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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Watch Leos video dark sides of meditation. Maybe you are having these lows preciously because meditation is working on you in the background.
  2. @SQAAD What does your own experience say about this matter? Ask yourself, ''Am I aware of the body or is the body aware of I?"
  3. It made perfect sense as soon as I read it. Right now you can clearly see what Jesus is trying to convey. Select any experience right now. Now ask yourself, "am I aware of this experience or this experience aware of I? Do you see now who lacks what? The Father is the Self, I. The 'All' is the appearance of everything. Notice that the 'All' lacks Being. It is the Self that lends being and makes the 'all' shine. In other words, radical it may sound, all appearance is non-being or non-existent.
  4. Just Maya punishing you for trying to escape the matrix
  5. I mean aren't all the developed counties boast about their 'good' justice system? Its not like mooji is some cult leader in some jungle in Kenya. How come there are so many victims and yet they cant get help from the legal system or any NGO associated with these stuff. Anyway I saw videos where it is explained that Mooji has his own team of lawyers and somehow he has managed to have a monopoly over this entire situation. Anyone trying to upload such allegations on YouTube against mooji gets threatened by his lawyers
  6. Yeah true. But not necessarily how it is often exaggerated or how we tend to fantasize about it. This is where frustration kicks in, when we start to see that we cant conceptualize enlightenment and all our notions about it is underwhelming
  7. @whoareyou my concern is if these complaints are true, how come Mooji still roaming and doing this thing as if nothing happened? But its true that lots of spiritual circles and communities are withdrawing their support for Mooji e.g. Buddha at the Gas pump took down Mooji's interview and removed him from their list.
  8. 2 years of dating, 3 years of living together, getting married, having kids, getting divorce after 10 years Thats the typical time of love ?
  9. Dang why is this stuff so cryptic and full of incest? BTW do you see what is meant here?
  10. Yes I can't help but agreeing with you because according to my research the 'real' enlightened masters never claimed themselves as someone special or shove their enlightenment agenda down other people's throat. They wouldn't even talk about this stuff unless asked for. They never had any dire mission to achieve, things to change or reform. My hunch is, upon actual enlightenment there is no individual consciousness left that can proclaim ''I am enlightened'' or ''I was in bondage and now I am free''. This is the actual meaning of nirvana. Complete extinction. There is no individual left that can reflect consciousness back on itself and analyze itself. There is a beautiful story where a monk asked Buddha where one goes after nirvana. Buddha replied, ''oh monk, when a fire is extinguished, does it go south, north, east, west, up or down?''
  11. As I said, these 2 seemingly 'contradictory' instructions develop different facets of attention. When you specifically try to focus on the breath and bring it back to the breath over and over again no matter how many things distract you; in that case you training your attention to turn over and over again towards a particular object and trying to hold attention on that particular object. That's a very important facet of attention to develop. It develops concentration and quietude of mind. Then there comes a 2nd category of meditation where you are not forcing your attention on any particular object but letting your attention flow loosely to any experience that rises in your awareness WITHOUT being completely lost in any particular object. If attention stays, it stays. If it moves to the next thing, you let it move to the next thing. This meditation develops another important facet of attention which is quickly hooking and unhooking your attention from objects. This develops non-attachment and an undercurrent of equanimity by making your attention ''non-sticky''. That's why I suggested that you try both of these types of attention(fixed attention and flowing attention) separately. And then there is another realm of attention where you don't pay attention to anything in particular but try to turn attention towards the one who pays attention. It results in self realization or discovery of your existential true self behind the insentient, non-existent ego.
  12. Not in the sense that we need concepts to understand ego, survival etc and strategies to transcend them in the first place. There is no transcendence without CONCEPTION. In that sense, concepts are the vital initial part of the process. But like everything in life, too much of a good thing ends up backfiring. Same deal with concepts. See what I mean?
  13. Yeah this has been precisely my experience as well It's like you feel tremendous hunger and try to solve the problem. Now what might be a solution to this problem? Self inquiry solves this problem by not making you run around collecting food and eating them; but by waking you up and make you realize that you were dreaming and your tummy is actually full as you just ate 1 hour ago and fell asleep. See what happened here? Waking up did not solve the problem of hunger by giving you food, it dissolved the problem altogether. Similarly, self-inquiry doesn't provide answers, concepts and solutions to all our philosophical, abstract, existential and even practical questions so that we can write a book about it and put it as a trophy in our showcase and proclaim ourselves as the best champion of truth. It just dissolves the entire frame of reference where all these questions lose significance as Winterknight wrote in his original blog post. It makes absolutely zero sense to ego. This impossibility and paradox of knowledge is like acid on ego. It moans and cries in dissatisfaction
  14. ''When the fruit appears the blossom drops off. Love of God is the fruit, and rituals are the blossom'' - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Take care Mandy
  15. What if the entire purpose was to stay in that peaceful, agendaless 'zone' and never coming back to analyse that 'zone'? What if there is no solution for the 'person' but only its dissolution?
  16. From apples to herbs. I'd call that significant improvement. Subtler and subtler bay bay
  17. Leo already listed them in his Self-observation pinned post. ''How To Tell If You're Enlightened: This is very simple. Answer the following questions honesty: Did a major shift in awareness occur? Are you absolutely clear now of what you are? Are you the physical human body you've always thought you were? Do you feel infinite, without boundaries or location? Do you actually understand, or are you in a temporary meditative high? If you answered: "YES! YES! NO! YES! I UNDERSTAND!" then there's a pretty good chance you're enlightened. If your answers were not: "YES! YES! YES! NO! YES! I UNDERSTAND!" then chances are you aren't enlightened. Keep trying.''
  18. What if creation IS vain? What if it is completely a zerosum game? Or better yet, what if there is, was, will be no creation ever? Could you open up to that? Creation as a vain project makes a LOT of sense than Creation with a rigid purpose. Let's take this example. You open your computer, play a video game for 2 hours, fill out all the seeming purposes and chase the trophies in the context of that game...and then after a while you shut down the computer and go to sleep. That video game was a zerosum, vain creation of You/computer as God. Ultimately, that 2 hours of video game was totally insubstantial. What if our so called entire life was like that? If Creation had a 'PURPOSE' so rigid and hardwired, then we would not have any self-consciousness aka a subjective experience. That which has a rigid purpose does not possess a subjective self-consciousness. Just like the entire purpose of video game characters is to chase trophies, the purpose of google car is to drive safely, the purpose of a computer is to crunch numbers; but notice none of these things don't possess subjective self-consciousness. Their Creator/God only create them to execute a hardwired purpose until the damn breaks apart or fails. But WE are verily subjectively self-conscious beings. No God ever put a hardwired purpose on us aka on Creation. Ponder that.
  19. Look at the contradiction in your statement. How can anything be WORST for 'me' after Being 'me' is totally annihilated? It's either your statement is flat out false or there is still a 'me' with a being who reports ''OH I HAVE LOST MY BEING AND IT WAS THE WORST THING EVER'' That which can be erased was no real thing in the first place. You are assuming that Being is impossible without being a person or something in particular. Why are you assuming that? Could it be that it is possible to Be WITHOUT being a person or this or that? Yeah that's what I am trying to say. What if that lava was all there is the entire time? What if it is only lava that merges with the lava but we are mistakenly making a person out of that little blob of lava, calling him John and mourning over the cessation of John?
  20. I am not saying this is the case but what if depersonalization is EXACTLY what is going on whether we acknowledge it or pretend otherwise. What if depersonalization IS the TRUTH but we are deluded and imagining the contrary constantly. What if we are no person at all, ever. Just like every mundane experience and impulse reinforce the idea of earth being flat, sun revolving around the earth, sky being blue; could it be the case that even though it feels like we are persons in a very rigid and hardwired case but we are actually no such things? Oh boy that would be one hell of a kick in the butt, the exact blow medieval christian church pops(+politicians+self proclaimed scientists+so called knowers and protectors of Truth) felt when their entire holy book and genesis came crumbling down when objective science proved the real facts about the world undeniably. Talk about fall from heaven
  21. Guru's big balls are way too big to fit into this little stage called life ?
  22. Good for you, waking up to the real purpose of life. If the yearning is there, the road will eventually show itself