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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Leo Gura I am interested in your views on this one. Do you think it's possible to permanently awaken by taking 5 meo constantly for a particular time? (Like 1 week-several months as long as it is needed) Its like one takes 5 meo and stays in nondual cognition for 3 hours, then the moment he feels the slightest tinge of duality arising, he takes another and so forth. Basically lets say a month of nondual cognition every waking moment. Could this facilitate a permanent sinking of ego? After all, ego is an unreal entity. It is merely a force of habit of rising and mistaking a body or POV as I. So the idea is, one remains in uninterrupted nondual cognition until one literally 'forgets' what it is like to have an ego and the correspoding dual perception. In mechanism, it would be exactly like the process you described in your self inquiry video where one locks on nothingness/being for such a long time that the ego sinks into being once and for all and one literally forgets the distinction between duality and non duality.
  2. now that you have been noticing that experiences come and go for 4 years, and yet it left 'you' the same, why are you still fascinated with experiences? You know they are impotent. You know that they never leave a trace on you. So why the hell would you keep on watching these things come and go? Instead become more interested in the one that had all experiences and yet feels like remaining the same. Try to watch and investigate that.
  3. Does it ever occur to you that this is exactly what spirituality is supposed to show you? Years came, years went, doubts came, doubts went, wives came, wives went, ecstasy came, ecstasy went, meditation routine came, routine went, phychedelic high came, high went, god came, god went, fear came, fear went, habits came, habits went, wealth came, wealth went, sadness came, sadness went, conviction came, conviction went, books came, books went, teachers came, teachers went, videos came, videos went, retreats came, retreats went, plans came, plans went.. So on and so forth... And yet! After all that, you are still YOU! Same! You didnt move an inch! What the fok? What sort of existential sorcery is that?
  4. Yup had these experiences several times. A sort of ''wakeful' dreamless sleep. But my guess is these are yoga nidras(yogic sleep) and we should be vigilant not to fall on them too often. Because they could last from months to years to eternity, who knows. And yet of course, there is not a single second of time in that 'experience'. Whacky
  5. Get absorbed in being and see how your views change. There is qualitative difference between trying to talk absolute and actually sinking into being. The more bitter and dry the map, the sweeter is the real deal. If you are lucky, one day you might feel eternally grateful towards those ancient old souls who took the trouble to map out this stuff so eloquently in spite of being opposed by deluded fools over and over again. You'll be grateful for that the original message survived through the centuries among the sea of shit and this escape plan landed on your lap. It could very easily not be the case in this chaotic life
  6. Exactly my point. You imagine to go from point A to B, be this from that and you call that purpose. While, gods infinite being purpose has the utmost unique and radical nature. Its a purpose that is already self fulfilled and complete which is mentioned in the op. So the word purpose eventually breaks down.
  7. Probably a Chinese fat, baby memelord who posts videos of eating in social media ?
  8. No. You'll fine tune yourself as you go along. Just a final reminder, now that you've tasted honey, remember what it is. And more importantly note and reflect everything it is NOT, so that you dont lose yourself in the mire again. It is not about contemplation. It is not about thinking and clever philosophy. Its not about god Its not about universe Its not about changing the world Its not about improving yourself Its not about getting MORE insights and metaphores Its not about 'trying' to act spiritual Its not about 'trying' to figure out reality Its not about 'trying' to mimic a fantastical spiritual standard Its not about going higher and higher levels of consciouness Its not about getting any 'benefit' from this project. So on and so forth. Remember the taste of the portal. Good luck "Honestly speaking, from total enlightenment, I have gained absolutely nothing" -Buddha
  9. Your question implies that you've misunderstood my post. It all arises due to minconception about what you are considering 'being'. From your POV, you are translating being as being 'something'. Being this guy called truth living somewhere on earth and dealing with his idiosyncrasies of life. But that's not being! Being is never about being this or that. You are basically asking why i am being a guy called truth on earth instead of being a golden unicorn in heaven? But you see, both these sets are imaginary superimposition over being. Existence itself. A thing doesn't have being. Your 'hand' does not have being. There is no such thing as 'hand' that a scientist can objectivly prove to you. That hand is an imagination superimposed on being. Just like in QM all physical properties and particles are superimposed phenomena. They are not really there at all! This 'material' universe is such a superimposition, an approximation over existence itself. So when you ask why we are being particularly this and not that, you are misunderstanding being and conflating the real(being) with unreal(superimposition). From your POV you are being truth, from mine i'm being preetom. All these superimposition are felt as real and solid as long real Being is misunderstood. at this absolute god level the word 'purpose' becomes redundant, as there is nothing outside Being to contrast with it. You are basically asking "why existence?" Do you see why this question is a contradiction of terms? That question is itself borrowing existence from Being and questioning the source or purpose of being.
  10. yes precisely. But the mistake religions make is that they make those rules an end in themselves. Losing the real purpose, those rules become dogma and an empty shell going no where. This is where you know shit is finally hitting the fan and things getting serious. Once this bug of existential mystery bite you good, everything will fall apart until that gets solved. You'll never be the same again. Your self image and agenda 1-2 years back will seem like an empty ghost to you. School? Why the hell was i there in the first place?! Now we can resist and deny this fact and waste more decades and come back right at this crossroad again cause there is no escape. Or we can wise up and bet our lives and be done with it asap. No wonder this direct path is known as the razors edge. It either gives you resolution or cuts you in half.
  11. This is why all spiritual paths have a ethical code. The basic point is, you need a clean and focused life where you consciously pursue this portal as you understand the significance of it. Now If you get stoned every night, this project ain't gonna fly, ever. So that much readjustment is necessary. But the spiritual effects like compassion, equanimity, trying to unconditionally love, surrender, acting without expectation etc.- you cant fake these things with an ego. Drown the ego, the goodies will be there as by product. And for this you need simply a clean, focused life where you make this your top priority. You dont have to pretend or struggle to live upto the enlightenment standard. So the bottomline is, put effort to drown in the portal, not to trying to be spiritual. And the reason why i come out of it, is the same reason you came out it. Latent tendencies. By constant absorption, these tendencies lose power and when they are gone, ego never comes back up again. Like i said, nisargadatta maharaj was practicing being in this portal for 3 years, that was his top priority, until the irreversible shift happened. For your and my case it might take 1,2,5,10 years. Or maybe tomorrow. Who knows? The only thing you can do is to let yourself be absorbed in that portal.
  12. @Dylan Page See if it makes sense. Your 'human' subjective experience is nothing but a knowledge barrier or gate. A certain frequency. Different from a dog's subjective knowledge barrier. Now there are infinite knowledge barriers and combinations, due to gods infinite creative force. All these subjective knowledge elements have some sort of connection to the "objective, hard, physical reality". You see the color blue and that has a physical counterpart in the brain. Now make the same tweak in the brain, you see blue. So it seems to work both ways. With me so far? Now this entire subject and object business appears to infinite, unchanging consciousness. So when a substance is taken, that merely lifts your 'human' knowledge barrier. Then it can either take to a subhuman knowledge barrier or a temporary cessation of all barriers, revealing the infinite Being of consciousness. So by these substances, one is not recreating, enhancing or shrinking pure consciousness. One is merely screwing up their knowledge barriers thus ceasing to be humans and corrrspondingly feeling like a monkey in amazon(shrooms) or a god(5 meo) depending on which gate they've landed on. The same results could be achieved through meditation, spiritual practices or tweaking the brain if the technology allows. But in all these cases, consciousness is ever the same, only knowledge barriers are being tweaked. And in the lobster's case 5 meo may or may not work. Just because 5 meo lifts the 'human' knowledge gate, it doesn't say whether it could do the same tweak to the 'lobster' knowledge barrier.
  13. And another thing is, this nonverbal being portal is neither beginner nor advanced. It has no level or gradation to it. One is either drowned into it or not. How consistent and absorbed one is, now that can be cultivated by practice and infact that is the purpose of practice. Do you see that this portal is impossible to 'recreate' by memory? Do you see that no matter what you try to articulate about that portal, it always falls short big time? Do you see, that which is trying articulate the portal now was absent during that timeless absorbtion?
  14. Yeah you are right. It doesn't come from plain old meditation. Usually it just drops on ones lap by accident through years of rigorous meditation. But then, when they come back, they don't really know what actually happened. I had to read the same Ramana and maharaj texts, their commenteries like 50 times, books, videos, practice for 4-5 years to finally grasp what is the essence of self inquiry or non verbal being portal. It literally is a timeless experience where the mind temporarily sinks into Being. What you noticed that it was PEACE and you could stare at a wall for eternity. And thats exactly the case! When the mind sinks, all distinction collapses and there is no difference between keeping the body or dropping the body or looking at a wall. This final stage of practice is called Nidhidhysana(constant absorption) in vedanta. This has been my realization that all the spiritual flowery trites we hear like be in the now, accept things as it is, surrender all thoughts and attachments, enjoy pleasure without craving etc. are NOT what they are often marketed as. The ego mind can never mimic these things. It will just grow more deluded and frustrated. Have you noticed that all the abovementioned goodies are default by product of this Being portal? You tune into this portal and bang there are all those enlightened qualities present in full force....until your mind arises out of that portal again. If you are outside the being portal now, can you stare at the wall and pretend to be peaceful? No! It will feel like the most inauthentic thing. The ego can't be in the now. Now if you are interested to know my 'experience', I am fairly familiar with that being portal now. I can sit for 15 minutes and phase in and out several times and know exactly what i am looking for and know exactly when i get there. This is no accident anymore. It requires only skill+intent. Now where is this all going? All i need to do now is to focus my entire life as much as possible and be more and more in this portal. At one point, my mind will sink into infinite being, forever. And in my definition, that is enlightenment and anything short of that are cool experiences and stories but not enlightenment. Be careful what you wish for. After that sinking happens for good, which is known as manonasa, the mind is dead and lost forever. You won't able to experience anything in life through objective knowledge, EVER. That whole system has been sunk and digested into the ocean. You will experience life ONLY through being. You BE life. 'You' are done. No more 'pretending' to be or 'trying' to embody enlightenment qualities. So yeah at this stage, nothing but constant practice and absorption will help. It doesn't matter how many highs, insights one gathers or how many enlightened qualities one 'tries' to embody. The thing that has those juicy stuff will have to drown and never come back up again. Hope these things help you figure out where you are
  15. Thanks The absurdity of this whole situation trips me up. We are already fulfilling God's purpose 24/7 and nothing else. We already Are. And we cant improve or degrade or move away from this purpose, ever. And yet we tend to forget and get confused! Hope you had a nice meal
  16. Exactly. People need to have a taste of preverbal being to understand and be more convinced about this whole spirituality to go further. Thats why psychedelic or a good guided meditation is more helpful. If you are preaching about honey, make people taste a drop first
  17. @Rilles How does it 'feel' to discover and acknowledge that no one loves you unconditionally? And further more, its impossible to get unconditional love, ever! The only thing you can get is snipets of love and for that too you need to wear a mask with agreeable configuration. How does it feel?
  18. Thoughts coming from void is yet another thought. Fish in the sea
  19. Its impossible to unconditionally love a 'thing'. So enlightened beings don't love anything. They are love itself.
  20. @Rilles If you wanna integrate the 2 abovementioned views, ask yourself what is the common thread between these 2 views. It is the same I. Investigate and hold onto this I and resolve both of these unsatisfactory, confusing imagination.
  21. The changing the world part reminded me of something. I'll leave something here from one of the greatest karma yogi there was, who changed the world and always tried to escape from all sorts of validation and acknowledment: Maurice Frydman "To be, and to know that one is, is most important. And to be of interest, a thing must be related to one’s conscious existence, which is the focal point of every desire and fear. For, the ultimate aim of every desire is to enhance and intensify this sense of existence, while all fear is, in its essence, the fear of self-extinction. To delve into the sense of ‘I’ -- so real and vital -- in order to reach its source is the core of Nisarga Yoga. Not being continuous, the sense of ‘I’ must have a source from which it flows and to which it returns. This timeless source of conscious being is what Maharaj calls the self-nature, self-being, swarupa. This dwelling on the sense ‘I am’ is the simple, easy and natural Yoga, the Nisarga Yoga. There is no secrecy in it and no dependence; no preparation is required and no initiation. Whoever is puzzled by his very existence as a conscious being and earnestly wants to find his own source, can grasp the ever-present sense of ‘I am’ and dwell on it assiduously and patiently, till the clouds obscuring the mind dissolve and the heart of being is seen in all its glory.''
  22. Blasphemy! There is no enlightenment without David "the enlightened master" Hammond! ?