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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. You are assuming that this form(body-mind) called 'Shaun' is experiencing life, which is totally not the case at all. As a matter of fact 'You'(whatever that is) are experiencing 'Shaun' right now just like you experience other thoughts/objects. So when this experience called 'Shaun' ends, what happens? Nothing happens. What happens when a thought comes to an end? 'Shaun' was never the experiencer but was itself a momentary experience, with all its memories, rigid stories and that whole shebang barely woven together to project an illusion of continuity and solidity. "Behold! The real experiencer is not the mind, but I the infinite conscioisness within which all experience happen"
  2. I heard he stared at a blank wall for 3 years and got enlightened
  3. This is the part I get busted if I'm honest. Actually I haven't really played that video in OP. Hit the play button, skip forward and looked at it for few seconds and that's it. My comment may have been shallow but that was my first expression OOWW OWW OWW Is it a coincidence I just finished Jed Mckenna's Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment(the one all about deciphering Mobby-dick) yesterday(for like 3rd/4th time) and started Spiritual Warfare today? Why did you have to bring up the breakout archetype Cap Ahab? Like Why? Good God, the only explanation I find is that the universe really just a big, playful puppy For the masturbation part watch this latest video and you'll stumble on it at some point
  4. dang I'm so bad at deciphering exotic metaphors like that. Could you share your own understanding of the metaphor?
  5. @Preety_India Search up the user 'samra' here on forum and plow through her posts. If I remember correctly she did multiple trip reports of Aya over a diverse span of time.
  6. The holy grail cant talk. It dreams up a gimmick to talk about this stuff The self masturbation theory by Leo
  7. Holy hell...does that mean David "the enlightened master" Hammond have been a big fat liar all along?
  8. Don't mistake a gimmick for something more than it is.
  9. The only explanation is... that which wants the ''no wants" state, never reaches that 'state'
  10. You are lost in minutae so much that you are missing the big picture. The bottom line is in order to act/feel/perceive/think any object whatsoever, you first need a subject or a point of view. Ego is another name for that subject. But both this subject and object are mere dreamed up cosmetics on God and made of nothing but the substance of God. The fungul intelligence or highly capable engineers intelligence that you mention or the stupidest thing you can imagine are all dreamed up by the same INFINITE INTELLIGENCE through the subject-object paradigm. From your human intellect, you can make a hirarchy of these things as more or less intelligent, but from the infinite intelligence the mechanism and substance of them all are same.
  11. Oh don't pretend like you are alive on something else! Lool
  12. Good god..did you curse him for next 10 lifetimes?
  13. Where are you now exactly? I'm asking this cause I need to prepare meal when you arrive
  14. Well what have you been surviving on so far? if you say bread, butter, meat, fruit, veggies etc then you are incorrect. Wake the fook up and see you've been living on memories
  15. Nahm you sound like a parrot I wanna boil up and eat
  16. How can one want a 'state' of no wants? Hmm...I smell something fishy
  17. @Shin How has your enlightenment business been so far?
  18. What if there is no experience to be had in the first place, let alone claiming it as ones own? Hmm
  19. @Mada_ how do you focus on the observer? Can you describe this observer? Have you found it?
  20. Or what the ego and the nature of its desires and pleasures are
  21. 1 and 2 are completely antithetical to each other. (2) is a byproduct of the red pill(enlightenment). You shouldn't have added that with blue pill in the first place lol
  22. Look at your experience. There will be no end in clever arguments. Just see what is revealed to you right now if you ask these questions. 1) Right now, am I aware of all the sight, sound, feelings, thoughts or are they aware of I? 2) do these sight, sound, feelings, thoughts have any voice or being? Do they proclaim them as the doer of actions and experiencer of life by themselves? 3) if everyone is silent, then who is aware here? Who is it that feels itself as sentient, doer of actions, chooser of circumstances? Begin the search for that 'I' with free will. You dont have to take either free will or predetermination as true on hearsay. Just look at your experience, investigate it. Dont just spawn more counter clever arguments against hearsay. The counter to a hearsay is nothing but hearsay.