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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @moon777light Good to see you enjoying the crests. But be open to coping with troughs down the line. All the best!!
  2. Until you start to live and breathe it
  3. Godspeed. I try to remember Rupert Spira's advice when feeling heavy emotions. He says not to have ANY agenda while feeling an emotion. The true test is asking oneself, "Am I okay with living with this feeling for the rest of my life?" The day we can answer yes to that question honestly, is the day healing starts. Also he instructs us to feel emotions not as an individual body-mind, but as open empty formless awareness. Just like the space of the room is never distraught by what happens inside the room, awareness never resists whatever emotion is present.
  4. Her voice makes me feel like I'm attending a kindergarten lecture Great content btw. Thanks for sharing Charlotte!
  5. Desire IS the root cause of suffering. More accurately put, Broken desire = Suffering. The pure consciousness or true self only knows it's own presence and nothing else. It is in complete desire. Whenever that complete desire gets broken and thus an urge for objective knowledge to know anything 'other' arises, that is the other name of suffering. It is bound to suffer unless and until that broken desire is complete again.
  6. A very significant point. It's so simple that we fail to get it
  7. of course! The deeper you dig, the more you drown in the shit. But it's already dug up too deep to go back, aye? The only is way forward is through it.
  8. This reminds me of the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Pretty much all destruction was and is being done in the name of good, self righteousness and salvation. No devil ever came and declared that he is from hell to burn this world. Such is the paradox of changing the world, disturbing to even think about it.
  9. Please bless me The final battle is yet to come
  10. What is it that knows that I feeling? Chase and stay with that self aware being more and more, while being progressively uninterested in things that are known. Thanks for sharing your case and glad you are past it. Let's see where things go in my case
  11. Makes me wonder whether God is the ultimate masochist lol. There is pain no matter which direction you take. If you take the easy route, life becomes hell down the line. If you take the hard route, multiple pain barriers are to be conquered.
  12. I wouldn't say intense as in dropping on my knees, though it feels like that from time to time. It's more like a sustained heavy feeling fluctuating from vague to flat out uncomfortable levels almost every waking hour. The strategy I follow is to leave the sensation as it is while I focus on the experience of being aware, the one who knows this sensation
  13. That's something I think I've calmly understood all the way. Often we hear in the non-dual scene the parroting of ''there is no I, there is no I''. But it's actually a misconception. It's impossible to lose the I. Only the nature and understanding of the 'I' get unraveled and progressively revealed. The challenge isn't losing an I. The challenge is keeping cool and correct understanding in midst of every uncomfortable and convincing feelings that arise to delude one back to the ego identified state at every small spiritual 'victory' you make. That being said, we never know what may come so I better not get too cocky
  14. thanks! Sorry if my post appeared rude or anything. It seems you get it in episodes. But my case is kinda chronic and continuous. It's like 4 hours of attack, then 1 hour of relief. Then comes up another wave. They have no co-relation with external circumstances. Anyway glad that you've found your way to cope with your case
  15. Talking about peace of mind. ''If the mind is silent, one may live anywhere'' - Ramana Maharshi Great thread btw
  16. This burning is already happening. Let everything burn, until that which can't be burnt remains //
  17. Trust me these attacks (either short heavy impact or extended chronic effect) aren't happening for no reason. They are happening on behalf of 'someone'. And until the nature of that 'someone' is completely unraveled, these attacks will keep sticking on like shadows.
  18. The only thing helping me keep my cool is something I've taken as hypothesis. We all pretty much have layers and layers of constricted emotions and feelings resulted from living and acting as a separate self for decades. Those who are obsessively identified with the body and forms, these emotions almost never arise so intensely because it would be impossible for them to cope with it and they might pass out in worst case scenarios. But those who progressively dis-identify from the body, these feelings come up wave after wave to clear up. I remember the time when I couldn't just feel these heavy emotions no matter how much I wanted. The identification with the body was too strong to allow such uncomfortable feelings. I remember even sleeping for over 15 hours a day just so I didn't have to feel these sensations. But as I did self-inquiry and progressively disidentified from the body, there is not any heavy defense mechanism present to resist these feelings anymore. So let' see how long these waves last