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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Planet of good boys. Premiers in 2050
  2. That's all well and good. But doesn't this part sound kinda incoherent? Is this the no self-self? Like there is a self that knows there is no self?
  3. Once again, you are diverting from enlightenment. What is enlightenment in your book? I'm not asking about the symptoms or things related to the disease. I'm asking about THE DISEASE.
  4. @Tony 845 Before seeking validation for psychedelics or anything else, you first have to know the exact science of Enlightenment. What makes enlightenment, enlightenment? How are you doing in that department?
  5. @Rilles The cure for this weak, distracted life is to contemplate death with every breath month after month, year after year until this finally sinks in. If there is one neurosis worth having, it is the initial nagging urge and consequence of contemplating death.
  6. Talk about leaving your legacy of upcoming good little boys huh?
  7. The very mechanism of objective existence is self delusion. It is not the breath and food that is keeping this body alive but self delusion. Objective consciousness is the biggest wanker of all time. It just can't get enough of sucking up its own delusion. Every trace of movement, relativity, objectivity, separation, unhappiness is self delusion. So are the ideas of stillness, absolute, unity, love, bliss, enlightenment and all that crap along with their evil cousins. You want proof? Well every night you create your personal world so that you can delude yourself on all levels possible. What makes ye think you aren't doing exactly that right now? This extraordinary impossible feat of simultaneous creation and self imposed delusion of regarding it's own imagination as real, also known as Maya, it is all that seems to be and yet it can't be found.
  8. why some people attain enlightenment faster then others? Suffering. Or intense overdrive experience. No one wakes up from a dream unless and until that becomes a nightmare or some intense experience.
  9. self inquire the shit out of me
  10. I'm confused where this thread might appropriately belong, so I'd leave it to the mods to decide I've watched this video before and but today this part especially caught me again. From 2:51:46 to 2:54:35 The 64-67 people in the world who own more wealth than the rest of the population combined, if they really wanted then the face of the earth could change in 24 hours. But alas! such a fantasy. The charade of changing the world. It made me question why is it like this from time immemorial. Why should a 'finite' wealth be under such massive inequality? Is that the only way this thing can work? Then immediately I remembered how in global MMORPG games, depending on the popularity of that game, only 100-200 maniacs basically own that game based on game rep and stats. Is it because ''money and wealth'' being a conceptual construct and thus it is supposed to only work in this fashion? But on the other hand, when it comes to 'natural' wealth or resources, no one individual or a small group of people can exclusively monopolize over it. Like no one can monopolize on the amount of air we breathe or the amount of appetite we have for food and biological urges etc. Can there ever be 'equality' in a conceptual finite wealth or is it just a contradiction in terms? It seems that the only way conceptual wealth like money or MMORPG game stats can work if this gross inequality works as it's mechanism. Take away that inequality and the whole thing crashes and burns by losing 'significance'. Would love to hear your thoughts about this issue
  11. That's exactly what I'm questioning here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there never was a situation where this gross wealth hoarding wasn't prevalent. It's not like the conceptual reality of wealth functions in a cyclic manner from inequality to equality and back.. It seems like this system can ONLY function on gross inequality or not function at all
  12. Sit in meditation with that koan you bald fool
  13. Because I believe it!! How dare you deny the signal from my GOD(my ego) ?
  14. ''What is sleep for the sage, is waking for the ignorant, what is waking for the sage, is sleep for the ignorant'' - Bhagavad Gita
  15. To clear doubts regarding questions like this, I recommend the book ''Happiness and art of being'' by Michael James. Basically, don't you know that you slept well where you didn't know anything? How do you know that condition if 'you' weren't present and knowing during deep sleep? What is your actual experience? Do you experience saturday's waking state and immediately Sunday's waking state back to back without any gap? Of course not! You are clearly aware of a 'gap' called deep sleep. The reason we feel unconscious in deep sleep because we are so accustomed to knowing only objects with our mind. So when the mind and it's objective knowledge is absent during deep sleep, we mistakenly translate that experience of pure I AM as our non-existence or un-awareness. What is it that knows this absence? 'Something' must be present and aware during deep sleep to know that absence, right?
  16. 1) Happiness and art of being - Michael James (Available free from author's website as pdf) 2) Presence Vol 1 and 2, The Nature of Consciousness - Rupert Spira
  17. @Aakash @Jack River What I mean is there may not be a place called 'done', but the self-knowledge can't be so fickle that it comes and goes. This stabilizing process is highly ignored in many spiritual circles and thus we get neo advatins and newer versions of new age fads every year.
  18. @Mikael89 I also think that we(doubter types) need a clear doubt free intellectual understanding first before a genuine and wholehearted search can begin for real. So I would suggest you to spend time, use any way necessary to work through your doubts intellectually until you really get that there is no other way than to do this work. You probably wouldn't succeed anyway without that level of purity of intent. Use this forum, or I can suggest you a few good books to serve that purpose~
  19. @Mikael89 I said the ideas the ideas the ideas you got this one. As long as there is the 'confused', there is always gonna be a huge pile of confusion.
  20. In order be totally done, you must have 100% absolutely clear self knowledge. There can't be even 0.0001% doubt in that knowledge. You can doubt your own birth or your parents, but you can't doubt your self knowledge - that is the level of irreversible conviction we are talking about here. Stay with the I AM and things will click in due time.
  21. Akash this is something Sri Sadhu Om, one of the cleanest interpreters of Sri Ramana's teaching talked about. You are at a very good place indeed. Looks like you can easily bypass all thoughts and doubts and 'feel' that non-objective experience of being aware aka just I AM. This self-awareness is becoming more and more available throughout the day. But this is NOT the final realization. Many people think at this state that they have got it. But no. Please don't call off the search prematurely. Your job now should be to become more and more vigilant to bring this self-awareness into everyday life, not just in meditation with eyes closed. You will know when your DONE. Done means done. A point will come, when you will 'gain' a self-knowledge beyond all doubt. So much so that you might totally lose interest in knowing who are business because you've figured it out from inside out. That irreversible state is called Sahaja Samadhi where the ego will never arise again as a subject to know other objects. It is literally Manonasa or the destruction of mind. Be thankful for the doubts. Keep up the inquiry. In your case, it's less about inquiry and more about self-abidance at this point. Keep going. As daddy Mckenna would say further further further
  22. In the land of non-duality, any direction you take is the Truth. Where else could you go? ''Every belief is an image of Truth'' - Shakespeare(probably) Thanks @Jack Riverand @ajasatya for your sincere insights It is the mind that simultaneously projects, experiences duality and deludes itself into believing all of it as real. That's why all self delusion, suffering and all ideas of salvation are for the mind, never for our real self Awareness aka pure I AM. But the 'knowing' with which this finite mind knows all seeming objects; the 'non-dual knowing' that the mind fragments into the dualistic subject-object knowing to delude itself; that 'knowing' is infinite and doesn't belong to the mind. In the Absolute level you are that pure Awareness. That is your real I. But to survive inside the self imposed delusion of unreal, relative reality you inevitably attach with an object(body-mind) to refer yourself as I. This is not something in your 'control'. The very seeing of relative reality means we are already in the realm of self delusion of arising as a distinct subject which is knowing other separate objects.
  23. And thus we create our own self delusions. To be alive is to delude oneself, or else that one will simply self explode! The question is what's the degree. For me, life=self delusion for you, life=truth and thus we create our own self imposed, manageable hell to nest in. aww. I heard you can make them laugh with your silent zen jokes what about your transsexual girlfriend?