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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Let's dissect you like a frog in Biology lab, shall we?
  2. Hi. After doing self inquiry for a while, we reach to this exactly same observation like you posted. No matter where the attention goes, there is only more perceivable, never the perceiver. So what to do? Well now you've reached the 2nd stage of self inquiry where it becomes self resting. When you are watching a movie, you are by definition looking at the screen. So the only thing you can deliberately 'do' is to intentionally relinquish the interest and fascination over all the perceivable and just relaxing while remaining alert. Instead be more interested in the non located perceiver. Eventually you will start basking in a sense of spacious beingness. That is awareness right there being aware of itself and slowly undoing all egoic conditionings. You have to stay in that state of observation as long as you can, return to it over and over again. Use questions like ''who is aware?", "Who is the knower?" to immediately relax the focus from the perceivable and shift attention to being. Good luck.
  3. Nope. It's gotta be here only as long as you persistently believe it's here. Does the dream say ''Hey! I'm the dream''? The best thing it can do for you is to vividly show you that you can never ever grab this on an intellectual and belief level. It should show you the utter dryness and futility of knowledge and mental masturbation. It should create a nagging desperation inside you to actually forget everything you thought you knew, dedicate whole-heartedly to a legit spiritual technique and not stop until the search collapses on itself, leaving you 'done'. If these 2 videos did just that for you, I'd say they have fulfilled their purpose. The dream analogy was mentioned to put up with the argument. Of course there is no actual dream and actual end lol. Or else Enlightenment would be a real thing, which it is not. The term/strategy called 'enlightenment' is a thorn to remove another thorn you are afflicted with right now which is ''I am bound''. Of course! Any genuine teaching must eat it's own tail. Like dissolution of the stick in the burning pyre as Ramana would say. Become more and more dispassionate, uninterested in the contents of experience and instead be more interested to the one that has all these conflicted experiences. Hope you find solace in that. All the best.
  4. You are misunderstanding! Yes he destroyed everything. But it is translated as existentially bleak, nihilistic and negative from the perspective of the mind which is all about constructing/spinning all sorts of groundless imaginations and firmly believing them as objective, ultimate truths. This is exactly what it sounds like when you attempt to speak about that which can't be spoken about in any case. You cannot say a thing positively about the absolute. Even the term absolute and anything said about it becomes misleading and redundant at one point, as it must be. You can only skillfully use the negation methods to talk about it for teaching purposes. And the mind bums out just because of that as it all gets bleak when everything is indiscriminately destroyed. It doesn't realize that nothing real is ever destroyed. Would you call the end of a dream as some valid, substantial loss or destruction? That dream never had any substance, consequence and reality in the first place!
  5. My question is to those who have access to 5-meo-dmt aka powder consciousness. What's preventing you from plugging it day after day, week after week until you literally 'forget' the experience of duality and become enlightened like the way Martin Ball did? It shouldn't take more than few weeks/months. I'm asking this because I don't have access to any psychedelic. Reading all the magical trip reports, it makes me wonder how anyone can 'endure' coming back to petty, constricted human consciousness after experiencing all that. There would be a nagging desperation to reclaim that magical state permanently.
  6. So the tendency of getting more 'experiences' seems to outweigh the desire for self-realization..
  7. Spread bad reputation about powder consciousness and your unenlightened ass will be banned in no time! (Subtle forum guideline)
  8. You find the cosmic dance of the powder god funny? Heretics!
  9. 1) The constant sense of lack and the subsequent search for happiness/release 2) Fear of disappearance/death These 2 are actually two sides of the same movement.
  10. If you are honestly content and satisfied in life, please forget all this jargon. If not, then only enlightenment can solve that root issue. Enlightenment is very real in the sense that it is deeply linked with our very thrust for living life and getting unmixed, unlimited happiness which is really all we want whether we know/acknowledge it or not. Enlightenment is the cessation of that primal wound we humans are afflicted with. No amount of jargon war would legitimately satisfy that need. I highly recommend this book, a must read for anyone pursuing enlightenment. Hope it clarifies your doubts and shows you what's next Thanks a lot @who chit for discovering this gem
  11. You need to get this with every fiber of your being, not with just the intellect. That itself would be enlightenment. Only getting it with intellect makes one more confused, bum out and nihilistic about life. Have some trust and keep inquiring into the one that is confused
  12. So this whole enlightenment business runs on pure desire after all. No wonder Shankara considered the intense desire for liberation as one of the 4 prerequisites of the seeker. I heard Michael James saying that getting enlightened through self-inquiry is supposed to be the easiest task of all, because we are already the Self. The only thing preventing us is that we don't really want it. Our attachment to 'things' outweighs the desire for liberation by 10000000000000000000000000X. Such a bitter pill to swallow..
  13. the more I look, the more the term enlightenment makes less and less sense
  14. @Mikael89 You should know that Ramana's own state was called ajata, which does not acknowledge any existence of ego, subject, consciousness, universe, god, objects etc in the first place. But because we feel ourselves as egoes, the sage has conceded a practice called 'self-inquiry' out of compassion for the devotees. He instructs us to inquire and actually see if there is an ego in the first place, instead of assuming an ego and going on an arduous path of reading scriptures, mantra, tantra, yantra, karma, bhakti yoga etc to get rid of that assumed ego. Thus it is regarded as the direct path, which short-circuits all other spiritual practices, opinions and yogas. Hope that made sense
  15. @Jack River where are 'you'?
  16. a-n-t-h-r-o-p-o-m-o-r-p-h-i-c superimposing human bias on everything that is non-human
  17. yes. A concept appearing in waking state, not when it's lights out lol
  18. Well the irony is, there is no illusion. Only the illusion of illusion. The whole game of spirituality is to directly get this point once and for all. Let's not assume from the very beginning that there is illusion or there is form. Who claims these assumptions about illusion, form, perception and existence? Does a form say ''I am form''? Does the body say ''I am body''? Does the world say ''I am world''? Who then makes these claims from the get go?
  19. There can be a subject only as long as there is an object. Both are two sides of the same coin called appearance. And 'YOU' are not an appearance. 'YOU' transcend both subject and object. And what that is, cannot be symbolically represented. It is only appearing to be contradictory because of linguistic limitations.
  20. There can be no legitimate concept and images about deep sleep. Whatever concept there is about deep sleep, is outside deep sleep.
  21. Hey man, please don't panic. Nisargadatta's primary attitude was to almost always go against the questioner/student's current beliefs. That's why we can see this absolute negation style of everything in his teachings, just so people cannot nest in a particular state and start believing that they 'got' it. There is an absolute truth, the sole substance aka the reality beyond all these words. That Reality alone 'appears' as the trinity of 1) subject/ego/consciousness/awareness/perceiver 2) objects/phenomena 3) mechanism of perception/god These 3 elements ''arise and subside'' simultaneously and cannot stand without the others. If one can completely see through any one of these 3 elements, the entire 'appearance' collapses. In self inquiry, only the subject is of primary focus and thus dissolved. In the end, the terms consciousness/awareness are just as much nonsensical as kgbnadsvaihdv or axcnCNCVMa. So use these terms as maps as long as it is helpful, but don't get attached to them or try to conceptually prove their validity against all other concepts.