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Everything posted by tolo

  1. Hi Please explain solipsism.
  2. Life can be horrible and frustrating, I totally agree. But just being able to experience this world, this reality is mind blowing in my eyes.
  3. Because existence is beautiful
  4. The human is me. The Kittens are greek rescue Kittens waiting to be adopted. If you are in Europe and interested to adopt a rescue Kitten or rescue Dog, let me know ?
  5. He made a short and sweet explanation on his blog.
  6. reupload +100 maybe with a trigger warning at the beginning.
  7. I was looking for it too He removed the video from his channel because of negative reactions i guess..
  8. Was Leos new video about solipsism removed from YT or was it just a dream? Did anyone else see the video? ? Confused here
  9. Hi everyone I´ve heard some NDE Stories recently and I noticed that NDEs and DMT Trips are quite similar experiences. Since our reality and every other reality is just Gods dream and Gods creation, i wanted to know what DMT Trips or NDEs really are? I mean not every one that had an NDE or DMT trip reached god realization, but they were seeing or feeling other things. Most of them experienced unconditional love but not all of them experienced non duality. Does this mean that DMT/NDE experiences are also just part of the human dream but nothing more? So what does happen with my consciousness after my human experience stops (after death)?
  10. Is anyone familiar with his work and his near-death story?
  11. No deep down i feel happy about it but social pressure does accure as I wrote in my post my friends and even my mother keep asking me why I am single. And the question "commitment issues" came up. And I am a very insecure person and I needed reinsurance. ?
  12. Hi there I am (27 years) single since couple of years now and it gets too comfortable for me! I am quite happy alone, and i don’t miss having a partner. I would be open for a new relationship, but not with just anyone. Must be someone that is on the same life mission as I am, but this person is difficult to find. People keep approaching me for superficial reasons, but im just not into that. My friends told me that something must be wrong with me and I might have commitment issues. But I never thought about it like that... Can anyone relate to that?
  13. Is anyone else a highly sensitive person (HSP) here? I have noticed that HSP people tend to be more spiritual than others. I have two different hypothesis, but I`m not quite sure: 1. HS people suffer more because of their natural sensitivity and empathy, and because of the incomprehensible of our society. And suffering leads to a spiritual path. 2. HS people can sense much more than the "normal" person, and that’s why many HSP people tend to follow a spiritual path, since they can sense that there is something more than the reality we learn about. What do you guys think?
  14. Why time goes by faster today, than 50 years ago. I wasn’t alive 50 years ago, but from what people have told me, time is speeding up. Is it because of the technological advances?
  15. I always hear that god is made out of love and understanding . Me personally I always compare the "understanding" part with my physical body. My body regenerates and changes all the time. My cells must die, so new cells can be born and make me the healthy human I am. But for the cell on the other hand, his death means the end of its existence. If cells could talk and feel as we people do, then the death of the cell would be considered as something "bad/sad" for the individual cell itself. But for the bigger picture (Me in this example) the death of the cell is just necessary for me to be alive, so I see it as something good and not bad. So for me, this world/ universe/existence makes totally scene but only from god`s perspective/consciousness, since we humans have limited consciousness and awareness in our normal states. What do you guys think so far? And how can I explain gods love? Is "love" the same thing as unconditional acceptance? (Taking psychedelics to find an answers, isn’t possible for me)
  16. Hi there Since years now I have the same recurring dream. I tried to contemplate the dream, but I failed. Does anyone have instructions how to contemplate the dream correctly? Thanks!
  17. HSP knows no gender, but HS men are less accepted in many societies and cultures, therefore men get to give up their sensitivity.
  18. Ah okay. So no magic behind ?
  19. Yes you are totally right. Since I got really comfortable with being alone, I don’t really try to go and find someone more developed... Having a partner is my last priority at the moment (and I hope that’s not an issue). If I meet a good fit, I wouldn’t say no. But Im not really searching anymore as I was in the past...
  20. Yes exactly, had similar experiences. I once even thought that I needed to work on myself to be more acceptable for every kind of person and personality without judging, and I started dating one guy for couple of months. But in the end he was just trying to change my personality, to make me fit in in his world. He was very traditional and religious, and I accepted his values, but he didn’t accept mine, which is logical because he was thinking that he’s world view was totally right, and he liked me, so he wanted me to have the "right" world view too. That’s why its very important to be on the same level, if you really want to make it work.