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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. We might need a more powerful nondual god
  2. BTW i have no idea how soul lover 2020 is flourishing his deluded, dualistic christian career in this forum so far. Back in the days, Leo kicked the shit outta Egoless and banned him for good for "finding Jesus" and spreading dualistic christian messages. Where is teh nondual god Leo to end this blasphemy? ?
  3. Basically sitting through the shitstorm without resisting and not giving much fuck. Kinda like being the eye of the storm. No tendency to avoid or change anything, just letting the whole thing run its course
  4. @Soul-lover 2020 Is Jesus Christ something inside you or outside you? Were you born with the knowledge about Jesus Christ or was the whole shebang a learned behavior down the line?
  5. Samara ? Question the reality of those thoughts. How real are they and what purpose they are really serving.
  6. @theking00 Totally normal. You'll have all sorts discomforting reactions and experiences ranging from mild to full blown panic attacks for 1-2 years(if you are serious and consistent) or 5-10 years(if you dabble and give in to ego backlash more often). You'll keep having them day you get used to them and literally stop giving fuck about these emotional defense mechanisms while you stay focused on the Self/nothingness By doing self inquiry, you are waking up from the dream of the separate egoic self. Now even though that motherfucker is really insentient and at one point you might wonder how could you be so deluded to ever identify with this dead, robotic object in the first place; nevertheless ego will try its best to distract you from self inquiry until the momentum of its stored energy runs out. All the best
  7. I think having coherent, challenging discussions have its value and place. Its part of thinking through, refinement and having intellectual insights on what you already knew. Its part of the learning process. In the royal rumble of several fuzzy thoughts ultimately one reigns with clarity. Spirituality is a serious business and it requires more of that
  8. We live in an unbroken reality where every dust has an effect on another dust. It doesn't matter whether you know or acknowledge it or not. The show goes on.
  9. The sense of ego is one piece of such infinitely connected process. It gets chronic when it is not seen as thus and letting it run amok
  10. In a sense it does! When you piss in the wind, it becomes cloud, gets blessed but god, comes down as rain and ends up in your cup as the morning tea. God's graceful ambrosia indeed. Contemplate it while drinking tea next time ? ? ?
  11. That totality is what is running the show, while the deluded ego comes in and takes ownership over it like an insecure control freak
  12. Its a trap! Thats how they hunt the poor little deer in the name of freedom, love, peace, bliss and all that good crap
  13. And celestial chicks ready to take a bite on your chocolate as well
  14. @David Hammond As you've trained a decade of breath watching, are you always aware of the breath now all the time? Like you never get lost in any particular experience as breath is keeping you aloof.
  15. Look there is time and space for process and rules. There is time and place for none of that. There is time and place for no time and place One can never make an overly generalized accurate model of Reality. Be a light onto yourself. Keep the light within burning ever vigilantly. Let it come what may come. PS: pissing in the wind tends to backfire. Watch leos video "why ego is bad?"
  16. @David Hammond what is your view on self-awareness or self-inquiry? Do you find it as a valid path to enlightenment? If so when is it to be used and what is it's limit?
  17. The holy war will never end until the true reign of a unanimous enlightened master gets established once and for all!!
  18. good god i have no idea why you are avoiding this simple question
  19. He aint no swami with that long chain of pick up era
  20. Answer the question! People can go on without sleep for several days. I'm asking if you took regular sleep everyday or not during those 3 days.
  21. Were you awake the whole time without ever sleeping or taking naps for 3 days?
  22. Well thats basically how 'love' has been(and still is) protrayed in most of English lit, movies, entertainment and pop culture ?