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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. okay that could be the case. It also depends on where we draw the line called 'awakening'
  2. The final result or brain structure will be the same whether it's enlightenment after 2 years of seeking or 60 years of seeking. After enlightenment, it would take like 6months-1 year for the brain to start taking on this new structure. People woke up way faster than that as well. Jed Mckenna(and few of his folks) did it in 2 years (in fact he often says if it takes more than 1-2 years, you are only using spirituality as your new shiny vest to wear and you really don't wanna wake up). Ramana and Eckhart woke up the very first time they self inquired. Few of Ramana's pupils woke up very quickly, while other several hundreds were probably kissing Ramana's feet everyday for 40 years and yet was as deluded as day 1...with a fatter ego.
  3. No it's not abnormal. It's pretty much the common brain structure of those who have been meditating hardcore for decades or just flat out WOKE enlightened. There is little to none self-referential thoughts left around being a person or located object with a history. I watched an Youtube video where a report was shown that the average brain of a Tibetian Buddhist monk had 30 times more potential to be happy than average people in the world.
  4. @Arhattobe Btw on the flip side, could it be that you awakened so fast BECAUSE you had nasty episodes with psychedelics back in the days? While most monks spend 50 years in a sangha just to be more close-minded, dogmatic and lowkey egotistical in the end. How could you ever know?
  5. are you 99th percentile enlightened? or like 80th percentile? or maybe not there yet? Anyway, I really wish there was a brain scan of Ramana Maharshi. I wanna see the exact result of his particular way of self-inquiry
  6. yes. When the distinction between meditation or not collapses. Down the line, the distinction between waking, dreaming and deep sleeping also collapses. End of the game.
  7. thanks looks like you've easily crossed way over 5000 hours if you have been in this business for like 7-10 years
  8. At least that could attract a whole bunch of narcissistic elite individuals who chase after IQ and other elite categories to feel good about themselves by stroking their ego lol
  9. @How to be wise How much thought(self-referential) do you have every day? Do you find yourself often bickering with yourself to pass a day or does everyday pass without much self-conflict? How many psychological fears have you conquered before and after 1 year of the work?
  10. @Arhattobe Awesome. Now match that with the powder god Martin Ball (Btw how many hours of meditation have you done so far in your life approximately? And do you have any daily spiritual practice routine? If so, what is that?)
  11. Because your nose was sacrificed at gooroo's feet. Yes or no?
  12. *read in Morgan Freeman's voice* "I know damn well what Enlightenment means Sonny. That's an empty word. A conman's word, so that a cunning young man like you can put yourself on a pedestal with your fancy robes on; in order to get your feet kissed by deluded, gullible people; until you grow some white long beard. What is it that you wanna know? Do I regret what I've done? Have I seen beyond the veil? Well, there never goes a day where I don't think about that stupid kid, who did that terrible job of rising as a separate ego and gullibly drinking on the mainstream notion of objective reality. I wish I could meet that kid, tell him how things really are. But that kid is long dead, only this old man remains. So go ahead Sonny and stamp me whatever you like and stop wasting my time. Because honestly, I don't give a fuck"
  13. The technique of masturbating one's metaphysical cock/pussy (pls don't ask where to find that no wonder you still aren't enlightened )
  14. Lol! But only those with hellspeed finally reach the destination
  15. @winterknight From my POV only I am sentient. From your POV only you are sentient. All other knowledge is indirect or inference or open to doubt and alternate interpretations. What is the relationship between you and me? It seems POV is primary even over one's own existence knowledge because that shifts with the shifting of POV
  16. These are just side-effects of the devil grabbing you by the balls before getting banished once and for all. Jokes aside, hope things get better for you
  17. Okay great thanks for elaborating. But does that statement have any significance to yourself from a personal POV? If so what is that?
  18. That doesn't answer the question. What is the significance of that declaration?
  19. @winterknight What do you exactly mean when you say, "I am enlightened"?