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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Your notion of 'infinity' is noob. Where will infinity expands to?
  2. You haven't yet solved the deepest existential mystery of your own self. So whatever you measure and try to understand ''out there", inevitably collapses into impossible mystery and contradictions. When there is virus in the very first step, all other steps followed afterwards carry the corruption of that virus.
  3. I am writing on this again to emphasize why there is no other yoga or path other than ones own path. Notice all the goodies. Acting without the sense of doership, without expecting results, not wanting things to be any different than they are, perfect equanimity and detachment etc. Do you think that an ego mind can practice doing that? No! These are all byproducts of Gods infinite being. Just like as body minds, how many hours did we practice being selfish, regarding the body as I, expecting results and living in time, unpeaceful, unequanimous, wanting things to be different, being the agent of action to master these 'skills'? None! They are all default byproducts of being an ego. So upon liberation, those goodies of "karma yoga" comes by default of being the Self. This is my point here. If someone really understands this and is logically convinced about it, he will be unable to go in the world and 'try' to emulate this enlightened state of being, it will feel utterly fake and inauthentic. In him, there will always be the dire need to get rid of the ego as that is the main dish. Otherwise, when an ego tries to mimic enlightenment, we get religion and dogmas and at best stage green hippie superficial spirituality. Now, if someone doesn't clearly see this pattern and not convinced about it, then he wont able to pursue self inquiry and the only way would be roundabout ways to reach the main dish. But that doesn't make that roundabout path inferior because that particular seeker cant help but following his own path. And notice another interesting point on how there is no secluded yoga and ultimately all yoga are one. See the points on karma yoga - leaving all expectation and surrendering oneself to gods will (essence of bhakti) - actions without sense of agency (essence of Jnana) - perfect equanimity (essence of raja) Notice how at the ultimate level all yogas become indistinguishable. As Ramana Maharshi said, those who distinguish between various yogas, dont know any single yoga properly.
  4. When you can master the art of sounding profound and convincing without really saying anything of substance, you can sound like the most enlightened pop guru ?
  5. What do you mean as total Omniscience? Is it total transcendence of knowledge or is it the religious omniscience like knowing everything under the sun, like you were knowing my thoughts and having the same subjective experience of me, instantly knew whats the result of 1\84849593 instantly etc. at that time as well?
  6. Leo could it be the case that at one point you too might refuse to take it or some other method when someone brings it to you? I know its kinda silly question and the following example is even sillier but hell.. Its like once someone was so fond of ice cream, have ecstatic joy out of it and they later grew a distaste towards and thus refuse any ice cream given to him. Or another way of saying, would a sane person who is already at his home, get on a cab to go to his home? He could do other interesting things meanwhile instead of this silly act. I guess you never know until you do.
  7. @Leo Gura What do you consider as the most basic, entry level enlightenment, without which you wouldn't consider someone as enlightened to begin with?
  8. A brush like shin cant help but 'returning' to paint their fantasy hot, minor, spiritual Asian chick like a french bitch on the canvas ?
  9. Kudos to this. Swami Vivekanda too instructed following a balanced combination of all 4 yogas in the beginning. And then eventually, one particular yoga will feel more attractive and effortless to the particular seeker depending on his/her tendencies. Then that becomes ones main yoga while the rest may continue in the background.
  10. Enlightenment! The experience of all experience! Advaita! Of everything, it is the substance. But alas! Here i am, posting poetry Instead of engaging in self inquiry. Enlightened master by day, deluded pig by night; many such paradox in the spiritual trite Still, I dream about being Batman on Sundays, when the soul goes through the dark night. That guru says this, this guru says that Meanwhile, I am a little bunny jumping from hat to hat. Like within the jaws of the ferocious lion, its prey gets devoured Passing my time idly, knowing my days are numbered. - God disguised as deluded fool, 2k19
  11. No downside in respect to pursuing enlightenment and discarding the ego. Through changing your programmings, merely the makeups of the ego get changed. It doesn't matter whether you investigate into an ugly ego or a pretty ego, if you can do that in the first place. So dont hesitate to make positive changes in your life. Perhaps it can help you to see the changing and fictitious nature of ego more clearly.
  12. Listen, please dont make absolute laws out of everything a guru spills. All these different types of yogas are dependent on the particular build and structure of the seekers. If your inherent tendency is to help the world, change the world through good action, giving yourself up for the happiness of what you consider others then karma yoga is for you and you wouldn't be able to sit in silent, secluded meditation for 15 hours a day in the first place. On the other hand, if are puzzled by all the existential and personal mysteries and faultlines, then you wouldn't be able to function straight until you extinguish that inner fire once and for all. So its best if you look at your own build and decide what yoga path is suitable for you instead of believing which guru measured which yoga by what degree. For me, the path of Jnana yoga, the structure of ego, the 3 states of experience, mechanism of knowledge is conceptually so clear and I am so convinced about it, that I cant make myself do any other kind of practice or read about other kind of yoga other than self inquiry. Even if I try, within first minute my internal system responds ''stop wasting time. You know where the main dish is" If i didnt understand the concepts and was not convinced or refused to open my mind about it, then instead of direct investigation into the main dish, i'd have to go through other appetizers to make my way to the main dish. Either way, there is NO superior or inferior yoga. You'll go through the path you'll need to go. Whats necessary from us is to acknowledge it and being honest about it. And then owning that path and moving forward with determination. Hope your 6 months long retreat goes well. Man i wanna plan such a blessed event as well
  13. Dont be so naive! "They never see me coming" - Devil Al Pacino
  14. That knowledge could be unreliable. But who is the knower? See the rub already?
  15. Digging up from non duality vault: the distinction between direct and indirect is a duality. Gosh! We are becoming a champ at this! ?
  16. You are right. Experience is always slippery. You cant bet on experience. But through all so called real and unreal experience, one thing is certain: the experiencer. Investigate the truth of that and solve this eternal puzzle of existence.
  17. Dude you sound like you just heard the word enlightenment and your whole system just crashed
  18. The shroom will get you brother! The shroom will be the end of you brotha!
  19. Maybe reincarcation is an intermidiatery hoax, are you open to that? The import of liberation or enlightenment is to realize the absolute. And from absolute, anything other than absolute is a myth or non existent. Do you ever wonder, how come the excellent sages of the past in all tradition perfectly expressed and mapped out the knowledge of the Absolute. THE ABSOLUTE. About this absolute, almost all of them say the same thing. But when it comes to cosmology, reincarnations, karma and all the intermidiatery stories; every tradition has it's own pet theory. Why is there such inconsistency? They've perfectly mapped out the absolute but totally impotent when it comes to relative cosmology according to each other. Why is it the case? Could it be that this whole relative cosmology is a hoax? Could it be that they are only for mere intellectual consumption, or maybe at best a working hypothesis for unenlightened folks to inquire further about Reality? Another interesting thing is all these creation theories, states of universe, soul, reincarnation etc. Its not the liberated who is bothered or doubtful about them. Only unenlightened are so bothered and caught up with them. So the bottomline is, dont try to prove Maya. It is the principle of impossibility. You'll never succeed proving and establishing the unreal. Rather, investigate Maya and discover it to be non-existent in the first place. You can the never prove the snake in the rope. Rather, investigate the delusion properly and discover that the snake was never there. In other words, first find out the soul(self inquiry). If you succeed, you wont have to be bothered by neither soul nor reincarnation. Note: its a general comment. Pls dont take the 'you's personally and come back to bite my ass ?
  20. Is this related to the statement, ''I always want that which happens. So by default i always get what i want"?
  21. If you say ''parental love'' is a potent doorway to spiritual growth, then literally everything and every action can be a doorway to spiritual growth. Being parents doesnt automatically make one a soon to be enlightened fella. Similarly the opposite is also true where one could do so called spiritual activies and yet remain deluded day after day if not becoming more, in other words, typical religious circles. Because its not about the content or process, its about whether the truth of consciousness is being deliberately appreciated or not. When someone becomes a parent, their sense of sense aka the ego merely expands from their own body and includes their childrens body as well. For the ego, it literally is living through that one child's body, MY child's body, while the rest 1 billion children doesn't matter because they are not included within my sense of ego self. No wonder parental love is irrational, impulsive and really a very strong force of nature. Because it is the force of ego in its most raw and potent form! The same ego force that irrationally loves my own body-mind no matter how much of a devil i become, that same force now merely extends towards my offsprings. So the distortion of unconditional love called ''parental love" is a specific filter or flavor. It is there as long as the ego is there. For the liberated, all such filters and flavors of love is seen through. And of course i as ego/devil will deny this. Or else how will I explain the fact that I love my body-mind a lot more than Leos body-mind?
  22. I wouldn't call that a degree of consciousness. Rather i'd say Leo and so and so are better vessels that reflect or embody consciousness in a more graceful way than a vessel like trump does. So the degree or variety is in the quality of the mirror, not in the light that gets reflected.
  23. @seeking_brilliance There could be infinite gradation or hierarchy in appearance. Just like a dream doesn't necessarily have to run out due to shortage of substance. But my guess is with a human body/mind, we can't really map out the causal chain of this hierarchy from start to end. Because at first, the chain might be infinite and secondly the particular body/mind itself is a knowledge barrier to a particular frequency. Just like the mind can't imagine timeless or spaceless in actuality because mind itself is within time and space. But this same body/mind can realize the essence, the same essence regardless of hierarchy. Anyway see if this answers your question. I timed the video