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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Levitation Crazyass sexy witch GF X Ray vision of Nithyananda All golds worn by hindu gods Sadhguru's mystic suit/robe Mooji's balls ?
  2. The reality will survive. The Dream will be dead
  3. Paradoxically the ONLY way to stop being the ego is to BE the ego consciously, willingly. The Ego only sustains itself by activity aka knowing or attending to everything other than itself. When this process is reversed-when ego locks on itself instead of other objects- in other words when one tries to BE the ego(I)- thats when ego erases itself out of existence.
  4. @theking00 Search in your direct experience and find out that devil
  5. Just trying to immitate the effortless present moment nature of a dog all my life brah ?
  6. Yeah it would be possible if one was human in the first place. And also depends of which perspective you are talking about. You have always been you. You never become or unbecome a thing.
  7. @bmcnicho Absolutely glorious insight. Thanks man There is a gimmick for success called "always start with the end in mind". Honestly, that end is self-destruction no matter what project it is lol
  8. If you hang on to this introspective spirituality business as much as you can, you'll start to notice that "being aware of thoughts" or "witnessing thoughts and experiences non-judgmentally" is itself a thought. Its like the default thought running in the background in all witnessing and mindfulness and trying to be in the present moment business. And one cant make one's mind silent with one's own effort- all that effort is more thinking and resistance. If it were possible, EVERYONE would have a silent, happy mind already. Silencing the mind becomes an automatic byproduct of sinking the mind into awareness- not as result of witnessing the mind or trying to stop the mind. "Happiness is cessation of mind and the mind can never be happy"
  9. So? Good boy may turn into a good-psychotic-boy for a while, but the goodness of good boy remains intact ?
  10. Looks like that 2k ug went to waste if one still believes those so called shady ''scientific stats" have anything to do with the quality of one's life
  11. Once a cuck, always a cuck
  12. Thank you. I wanna live with Jesus and not go to hell ??
  13. @Matteo Wow thanks for your detailed post. Many teachers talk about the effects on our system by psychedelics. But then again, literally EVERYTHING affects our system beyond we can ever trace - from the food we eat, to the environment we live in, to the people and emotions we expose ourselves to etc. But I can sort of see why many sages are against psychedelics. Let me state two points about it. After all, there are two main paths to liberation. a) the path of knowledge (direct) b) the path of energy/causality (indirect) 1) What path of knowledge tries to do- through self-inquiry, void meditations, various attention shifting meditations- they slowly reprogram or update one's perceptual system or way of seeing over a period of years. This process is usually slow and mellow that one rarely feels any massive change all throughout the path. Then one fine morning, the nondual being becomes the norm and the very idea of a previous duality or bondage seems like a fiction, a dream that is long over. 2) On the other hand energetic paths are all about making this body-mind a better and smoother vehicle of channeling and withstanding insane amount of energy. The body-mind is prepared through practices and disciplines for years, in order to one day produce and withstand such an insane amount of energetic shock that all the false attachment and identification mechanism gets withdrawn from the nadis and it all sinks into the Heart/Reality. So for example lets say liberation is like lighting a bulb with 5000 volatage. Now we begin as 200V bulb. The moment 5000V enters our system, it is fried and the project of god realization is failed. Then we slowly prepare again and be a 500V bulb...but again that on and so forth...until through practices our bulb(system) gets ready to withstand that 5000V. And then when we connect that bulb with that 5000V insane energy, we shine as God instead of being diffused. Various yogic practices are basically about slowly preparing the body-mind as this 5000V bulb one day. Now Psychedelics belong to this energetic path. It is NOT a mellow thing at all. It fries ones system and turns everything upside down for a person from its metaphysics, to its way of perceiving for a time period. Its like one is remaining as a 200V bulb but connecting to the 5000V God energy over and over again. Its system is being bombarded and diffused over and over again. So in a sense, it could be the case that the possibility of this 200V bulb to ever become a good 5000V bulb is being hindered. Maybe this is why sages were against psychedelics. They may be good for 1-2 times for a taste of God. All seekers have mellow glimpses of God here and there as they progress. But taking that 5000V god energy without preparing oneself over and over again may have severe consequences down the line; as you mentioned. It could be the case that flashy insights/realization becomes available but stabilization becomes hindered.
  14. @Ella Until one experientially tastes nondual Being, one can't see or get convinced how 'thoughts', 'emotions', 'sense organs', 'body', 'world', 'people', 'birth', 'death'- all are unreal superimpositions. They are not really there. They only seem to be there, because thoughts say so. The self-looping mechanism of thoughts at work. Like watching a movie on TV screen. Those movie elements along with it's narrative is not really 'there'. One cant go and 'grab' them. And this simple Being is the very unwiring of our conditioned thought structures and survival narrative as an entity.
  15. Thats right. You'll never 'figure out' what those masters are saying conceptually. All those words consciousness, awareness, awareness, i am etc are defined differently by different sages; thats why they seem so contradictory on surface.
  16. Technically mindfulness and self-inquiry are different. Mindfulness is depended on the assumption that there is an 'I' who trying to be in the present moment and noticing/being aware of objects present in the current experience without as much mental labels as possible. So it's a 1st person knowing 2nd and 3rd person objects. It never becomes deeply introspective on that 1st person 'I' itself. Self-inquiry is totally opposite of that. Self-inquiry as Ramana Maharshi taught is relaxing attention from everything and every object and trying to lock attention on that 1st person 'I' itself.
  17. Self-inquiry and ''being aware of being aware'' is the same thing experientially. In self-inquiry, one is told to BE oneself rather than being this or that. So attention from ''this or that'' objects are relaxed due to lack of interest in them; and one is more and more established into oneself- the nondual, one, whole, subjective 'feeling' of I On the other hand, the question ''Am I aware?'' is meant to take one to the state of just being aware. Not being aware of ''this or that'' objects. So it is also targeting to make one establish into the one, whole, aware, amness of oneself. The bottom line is this: One is NOT Being as long as one is knowing any 2nd and 3rd person object which is other than oneself. And one is in Being when one falls into oneself so deeply that the very idea of world, objects and things other than oneself is no longer there. One is told to consistently stay at that 'state' until it becomes one's default mode of being. And OH BOY! I wouldn't whack my brain trying to figure out this koan. Relaxing and Being is far more simple and easier. Only a genuine willingness is necessary. You'll perfectly get what Maharaj is trying to say here by Being, not by dissecting that quote linguistically and trying to figure it out conceptually
  18. Depends on what you call 'awakening'. If you mean a direct glimpse/realization into one's true nature, then any good nonduality teacher should be able to give you one within few minutes, given that the person is open minded and willing to follow that philosophical inquiry- either through a video or face to face conversation or through a book.. In that sense, dozens wake up like that in any nonduality retreats, Rupert's included. But if you mean firm establishment into that true identity, then no. No one can give you that. That's when the real game begins. You are not seeking anymore. You've found it. And now you are making it true in every situation all the time. And that requires conscious relinquishment of all the ideas associated to oneself and erasing one's habitual structures- and that happens simply due to inattention or non-engagement in those patterns as one only genuinely contemplates about one's real nature and sinking into that. In contrast to that, the peeps in 'progressive paths' are still seeking. One should be intelligent enough to see this distinction. But hell! even those who do find a glimpse in retreats forgets about it and starts another round of seeking some new fantastical thing once again lol. The perversion of the intellect. So it generally requires being in this circle for a while, have multiple 'awakenings' to finally wise up and see that one is not really coming or going or growing or diminishing- one is ever the same- that intuitive understanding slowly untangles one from the fantasties of new seeking and experiences- and instead encourages one to sink into Being
  19. Its nothing new. He simply modernized the advaita vedanta teachings with new metaphors and teaching style. At times he seems like teaching watered down stuff as he doesn't always play the absolute card with everyone. But his teachings are legit. Its just that the sweet delivery often makes it seem incosequential and he is patient with his students doing all sorts of mental masturbations with the metaphors and philosophical questions lol
  20. This is how things went for me in a nutshell 1) Following desires unconsciously. Life on auto pilot. Well it was not a problem, until I started to grow up. The glitches and contradicting forces started to nest in me and made life tear apart into multiple pieces. 2) then started journaling and trying to figure out stuff about how/why i desire things. Came up with nice interpretations, insights etc. Then at one point, even that started to feel like inauthentic after realizing the workings of the mind. The mind can literally interpret anything in any way, make connections between any two things. Because all of it are nothing but products of mind. 3) nowadays I am mostly engaged in self inquiry. So instead of focusing on how/why/what/when of desire, my attention starts moving towards the I that attends to those objects. So that is the desire storyline. The thing about desire is that, a singular desire or force of nature is not the problem. The core of our problem and suffering is the conflicting desires. We think we desire one thing, while we say otherwise and we behave and act even more otherwise- all the while we might not even know what we really really want. So we end up being torn apart between these conflicting forces
  21. Lol He also had the superpower of giving a nirvikalpa samadhi to anyone if they genuinely asked for it. But now all will say that claim is horseshit. Thats why he gives you the boobs, at least something you can see
  22. Man he was an out of world being. The things he did, no one would believe. He had an insane level of visualization ability. Talk about "whatever you visualize, you materialize". 100% master of subjective reality. I remember reading an exchange where someone asked Ramakrishna how to deal with the irresistable temptation towards women? In reply he said something along the lines of "its simple. I have overcome it by seeing myself as the handmaiden of God". He even dressed like a woman, thats how powerful his visualization and conviction was. He did many 'weird' stuff all throughout his life. And left the mark that if one possesses a gawning desire for God, that alone is enough for god realization. He would stop at nothing to realize god.
  23. Yes lots of good points here. But its impossible to remark on these issues while being a detached spectator and not being in the mud. Yes enlightenment has many fancy definitions to many people, and they seek it for various selfish reasons. But when one really understands what this 'enlightenment' thing is down the line, one also understands that no one in hell can 'want' it in right state of mind. Its not something one can want. Like one can't want a bucket of water from a mirage, not after understanding what a mirage is. But alas, by that point, it is enlightenment that starts chasing you ? so your days are numbered either way And you are right, as long as one 'sees' the relative, one has to take responsibility of that or else the 'relative' consequences will grab one by one's 'relative' balls. And make no mistakes! 'Relative' balls hurt from 'relative' consequences ? But that applies only as long as one sees the relative. One doesn't worry about ones dream bank account after one ceases to see that dream again.
  24. If you 'could' do anything alternative, you'd already be doing it Michael. haha exactly! A funny impression I get from Advaita Vedanta is how the master talks about the Self and Bang! The deciple gets woke and starts dancing in bliss ? Its like one is in a very flimsy dream wandering about. Someone comes and gives him a little shake and bang one is awake as the Self. No loss. Only joy, as one is always the Self. That dream character identity was like a thin spider web. And ideally thats how it is supposed to happen. But rarely it happens like that ? Its just that this present waking body-personality identity is so strong and glued with so much insane amount of raw emotional energy, that each time this identity is questioned or loosened even 0.001% of it, it feels like being stabbed in the gut. The seeker doesn't feel oh I am Self! No sir, he/she has to voluntarily put up with this dream-self mutilation for several years until all that knots and fleshy emotional meats leave the system for good.