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Everything posted by Preetom

  1. Traditionally and most often the spiritual search really begins after the worldly project has hopelessly and miserably failed. Spiritual practices, worldviews, transitions are all ultimately subtle manipulation inflicted upon oneself just like a red thug needs to manipulate himself to survive. "A fool who persists in his folly will become wise" Spiritual practices are like 'controlled' folly applied on oneself.
  2. Everything is alright!!...except abortion. Right? Kill me Joking ?
  3. where on Ramaji's scale. And where were you before reading this book during the jesus period?
  4. Good for you!
  5. What I mean is there is nothing wrong with survival/career/passion etc. But when it is done obliviously then that is vulnerable to error and virus. And mind is not the source of our happiness. That thing is the source of all suffering and dilemma
  6. Umar_UK 2.0 loading... Please don't be osho drunk on local, cheap vodka ?
  7. Nothing wrong with that. But it already misunderstands about the real source and nature of happiness. And that misconception or ignorance inevitably breeds error which comes back to bite ones ass down the line in one way or another.
  8. Literally noone: 90% of the forum: 1) this is just your ego 2) just love yourself 3) realize you're god ?
  9. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing ?
  10. @yellowschnee I've had very palpable levitation dreams several times. It felt so real and experientially vivid, like my lying body was pulled upwards by a force. Then after waking up its shocking to find my back touching the bed. But I also intuitively feel that I am actually levitating still then as 'reality' has no ground
  11. As long as you are seeing/knowing anything other than yourself, there is always room for delusion
  12. Nisargadatta maharaj, Stephen wolinsky, Jed mckenna are some among many teachers who talk about prior to consciousness, awareness. And of course they deliberately do that in order to destroy every single notion about consciousness produced by human thought and also destroy every single piece of knowledge/state/level/realization etc however grand or petty, under gods green earth so that the mind can never find a nesting place in its conceptual fabrication.
  13. Every Single thought/words/question starts with the sneaky assumption that it is indubitably True along with its frame of reference; and by further churning of thoughts, it is gonna find more truth or get more closer.
  14. Good god! The level of justification spiritual people come up with! ?
  15. @Aakash Good god how long will you do this to yourself? Btw look into how paradigm/dream lock works into our lives. Start seeing that how every single thought, experience, mood, so called 'realization' grabs us by the throat and completely have us blindsided. It is like a maze/dream. Once you are inside it, thats it; it has complete possession over you...until that dream finishes. Do you see how omniscience of god as conventionally known is another such paradigm lock?
  16. There is no such thing as a true experience as opposed to a false experience. I would be lying whether I say yes or no ?
  17. Whats the point of all this bitching and moaning and complaining if everything is deterministic? Give up already. That would solve all problem in one stroke. But no, you refuse to that as well. This hypergamy or whatever nonsense that's roasting you alive from inside out, will accompany you to your graveyard. A miserable life indeed ?
  18. "As a man is, so he sees" This explains your current view. Since you still have a human ego, you see a massive, intelligent universal/god ego at play all around you as well. Just like you sense that you are an individual, intelligent agent with choices and what not; you also feel the universe also has agency. But you are failing to see that the universal ego is merely the projection of your own human ego. This is what happens when an ajnani tries to put a jnani into his models and paradigms. This is why you are now crusading against enlightened people thinking that they transcended the human ego and still blind towards the bigger game about the universal ego. As if, universal ego was a real thing in the first place. Did the universe come and tell you it has an ego, agency, purpose? No. Its you who sees something, then makes some pattern and then more theories and beliefs over it. Does the universe say 'I'?