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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. This came up as an afterthought of watching Leos latest video on the point of life. This whole "understanding all of reality" theme of Leo is not something new or out of blue as many people take it. What is religion but an attempt to express "understanding all of reality" in it's own historical time and place? For an average Muslim, the Quran represents "understanding all of reality". For a Christian, the Bible represents "understanding all of reality", so on and so forth. Leo is translating and expressing the same spiritual realization with modern metaphors, symbols and educated speculations. Aka a modern religion. Any prophet/spiritual teacher who ever attempted to do it, created a religion knowingly or unknowingly. This marks the clear distinction between actual spiritual realization and religion. Whereas a genuine realization itself is the absolute, religion has to inherently come with an implicit set of morality, value hierarchcy, context, missionary themes, prophets and holy books or theories regarded as "understanding all of reality" just to talk about it. Why am i saying all this? As a reminder of the limitation of religion. Gurdjiff used to say which Leo mentioned as well in his video "the staggering depth of your unawareness" that pursuing Awareness is the most serious business there is. And the biggest problem in this business is almost all people take it for granted to possess something already which they don't have at all. How can one want to pursue awareness if one thinks he already have it? So basically the trap of religion is Jesus did it for me, Leo Gura understood and explained all of reality for me. Now I can pretend and create a false sense of spirituality in my life by adhering to these prophets and their messages, while actually my fate is being sealed to remain as a deluded pig once and for all who will never engage in an original investigation or pursuit most likely.
  2. Yeah its a no brainer that many trauma, tendencies, psychological patterns etc directly transmit to offsprings like gene. One day pretty much all of us end up just like our parents; same safety nets and neuroses(exceptions are those who consciously scratch and claw their way out by breaking the patterns of 1000 ancestors through massive consciousness work). And also it is not only limited to family. As all of our minds are connected, one of my thought can pop up simultaneously in your mind. That's how we are continuously influencing each other in good and bad ways without even knowing it. This is the basis of any syncronicity and consistency we can spot. Buddha wasn't smocking pot when teaching and analysing the psyche ?
  3. Metaphysically speaking, Black holes=Portals to the absolute. The 'I', the now, the silence, the space, the knowing, the happiness are all portals to the Absolute. They are the black holes in their respective domain. There are other more gross form of portals like a mantra, visualization, breath. If you stay focused on any such portal or black hole long enough, you and the entire universe gets sucked into the black hole once and for all to the other side in the Absolute.
  4. Resonate with it 100% the word 'guide' can be replaced with any object whatsoever. Knowledge, money, rationality, growth, gain etc you name it
  5. @Rilles The real question is do your perception create the banana or was your perception created by someone else's banana
  6. More accurately, you don't feel the need when its there. Its significance is only felt when it is absent. For example our teeth. Eeeeeeee
  7. Reality cant play tricks on your perception. Your perception IS the reality you can ever know.
  8. The first thing people need to know about objective reality is that there ain't one. -Same ol' daddy McKenna
  9. Damned you are if you talk about it. Damned you are if you dont. Right?
  10. Religions are not often made by the lord prophets themselves but through their brainchilds and followers And yet to publish his holy book ?
  11. Dont worry hun, you are already doing exactly that right now simultaneously. Its not Pouya that will come back again to be an ant, a slave down the line. The end of pouya is the end of pouya, but not the end of you. The Pouya that is sad, the Pouya that accumulates beauty and wisdom and speculates about being born as an ant, wont born as an ant. The ant will be something else. So dont let Leo scare pouya with his stories
  12. Does did ever occur to you that the very idea of a brain is happening in brain? All hail the brain! The one true God! Looking at a picture of brain with love is the highest form of God worshipping But alas, we cant usually see our own brain. No wonder we are depraved, deluded pigs totally alienated from one true god, the brain
  13. Kiss kiss bang bang bay bay ? ? ❤
  14. @Anna1 The whole theme of any serious spiritual teaching is this: ignore the conventional, material world that everyone is used to and in turn focus more and more on the metaphysical realm. Any serious spiritual teaching can be fit into this description. Imagine if a devotee renouned all her 'worldly' fears. She only fears God or more accurately takes God seriously. What do we fear most in our lives? The fear of losing the things we are most invested and attached to. Those are the things which take up most of our concerns. Devotional teachings instructs to surrender that burden on God and only remain faithful to God. I know, superficially the term fear of God sounds weird. But thats where the paradox lies. Its a fear that can consume all other fears. Just like self inquiry sounds and seems like the most selfish position one could take-ignore everything and only focus on your self keenly. And yet thats how the self gets transended once and for all. On the other hand, if one ignores the ego self and keeps attending to other things, that ego will always remain intact and fatten. Similarly, devotionally speaking, if a seeker doesn't fear God that doesn't mean he stops having fear. No! He actually starts having the most petty, selfish, irrational fears due to his material attachments. And the bit you talked about being infinite, free etc-those are the fruits/byproduct of the work. Enlightenment or total surrender whatever you call it
  15. No one likes a good enlightened boy. Thats the irony and tragedy. They are either exiled or beheaded
  16. Yeah it starts as that respect for the holy books and prophets, but it ultimately means to surrender everything on God. There is a saying in Islam which is fear none accept Allah. Just imagine what would happen if you trained yourself to that instruction. All fears in phenomenal realm will eventually be consumed. Spirituality is a serious business with the greatest cost and casualities there is : your entire life
  17. What kind of a sick joke is that? ? I never got any invitation to surrender myself to master's lotus feet Am i that unworthy? Just because i dont have the physic of a 16 yo Asian chick? ?
  18. Prepare your metaphysical system to receive the thick shaft of your beloved master @Shin pls banish this deluded fool's neediness with your GRACE ?
  19. David "the unanimous enlightened master" Hammond ???
  20. "Fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge" Actually this is a very important instruction for any serious spiritual journey to begin. Its a religious/devotional way of saying the same thing Advaita considers as a very important first step as well which is having a strong doubt and distaste towards the mundane/conventional reality which one believes in for granted. There is no further inquiry without this vairagya or dispassion. This same message is instructed in the devotional teachings as renounce your busy, stupid, anxious life to God. Stop being an atheist/materialist and start trusting the all powerful force which is God. The fear of God is the fear that consumes all other fears and thus liberates a soul from all fears and anxieties. Similarly, the utter distaste and diapassion towards the transitory sense objects is the distaste that consumes all other distastes and thus fulfills one with infinite bliss of the Self. Basically the same thing told in a slightly different twist. Hope this makes sense
  21. No! I refuse to be happy until the rest of the deluded herd gets on the ride as well. I am a fox whose tail has been cut. Now i must convince the rest of the foxes in the jungle to cut off their tails as well. Then only i can be happy ?
  22. Andrea is just trying to take you guys back to Sunday church and start a friendly christian community. While you nonsualists are trying to kill Andrea. You heartless sickoes ? ?
  23. For me its not the spelling but the whole David "the enlightened master" Hammond gimmick thats been an absolute cringefest ?