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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Enlightened gooroo by day, deluded fool by night, batman on Sundays
  2. @winterknight How did 'I' ever come into existence/being in the first place?
  3. @Leo Gura How did 'I' ever come into existence/being in the first place?
  4. First of all, none of it is intended to disrespect Leo or anyone. Just sharing my own view. The way Leo talks about the Absolute- I mean things like infinity, god, how a chair is infinite, how the 20 years old memory still existing now, how his human body is literally God's body etc and etc; don't these declarations subtly imply the existence of an independent universe with strict laws and regulations out of which nothing exist? But is that really our experience? Is there really such an ultimate universe or is the universe something seen while we are in the waking state for 16-17 hours a day, that too only 60-70 years we are alive? Aren't all our ideas, concepts and reasoning itself depended on the state we are in? Our waking state logic/reasoning and the dream state logic/reasoning are oceans apart. Why all this struggle and hiccups to explain all of Reality in terms of only this petty waking state we are in? This line of expression easily leads one to fantastical thinking and more imagination. There is a saying that God's language is silence and the rest is poor translation. Leo is well aware that Truth cannot be communicated. But why such conviction behind the words and taking them dead seriously? The talking mind is such a pernicious bitch. At first, it won't shut up and thus prevent the silent Truth to be realized. Then even after a glimpse of Truth happens, it won't shut up praising the Lord's glory in it's same old deluded expressions and imaginations Help me out of this friends
  5. @tsuki There is a person that gets washed and fades into nothing tough
  6. Holy hell 'I' am only cluster of 2nd hand knowledge and derivatives But as Leo says there is no other way as God is one
  7. @AlwaysBeNice A fella from Bangladesh here. Do some research and you'll find that Bangladesh was one of the top 5 countries which created the maximum opportunity for the rich to become richer last year. At what cost? The cost is that the poor are getting poorer. You'll find few countries in the world with this much income inequality. Even the rich people in 1st world countries don't have that much leeway to get richer. Every sector from banks, industries and business is being more and more monopolized by the day. So the consequence of that is over 95% jobs are skewing towards wage slavery. This is becoming the only way to earn and live in a capitalistic society. The exploitation has been so easy on top of that due to the fact that almost all people of Bangladesh are in low stage blue. They don't even realize what precarious situation they are in. Working 15 hours a day at sweatshops has become the norm here. No one even bats an eye.
  8. @moon777lighttl I'd second that. Expect the next 3 months to be grueling work. I heard David godman saying that the purpose of self inquiry is not peace. Its purpose is to destroy the subject. As you are new to this, search for the perceiver. It doesnt matter what thought or emotion arise. Phenomena has absolutely no significance in self inquiry. The vision of an angel is as insignificant as a scratch on the back in self inquiry. Try over and over no matter how many times you fail or wanna pull your hair off. Let your 1st breakthrough come through a spontaneous collapse of that effort. Trust me it'll happen within few weeks if you are vigilant. And remember what Leo assured! "You dont have to figure this stuff yourself. Thats the beauty of it" Dont be clever or try to outsmart yourself with sneaky arguments. Just sincerely search for the perceiver, that which you call 'I' with honest and strong will. Good luck
  9. He was regarded as a pioneer then because most gurus were hardcore traditional with strict cultural baggage. While Osho attracted local and foreign crowd alike as he set no pre-condition or moral judgment before entering spirituality. Another upside is he had a diverse set of spiritual practices depending on the conditioning and preference. But his core practice was detached witnessing in all situation. All other practices targeted to reach there in one way or another. Among the books i've read, most were poetic and unnecessarily elaborated. But the book "meditation:the first and last freedom" is a gem. If you decide to read just one book of osho, i'd definitely recommend that one.
  10. 1) He has some great writings in some books 2) he brought spirutuality in mainstream and exposed many traditional dogmas. 3) he loved fucking with peoples cherished beliefs. With all that being said, i admit that his videoes sucked ass big time. Never managed to completely watch even one
  11. Your lousy weiner doesn't have the necessary discrimination to distinguish the real from the unreal. Make him do self inquiry 5 hours a day!
  12. Always a pleasure to see 2 stickman dancing huh?
  13. I dont have any money. I live in moms basement and she feeds me
  14. Because infinite intelligence found you more beautiful with hair and bon bon earrings!
  15. @Dodo oh the human being! Such a pernicious ghost with so many demands yet it wont show itself. Such herculean effort for that which isn't even there
  16. God is just sustaining his own 'perfectest' creations And even God needs a holiday at least once a month ffs!!!
  17. Good observation. Now I challenge you to find that 'I' thats gonna be homeless soon. 1)What exactly is it that will live in the streets? 2) will the sensations of your body live in the streets? How old are those sensations? Can they talk? Do they become rich or poor? 3) Is the thought "I'm gonna be homeless" live in the street? 4) do those sensations or even the thoughts call themselves 'I'? Do they even have consciousness in the first place? 5) then what is it in you that is calling itself 'I'? 6) The reaction/sensation that is rising against this coldhearted bastard called Preetom, does that reaction have a voice? Did that reaction born 30 years ago, made choices in life, have preferences and judgements? 7) What 'I' is really gonna end up in the streets? I hope you help out that poor fella called 'I' who is in a preacrious situation now, Dodo
  18. Uuuff always entertaining to see science rehashing the same old mystical scriptures when failing to figure out shit and acting as if they've made some ground breaking claim
  19. Dodo what exactly do you call 'I'? You have such conviction about the I. You must have very precise knowledge about I.
  20. Birth, delusion, growth, decay, death, transfiguration,'ll through stages. Hang in there @thesmileyone
  21. The thing with theory or model is that it is never your 'own'. Its a hodge podge. Steal from one guy thats call copying. Steal from 100 guys, thats called research/innovation. Ego banking off of egos
  22. This stuff right here needs to be looked at a lot more. Thanks for bringing this up Michael. We still don't nearly appreciate how much our knowledge barriers are set depending on the state we are in. Inside the dream, everything feels real. This ability of the mind to project its own limitation and deluding itself so hard sinultaneously is just astonishing.