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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Ye Be a good boy and remain as God/Self Stop imagining otherwise
  2. Because his Jamaican real name was Anthony Paul Moo-Young. For convenience and devotion, it became Moo-ji. 'Ji' is a hindu/Indian title given to someone revered just like the title 'Sri'
  3. I see no actual fundamental difference between advaita and buddhism. There may be only some superficial difference in the use of some terminalogy. Buddha's 3 fundamental marks of reality makes perfect sense in advaita teachings as well. 1) Anicca(impermanence) : all objects/experiences are impermanent, under a constant change and flow 2) Anatta(non-self): No object/experience ever contains the Self. All are non-self stuff aka 2nd and 3rd person objects 3) Dukkha(suffering): being ignorant of the first 2 truths and thus imagining/identifying the Self with the impermanent and non-self stuff results in perpetual suffering. About Desire: Buddha said desire is the root cause of suffering. Advaita says the same thing but in a slightly different way. Advaita says identifying the Self with non-self stuff is the root cause of suffering. So we can see what Buddha called desire is nothing but the tendency to hanker after and attend to non-self stuff. Such desire only arise when non-self stuff are mistaken as the Self. That tendency can be checked only by vigilently discriminating, pursuing and ultimately abiding as the Self and being constantly attached to the Self. That is self realization or Nirvana
  4. Materialistic Dodo vs Subjective Dodo Deluded Dodo vs Enlightened Dodo Which Dodo bird will lose and go extinct?
  5. Go to the center of teh banana. There is no me to relinquish in the first place ? This entire thing is a gigantic hoax
  6. yes and no Thats like saying all there is to white light is a yellow light. But thats not the case. White light contains yellow in it. Similarly i think it would be more eloquent to say love contains pain. Anyway i see what you mean so no love lost hehe
  7. Some wise words. Thanks. The battle between apple and banana is soon to begin ?
  8. Good god... Masochists and sadists Masochists and sadists everywhere! Yes it is. Because that's its innate function. Its like asking can I conceptually understand newtonian projectile movement through equations and theory by studying physics? The answer is yes you can! There is no coherrent why argument here. There is no argument about why sugar is sweet. Sourness cant coexist with sugar. Thats just the nature of the beast. Similarly suffering is anti-thesis to enlightenment. Enlightenment wouldn't worth shit if it couldn't do that, because thats like its only outcome. Now of course you gotta stay coherrent with what you mean by those terms. Cause the delusion to call sugar as calm salt or calling salt as angry sugar goes way too deep
  9. You are misinterpretating what physical death is. This is the gateless gate paradox. For you and me, with this ego, it seems like an impossible gate/chasm that can never be passed. While from the enlightened side, there is no gate or chasm in the first place. There is no distinction between ego death and physical death. Those who die before their death will never die again. What is the significance of this statement? It means there is only one death and the enlightened one has already died it. There is no looming physical death in the future for them. Now the tricky part is an ego can have an egoless experience or a non dual experience (like with psyches or in a meditation high), but that still aint enlightenment as enlightenment never comes or goes. Physical death or more accurately the dropping of the body is from the POV of the onlookers. For the enlightened one it is the same unadulterated being consciousness because there is nothing else other than that.
  10. If enlightenment didnt have an element of finality, it wouldnt be worth shit. It would just be another day at the office with another version of chasing something no different than chasing money, pussy, happiness, security etc.
  11. A non dual experience is just that: a non dual experience. As opposed to a dual experience. But has the illusion of separate self completely vanished? When the illusion is really popped, there is no 'acting' enlightened anymore. It is enlightenment period. And not many people are really enlightened by that standard. Anyway i'll just stop here. As I've seen many times "talks about the absolute" either devolves into a useless mire of language relativism as it is pointed out "there is no such thing as no such thing" or language starts getting deconstructed and gets hollow of meaning and thus gets misleading. I personally find this very sour and unfulfilling. A sort of distaste towards entire domain of knowledge. Pardon my jokes. Not intended to single anyone out or belittle anyone
  12. thats exactly my point. Call it higher consciousness or development or whatever, but not enlightenment. A person(yet not enlightened) who has done 1000 5 meo dmt trips, 10000 hours of metitation etc is exactly as far from Enlightenment as the spiritual noob who never even heard about this stuff before. Just like 1900990099886544 is as far from infinity as 0 is. Enlightenment means done. Everything else that happens is human/superhuman/subhuman level development. But that doesn't develop or deter enlightenment.
  13. This statement shows lack of scrutiny. There is no such thing as sacrificing ones own peace for others. In the truth of absolute non dual self love, there is no place for otherness. Could Jesus refrain from sacrificing his own peace for others? NO!! That would make him miserable. Sacrificing his 'peace' was the best prediction of his own happiness and he couldn't help but follow that. Could mother Teresa stop her benevolent acts? No. She had to do it for her happiness or else she would be miserable. Could Hitler stop his carnage? No! Same case here. The appearance is oceans apart but the dynamic is the same. In this sense, everyone is practicing spiriruality, everyone is searching for god; because everyone cant help but follow what they consider as the best prediction of happiness for them
  14. Better start polishing a brick in order to make it a perfect mirror someday ? A camel can pass through a hole of size of needle but the ego can't never pass over to the "other side". This very outlook of living within an ego with a bunch of refined non dual realizations(which are just memories now) is the mother of all delusion and confusion about enlightenment. Please dont conflate that with enlightenment. It can be many things like maturing up in life, being a good human , climbing the spiral or some hierarchy, ever refinement of one's lens or context or whatever; but enlightenment itself has nothing to do any of that. It is the absence of the lens, absence of the context. You cant further improve or polish the lens.
  15. All are run by their very tendsncies While there are fake, deluded, self proclaimed enlightened masters; there are genuine enlightened masters who teach as well. Their teaching is just another role they play, out of habit. Just like the role of playing the game of eating, excreting, sleeping, resting until there is no breath left. They are simply killing time, until time kills them(the body)
  16. According to this definition, the hardcore yogis who remain in samadhis and superhuman levels of consciousness for 40-50 years and even maybe dies in that remote cave without anyone ever knowing about them are supposed to be the most miserable species in planet earth.. But yet Leo(rightly so) sees them as probably the highest development in existence possible.
  17. Even when you've clearly seen that there are no other people? How can you ever intregate that sort of doublethink? Or is life just meant to be an infinite chain of self deception, from one set to another? Is to be alive is to delude oneself?
  18. okay great! But please dont over generalize that rule upon everyone. If thats your case, congratulations on finding your path. There will be people who never did any of that and yet fulfill the ultimate purpose of human life by being happy in their own terms. While other people might do all that and yet miss the mark and end up being miserable.
  19. Leo is NOT enlightened. Not yet. Not because he has sort of new exotic vision of enlightenment, but he does know what enlightenment really is. I saw him posting in this forum that there is no arrogance in stating that one is enlightened. Its like proclaiming that i understand 2+2=4. Simple. There is no other agenda or arrogance associated with it. He would simply proclaim to be enlightened when it happens. What Leo calls enlightenment(which is the correct definition after all) is the permanent cessation of all identification with forms. That's like the minimum, the bare bones of enlightenment that must be present. Other than that all other issues like love, emotions, happiness, knowledge, understanding, insights, morality etc. are completely unrelated to enlightenment and these things will greatly vary in many degrees person to person. But that bare bones has no level, depth or stages. It is either there or not. It is unmistakable to one to whom it has happened. So no point in claiming oneself enlightened until it really happens. But kudos to Leo for not claiming fake enlightenment, making a cult and deluding people.
  20. Renouncement of everything in life requires a shit ton of correct attitude, tendencies, genetics and hand of circumstances. Some people will naturally be more and more recluse as they go on and age in life. As if that's what their life was about: a continuous stripping away of everything from their lives until they are left with nothing. While for others, renouncing conventional , material life may be a sweet lofty fantasy but they will never walk a step in that direction. As far as i can guess, Leo has a voracious appetite for knowledge and objective understanding. On top of that he has built a decade long gigantic castle of all the knowledge intregration and his works with videos. These things will probably never leave him in one brushstroke. Leo may live eating only soup for months, but i doubt if he can live few months without his library, knowledge bank, psychs, urge to formulate and share etc. I'm not saying this as something bad or singling Leo out. These sticking points and sort of subtle attachments, even enlightened master had them more or less. Ramana Maharshi could be attached to his cheap, simple loincloth and would vehemently decline to wear a western, pricy outfit. Who knows? I think Leo knows this pretty well. So instead of renouncing everything, he kinda made peace with himself that he would make the best of his creativity in this life and continue hoarding Knowledge. But in his video called "lifestyle minimalism" he proposed an ultimate strategy to ultimately renounce material life all together because it doesn't fucking work(his words)
  21. but it sounds appealing to lone old souls who enjoy solitude. I wanna live a life where no one remembers me
  22. @mandyjw Thank you for writing this beautiful content. I found the description of the very place you live as heaven. Literally. That is somewhere i wanna end up someday. The thing with city and busyness is that rarely people 'consciously' decide on such a lifestyle. It is rarely an authentic internal vision and mostly just running on the wheels due to peer pressure. A shit of lies, numbing of senses and caffeine is holding it all together (god knows how long) And regarding areas conducive to spirituality, i would say any place that makes one more honest with oneself and not being asleep
  23. Zen devilry leads to snoop doggs Snoop doggs are responsible for procreating and spreading the hideous cancer called life on earth