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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. oh and another thing to mention, Vedanta almost gives zero fuck about the mind and its idiosyncrasies. It gives zero fuck about morality, values and how the state of affair in the world 'should' be like. Mind is the realm for psychology. In other parts of Vedas, all things about human endeavors are discussed. But Vedanta is all about and only about the hot and narrow pursuit of the nature of Reality and nothing else. Or as Jed McKenna puts it, its about writing 'further' on the bus and driving the damn thing full speed up the giant's ass; come what may; let all hell break loose lol
  2. vedanta is very very cut throat, logical and discriminative. There is no place for woo-woo, feelings, beliefs or any subjective bias. If something cant survive elaborate, surgical scrutiny, its not even worth bothering about-that's the kind of attitude Advaita Vedanta has. And hence it still stands tall amidst the test of time. And its no wonder why it appeals so much to the modern, rational minds. If a visionary scientist/intellectual ever roams in any religious realm, its almost always in nondual side of things. Rupert spira often says that he personally believes that we as humanity is finally culturally ripe for the direct path of non-dual teachings without a bunch of middlemen, dogma, stories, temples, authorities, history, holy books, tradition etc.
  3. yeah they have one. It's called 'Aham' which means 'I' or more accurately 'Ahamkara' which literally means "the feeling or sense of I". That sense of being located and personally owning your experience. Its right there! Vedanta categories this ego as one of the modes of mind just like other modes e.g thoughts, intellect, tendencies, memory etc. More accurately anatta or anatman means non-self. No-self is actually a negative, void term empty of meaning, an oxymoron or contradiction of terms. It is as redundant and non-sensical as the word ''jdjwjsudjwosodj" But the word anatta has a positive significance. It means all non-self stuff; all things that are NOT the Self aka all objects of Absolute Consciousness. While Absolute Conscioisness is the real Subject or the Self
  4. actually the spelling 'Advaita' is like western/English version of the word. 'Adwaita' is closer to the original regional/bengal pronunciation. If you take the spelling more closer to the actual bengal pronunciation it becomes something like 'Audoito'. Same thing with the word 'Brahman'. If you try to make a spelling closest to the regional pronunciation it becomes something like 'Brommoh' But these literal words are almost impossible to accurately pronounciate by a native english speaking tongue. That's why all these hindu/buddhist terms have been adjusted for western pronunciation.
  5. oh you snoop dawg In that case, God should provide the asian chick more obviously right now. As this is the only sticking point standing in between
  6. okay enough scary stories for tonight! *peeling back the layers of onion with hopes of finding a solid center*
  7. what sort of God doesn't listen to an honest man's plea? If I was God, the first thing I'd do is to provide sexy asian chicks to all the good ''getting enlightened'' boys who want one (or many)
  8. That ''oh my god'' factor happens even if you just ruminate about the significance of such a discovery about BEing. There is this thing called BEing. Right now. Totally complete. You can't improve on it even a bit. Which absolutely knows nothing other than itself. A place completely devoid of mystery, confusion, movement, stages or any such category. It's not about being EVERYTHING. It's a place where even the notion of EVERYTHIING or NOTHING ceases as they are all alien concepts. It is literally the completion. Right here and right now. The heart, the sentience, the only touch of aliveness. And yet the typical human life and it's idiosyncratic dramas and issues are just complete reverse of that. We all are looking at it right now right in it's face, and yet mistake it as something else. hell yeah oh my god. I dare you to find another more grotesque distinction than that. Hell yeah oh my god
  9. I have nothing against you. You teach what you encounter. Everyone knows what they encounter. That's the issue here Leo. BEing feels like at home and natural while contemplation, thinking etc on any subject(reality, god, time, space, causality etc) feels alien, tiresome and utterly morbid compared to BEing. Now you might think I'm just a thick skulled pig who has no interest in the mystery of Reality. But BEing feels complete for me. That's where the honey is. All I could ever want lies there. That is what is really alive, sentient. Let me settle in my home first. Then I can contemplate on God or whatever aspect or level of Reality if I still feel such an urge. But right now, I don't feel such inclination. And I'm not arguing about my experience of BEing as the absolute or semi absolute or any of that. BEing has no concern about any of that Take care
  10. Pure gold Still try to read Nisargadatta's I AM pointers collected by Pradeep Apte everyday. The reading session itself feels like BEing session
  11. Okay great. But 'I' can never work my way to become conscious of this alien idea called God. In BEing what I am, there is cessation of all movements and agenda. So either God will someday just fall on my lap while BEing, or God is just another fancy idea. Either way, BEing remains ever the same and content without giving a fuck
  12. I find it impossible to talk about my ''enlightenment'' experiences. Yeah I can talk about bunch of insights, psychological, emotional breakthroughs, pet theories and what not; but none of that has anything to do with BEing. How do you talk about BEing? When I am consciously BEing, there is no movement or distinction. It's just a simple, absolute 'okayness', 'silence', ''oh yeah, right. it couldn't be more obvious''. And another thing to clarify, I have no knowledge of God, being everybody, blasting through chakras, climbing up levels or whatever herculean theories that are out there while I am BEing. BEing is not bothered by that at all.
  13. I mean... it's such a hornet's nest. The amount of delusion, backsliding, studying, discussing, practicing it took just to understand what this technique is really trying to do and its significance and why it is the way it's just unbelievable. It sort of feels like bruising ones limbs for few years before learning to walk and run. theking00 is probably very new to this. It should be obvious that he will be oblivious about the 10th or 18th iteration when he is just mapping out the first few. So let him who feels the need to seek and do, seek and do
  14. @Maya_0 @Inliytened1 Hey guys, this issue is not worth arguing about at all! Notice that you both basically said the same thing but couldn't agree on the definition of Consciousness. The problem is not with Truth, the problem is how Consciousness is defined. There are teachers who make a clear distinction between Consciousness and Nothingness/Awareness. Their POV is valid, in the sense that here consciousness means the petty human, subjective consciousness. That is how science is still defining consciousness; as the subjective thoughts, feeling, sensations we have. This 'consciousness' is heavily depended upon brain, states, mood etc. Maya_0 debunked this petty consciousness which is a valid POV. And then again, there are teachers like Rupert Spira who uses Consciousness/Awareness/Nothingness/Self/No-Self totally synonymously. In this context, Consciousness is never the object of experience(no matter how gross or subtle it is) and thus by default it becomes the ground of everything. From this POV we humans don't have Consciousness. We are happening inside Consciousness/nothingness. Or more nondually speaking, the Self/nothingness IS Consciousness. Inlightened1 supported this Absolute Consciousness which is a valid POV as well. This whole debate starts without being clear about the definition in the first place and thus it doesn't go anywhere. Now shake it out of your system
  15. You'll have the most clear revelation to that question through self inquiry. This is why you are doing self inquiry in the first place. Stop asking me or leo or anyone that question! About you never existing, it is only used a shock factor to make you genuinely curious about discovering what you are. It is true that what you've ever thought or taken yourself to be never existed(not in the way you thought it did. Like a person. See if you can ever pinpoint this person called theking00). But yet, 'You' are still here. You are doing the inquiry. Or who else is doing that? That which upon the entirety of your experience depends upon, that 'You' exists. Through self inquiry you're job is to get the utmost clarity about this true Self that exists while seeing through the illusion of false self aka ego aka a bunch of thoughts, tendencies, feeling and beliefs blindly taken as 'me'; taken as ''theking00'' because it feels convincing or whatever.
  16. @Truth Addict I think you already have enough subjective evidence to close this case. You yourself have noticed cutting off the forum increased the quality of your life. BEING is infinitely more satisfying than doing anything or even getting ones nuts drained by 100 chicks. We have all tasted Being more or less and we deeply intuite the infallible power of it. But the problem is this simple truth doesn't hit the home run through our thick skull once and for all because its imposibble to recreate Being through memory. You are either BEING right now or chasing your tail- as simple as that. So as a result, we are damned to chase objects again and again in renewed cycles...until we really have had enough and just stop
  17. I'll answer it (or not!) when this becomes absolutely clear for me. Who is really running this show? If i am really running the show as i love to assume, then why is everything always going against me? If I try to answer this question now, it would be like a chimp trying to review the signal chain of rocketship launching ?
  18. All hail the little clump of pubic hair and the toilet bowl for making into the 1st batch of Hall of God! Its 2019 and EVERYTHING has graduated into hall of god. We've come a loooong way and indeed our bananas and apples have grown significantly as well
  19. Please dont kick my deluded ass ? Keep the reports coming. Happy trippin'
  20. What we rationaly think or decide is nowhere near powerful than our emotional raw energy and primal tendencies-the stuff that is really running the show. You might think/feel you got enough evidence but the stuff that is running you almost all the time isn't so convinced yet
  21. Its a form of cognitive dissonance when one's previously held belief/assumption is not being met with sufficient evidence. In other words 2 contradictory messages and it results in psychological dis-ease.