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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Actually you'll be enlightened the day you find answer to that question; or rather when you find the contradiction of that question. For the ego, everything else but itself is responsible for all the suffering and evil. Form it's own point of view, It is only doing it's holy trinity of self-survival, self-preservation, self-enhancement no matter what the cost is.
  2. There is a conspiracy that Osho was heavily drugged/poisoned in US prisons which ultimately cut short his life and probably contributed to drug addiction(if he had any)
  3. Daddy Mckenna says it like it is. Whoever honestly looked at the right places, it wasn't peace, bliss, love and all that heart crap. This is how boring, flavorless, pointless and scary the Truth sounds when translated through the language of self-agenda. No wonder ego is constantly running after everything BUT the Truth.
  4. One of the indomitable law is manifestation looks like everything the Self is NOT. No appearance that ever popped out shines as it's Reality. No no must have to appear as something opposed to Reality. But it sure affirms and re-affirms to itself that it's appearance is Reality. Such a vicious and circular loop
  5. Be more angry at the shadow. Finally a winner will remain after the tug of war
  6. You mean goddess Kali? Actually it personifies the neti neti method. Ruthless destruction of all illusion until only Truth remains.
  7. lol Anyway God is the absence of ego. When it is realized that only God exists, then ego ceases to exist now and forever. Then statements like ''God is Ego'' or ''God is so and so'' becomes redundant and misleading. God is.
  8. Good boy having some good metaphysical wet dreams
  9. The only thing you will be quantifying is humanity's deluded ass; not Consciousness.
  10. @Highest @now is forever Seeing you two quarrel makes me wonder whether you two might make a nice metaphysical couple
  11. not deciding 100% on transcendence. Lack of earnestness. Lack of purity of intent. Same deal
  12. The ego is root concept. It makes the maze called 'life' and simultaneously gets totally lost in it. Once that 'drop' into the maze happens, oh boy now we got meaning, purpose, happiness, suffering, delusion, other people, world etc and etc what not...all masquerading as the most real things. To be 'born' is nothing but to suffer. ''Whenever the mind comes out of the Self, it only suffers'' - Ramana Maharshi
  13. Like every good boy, the ego wants to stay alive for another day.
  14. Looks like Good boy is on detention
  15. Pray for LOA to be false and it might turn out as true maybe?
  16. ''I don't want to live anymore'' AWESOME! Now the quest for True Life can begin for the first time!
  17. He is doing his 2nd masters program. Married as far as I remember. Age less than 30
  18. haha oh yeah. The rest of the path is being too. Nothing new comes into the equation.
  19. Nicely explained. Thanks. It's not enlightenment until it is the only, ever effortless, uninterrupted being. One finally reaches there through many trials and stages.
  20. exactly. The more time goes on after this realization, the more daily habits and brain structure change.