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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. @Identity Check out Osho's dynamic meditation. That might help you.
  2. Not arguing for that arsehole of a guru Om Swami had. But how do you know that the guru didn't do exactly what Om Swami needed? He cut short Om Swami's worldly mammoth ego to the size of a ping pong ball. The 'highly educated', 'intelligent', 'capable', 'millionaire' , "holy man on spiritual mission" om swami became another disposable trash in the guru's ashram as he was treated like one by his guru. But Om Swami was wise enough to recognize even that as a blessing and he mentions it in the book. The guru even left an impression on Om Swami about where NOT to stop and what NOT to become down the line. My point is, this might go so deep and intricate that we can never figure out the workings of it. On the other hand, it could be all hoax and there is no mechanism at all. Who knows? After all, we only got our own imagination ?
  3. 1) The upside of this incessant negation is not to fall in the final set of traps. The trap of taking teaching pointers like Consciousness, Awareness, Love, I AM, God, Being etc literally. You can easily see how many people make a dogma out of these concepts and they are stuck there forever. The Reality/Absolute is far more direct than the word absolute, so much so that all these words and concepts will eventually be redundant. 2) "how do you do that?" - exactly. 'You' cant ever do anything about it. All you can do, is to stay at the Being state, utterly silent and open, waiting for the 'lion' to come and devour you. One cant discard the I AM or Being, but still this scrupulous negation attitude is needed so that one doesnt fall into the trap of thinking "i've made it" or nest into any particular state or experience. 3) In the end, No world, no consciousness, no i amness - yes exactly. But not in the way you might be assuming right now. Because all of them are only thoughts. Even deep sleep is a thought. We tend to think that nirvana would be something like a huge, dark, void space forever. But that is not necessarily so. Ramana Maharshi said, "the world is nothing but thoughts". I didnt get what he meant until recently. Check it out for yourself. Next time you are firmly established in thoughtless being/self-inquiry, check whether you see a 'world' as you used to know it. The world literally begins with the thought "this is a world". The body literally begins with the thought "this is my body". It just happens so fast and without gaps that we tend to fail to notice it. By repeated sinking into Being, it starts getting more and more clear to us. So when you are in Being without these thoughts, there is no world, body. But is Being a huge, dark, deep sleeplike state then? No! You dont even feel 'i am' until such a thought arises. That in fact is the absolute or your 'natural', 'effortless' state. Nirvana is simply the existinction after which 'i' along with my 'world' thoughts are gone forever. Sounds very contradicting, woo woo and unbelievable I know. I wouldn't ever believe it and it would sound absolutely negative to me. But its not, its the greatest thing that can happen to oneself. So the bottomline is : 1) keep sinking into being consistently, as much as you can. 2) you dont have to think or figure out about anything. Neither about yourself nor about things/world 3) dont cling to any particular state, experience, insight, realization etc however grand and unbelievable; only cling to your own singular being; and be alert on the attitude of spinning fantasies to orient your whole life forever around some particular state. 4) what is meant to happen, will happen. The most common dilemma is the doubt "if i cant see the world after nirvana, how can I function in the world, connect with people?"- that impossible chasm between the ego and nirvana cant ever be rationalized or figured out. Its the greatest fear of the ego...until its not. By the time one gets it, one is done. The ego was never in charge
  4. And what would you regard as a valid argument, evidence or support? Because if I or someone just says it, that wont work. There must be a criteria for you about how this will work.
  5. @mindcentral On which idea do you need support? About Jesus being an alien or about you not being a human?
  6. @mindcentral Yes Jesus could be an alien. Now find out whether you are a human being in the first place
  7. @Pouya Very good question. The mind sees what it wants to see and interpret. But the opposite scenario is also tricky. Its not like if one is tripping without any knowledge of nonduality, their minds are totally empty or pure. There is always a shit ton of stuff there and thus whatever is inside comes out.
  8. This is very tricky. It aint as simple as stop seeking or there is no enlightenment. Yes technically speaking, there is nothing to 'seek'. But there is sure as hell a LOT to cut through and then settle and establish into.
  9. As you created this hell, ask yourself why you did it. ASK YOURSELF ASK YOURSELF
  10. I aint interested in what you 'saw', 'heard', 'felt', 'thought'. "As a man is, so he sees" Tell me what you are and what you see now. ??
  11. Oh Nos.. Strong mystical experience with a purified mind = high likelihood of abiding enlightenment Crazyass mystical experience with 10X delusion = start of zen devilry with 10000X delusion ?
  12. Lol give him a try and see for yourself if he is legit or not ?
  13. New arts of bullshitting in the forum
  14. Nice cosmic dance skills in the intro ?
  15. Yes. So basically we all have a sadhguru side in us hmm..
  16. Especially watch the 1st video. That one is a bomb and clarifies most bullshits labeled under 'spiritual'
  17. So basically I am a Sadhguru in dream state but a deluded fool in the waking state? ??
  18. I used to perform lots of crazyass supernatural acts myself too, in my dreams. I've mostly forgot about them
  19. @okulele Yeah those are good stuff. Wolinsky's videos were shared before in this forum.
  20. Most time all those one sided lunatic ravings are validation seeking dynamic at work. So either by encouraging them or opposing them, we are only poking and validating that dynamic; and thats precisely what it wants!! So we are really harming them by making that dynamic become more entrenched than supporting them or doing good to them.