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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. I agree. The very calling out the birds sounds fishy in the first place lol I just wrote my previous post for arguments sake. Ultimately, anything that is objectively known is speculation. Speculation is the mode in which the mechanism of objective knowing takes place.
  2. all humans , birds, trees etc are equal in deep sleep. A birds deep sleep and your deep sleep has no qualitative difference. that is our shared being
  3. Yeah the absolute truth is that the portals or states of light, sound, emptiness, energy, vibration, consciousness or awareness, being(ness), the I Am and stillness are all non-existent appearances only because there is a perceiver/ego/self/subject, however gross or subtle it might be. This is why the viable strategy is ruthless self-inquiry all the way. It is basically staying with the presence of the subject while being totally uninterested in all objects, states, understanding, insights, peace, bliss and all that heart crap...until that illusory 'I am'ness/egoness/subjectness is found to be non-existent then, now, forever. Leaving you as you are, the absolute.
  4. Why hasn't the psyche guru Leo Gura locked this thread already for spreading hearsay against powder consciousness aka God-dust?
  5. No Ramana wasn't wrong. These are just arbitrary technical contradictions. You can nitpick the terms consciousness and awareness separately or use them as the same thing. Go with the one that makes most sense to you. The materialists say that there is nothing after death because all they 'know' is matter/phenomena. So after death, of course there can't be any matter, thus they declare that as nothing. Notice the wording you used. Eternal vs non-eternal, death vs life all these are categories of non-existent appearance. That's why nothing sensible can be said about 'The Absolute'. Even the term 'Absolute' is redundant and collapses on itself. Realize who you are and get done with this contradiction once and for all If you are seeking for a belief system to subscribe to and pretend that this existential crisis is solved, you'll always be disappointed.
  6. More specifically, he used the term 'consciousness' for expressing subject-object consciousness. That means the human consciousness that knows an 'other', that seems to start and end, that seems to fluctuate. And by awareness, he meant the absolute on which this non-existent dream of consciousness appears. The absolute does not know any 'other'. Just like Ramana Maharshi rigorously differentiated between the I-thought(the object knowing ego consciousness) and the Self ( the Absolute that knows no otherness aka no-thing).
  7. Midlife crisis= 1) Not knowing who you are (this has many many layers..upto the core existential layer/enlightenment) 2) Not having clearly defined values 3) Not having the necessary authentic drives to exercise those values because the mind is too weak with conflicted desires, beliefs, conditioning etc 4) Even if someone neurotically accomplishes something, the inability to enjoy satisfaction from it and be grateful. It either becomes hollow or the next thing chases him down too quickly 5) Not taking responsibility to get out of this standstill. 6) Not facing oneself. Doing everything BUT that. 7) Maybe intuiting all this but yet being unable to do anything to get out of this rut. 8) Same old mechanical life that is squeezing every ounce of juice out of you, yet you can't stop. 9) The world, future seems bleak, unsatisfying and not worth living The result of all this is bumming out and slipping into chronic neuroses day by day. So the advice is to face yourself in physical, psychological, emotional, existential levels as deep as you can in your youth. So that you enjoy your mature and old ages in peace and contentment. With no fear or tendency to run away from life and it's many many facets and challenges, because you've already cracked open the shit out of life and came out clean from the other side. Happy 20th birthday (in a few months)
  8. @LoveandPurpose Get all the midlife crises out as early as possible.
  9. @captainamerica I don't know about the Buddhist term but Nisargadatta Maharaj called it Moolmaya(mother of all maya/illusion). He said things like, upon your Absolute 'unknowable' nature, this consciousness/being spontaneously appeared without anyone's permission or previous notice. This is just pure love for oneself, the unending love to be, to exist. All of his teaching is about inquiring into the root of this primal consciousness(which starts at waking/dreaming state), thus making it dissolve; leaving the absolute, natural state as it truly is.
  10. This just means that the war hasn't been won yet. Self inquiry. Until the ego never rises again as the I-thought. The irreversible transformation called self-realization. The total extinction of latent mental tendencies or vasanas. Don't sell Enlightenment short.
  11. @kieranperez Remind yourself this once in a while. You've seemingly got it a lot harder than other average people. Providence won't let you to weasel out or settle down with average things all other people are seemingly doing so easily. There must be a higher purpose behind this. Providence won't cease nagging you until you reach where it is destined, which is far too extraordinary than what you can imagine right now. Good luck.
  12. @Aakash You know you are there when the term 'enlightenment' makes no sense anymore. Enlightenment? As opposed to what?
  13. @Truth Addict I agree that almost everything can be interpreted in nondual fashion as everything is in the eye of the beholder. But this particular verse doesn't really give any clear line of interpretation. Enlightenment shows that there is no such thing as life in the first place. Thus the counter part called death automatically becomes invalid. Maybe this verse is about increasing the conviction and faith of a devotee on God. Or another more nondual way of seeing it could be that there is no actual distinction between life and death for Allah. That is why it can turn dead corpses alive again without any real consequences. Thus Allah stays unaffected from the cycle of seeming life and death. Also it hints the unlimited power of the pure potentiality of Allah which is beyond all reason or cause.
  14. I find them really efficient at hunting down or digging out the sense of self in self-inquiry. Glad it resonates with you as well.
  15. 1) If right now, everything in your life and experience remains exactly the same; but just the personal 'you' (whatever that is) is taken out, what actual difference would it make? 2) If right now, your brain is shot with a gun, what exactly is it that would die? Can thoughts, sensations, feelings, perception, interpretations die? Were they alive in the first place?
  16. This needs further clarifications on the backstory to understand the context first.
  17. does it matter which ego it comes from? Don't they all smell pretty much the same?
  18. a couple of people disagreeing with your personal views.. maybe
  19. But the original teachings and non-dual philosophies treated God as one third of the trinity of soul-god-world. They must have had their reasons. Seeing all the zen-devils, you can be pretty sure why they didn't equate Truth-realization with 'becoming God'. So to answer your original question, the sages don't say ''You are God'' not out of fear of fanatics but because it is technically misleading and impractical.
  20. As @now is forever elaborated, the God concept can be misused every easily. Also God is not the highest realization, technically speaking. What is God exactly? It is the unknown principle/law behind everything. It is the machine ''behind the scenes''. Enlightenment aka the Self is beyond God. Because the duality of subject-object or the trinity of soul-god-world or seer-sight-seen are all nothing but illusory projection of that which truly is(Self/Consciousness/Reality). So in my opinion the statement ''You are God'' is really sloppy, dangerous, impractical and easily misunderstood. So better not use it because it can easily be the mother of heaps of roaches called zen devils. If in the future, an element of Leo's teachings gets corrupted and so out of hand, it's gonna be this easily misunderstood tendency of bashing everyone as God. Are you surprised that more and more zen-devils are showing up everyday?
  21. I just realized and decided to call it kjhaskfjfoaxx as the description
  22. I'm sorry if it felt like that. I think another person named Sockrates claimed similar charges against me haha. Gosh this is weird. Forgive me
  23. 1)then those words become the real thing? 2) if it is not spoken about, does that 'realization'' get invalidated?