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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Actually this is something I've been noticing more and more. I'd zone out several times a day either in thoughts or a mood. Then suddenly when I come back, the first thought is almost always ''damn I failed at self-inquiry. I wasn't present''. Then almost immediately I notice that I am clearly aware of 2 distinct states. One is 10 minutes of daydreaming, another is coming back to concentration after that. 'I' must be present in these both states. If 'I' wasn't present, then these 2 states wouldn't have any difference whatsoever to make the contrast. Clearly I was present as much as I am present in the concentrated state. I am that pure cognition. The pure cognition that is fully present in deep sleep, which makes it possible to contrast between sleep and waking. The only issue is the recurring habitual thoughts and beliefs which treat the 'I' as a body-mind. It's like I see myself as a lion in the mirror but the recurring message is coming saying ''No dude, you are an ox!'' Should I just keep a deaf ear to these thoughts and continue to be with the 'I'?
  2. EVERYDAY is last Thursday. Sit in meditation with that koan
  3. Oh and I should have mentioned that these conflicts rarely arise when I'm alone and looking at myself. These conflicts come out in seeing other people, interpersonal relationships, circumstances etc. The illusion of the 'world' and ''other people'' is way too fast and convincing. That's why I asked that first question today. Usually it takes few minutes of alone time to get my bearings straight again.
  4. S/He left us last Thursday
  5. During self-inquiry, I come to this discovery is that only 'I'(whatever that is) is aware. No other content of experience is aware, no matter how alive or dynamic it feels. 'I' am aware of everything. But no thing is aware of 'I'. Only 'I' possess this knowing capability. In fact, this very knowing is what is discovered as real, authentic 'I' during self-inquiry. The dilemma is how to accept this once and for all which I am glimpsing several times everyday. There is resistance against accepting that ALL objective knowledge and experiences are nothing but empty, lifeless, dry, dead straw with no substance. They all just appear to be so solid and alive but really they have no existence of their own and thus no consciousness of their existence. Should I keep on holding to the 'I'? How can I develop a rock solid conviction to never leave the 'I'? Experiencing 'things' feels like a hideous cancer whenever it comes back.
  6. By all means, purify this damned community. What is meant to happen will eventually happen, right?
  7. Does it matter what others think if the people you are trying to help are not helped at all?
  8. @winterknight Can you help me dispel the notion of ''other people''? Or will self-inquiry eventually cure that delusion?
  9. great. Now you've learnt your lesson, move on to something else that might work for you. Against your personal report, thousand more could be presented validating how much LOA worked for those people. So no need to get into a campaign against LOA or anything else. And about presenting LOA as some 'universal' law, that shit is just another marketing strategy. Nothing wrong with that as every businessman does that. There is only one universal law. Your own death. Even that you can transcend. Leaving no 'universal' law, except those you imagine for yourself.
  10. @Nahm If you had to name only 1 key quality that was vital in your transformation, what would it be?
  11. The sad irony of all this is that even though the title says Law of attraction doesn't work [proof], this entire thread is a testament of nothing but self-fulfilling prophecies coming true
  12. @Mikael89 I have nothing against you, nor do i know you personally. If you can't manage only 1 hour a day for yourself then all I have to say to you is good luck with life. It seems nothing will work on you. But don't worry, life will never let you stay at one place. It will either wake you up one day through tremendous pain and suffering, or it will just flat out kill you so that you can have a fresh restart again. Take care.
  13. you're just giving him more ammo to continue his self-loathing. First of all, he needs the willingness and courage to look at himself in his present condition. And it can only come out of a fresh breakthrough understanding and curiosity.
  14. @David Hammond I think we need to be more sensitive to this issue. Kicking the weak in the butt like a drill sergeant may have it's time and place. But I don't think a deep victim could be helped by that approach. There is no use in kicking a dead horse. Your rough words towards Michael probably don't even get registered in him because his own mind feeds him far more vulgar content everyday, probably for years now. And also setting an example out of his sorry ass is also a hoax. No one 'chooses' to be miserable. One simply finds oneself in midst of shit one day. And the irony is, most of the time one has little to no idea where and when all of this went wrong. Victimhood is such a pernicious bitch. Add that with existential crisis, oh boy we are talking about whole different ballgame which seems like to be Michael's case. I'd bet that he wouldn't complain if he was killed right now. He'd probably sign up for it without putting up much fight. His ego has become very very fragile and weak. Almost like a soap bubble film that is distorting every view. So fickle, yet so sticky and seemingly impossible to get rid of.
  15. Can you seriously not find just 1 hour a day to spend time with yourself?
  16. @Mikael89 Do you presently have any formal/regular spiritual practice? Reading books or watching videos aren't included.
  17. every victim feels that the grass is greener on the other side. Curing victimhood is almost an impossible job. Those who ever get out once in a while, maybe get out through shear luck after hitting their head against the wall thousands of times
  18. @Mikael89 Have you tried the work by Byron Katie? I feel you could benefit from it immensely if you could consistently do that practice for 1 hour a day for a whole year. You don't need to meditate or do any other spiritual practice during this period
  19. Nothing serious. I was referring to the fact that in many places doctors are seen god/angels for saving people's lives
  20. child marriage was a thing is India (still prevalent in some regions) Gandhi himself married at age 13 if I remember correctly. I expected Shin to at least stay consistent with his dank memes