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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Could you explain what you understand as ridiing the ox back?
  2. @SoonHei well guess what? Mystical experience don't have any shit to do with who you really are. So if there can be fear in mundane experiences, then why can't be fear in mystical experiences? The same reactive tendencies within us reacts, fears etc while the witness remains untouched and unaffected.
  3. and that is becoming the sword itself. The sword cant cut itself
  4. the fastest way to global awakening is not to spawn children at all in the first place
  5. you sick dogge, then you need to visualize the opposite There is nothing called cowardice in this business baybay. Once the mark is set, once the war to awakening begins, there is nothing that is barred. Whatever it takes to win the war. Awakening is a serious business. There is rarely anything pretty about it. Arjuna had to go to war, captain ahab lost everything to get a piece of that white whale, a hardcore rationalist like Leo had to throw his materialist paradigm into trash and shove drugs up his butt. Anything goes baybay
  6. That's actually a valid way to slowly reprogram one's mind. I heard a Buddhist monk talk about this visualization technique. Whenever feeling a sexual pull towards a woman, the visualization starts by imagining how this pretty woman will turn into an old ugly hag in few years. In fact vividly imagining that real time by looking at a young woman's body but seeing her as an already old woman. Then imagining how dirty and gross a human body really is. The outer skin is only a thin facade beneath which lies all sorts of filth and grossed out stuff. This visualization can get so strong that at one point you might lose all interest in anything material at all because you've seen all things conventionally regarded as attractive, as ugly mess of junks. Then your only abode and solace becomes your own soul
  7. It's because he is now livin' the american dream in his new found sports car called 5 meo. The poor old mechanical japanese richshaw probably doesn't attract him anymore lol which one would you choose?
  8. What I mean is that just refraining from ejaculation is NOT real celibacy or sexual mastery. Real celibacy is something you get as the byproduct of real spiritual growth. One could cage his wiener for a year and still remain a pervert. In fact, thats a fetish of some men. No fap for the sake of just no fap is hollow and won't fulfill you one bit. It might save you from the pain of ejaculation addiction and consequent sexual exhaustion but it will inevitably create a new problem of repressed perversion within you which will keep eating you alive inside out. By only no fap, you're merely transferring a gross problem to a more subtle and pernicious level. But if you can channel that same sexual force and attain buddhahood, that will make you fulfilled. Remember, the goal is enlightenment and spiritual mastery. That's why you're concerned about your sexual energy in the first place right? If our goal was only to never squeeze another drop of semen then we might as well just cut off our testicles
  9. yeah that's how men's current fantasies run wild due to their present lack dependence perception. But if it was really the case, you might have some fun for few months/years. Then the vicious women would enslave you as their pet and you'd dream about running into the forest to become a monk when your juice runs out lol
  10. Hello. For this particular problem, there is a method in Hinduism called bhakti yoga. The basic idea is we as petty humans are really not that different from impulsive animals. It's almost impossible to overcome our very base nature like sexual drive, pettyness, jealousy, greed for materialism, chronic suffering etc. by ourselves because all our instincts and surroundings are geared in such a way so that we never actually overcome them. You probably won't be able to master your sexual urges alone by rational thinking or by a hollow concept like no fap (like whats the fucking point? why are you doing this shit?) These base tendencies are 10000x powerful than any logic, rationality. Their innate brute force intelligence can only be tackled with something equally irrational, which is love, devotion and surrender. So Bhakti yoga instructs to have a guru or a deity that you choose as your most beloved thing in the world. Bhakti yoga says that all these base tendencies and desires like sexual urges are not 'bad'. The devotee only needs to redirect and channel that same force towards God. It is the same God's power. From the basest desires to the most benevolent desires, both are God's power. The only issue is where it is channeled. If the force is channeled for the self agenda of the animal body-mind it becomes the base tendencies. If it is channeled towards God with utmost devotion and desperation, it becomes a benevolent force.
  11. Wait 100-200 years, female pop will be like double or more than male pop. Women will control almost everything. Down the line, male human species might go extinct altogether and science might have to come up with artificial sperm or something for reproduction. And about the issue of why more than 95% of all historical devilry was done by men and not by women, I saw a post about a heated exchange in twitter about that issue a few years back. It's because women were oppressed throughout all this time. Now the tides have changed and it is men's time to be oppressed by women. That's how all duality and polar opposites function. One day they interchange their position. Pleasure becomes pain, strong becomes weak, oppressed become the oppressor, peace becomes war so on and so forth. The strongest argument is, it is the same devil that runs both males and females. Just because women have a pussy, that doesn't make a woman automatically an angel or a magical unicorn who never feels darkness inside. In the future, all the devilry that was done by mostly men will be done by mostly women There is a funny common story in Islam(I'm not sure if it's really true or just some hearsay). Mohammed predicted that the world will come to a point where for 7 women only 1 man will be left. And women will be so vicious and wild that most men will go in self exile into forests and remote places to keep their ass alive. How is that for a horror story if you are a man?
  12. Please live. For the love of Banana Jesus..
  13. @Shaun Do you see how these deluded fantasies are creating a lifetime of suffering? What's so bad with your throat being slit? After all, IMO getting my throat slit and dying within seconds sounds 1000x more fulfilling than fantasizing a life long delusion about how many millions of times i will come back to get my throat slit and consequestly suffering from that thought lol
  14. right here right now, just look at yourself. What do you see? The impossible magic you pulled by imagining that you were born, developed and now fantasizing about white magic; compared to that supermans powers and paranormal magic is peanuts
  15. You are already doing magic 24/7 by accomplishing the impossible feat of seeing and imagining that which doesn't exist while ignoring the obvious Reality. Your whole 'life' is a magic. What more could you want?
  16. This God discussion we are having is the most in depth self image discussion you'll ever find anywhere. The very issue of all self-image dissonance is about being one thing in reality but having another different, sabotaging image of oneself while remaining oblivious to the original reality
  17. Okay that's understandable. But a sneaky escape through the back door. Why God doesn't give me the power and ability to 'enjoy' 1000000 women? Is the all powerful God that impotent? How come I have a latent desire for 1000000 women but I don't have the ability to enjoy even 1% of that? As Al Pacino the lucifer says, God gives humans this incredible power and gift called instincts and then He sets the rules in direct opposition for his own cosmic gag reel. either way I, the deluded pig with the dream of 100000 women is screwed
  18. oh shit! I was 'just' replying to that thread but the action figure 'Anna1' is faster than the action figure 'Preetom' (also the anti spam, posting time break protocol of this forum )
  19. Hey I'm okay with universal wars or all hell breaking loose or whatever. Dont hold back! I just threw diesel on this topic already in another thread
  20. Really transcend the ego first and then see if such a question arise or not.
  21. The fallacy here is in the definition of God that you are currently making up. That definition doesn't correspond to anything close neither to your own direct experience nor to an open minded thought experiment. That is why this creates all this confusion and frustrations. We need to be extremely vigilant on the word 'God', it's meaning and consequences before starting flinging it at everyone's face like Oprah's EVERYBODY GETS A CAR!! Let's look at it this way. The Absolute is undefinable. Anything that can be said about it, is not it. You are that Ultimate Reality. Plain and simple. No buts, no questions asked, nothing more or less. It's the proclamation upon which all nondual text relies upon. Now take a look at God. God is that Absolute WITH a bunch of definitions such as omnipotence, omnipresence, existence, consciousness, bliss, all powerful, all merciful, infinite will, the creator, sustainer, destroyer of the universe etc so on and so forth. Now Leo might send me into exile from this forum if I say this but guess what... You are NOT this God. The ultimate pointer is You are the Absolute prior to this God(with definitions). You are the Absolute that makes it possible for such a God to appear in the first place. Now this might bring in a serious argument that how can it be non-duality if 'I' as Absolute remain separate from God, World etc. So are there multiple absolutes now? The answer is no. When the Absolute is directly realized, all ideas of God, world, subject, object, consciousness, absolute etc become null and void. The absolute is absolute. Non-duality. And it can't be talked about. So the bottom line is, the God that has the infinite power to manifest 10000 chicks and living comfortably in a mansion(lets say there is such a God), YOU ARE NOT THAT GOD. You are the Absolute Reality that makes it possible for such a God to exist and do his/her shit. That is why you can't manifest 10000 hot chicks. That is God's power, not your power. Your truth and reality is even deeper and prior to that God. You are the Absolute. When you realize that, then there is no God, world, subject, object, 10000 chicks and a mansion left
  22. Advaita Vedanta understood this common fallacy of God and thus pointed something more skillful and deeper to seekers. But if you only stick with Leo, I mean if Leo is your ONLY source to educate yourself and building a solid intellectual foundation about nonduality and spirituality then you sure have many years of a rough, long road ahead man. Every week, he will come with more metaphors and ways of explaining this thing and every week you become more and more confused and frustrated lol. Paradoxes after paradoxes without any clue
  23. But Leo?! Is there really a neighbor if I am not looking? Your message seems to imply there is a hard brute physical world equally real, outside or independent of full awakening or absolute consciousness.
  24. the banana loses it's 'worth' when it becomes the no-banana
  25. post enlightenment cannot be conceptualized and it's often misleading to do so. The only way to find out is to go there yourself. Then lets see how you define it