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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. One probably won't feel those 'feelings' unless and until the pain of running away becomes greater than the pain of feeling those 'feelings'
  2. @Arhattobe Thanks for answering. Saguna and Nirguna Brahman is basically form and formlessness of heart sutra. They must collapse into not-twoness. If I ask you to describe that authentic 'you' beyond the game, how would you describe it? There must be a recognition or else you wouldn't even notice any difference before and after.
  3. thats the issue. Thoughts don't wanna think/contemplate about that
  4. ''the universe'' and ''just the room'' both are thoughts in your mind. During deep sleep, what are you one with?
  5. What is the difference between before and after stabilizing in non-duality? Is it possible to express it? Would appreciate it if you could say something on this
  6. @Arhattobe 1) What is value, purpose, meaning? 2) What is the role of perseverance and effort in the path? 3) Is it the mind that cleanses the impurities of mind? Or is something else involved as well?
  7. In daily life, we have infinite possibilities to take any route any time. But we aren't actually going anywhere as it is always the formless here and now no matter which direction we take, so the term 'free will' collapses on itself. Nor our true Self ever does or becomes anything permanently or even intermittently(). It's like you can go any place in a boundless ocean, but all you are surrounded with all the time is water. Is that a healthy attitude to develop? Please share your personal standing on this topic of free will vs predetermination.
  8. but there is also a simultaneous 'seeing' that sees through that experience?
  9. So the 'I' feels located and somehow special/heavy and separate from other things?
  10. @winterknight If you remember the word 'I', what significance it has right now or where does it point towards naturally and honestly?
  11. I become totally silent everytime this hits me God's honest truth, I have no idea how come it is what it is and what is about to come
  12. @Arhattobe @Jack River Remember the word 'I'. Please honestly write what that word points towards right now in your own experience.
  13. @Mikael89 If you are really taking this seer-seen distinction all the way full time, Enlightenment shouldn't be far away. Good luck
  14. Osho is seen. So you made a good choice not trusting him
  15. So it's more about making the body-mind-brain into a better and better receptor through suggestions and other means? But they are never the source?
  16. Don't you think you've reversed them? If the choice is always being made now, and if there is no time, there can be 'free will' only in the conceptual world when this spontaneous event is separated from the whole, placed on an imaginary line called time and dissected from many other imaginary angles. In other words, only when it is conceptualized
  17. He might be the one getting out of here more confused than before lol. Okay jokes aside, I'll share a personal view. No intention of degrading OP or anything regarding that I've found myself having a tremendous impression on many college professors(not all). Their whole business has been about studying a very narrow specialized field for decades and communicating that in various forms. Their lectures sound extremely eloquent, it seems they are in a deep flow state when they are giving lectures(and they are! as the they know the subject matter from inside out). Those who care to listen attentively, inevitably get along with the professor's flow state. Exactly like, how you see a super athlete/artist perform and you get the a very palpable high just by watching them perform on a flat screen. That's how powerful flow states and synchronization can be and that's why extraordinary entertaining skill is so much valued and worshipped all over the world. People spend 1000s of $$$ and effort and time just to be present at the venue and get a taste of that live. Even telecasting it can't annihilate that power of flow state. I've had mixed feelings in these lectures of flow state professor. Some times I rode the flow with them, sometimes my low-esteem got crippled in contrast to that superior fluency of the flow state. You feel like a mouse in front of a cat on steroids. Looking back, now I feel that most of my college years that was full of episodes of anxiety attacks had something to do with this. It's only recently that I had to work it out, realizing that those professors no matter how fluent they are, no matter how it seems they got it all figured out absolutely, they cannot possibly know everything as they appear to be. But they sure have mastered a specialized message and the delivery of that message. Their 'performance' palpably leave a solid impression on anyone who cares to pay attention. The purpose of my post is to highlight this very common tendency of students of not having a big picture and superimposing a sense of absolute perfection on teachers(doesn't matter what they teach). It is actually not their 'wisdom' that impresses us. It's more like the huge 'knowledge gap' that creates a solid impression on the student. Just like a super pro tennis player will watch another super tennis player playing very normally and probably won't bat his eye because he too can and have done this same business. But for the spectators who are like ants compared to humans when it comes to playing tennis, it leaves a super impression on them
  18. @Arhattobe Thanks for elaborating. Anyway may I sidetrack and ask something different? What have you come to understand as the proper translation of 'anatta' through your own realization? No-self or non-self or something else?
  19. @Leo Gura Please share your thoughts on John C. Lilly and the book ''The human biocomputer'' also on using sensory deprivation tank+LSD to get WOKE
  20. Why ''god's will''? Is it because it sounds creative, magical? like god has intelligence that can intervene anywhere anytime and perform miracles? While 'predetermination' sounds like a dead, dumb program made from the beginning of time with no actual consequence? I mean like a video game/movie that is already programmed and no matter how many times one runs it, it's always gonna yield the same thing with no actual consequence in real life.