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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. 'I' is aware of all these things. But none of these things is aware of 'I'
  2. Today after waking up in the morning, 1) I viscerally felt that the whole universe came into existence out of me. There was no thing. Everything else came after this hideous cancer called 'life'/'perception' arose. There is only one Ego and that's me. 2) After having a gloomy reaction, then it dawned upon me that this world is itself God; it just 'looks' different now. It is the same screen. It only looks different because a movie is going on it. Deep sleep=Waking state. They are identical, they just 'look' different. 3) All judgments/comments made about anyone or anything is nothing but reflection of one's own knowledge. No judgment ever made is objectively true. If I tell you to talk about a planet for 10 minutes which you haven't even heard of, what would you do? Now even if you had a PhD on that planet and could give 100s of hours of lectures, would it make that planet any different? Notice how both of these cases actually say nothing about that planet but your own limitation of knowledge. All objective 'knowledge' is hollow and groundless. There is no proof of anything, including the notion of proof. 4) The 'Truth' is ever here. There is nothing else but that. But 'I' just cannot stomach it yet. The elephant is just too 'unbelievable'. A bonus: Forgetfulness of Truth or self-deception is what keeps 'you' alive minute after minute. I don't breathe to stay alive, I delude myself What can you do when the magician himself is part of the illusion? *A giant elephant's ass for reading the post*
  3. This line of thinking reminds me where I am at. The process of stomaching the Truth. Do you see how the 'I' fantasizes about how it is gonna enjoy the cake called enlightenment? But the reality is, there is a beautiful cake; but there is no one to eat it. The mechanism of eating is just absent. It's so hard to accept the fact that Truth has ZERO concern about what 'I' might want or not. The 'I' loves to conceptualize all the after effects of Enlightenment just like it fantasizes and calculates every situation beforehand. But too bad that 'I' cannot ever eat that cake. It's like the moth. It can never get the flame, it can only die in it. The greatest tragedy ever?
  4. Amen. Freedom only 'looks' like bondage
  5. @FoxFoxFox One of the things I've struggled (and still do to some degree), is the notion of ''Many facets of Reality'' advocated by Leo so often. The whole story of how he has tuned into dozens of different facets of Truth through dozens of psychedelic trips, and how one must also have those dozens of realizations or else it is not enlightenment. Sometimes, it does sound like there are 'actual' parts of Truth. This sounds very inconsistent because while there is the constant hammering on of ''EVERYTHING IS ONE" but when it comes to Enlightenment, you must have to realize like 30 different truths? No hating here, but it's like one is making all these imaginary ceilings called ''facets of Truth'', so that one can reach it; then making that as some sort scale to measure one's enlightenment. Is it about how many fireworks one can have?
  6. Exactly! It's just that after waking up from deep sleep millions of add-ons, names and forms get superimposed almost instantly and that pure being gets 'lost' within few moments. Maya is just God with makeups
  7. @i am I AM The evil demon was just a way of speaking. Here I'm questioning the content of any thought. How can you know if a thought is true or not? Who/what mechanism controls this category?
  8. @SoonHei I'll pose a question to you. Have you noticed the groundless/hollow nature of objective knowledge yet? Have a thought experience. Take a scene from your memory where you were this 'shitty person'. Now flip that entire memory and imagine that you were a ''loving person/angel'' in the same scene. Do you see that both the stories of shitty person and good person are equally groundless and cannot be proven whether it is actually true or not? This really questions memory itself. How do you know that an evil demon hasn't implanted a bunch of previous program called memory in you?
  9. @winterknight I wanna thank you a lot for emphasizing the science of desire and emotions so much in your teachings. Recently, it's been my experience that self-inquiry itself is the easiest and most joyous thing there is. My very being is Self-inquiry/Self-attention. But stomaching the 'Truth', that is the one and only hard thing. No wonder all desires, beliefs and emotions will have to align themselves to finally accept the Truth as it is.
  10. The girlfriend, the one who has the girlfriend, the very mechanism that makes this question possible, the very cognition of illusion - all of it is a simultaneous illusion. None of it has self-awareness. That means their existence isn't absolutely verifiable.
  11. (Out of sight, out of mind)
  12. @okulele Thanks for the reminder. I second this! The best gift one can give oneself is alert, loving attention.
  13. Going full circle where the Baker, the process of baking and the baked are all ONE!! Where is the fooking baby??
  14. @Tony 845 No. There is no enlightened people in NY or CT. Enlightened people are either dead or live nowhere and everywhere.
  15. Where are YOU going on that bike so swiftly anyway? Hunting some grandmas?
  16. Infinite good came out of every grandma ever raped
  17. How come the sand I throw passes over to the other side but not me. Not fair!!!
  18. at least send me some cookies from the other side. don't be so greedy
  19. We live in 21st century they said We live in the most advanced civilization they said We have conquered everything they said We are out of dark ages they said