. 1) The ego will either fight and resist against it through violence, judgement, projection, belittling etc and claim it's own false superiority 2) Or the the ego will associate itself with that thing/brand/entity to not feel insecure anymore by joining the gang ouch
  4. Well that's where rigorous spiritual practices come in. It's impossible to think about what having no perception will be like. That would be more perception lol. The only thing we can do is to bite the bullet and start putting the hours in self-inquiry salt mine. Start with Leo's recent self-inquiry video. Visit this thread if you feel that you need more explanation and discussions
  5. When the I/Me is really gone once and for all, the perception that I/Me had, dissolves totally with it as well. One cannot withstand the absence of the other. For discussions sake, you could say there will still be 'thoughts' floating around without a subject. But actually thoughts are not seen/experienced as thoughts are conventionally experienced. In the technical term, everything becomes/is the Self.
  6. @Toby I guess the best approach would be consulting a guru expert in this field personally. He/she could verify what is actually going on in your case.
  7. Self Inquiry. Persistently separate the subject I-thought from all the objects of perception. Inevitably, the subject will collapse when isolated like this consistently. The objective perception will go along with it. This is how you get to live the truth of having no perception and a perceiver.
  8. Where is Hellspeed when we need him? Can't he just travel through the 12th dimension and bring back Leo's soul or something?
  9. all credit goes to @Rilles for making us bad
  10. @Viking 1) When was the last time you ran as fast as you could and totally exhausted yourself physically? 2) When was the last time you walked on soil barefooted? 3) When was the last time you took a bath in rain? 4) When was the last time you couldn't stop laughing for 5-10 minutes until your tummy started hurting? 5) When was the last time you cried? 6) When was the last time you hugged someone deeply? 7) When was the last time you bonded with an animal from street? 8) When was the last time you lied down on a grass field? 9) When was the last time you participated in a sport? 10) When was the last time you jumped into a natural water body?
  11. Do it! The Lord demands a sacrifice!
  12. I've a feeling that after Leo comes back, he will block all of us acting like monkeys on steroid Or put us on a 100 hour self-inquiry drill..
  13. This really makes sense. I've had experiences in meditations where I could seemingly penetrate through and melt 'pain' with concentration instantly. Pain would keep transforming quickly...until it became totally neutral. Almost like neutralizing acid with a buffer solution. That sure would be a really valuable ability to look into and develop
  14. Words of inspiration and pitfalls. It's all about perseverance.
  15. @Sahil Pandit @kieranperez Guys fundamentally this once again brings out the predetermination vs free will dilemma. oh God... For me personally, I've been both the champion super efficient workaholic for years and also saw everything crumble before my eyes as I bummed out for months/years. So I really know the taste of both side. I honestly don't know what drives us anymore or what's actually going on
  16. @Andreas So basically emptying one's cup so that more pain can be welcomed huh? I like how you frame it. @kieranperez It's really the consistency and volume that is the issue here. Also this pain withstanding capacity is never a fixed parameter. Even in my own life, I've seen it fluctuating a great deal over the ages or ever over the course of a day. Another thing you pointed out, pain really has many many layers and faces. I guess it's the inability to really look at them like Ralston does, makes those layer supercharge each other and hit the victim down KO
  17. Consciousness doesn't increase or decrease. The game of life is all about aligning with certain beliefs, values, actions and perspectives that produce less and less amount of friction down the line. In other words, making one's dream smoother and smoother. The project never ends though.
  18. Finally someone said it. Thank you SD stages are just set of beliefs, values and worldviews. Tools to navigate inside the dream
  19. One story I've been seeing consistently for over 1 year in this forum: People picking on Joseph. Lets just stop. Peace out. Take care.
  20. @Andreas I really feel that this ability to withstand pain(physical and emotional) consistently day after day is like the most important key to success or skill building any department. How much does genetics play on this? Many many people just can't have that pain tolerance. I wonder whether all this is in the head or if some people are 'really' crippled at withstanding the pain..