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Everything posted by Mips

  1. I’m a 5-meo virgin want to very gently & carefully acclimatise myself to it and with time, learn to use it to experience awakening. However it’s generally accepted that it’s a very full on experience. I’ve seen suggestions that 5-meo malt can give the same experience of the infinite but is slightly gentler, making the approach easier and less brutal. Am I right about this? Or is 5-meo dmt the only way to truly get this full awakening experience?
  2. Thank you, very well described and much appreciated. From there, what of the actual process of death and more importantly after death? Also I’ve heard awake people say that death is an illusion when you’ve woken up - there is no death. Is that correct?
  3. Please can you explain to me the catastrophe? I am motivated to a point, but would appreciate knowing something of the nature of the catastrophe resulting in not doing the work before death.
  4. Would love to try this but am in the UK. Is it basically an impossibility to get it here? (5-Meo malt).
  5. As per the title. Solipsism as a distressing aspect mental illness, often in tandem with other symptoms is quite common - in fact both my wife & daughter have gone through this. I've seen this described as 'normie' solipsism. My daughter, 15 at the time, went through hell with this. What's the difference between this and the solipsism experienced with awakening?
  6. This is something I’ve been trying to put my finger on. Would you mind explaining what normie solipsism is and how it is different from the kind of solipsism one experiences with awakening?
  7. As per the title, I wonder what percent of people on the forum who say ultimate truths really understand what they're saying? I see that Leo has understood this stuff as his journey is laid bare here. But many people on many threads are constantly saying things like 'there are no others', 'life is a dream', 'there is no centre' & other ultimate truths. But is there a culture of people trying to sound wise but not really understanding the core of what they're saying? And if so, how many other than Leo have really plumbed the depth of this to justify their position of ultimate mastery? Edit: I'm also absolutely open to the possibility that there are a lot of enlightened people on here.
  8. @justfortoday Thanks so much, really appreciate the offer. I don't understand yet, but will DM you shortly - very grateful to have the opportunity to talk to someone who's seen this stuff.
  9. My daughter have been through bouts of intense solipsism in the past, not as a freeing enlightenment experience but a frightening, disorientating episode alongside intense hallucinations. She suffered with this for a long time at the age of 14-15, devastated that her parents or anyone else were non-existent and experiencing disassociation and derealisation. None of it was good & we've had a terrible three year battle to get her back to some form of mental stability. She's finally in recovery, thankfully. I'm interested in what separates this type of seemingly spontaneous, experience from truly peaceful, steady, wakeful solipsism? Of course, I understand that preparation, depth of understanding etc. play a part, but would like to understand more deeply.
  10. @justfortoday This is a great explanation, thanks. I'm seemingly inexorably driven in my life towards this, but I'm apprehensive due to the earth-shattering and extremely traumatising nature of it! It's odd, I seem to now be seeing everything in this light, although at a lesser level of course. But seeing this all the time makes me feel that the route towards it will be greatly accelerated. But I don't want to go there unless I'm really ready and prepared as you have done over many years - I feel that going unprepared can lead to mental instability. Is there a way to approach this that will make the transition easier? Also, I'm 50 and have a wife & kids, imaginary I guess. I'm retiring and devoting the rest of my life to this awakening. Am I too old and therefore too entrenched in the illusion to wake up? I've read that there's a tradition amongst hindus that some people do this work later in life once the kids have left & responsibilities are reduced & there's the space to do so.
  11. I like this response. But on the more mundane level I'd like my daughter to be well. I mean there must be some value to her being well & happy. I wouldn't desert her or ditch her as a result of her ultimately not being real - there must be something to that, no?
  12. I had to reread this thread a couple of times to make sure it wasn’t a joke - raising Leo up on any kind of pedestal is just as much of a delusion as anything else. Surely you can see this by now, this is basic stuff. And he himself asks you not to.
  13. I’m 50 & been interested in this ‘path’ all my life. I’m retiring early this year to 100% follow this path & am amazed at how lucky I am to have this huge library of content to guide me. It’s only source I’ve found that really gives clear & detailed instructions. Thanks Leo.
  14. I’m looking to take the 5-meo journey but I’m worried it’ll make my wife and I drift apart and split up. I had some deep awakening experiences a long time ago, but have since spent the last 20 years bringing up kids and working. Awakening has always been the most important aim in my life. I’m 50 now, the kids are grown up and I’m in the position to effectively retire and concentrate fully on awakening. The problem is, I don’t want the radical experiences and changes in perspectives that I might have to cause my wife & I to drift apart. She’s the sweetest, wisest person I know. She has a very deep understanding and is amazingly caring and unselfish. We’ve been through so much together and I will never leave her. Does this prevent me from making progress with 5-meo? I’m assuming it may well either prevent progress or end up with us drifting apart as I’ll change so much. As I say, I never want to leave her and if there’s a chance 5-meo will make that happen then I won’t bother using it.
  15. Yes, I wonder how that will hinder me with 5-meo. I guess if I master the process and have consistent full breakthroughs with self enquiry I can at least make a good amount of progress no? But you were looking for a a partner just recently weren’t you? Wouldn’t that have likely resulted in at least some level of attachment? Not trying to be argumentative, just interested.
  16. But why does it have to be one over the other? I’ve decided to go full ahead with my 5-meo journey and stay with her as well. Are the two mutually exclusive?
  17. Thanks so much guys, I’ll get on with it then! We have a very close relationship & understanding so it sounds like we’ll be fine Starting at 50 is indeed late. I wasn’t mature enough at 24 so last chance!
  18. Good explanation, thanks @Leo Gura
  19. @Salvijus From my perspective it’s up @Leo Gura what he wants to get out of it - it doesn’t matter what others do with it as it’s his life. I’m just very interested as to why he gives slightly less emphasis on embodiment than pure understanding as it might give some perspective to my outlook on this process.
  20. I’m really curious about this. Do you not see embodiment as a central aim of the process? Wouldn’t that be up there on the same level as pure understanding in terms of importance?
  21. @intotheblack Thanks - very good of you to take the time